
Article 1- Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization
Section 1: Name
Scrabble Club at Ohio State
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose is to provide an environment for OSU students to play Scrabble games and
socialize on a regular basis.
Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy
Discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as
age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited.
Article II- Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership
All currently enrolled Ohio State students have voting membership if they attend a
minimum of three organized meetings.
Article III- Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties
of the leaders
Section 1: For the Scrabble Club’s first year, the club organizer will appoint the
leadership board positions after the club has been approved and the Constitution
Section 2: After the first year, the club will follow a consistent procedure for choosing a
leadership board. It is as follows:
Any Ohio State student who is a Scrabble club member (has been to a minimum of three
meetings) may run for a leadership position. All leadership positions have one year
terms. All leaders are elected by popular vote at the third to last Scrabble Club meeting
of the school year and are inaugurated at the last meeting of the school year. A Scrabble
Club leader may be re-elected. The leadership board positions are:
1. President: The president must organize the meetings for the Scrabble Club at
Ohio State. He/she must reserve a meeting place and bring the Scrabble boards
and other necessary supplies for the meetings. He/she also has the responsibility
to make sure that the club complies with the constitution.
2. Vice President: The vice-president must advertise the meetings and be
responsible for bringing food for the club members to the meeting. The vice-
president also has the responsibility to fill in for the president if he/she were to be
Secretary: The Secretary must keep a record of attendance and send regular emails to the club members about the up-coming meetings.
Treasurer: The treasurer is in charge of the club’s finances and budget. He/she is
responsible for collecting club dues and the expenses for club t-shirts.
Historian: The historian must take pictures at most of the Scrabble Club meetings
and put together a scrapbook of the year’s events. The historian may also be
involved in the production and sales of club t-shirts.
Publicist: The publicist must create or maintain an updated website for the club.
The publicist also must assist in advertising the meetings.
NSA Representative: The NSA representative communicates with the National
Scrabble Association and has a significant role in planning tournaments.
Article IV- Adviser: Qualification Criteria.
The adviser must be a helpful reference for a Scrabble club board member in performing
leadership duties.
Article VII- Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency.
In order to be considered a member of Scrabble club and to vote in the leadership board
elections, an Ohio State student must attend a minimum of three club meetings. Club
meetings will be held twice a month on Fridays, unless a holiday conflicts with the
Article VIII- Method of Amending the Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting
An amendment to the Scrabble Club Constitution must be proposed at an official club
meeting. If the amendment proposal is motioned by another club member, it will be
voted on in the next meeting. The secretary will send notice about the amendment in an
e-mail to all club members. Two-thirds of the club members’ votes are required for the
Article IX- Method of Dissolution of Organization
Dissolution of the Scrabble Club at Ohio State is based on a majority vote of club
members. Upon dissolution, any assets must be given to a children’s literacy fund and
any debts must be reconciled with club member fees.