[note to instructors: This is a template for creating course syllabi for

Heartland Community College

Social and Business Sciences

Course Syllabus for Students Fall 2007

Course Prefix and Number: Soc 135-01HY & 135-02HY

Course Title: Sociology of Marriage and Family

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3 Laboratory Hours: 0

Days and times the course meets:

Section 1 - Tuesdays from 11:00 – 12:15 in ICB 1812

Section 2 – Mondays from 2:00 – 3:15 in ICB 1812


This course is a sociological exploration of the institution of the family, including marriage. In this society we have a multitude of ideas of what family ‘should’ look like but we also have a multitude of different forms of the family. This course will take the student through the various stages of familial development on a more individual scale and it will also attempt to draw connections between the family and other societal institutions.

Catalog Description:

The sociological investigation of marriage and family, with particular attention to the impact of social institutions on marriage and family structure, various marriage and family arrangements and their consequences, interactions within marriage and family, abuse, divorce, and widowhood.

Instructor Information:

Instructor name: Janice Malak

Phone number to contact instructor: 268-8584

Instructor e-mail address, if one: Janice.Malak@heartland.edu

Location of instructor’s office: ICB 2111

Hours and days of instructor’s office hours:

Mondays, Tuesdays, & Wednesdays

9:40–10:55, Wednesdays 1:15–2:30, and by appointment.

Required Book:

Schwartz & Scott (2007). Marriage & Families: Diversity & Change. 5 th

Ed. Pearson


Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer:

(Indicate if course is General Education/IAI)

This course fulfills 3 of the 9 semester hours of credit in Social Sciences required for the A.A. or

A.S. degree. This course should transfer as part of the General Education Core Curriculum described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative to other Illinois colleges and universities participating in the IAI. However, students should consult an academic advisor for transfer information regarding particular institutions. Refer to the IAI web page at www.itransfer.org for more information.


Academic Discipline: Sociology is a dynamic discipline with everyday life application. Lately sociologists have been trying to answer the question the questions, “Are our families falling apart?” “Is the family dying?” and “Should we return to ‘traditional’ family values?” You will realize during the course of this class that there is no easy answer to these questions as we discover what families are really like in America today. Perhaps the biggest discovery that we will make is that our families are really individual units, most families have a dysfunctional component to them and that the family has actually been this way for a long period of human history.

Student Learning: Students learn sociological concepts best when they can be applied to something that is real in the student’s world. Many students will bring unique situations to class that they may choose to share. Discussing the various concepts in class will help in student understanding of this area of the discipline of sociology. Assignments in this class are geared to the student’s own family to help in the application and understanding of complex theories and concepts.

Instructor’s Role:

I believe that my role in the learning process is to make sociology as accessible for you as possible. This means making class interesting and, hopefully, a fun learning experience for you. You are always welcome to contact me with questions and concerns that you are having about this course.

Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

At the completion of this course, the student will be able to accomplish the following objectives:

1. Demonstrate appreciation of family forms (e.g., single parent, step-families, and dual career families) as well as cultural differences between families in our

2. society as well as in other societies.

Have knowledge of major theories that will aid in their understanding of family relationships.




Understand how historical events are connected to current marriage and family issues.

Be able to identify and apprise the various issues that are problematic for marriage and family situations.

Be more aware of the fundamental changes that the family is experiencing.

All five of these are highly important and you will be well versed to discuss any one of these by the time of the final exam.

Course Outline:

1. Marriage & Family over time

2. Gender




Attraction & Dating


Love & Mate Selection

6. Successful Marriage


Family Life Cycle


Work & the Family

8. Reproduction & Parenting

9. Parent-Child Relationships

10. The Extended Family

11. Family Crises





Course Policies:

Method of Evaluation

Exams: There will be two exams worth 100 points each during the course of the semester

(for a total of 200 points). Exact exam dates will be announced in class but there is an approximate time for them on the last page of this syllabus. These exams will consist of multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essay questions. For all practical purposes they will serve as a mid-term and final exam.

Theory Exercise: The first graded online assignment will be one where students will explore a specific theory of family life. You will work in groups and will discuss your assigned theory and attempt to come up with an explanation and example that will work for the rest of

the class as well. Directions for the first assignment will be given in class and will be posted online as well. This assignment will be worth 50 points.

Discussion Papers: Twice during the semester, each student will prepare a discussion paper on an issue that is being discussed that day in class from the current news in our society.

Students will sign up for their weeks the first day of class. The first paper will be a one page paper summarizing a current news story from a newspaper, magazine, credible online source etc. and will end with three thought provoking discussion questions. The second paper will be two to three pages in length and will also summarize a current news story, will include three thought provoking questions, will connect up to one of the theories used in class and will use terms and concepts from the particular chapter that the news item represents. Each student will be expected to lead a discussion for 5 minutes on one of his/her discussion papers. A schedule will be posted on WebCT during the first week of class. The first paper should be a good attempt at discussing an issue within marriage & family while the second paper, coming later in the semester should show a progression in the student’s thinking about marriage & family in the U.S. Papers are worth 25 points a piece for a total of 50 points for the semester.

Online Quizzes: For every chapter we cover in class, there will be a 15 question quiz that students must take on WebCT by 7:00 pm the night before class for that week.

This means that students will have to read the chapter and be prepared for class two days ahead of time. These quizzes are timed so students should make sure that they are prepared when they log in to take them. Each quiz will be worth 15 points for a total of 225 points for the semester.

Assignments. There will be four other assignments during the course of the semester where students will work on WebCT in groups on a specific issue. Each assignment will be related to a topic from the course and will have the student either work with using the terms and concepts is his/her own life, applying concepts to a specific situation, researching an aspect of family further or having the student look at an issue from a different perspective. All of these assignments together will account for 100 points in the course. Directions for these assignments will be posted online and announced in class. Due dates and times for the assignments are firm.

This means that no late work will be accepted.



Students are expected to attend all classes and participate meaningfully in the activities each class day.


You are responsible for the material presented or discussed in class even if you are absent. The instructor will not provide notes for students who have missed class.


Attendance will be taken regularly in class. Points will be deducted from your semester total once you have accumulated more than three absences. Each absence above and beyond three will result in a deduction of three points per absence from your final point total.

Incompletes: Incomplete grades may be discussed with the professor. They are issued on a case by case basis.

Extra Credit: None.

Make-up of tests and assignments: In order to make up an exam the following procedure will be used:

1. The student must notify the instructor before the day of the exam that s/he will be unable to take the exam during class time.

2. The instructor decides if the reason/excuse WARRANTS a make up exam.

3. If granted the student will take the make up exam in the testing center.

There are no makes ups for late assignments or missed class work.

Grading Scale: There are 625 points available in this course.

562 points and above = A

500 - 561 = B

437 – 499 = C

375 – 436 = D

374 and below = F

Student Conduct/Class Rules:


Turn off all cell phones, pagers and any other electronic devices for the entire class


2. Do not interrupt other students while they are making a point or asking a question.

3. Do not attempt to carry on a conversation with another student while in class.

***4. Be on time for class and stay for the whole period.

Notice of Cancelled Class Sessions

Cancelled class sessions, for all HCC classes, will be listed under Cancelled Class Meetings in the A-Z Index and under Academic Information in the Current Students page on the HCC Web site. Go to http://www.heartland.edu/classCancellations/ to learn what classes have been cancelled for that day and the upcoming week. Be sure to check the last column, which might contain a message from the instructor.

Syllabi disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed.






Course Calendar:







WebCT intro


Introduce self WebCT practice assignment

Families Throughout Time Chapter 1- read all

WebCT Quiz Chapter 1

Ways of Studying M&F

WebCT Quiz Ch 2

Online Theory Assignment


WebCT Quiz Ch 3

Love Chapter 4

WebCT Quiz Ch 4

Online Discussion Assignment

Dating & Mate Selection

WebCT Quiz Ch 5


WebCT Quiz Ch 6

Chapter 3

Chapter 6

Online Discussion Assignment


WebCT Quiz Ch 7


Chapter 2

Chapter 5

Chapter 7

MID TERM EXAM – exact date given in class





The Marriage Experience

WebCT Quiz Ch 8

Reproduction/ Parenting

WebCT Quiz Ch 9

Work & the Family

WebCT Quiz Ch 10

Chapter 10

Online Discussion Assignment

Power, Abuse & Violence

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 11


WebCT Quiz Ch 11


WebCT Quiz Ch 12

Chapter 12




WebCT Quiz Ch 13

Chapter 13

Online Discussion Assignment

Marriage in Later Life

WebCT Quiz Ch 14

Chapter 14

16 M&F in the 21 st

Century Chapter 15

WebCT Quiz Ch 15

Final exam given during the final exam period for this class.