Answers to Problems on Symmetry Operations and Point Groups 1) The effect of a symmetry operation on the Cartesian coordinates can be written: E (x, y, z) (x , y, z) C2 z (x, y, z) (-x , -y, z) (rotation about the z axis by 180o) … (a) Give the equivalent expressions for the effect of the operations C2 x , C2 y , σ (xz) , σ (yz) , σ (xy) , i C2 x (x, y, z) (x , -y, -z) C2 y (x, y, z) (-x , y, -z) σ (xz) (x, y, z) (x , -y, z) σ (yz) (x, y, z) (-x , y, z) σ (xy) (x, y, z) (x , y, -z) i (x, y, z) (-x , -y, -z) (b) What is the equivalent expression for S1 ( = Sn n) and S2 ( = Sn n/2) (where the S axis has to be along z and n is an even number)? Why do these operations not appear in the list of operations of a group? Sn = σ (xy) x Cn (rotate by Cn z followed by σ (xy) ) therefore: S1 = σ (xy) x C1 = σ (xy) x E = σ (xy) S1 = σ (xy) S2 (x, y, z) = σ (xy) x C2 (x, y, z) = σ (xy) (-x, -y, z) = (-x, -y,- z) = i (x, y, z) S2 = i 2) Satisfy yourself that all the following molecules belong to the C2v point group, H2O, pyridine, 1,2 dichloro-benzene, acetone (draw the geometry including the hydrogen atoms), cis - SCl2 F4. Name two other molecules that have C2v symmetry that are not simple analogues of these. H2O, pyridine are both planar and have a C2 primary rotation axis and two mirror planes perpendicular to the axis. These should be obvious. Acetone needs to be drawn with the methyl groups with one H atom each in the molecular plane and symmetrically related to each other. That can be achieved in two ways – the inplane H’s as close as possible or as far as possible apart. In reality this makes no difference as the methyl groups are rotating rapidly about the C-C bond. cis - SCl2 F4 the C2 axis bisects the Cl – S – Cl angle, the rest should be obvious! 3) Match the molecule to the point group. 1,3,5 trichlorobenzene trans- Pt(NH3)2Cl2 (ignore the hydrogens) SF5Cl BFClBr B(OH)3 (planar and all staggered Hs) Tennis ball (including the seam) D3h D2h C4v Cs C3h D2d If you do not see how any one of these works, find someone who thinks they do and argue with them! 4) On the diagram (or as many copies of it as you need) of the B12H122- ion below, indicate the position of the symmetry elements of the Ih group. Ih: E 12C5 12C52 20C3 15C2 i 12S10 12S102 20S6 15σ 12C5 – 6 axes through an atom, the centre of the molecule and the opposite atom and C5 rotations clockwise and anticlockwise about each axis 12C52 – same and C52 rotations clockwise and anticlockwise about each axis 20C3 – 10 axes through the centre of each triangular face, the centre of the molecule and the opposite triangular face and C3 clockwise and anticlockwise about each axis i – obvious 12S10 12S102 20S6 – same axes as the ones above, check that you can see the staggered pentagons and triangles which accounts for the involvement of C10 and C6 rotations. 15σ – slightly trickier! Take the ‘top’ atom and 5 planes are immediately obvious, through an adjoining atom and the centre of the molecule. Then work round the 5 atoms in the next ‘level’ identifying additional planes not already found … best of luck! 5) Identify the Point Groups of the following molecules and ions: HOCl Cs ClO2 C2v N2O C∞v N3 D∞h SF4 NH4+ PtCl42CH2Cl2 C4v Td D4h C2v C6F6 D6h C6HF5 C2v 1,2 -C6H2F4 , C2v 1,3 -C6H2F4 , C2v 1,4 -C6H2F4 , D2h 1,2,3 -C6H3F3 , C2v 1,2,4 -C6H3F3 , C2v 1,3,5 -C6H3F3 , D3h C6H4F2 same as C6H2F4 ; C6H5F same as C6HF5