Dual identity under threat Running head: Dual identity under threat Dual identity under threat: When and how do Turkish and Moroccan minorities engage in politics? Fenella Fleischmann1, Karen Phalet2 & Marc Swyngedouw2 1 ERCOMER, Utrecht University, the Netherlands 2 University of Leuven, Belgium Published in Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, Special Issue Migration and Integration, edited by G. Horenczyk, I. Jasinskaja-Lahti & D.L. Sam. Volume 221 / Number 4 / 2013 pp. 214-222 1 Dual identity under threat Dual identity under threat: When and how do Turkish and Moroccan minorities engage in politics? Abstract Drawing on the literatures on dual identity and politicisation, this study relates the political engagement of European-born Muslim to their dual identification as ethnoreligious minorities and as citizens. Minorities’ political engagement may target mainstream society and/or ethno-religious communities. Surveying the Turkish and Moroccan Belgian second generation, our study analyses their support for religious political assertion participation in ethno-religious and mainstream organisations, and trust in civic institutions. Its explanatory focus is on the dual ethno-religious and civic identifications of the second generation and on perceived discrimination and perceived incompatibility as threats to their dual identity. Our findings show that participation in organisations beyond the ethno-religious community is most likely among high civic and low ethnic identifiers, and lower among dual identifiers. Rather than increasing political apathy, perceived discrimination goes along with higher levels of participation in both ethno-religious and mainstream organisations. Finally, the perception of Islamic and Western ways of life as incompatible predicts greater support for religious political assertion and lower trust in civic institutions. Implications for the role of dual identity and identity threat in the political integration of ethno-religious minorities are discussed. 2 Dual identity under threat Introduction Due to large-scale immigration in the second half of the 20th century, European societies host growing numbers of citizens who identify with more than one cultural group. Many ethnic minority members develop and maintain dual identities: they are committed to a super-ordinate national or civic identity, which they share with majority members; at the same time, they often maintain a strong sense of belonging to their ethnic and/or religious subgroup (Dovidio, Validzic & Gaertner, 1998; González & Brown, 2006). In their influential paper on politicized collective identities, Simon and Klandermans (2001) argue that dual identification with both the minority group and the wider polity is required for minority members to become politically engaged. Minorities’ political engagement is critical for their societal integration. In many European societies, ethnic and religious tensions focus particularly on the allegedly problematic integration of Muslim minorities (Sniderman & Hagendoorn, 2007). Widespread majority views of Muslims as second-class citizens pose a threat to the dual identity of the second generation as Muslim minorities and citizens. Against this background, the present study investigates the hitherto under-researched political consequences of threat to the secondgeneration’s dual identity. Extending the existing literature on dual identity and politicisation, this research has a twofold aim. First, we aim to examine the role of perceived discrimination and perceived incompatibility as threats to dual identity in minorities’ political engagement. Going beyond levels of identification as precursors of political engagement, our measures of perceived threat address the conditions under which dual identities can be developed and maintained. Second, we aim to differentiate between conventional and contentious forms, and between mainstream and ethnic or 3 Dual identity under threat religious forms of political engagement. Thus, we move away from overall levels of politicisation towards different forms of minorities’ engagement in the political domain. Since dual identifications and identity threat may differentially predict distinct forms of engagement, the broad range of indicators of political engagement in our study provides more nuanced insights into the process of politicisation. In democratic societies, the political engagement of citizens from all segments of society is required for the legitimacy of the political system. Including minorities into this process thus constitutes an important aspect of their societal integration. Moreover, minorities’ political engagements in democratic societies can take different forms, including ethnic and contentious politics. Therefore, the broad range of political outcomes considered in the present study will enhance our understanding of an important, yet under-researched, dimension of the integration of ethnic and religious minorities into European societies. Dual identification and political engagement Simon and Klandermans (2001) argue that dual identity is a prerequisite for the politicisation of collective identities. They suggest that only if minorities identify at once with their minority group, which may be defined in ethnic or religious terms, and with the wider society, will they make claims and take action to reduce intergroup inequality. Several empirical studies suggest that dual identification indeed fuels politicisation, over and above other common explanations like grievances (Klandermans, Van der Toorn & Van Stekelenburg, 2008; Simon & Ruhs, 2008; Simon & Grabow, 2010). 4 Dual identity under threat While providing some evidence for the importance of dual identity in the politicisation process, these studies have a shortcoming, which is addressed by the present research. Namely, they focus on grievance-based politicisation and they explain when individual members of low-status groups are willing to take collective action to improve their group’s position (cf. Wright, 2001). While this motivation and the ensuing political action certainly are important from an intergroup perspective, they cover only a small part of the range of political behaviours individuals may engage in. Due to its inherent goal of changing intergroup relations to the advantage of low-status groups, collective action is likely to meet with considerable resistance from high-status groups. In contrast with such contentious politics, political engagement can also take on more conventional forms, as indicated for instance by citizens’ trust in political institutions. Following a classic distinction between conventional and contentious forms of political engagement in political science (e.g. Tilly & Tarrow, 2006), we study a range of political engagements ranging from most conventional forms (trust in civic institutions), through more activist and therefore potentially more contentious forms (participation in mainstream and ethno-religious organisations), to most contentious forms (assertion of Muslims’ religious rights in the political sphere). Despite these differences, all of the studied outcomes are acceptable or normative types of political action in democratic societies (cf. Kawakami & Dion, 1995) which have been used in the Belgian political context by other groups in the past. In addition to conventional and contentious forms of political engagement, we also distinguish between minorities’ engagement within the ethno-religious community and engagements that target a wider audience across ethnoreligious group boundaries. 5 Dual identity under threat Dual identity threat: Perceived discrimination and incompatibility Dual identity, or the integration of ethnic and mainstream belonging, has been related to the psychological and social adaptation of immigrant minorities, and was found to facilitate their well-being and to foster harmonious intergroup relations (Berry, Phinney, Sam & Vedder, 2006; Dovidio, Validzic & Gaertner, 1998; Hutnik, 1991; González & Brown, 2006; Hornsey & Hogg, 2000). More recently, however, researchers have asked under what conditions dual identities can be developed and maintained (Fleischmann & Phalet, in preparation; Mahönen, Jasinskaja-Lahti & Liebkind, 2011; Verkuyten &Yildiz, 2007); and they have highlighted possible downsides to dual identity under threat (Baysu, Phalet & Brown, 2012). The latter studies have identified perceived discrimination as a source of identity threat, because the experience of discrimination most clearly signals that one’s minority identity is devalued by the majority (Branscombe & Ellemers, 1998). As a source of identity threat for dual identifiers, perceived discrimination may have direct implications for their political engagement, which our study will examine further. There is some evidence relating perceived discrimination to political engagement, but the nature of the association depends on the specific political outcome under study. In a previous study among Turkish and Moroccan minorities in four European countries, perceived discrimination was reliably related to increased collective action like demonstrations or petitions, but decreased support for the political assertion of religion (Fleischmann, Phalet & Klein, 2011). Since perceptions of discrimination and unfair treatment by definition imply adversarial attributions as well as illegitimacy appraisals, 6 Dual identity under threat they are most likely to initiate an emotion-based pathway to collective action (Van Zomeren, Spears, Fischer & Leach, 2004). Thus, they may fuel contentious forms of political engagement with a view to redressing intergroup inequality. In contrast, other forms of identity threat, for instance, negative stereotyping, less clearly imply adversarial attributions to a high-status outgroup; and might be differentially associated with political engagement. Concretely, we assessed incompatibility beliefs, opposing Islamic to West-European identities and loyalties, as a distinct source and a most direct measure of dual identity threat. Specifically, we asked to what extent Islamic and European lifestyles were seen as inherently conflicting by minorities – in line with prevailing majority perceptions of incompatibility (Van Acker & Vanbeselaere, 2011). Since the perception of incompatibility does not imply adversarial attributions, nor does it represent the situation as illegitimate, this form of dual identity threat is less likely to induce emotion-based political action. Rather, we expect that perceived incompatibility may predict minorities’ disengagement from mainstream politics. At the same time, perceived incompatibility may underlie some contentious or oppositional forms of political engagement within the ethno-religious community. More specifically, we predict that perceived incompatibility will be most positively related to religious political assertion, and negatively to mainstream forms of political engagement. Perceived discrimination, on the other hand, is expected to go along with organisational participation as a contentious, yet effective means of redressing the grievances of ethnoreligious minorities. 7 Dual identity under threat The present research Based on the considerations above, we will analyze four indicators of political engagement: support for religious political assertion, participation in ethno-religious and mainstream organisations and trust in civic institutions.1 In contrast to previous research on politicisation, which averaged over a range of political attitudes and behaviours (Simon & Ruhs, 2008; Simon & Grabow, 2010), we distinguish between these four indicators. This should provide a more fine-tuned understanding of how minorities’ dual identification affects political engagement, and of the forms of political engagement for which it is most relevant. As one explanation for different forms of political engagement, we examine the role of dual identity. Dual identity is operationalised as the interaction between minorities’ identification with the ethnic and religious subgroups (i.e., ethno-religious identification) and their identification with the city and country of residence (i.e., civic identification). In line with a well-established bidimensional approach of identification and acculturation (Hutnik, 1991), we used separate measures of ethno-religious and civic identities, and added a statistical interaction (after centring) which indicates whether the combination of these identities affects political engagement over and above their additive effects. We consider participants who score high (i.e., above the midpoint of the scale) on both ethno-religious and civic identification as dual identifiers; and we expect dual identifiers to be most politically engaged (H1; cf. Simon & Klandermans, 2001). In addition to dual identification, we expect that perceptions of dual identity threat will also predict political engagement. Also in line with Simon and Klandermans (2001), 1 Another measure of political engagement commonly used and readily available in most survey data is voting in elections. Because voting is mandatory in Belgium and only very few participants of our survey did not vote (thus risking a fine, unless they were granted an exemption), we do not study this outcome here. 8 Dual identity under threat we hypothesize that minorities who perceive their identities to be compatible will be most politically engaged (H2a). Additionally, we expect them to support the goals and participate in the political activities of both their ethno-religious community, and the wider society(H2b). On the other hand, those members of the second generation who perceive their ethno-religious and civic identities to be incompatible and who feel discriminated against should be more likely to disengage from conventional politics. While perceived discrimination will predict higher levels of contentious political engagement within and across ethno-religious group boundaries, perceived incompatibility will rather predict political disengagement and/or restrict political engagement to the ethno-religious community (H3). In summary, we do not expect the four forms of political engagement under study to be interchangeable. Instead, we expect different patterns of engagement as a function of the levels of identification with ethnoreligious and civic identities, their perceived (in)compatibility and perceived discrimination. Data & method Our empirical analyses are based on survey data, collected in 2007 and 2008 among random samples of 18 to 35 year old local-born children of immigrants from Turkey and Morocco in the major Belgian cities Antwerp and Brussels (see Swyngedouw et al., 2008 for a full technical report). Being born and raised in the cities under study, the second generation is most likely to claim dual identities as citizens and members of ethnic and religious minority groups. Turkish and Moroccan immigrants arrived in Belgium from the 1960s onwards mainly as guest workers and due to this disadvantaged social 9 Dual identity under threat background their children encounter severe obstacles in education and on the labour market (Phalet, Deboosere & Bastiaenssen, 2007). The survey, which was conducted through face-to-face interviews, contained questions on integration in all domains of life, including measures of identification and political engagement. We make use of pooled data from the two minority groups (N=1,159).2 We run separate regressions for the four dependent variables (OLS for continuous dependent variables, logistic for dichotomous variables).3 In addition to identification, perceived incompatibility and perceived discrimination as predictors of political engagement, we include the other three dependent variables and important controls. Since we work with cross-sectional data and hence cannot establish the causal ordering of variables, we explicitly aim to reveal patterns of associations between dual identity and different forms of political engagement. Measures Four indicators of political engagement are analyzed. (1) Religious political assertion is assessed with five statements with which participants could agree or disagree on 5-point scales.4 The items form a reliable scale (Cronbach’s α = .71) and extend a scale of Muslim politicisation that has been validated in previous cross-national research 2 We also tested potential differences between ethnic groups by replicating the analyses for each group separately. For the sake of brevity, we present only results of the pooled analyses including group dummies here. Separate analyses by ethnic group are available from the first author upon request. 3 Due to the combination of continuous and dichotomous dependent variables, the limited number of indicators for composite scales and the sample size, which is small when related to the complexity of the analytical models, structural equation modelling was considered not feasible. 4 The statements were as follows: “Belgian Muslims should have the right to appear in front of Muslim tribunals in Belgium”, “Muslims from European countries should be represented by their own Muslim political organizations”, “Islam should be represented in politics and societies, just like other religions and philosophies of life”, “Islam should be the only and ultimate authority in political matters” and “Muslim women should cover their hair outside the home”. The last three statements have been used in a scale that could be replicated across ethnic groups and cities in four European countries (Author 2011). The first two statements are only available in Belgium, but were included due to their high correlations to enhance the reliability of the scale and the robustness of the measure of religious political assertion. 10 Dual identity under threat (Fleischmann, Phalet & Klein, 2011). We averaged the five items and recoded them such that higher levels indicate more support for Muslim political assertion. Like all other continuous variables, it was centred on the midpoint of the scale to facilitate the estimation and interpretation of regression models with interactions. (2) Participation in ethno-religious organizations is measured by a dummy variable, indicating whether respondents participated in any (religious or other) organization targeting mainly coethnics during the last twelve months (1=yes, 0=no). (3) Similarly, participation in mainstream organizations indicates whether respondents participated in any organization that was not targeting co-ethnics. (4) Trust in civic institutions is a reliable composite scale (Cronbach’s α = .84) averaging over six items. The items assess trust in the Belgian government, parliament, the king, the municipal administration, the police and trade unions. Participants indicated their trust on 5-point scales, with higher values indicating more trust. The main explanatory variables are identification, perceived discrimination and perceived incompatibility of Western and Islamic ways of life. We take four types of identification into account: national, city, ethnic and religious. They were measured with the question: “How strongly do you feel you belong to the following groups? To what extent do you feel….?” (i) Belgian, (ii) Antwerpenaar/Bruxellois, (iii) Turkish/Moroccan, (iv) Muslim. Respondents could indicate their degree of identification on a 5-point scale ranging (after recoding) from 1 (very weakly) to 5 (very strongly), with respondents coded as 0 if they indicated that the category of identification did not apply to them. Because national and city identification are positively correlated, as are ethnic and religious identification, scores for civic and ethno-religious identification were computed 11 Dual identity under threat as the mean of the respective two identities.5 These two types of identity and their interaction are added as predictors, with the interaction indicating whether they affect political engagement additively, or whether political engagement differs depending on specific combinations of ethno-religious and civic identification. Perceived incompatibility of Islamic and Western life-styles was assessed with three items: “The Muslim lifestyle is incompatible with the lifestyle in Western Europe”, “The values and culture of Western Europe are a threat to Islam” and “If worse comes to worst, the countries of Western Europe will turn against Islam”. Participants indicated their agreement with these statements on 5-point scales. The reliability of the scale is rather low (Cronbach’s α = .53).6 Two items measure the frequency of perceived discrimination, asking how often participants were personally treated unfairly or experienced hostility due to their background on 5-point scales (1=never, 5=regularly). Because the two items are highly correlated (r = .57), the average is computed to assess perceived discrimination. As control variables, we include the ethnic background of the participants, contrasting Turks (1) with Moroccans (0), participants’ gender (1= female) and their level 5 In additional analyses, we replicated the regressions with separate indicators for the four types of identification. The results were largely similar, but due to the moderate to high correlations between national and city identification (r = .35) as well as ethnic and religious identification (r = .50), mostly only one of these became significant and the types of identity that are averaged in the presented analyses had effects in the same direction. Concretely, religious political assertion was significantly positively predicted by religious identification and negatively by city identification, with non-significant (at p < .05) positive effects of ethnic and negative effects of national identification. Participation in co-ethnic organisations was significantly positively predicted by religious identification, with a just significant negative effect of national identification (p = 0.046), and with non-significant effects of ethnic (positive) and city identification (negative). Participation in mainstream organisations and political trust were not significantly predicted by ethnic religious identification, yet positively associated with national (and more weakly city) identification. 6 Because of this limited reliability, we repeated the analyses with the three items entered separately and found the results to be the same. 12 Dual identity under threat of education (tertiary degree completed or currently pursued =1).7 Table 1 presents descriptive statistics of all variables included in the analyses; Table 2 shows the bivariate correlations between continuous variables. - Tables 1 and 2 about here - Results In the following, we will present the results of OLS and logistic regressions of religious political assertion, participation in ethno-religious and mainstream organisations, and trust in Belgian institutions. Detailed results of these regressions (coefficients, standard errors and explanatory power) are presented in the appendix (Table A1). We schematically present the results in Table 3, which shows the significant effects of the main variables of interest (with + for positive and – for negative effects, 0 indicates a non-significant effect). - Table 3 about here - With regard to the effects of identification, Table 3 shows that civic identification is positively related to participation in mainstream organisations and trust in civic institutions. In parallel, ethno-religious identification predicts religious assertion and participation in ethno-religious organisations. Importantly, ethno-religious identification turns out to be unrelated to mainstream forms of political engagement, but importantly, is 7 In exploratory analyses, we also included indicators for city of the participant (Brussels=1, Antwerp=0), citizenship (0=not a Belgian citizen) and employment status (student, inactive, unemployed or employed), but found no significant effects. These indicators are therefore excluded for parsimony. 13 Dual identity under threat not negatively related to them either. There is only one significant interaction between civic and ethno-religious identification, and it relates to participation in mainstream organisations. To illustrate the interaction, Figure 1 shows the predicted probabilities of participating in mainstream organisations for combinations of high and low civic and ethno-religious identification. The results are at odds with our first hypothesis on politicised dual identities: the predicted probability of participation in mainstream organisations is highest for high civic and low ethno-religious identifiers, whereas dual identifiers (high on both) have medium levels of participation, which are only slightly higher than those of low civic and high ethno-religious identifiers. In line with the importance of identification for political participation, those who have low levels of identification with both types of identity are least likely to participate in mainstream organisations. All in all, our first hypothesis that dual identifiers are most likely to be politically engaged (in all domains) finds little empirical support. - Figure 1 about here - Regarding our second and third hypotheses about the effects of identity threat, Table 3 shows that compatibility does not unequivocally enhance political engagement, thus refuting H2a. Our expectation that ethno-religious and mainstream forms of engagement would be equally positively affected by identity compatibility (or the absence of identity threat) is not supported either, as perceived discrimination and incompatibility have differential effects on the four types of engagement under study, thus refuting H2b. In line with H3, those who report more frequent discrimination are more likely to participate 14 Dual identity under threat in both ethno-religious and mainstream organisations as most activist or contentious forms of political engagement. Yet, in partial support of H2a, participants who report more frequent experiences of unfair or hostile treatment have less trust in civic institutions. In line with previous findings (Fleischmann, Phalet & Klein, 2011) and again refuting H2a, perceived discrimination does not support religious political assertion. Perceived incompatibility, which we conceived as a more direct measure of threat to the second-generation’s dual identity, is found to be largely unrelated to political engagement. The strong positive association with religious assertion and the weak negative relation with political trust support our expectation that incompatibility leads to a withdrawal within the ethno-religious community and distancing from mainstream engagement (H3). Importantly, these findings hold regardless of the order in which indicators of identity threat and dual identity are entered in the analyses (available upon request). Interestingly, the associations between different indicators of political engagement do not support the idea that ethno-religious forms of engagement (i.e., religious assertion and engagement in ethno-religious organisations) stand in the way of mainstream engagement. Although religious political assertion (i.e., Muslim tribunals, Muslim political organisations, headscarves) is highly contested among the majority population, the second generation may support religious assertion without disengaging from the mainstream. On the contrary, religious political assertion goes along with more trust in Belgian institutions. Moreover, the positive association between participation in ethno-religious and in mainstream organisations highlights that different forms of political engagement are not mutually exclusive, but rather reinforce one another. 15 Dual identity under threat Finally, it should be noted that the explanatory power of identification, perceived discrimination and incompatibility, together with the control variables, is modest yet significant – over and above strong effects of education, gender and ethnic background. Only for religious political assertion, we explain around 20% of the variance r; for the other outcomes, explained variances are below 10% (see Table A1). Discussion How important are dual identities for political engagement, and what are the political implications of the perception that one’s ethnic and religious minority identities cannot be combined with civic identities proper? Our study among the Turkish- and MoroccanBelgian second generation in two major Belgian cities sought to provide answers to these questions. Its aims were to shed light on a political dimension of second-generation integration into European societies. To this end, we analysed the patterns of political engagement and their differential associations with dual identification and identity threat. Specifically, we assessed minorities’ support for religious political assertion and participation in ethno-religious organisations as indicators of their political engagement within minority communities. In addition, we also assessed their participation in mainstream organisations and their trust in civic institutions as indicators of mainstream political engagement. Together, the four indicators used in our study ranged from conventional to contentious political attitudes and behaviour. Putting to a test the notion that dual identity enables politicisation (cf. Simon & Klandermans, 2001), we expected dual identifiers to be most likely to engage in all four forms of politics. In addition, those who perceive more threat to their dual identity (in the form of perceived discrimination or 16 Dual identity under threat incompatibility of their ethno-religious and civic identities) were expected to disengage from conventional political action. More specifically, we expected and found perceived discrimination to go along with increased levels of organisational participation, in line with a conception of political activism as aimed to redress intergroup inequality. Perceived incompatibility was related to support for religious assertion, yet disconnected from active political participation. To conclude, the analyses of recent large-scale survey data provide little support for the idea that dual identity is crucial for political engagement. Thus, civic identification uniquely predicted trust in Belgian institutions; and ethno-religious identification uniquely predicted participation in ethno-religious organisations. Only participation in mainstream organisations was a function of dual identification, Yet, the negative sign of the interaction again contradicts the idea that dual identifiers are more politically engaged than those who do not identify highly with both ethno-religious and civic identities. Lastly, we find opposite effects of ethno-religious (positive) and civic identifications (negative) on religious political assertion, which is theoretically closest to the original concept of politicisation as developed by Simon and Klandermans (2001). Rather than finding evidence for the politicising role of dual identity, our results indicate that dual identity increases participation in mainstream organisations for low civic identifiers, yet it decreases participation for high ethno-religious identifiers. This suggests that in an intergroup context where dual identities are not accepted by the majority population, civic identification is a more conducive route to political engagement than dual identification. 17 Dual identity under threat The perceived incompatibility of Islamic and Western life-styles and perceived discrimination were conceptualised as two important indicators of threat to the secondgeneration’s dual identity. Both indicators of dual identity threat were negatively related to trust in Belgian institutions. In this regard, identity threat is related to political disengagement. At the same time, perceived incompatibility was positively associated with support for religious political assertion. This can be interpreted as evidence that lacking identity compatibility, minorities will pursue political goals that exacerbate political conflict with the majority population (or from a majority perspective: they will radicalise). Supporting religious political assertion was, however, not related to more political activism. Ironically those who perceived their identities to be incompatible and who claimed a greater role for their religion in the political domain, were also least likely to act upon these claims (cf. Fleischmann, Phalet & Klein, 2011). In contrast, perceived discrimination was not only related to higher levels of engagement in ethno-religious organisations, this mobilising effect of discrimination extends to mainstream organisations as well. Furthermore, discrimination was unrelated to religious political claims. The latter result is consistent with previous findings of the selective politicizing effects of perceived discrimination in a study of collective action for religious minority rights (Fleischmann, Phalet & Klein, 2011). Moreover, the present findings point to voluntary organisations as a route to, or precursor of, collective action (cf. Klandermans & Oegema, 1987; Klandermans, 2002). Combining the findings from the two studies, we find that, unlike perceived incompatibility, perceived discrimination does not entice political apathy. Instead, it fuels political participation and democratic protest. In line with a European tradition of trade unionism and street protests for worker’s rights, the 18 Dual identity under threat second generation looks beyond conventional politics and is aware of such tried and tested political means to challenge inequality and to bring about social change. Interestingly, especially the highly educated (i.e., those who are best equipped to turn their grievances into effective political action) among the second generation perceive discrimination and are politically engaged in (ethno-religious as well as mainstream) organisations. Yet, the effects of perceived discrimination are robust predictors of political engagement over and above education. Overall, the findings document the coupling of perceived discrimination with increased political engagement among the second generation. Limitations With the exception of religious political assertion, the explanatory power of our models focusing on dual identity, perceived incompatibility and perceived discrimination was rather limited. This suggests that dual identity is not a major driving force for political engagement among the second generation and that their political behaviour is not driven in large part by identity-related concerns. However, rather than striving to test a complete explanatory framework for second-generation political engagement, this paper aimed primarily to examine the role of dual identity and identity threat. Future research can study in more depth when, why and for which goals the children of immigrants in Europe engage politically. A second limitation regards the use of existing survey data that cover only the second immigrant generation. While allowing an empirical analysis of a large group of randomly selected participants, this approach has drawbacks with regard to the available participants and measures, which do not always perfectly match theoretical 19 Dual identity under threat concepts. In our case, this concerns the measures of religious political assertion and of incompatibility, which were limited to the religious domain. Moreover, we lack a direct measure of dual identity. However, there is no consensus about the operationalisation of dual identity in the literature (cf. Klandermans et al. 2008; Simon & Ruhs 2008; Simon & Grabow, 2010) and our approach of using separate, but potentially interacting indicators of two important identities follows common practice in acculturation research (Berry et al., 2006; Hutnik, 1991). Furthermore, due to mandatory voting in Belgium, we could not analyse voting behaviour, although this dependent variable figures prominently in research on political engagement. Future work in other contexts should examine to what extent and how dual identity and identity conflict matter for participation in elections. Finally, the cross-sectional nature of our survey data prevents us from drawing conclusions about the direction of causal relations and we are aware of possible feedback loops from political engagement to identification. These data constraints should be evaluated against the use of large-scale survey data among two significant minority groups in Belgium and a systematic comparison of four distinct indicators of political engagement as strengths of this study. Conclusion In contrast to the notion that dual identity is a prerequisite for political engagement, we found that ethno-religious and civic identities of the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in Belgium do not interact or sum up to predict political attitudes and behaviours. On the contrary, dual identifiers were less likely to participate in mainstream organisations. In line with expectations about the de-politicising role of threat to dual 20 Dual identity under threat identity, perceiving identities to be incompatible restricted political engagement to the ethno-religious community and to religious goals. Perceived discrimination, on the other hand, was more consistently related to political participation, while at the same time decreasing trust in important civic institutions. Our findings raise doubts about the importance of (dual) identification for the political engagement of the second generation. Instead, they highlight perceptions of unfair treatment as an important motivator to become politically engaged and to actively strive for a more equal society. References Fl (in preparation). Reference deleted for anonymous peer review. Author (2011). Reference deleted for anonymous peer review. Baysu, G., Phalet, K., & Brown, R. (2011). Dual Identity as a Two-Edged Sword Identity Threat and Minority School Performance. 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Malden (MA): Blackwell. 24 Dual identity under threat Table 1 Descriptive statistics Range Means (S.D.) or percentages (N=1159) Religious assertion 1-5 2.64 (0.81) Participation in ethno-religious organizations 0/1 26% Participation in mainstream organizations 0/1 37% Political trust 1-5 2.87 (0.70) Civic identification 0-5 2.89 (1.48) Ethno-religious identification 0-5 3.95 (1.28) Perceived incompatibility 1-5 2.59 (0.81) Personal discrimination 1-5 2.03 (0.91) Turkish 0/1 52% Female 0/1 50% Highly educated 0/1 23% 25 Dual identity under threat Table 2 Descriptive statistics: bivariate correlations between continuous measures Political Trust Religious assertion Civic identification Ethnoreligious identification Religious assertion 0.079 Civic identification 0.174 -0.110 Ethno-religious identification 0.064 0.302 0.117 Incompatibility -0.053 0.361 -0.145 0.128 Personal discrimination 0.009 -0.190 Note: Bold coefficients are significant at least at p < .05. -0.042 0.003 26 Incompatibility 0.079 Dual identity under threat Table 3 Overview of results of regression analyses Religious Ethno-religious Mainstream assertion participation participation Discrimination 0 + + - Civic id - 0 + + Ethno-rel. id. + + 0 0 Civic * Ethrel. id. 0 0 - 0 Incompatibility + 0 0 - n.a. 0 0 + Ethno-rel. part. 0 n.a. + 0 Mainstream part. 0 + n.a. 0 Political trust + 0 0 n.a. Rel. assertion 27 Political trust Dual identity under threat Figure 1 Predicted probability of participation in mainstream organisations: Interaction between civic and ethno-religious identification 60 54.76 50 43.51 40 38.11 30 20 18.89 10 0 Low High Civic identification Ethno-religious identification Low Ethno-religious identification High Note: Predicted probabilities are based on the results of the full model in logistic regression analysis (Table A1). The endpoints of the scales are chosen as high and low levels of civic and ethno-religious identification. These predicted probabilities have been calculated for low-educated Moroccan men, with all continuous variables held constant at the neutral mid-point of the scale. 28 Dual identity under threat Appendix Table A1: Regression coefficients, standard errors and model fit for the four dependent variables Religious political Participation in co-ethnic Participation in assertion organizations mainstream organisations Constant -0.263 (0.057) -1.201 (0.190) -0.477 (0.162) -0.381 (0.052) Personal discrimination -0.020 (0.025) 0.241 (0.083) 0.176 (0.076) -0.112 (0.023) Civic identification -0.078 (0.018) -0.034 (0.065) 0.223 (0.059) 0.081 (0.017) Ethnorel. Identification 0.161 (0.018) 0.165 (0.068) 0.065 (0.056) 0.010 (0.017) Civic * ethnorel. ident. 0.017 (0.011) 0.028 (0.039) -0.086 (0.036) 0.004 (0.010) Incompatibility 0.339 (0.029) 0.087 (0.101) -0.092 (0.091) -0.086 (0.028) Turkish -0.261 (0.046) 0.634 (0.156) -0.043 (0.139) 0.116 (0.043) Female -0.014 (0.045) -0.609 (0.151) -0.289 (0.136) 0.130 (0.042) Highly educated -0.026 (0.053) 0.560 (0.168) 0.462 (0.154) -0.050 (0.049) n.a. 0.186 (0.101) -0.080 (0.093) 0.109 (0.028) Participation co-ethnic 0.095 (0.050) n.a. 0.303 (0.148) -0.001 (0.047) Participation mainstream -0.040 (0.046) 0.310 (0.149) n.a. 0.054 (0.042) Religious political assertion 29 Political trust Dual identity under threat Political trust R2 0.128 (0.033) -0.006 (0.110) 0.124 (0.100) n.a. .229 .069 .051 .084 Note: Cells display unstandardised regression coefficients and their standard errors in parentheses. Bold coefficients are significant at least at p < .05. All continuous variables are centred on the neutral midpoint of the scale. OLS regression was used for the analysis of religious political assertion and political trust, and in these models the adjusted R2 is shown as indicator of explained variance. For participation in co-ethnic and mainstream organisations, logistic regression was used and explained variance is expressed with Cox and Snell’s R2. 30