Agenda Note for Zonal Conference for Rabi 2013-14

South Zone
West Zone
02.30 PM
North Zone
East Zone
02.30 PM
Lecture Hall (86),
NASC Complex,
Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR), Pusa,
New Delhi-110012
N.H. IV, FARIDABAD – 121 001
Demand and Consumption of registered Chemical Pesticides and
registered Bio-Pesticides.
No State/UT has reported about the short supply of pesticides and Bio
Pesticides during Kharif-2013 season so for .However, if there is any report of
short supply, the same may be brought to the notice of Dte. of PPQ&S/Deptt.of
Agriculture &Co-operation.
Based on the availability position of pesticides and Bio-pesticides
during Kharif, 2013-14 season, if any states /UTs apprehends the short supply
of any pesticide during Rabi-2013,crop season, the same may be intimated to
facilitate taking corrective course of action for ensuring smooth supply of
pesticides. The demand vis-à-vis consumption of pesticides (Pesticide wise
and total Consumption) during 2012-13 and projected demand for the year
2013-14 (Kharif & Rabi) have been called for from States/UTs as per
Annexure-I and Annexure-II.
Pesticides Distribution Points
States/UTs are required to monitor the availability of pesticides at
various levels and periodically for review of the production and availability of
pesticides with the manufacturers/formulators/distributors located in their
respective States/UTs. Therefore, the States/UTs are required to provide their
sale/distribution points as on 01.08.2013 in Annexure-III.
Area under use of Chemical and Bio-pesticides
The States are required to provide information on area under
cultivation where in Chemical Pesticides and Bio-pesticides are used .The
same may be given in prescribed format as per Annexure-IV.
Insecticides Inspectors in the States.
Every States/UTs is required to give details of Insecticide Inspectors in
the States as on 01.08.13 in prescribed Performa as per Annexure-V.
Commodity & Crop wise consumption of Indigenous Pesticides
(Chemical & Bio.)
Every States/UTs is required to submit consumption of indigenous
pesticides (chemical and Bio) commodity wise, such as cereals, pulses, fiber,
vegetables, oilseed and fruit crops etc. as per Annexure-VI.
Commodity & Crop wise consumption of Imported Pesticides (Chemical
& Bio.)
Every States/UTs is required to submit consumption of imported pesticides
(chemical and Bio) commodity wise, such as cereals, pulses, fiber,
vegetables, oilseed and fruit crops etc. as per Annexure-VII.
Prices of Pesticides (indigenous/ imported)
All the States/UTs are required to give the information of prices of
various pesticides and Bio pesticides (indigenous/ imported) in their
States/UTs for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13 in prescribed format as per
Annexure-VIII & Annexure-IX
As per Section 26 of the Insecticides Act, 1968, the States/UTs are required to
notify the functionaries to send information on all the cases of pesticide poisoning
coming within their cognizance to the Central Government. This information is essential
for enabling the Central Government to take policy decisions as well as informing the
Parliament regarding the magnitude of pesticide poisoning as and when asked for.
(i) Current status of pesticides poisoning cases
A number of pesticide poisoning cases are reported from different parts of the
country. The causes can be attributed due to lack of information on safe and judicious
use of pesticides. The current status of poisoning cases and deaths are collected
from the States/ UTs during the zonal conferences. The States/UTs should periodically
report the poisoning cases in the prescribed format (Annexure X).
(ii) Status of notification of functionaries for reporting poisoning cases
As per Section 26 of the Insecticides Act, 1968, the States/UTs are required to
notify the functionaries for reporting the occurrences of pesticide poisoning cases
coming to their cognizance. This need to be expedited.
(iii) Training programme for farmers on safety of pesticides in use
The improper, excessive and careless use and handling of pesticides may prove
injurious to man, domesticated animals and environment as well. It has been found that
the farmers/hired labourers are not aware of the hazards involved in use and spraying
of pesticides and do not use any protective clothing.
Therefore, the State
Governments/Union Territories should organize safety campaigns at short intervals to
educate the farmers on “Safe and judicious use of pesticides”. In addition, during
spraying operation the extension functionaries of the State Deptt. of Agriculture and
multipurpose workers in the State Department of Health should ensure that safety
precautions should be actually observed by the spray men while spraying pesticide.
Action taken:
 Medical Toxicology Division of Central Insecticides Laboratory imparted training
to officers/officials of KVK and University of Karnal on “Pesticide Poisoning –
Safety and First Aid Measures” held at Regional Agriculture Office, Karnal.
2.2 Quality Control of Pesticides
Central and State Governments are making concerted efforts to ensure timely
availability of quality pesticides to the farming community. For this purpose, the Central
Government has been emphasizing the need for implementation of the provisions of the
Insecticides Act, 1968 and the Rules framed there under by the States/UTs. More
scrupulously, the enforcement of various provisions of the Insecticides Act mainly rests
with the State Government. The Act has provisions for notification of four important
functionaries for this purpose. These functionaries are (i) Licensing Officers (ii)
Appellate Authorities (iii) Insecticides Inspectors and (iv) Insecticides Analysts. Most of
the States and UTs have notified these functionaries.
2.3 State Pesticide Testing Laboratories (SPTLs)
23 States and 1 UT have set up 68 Pesticides Testing Laboratories (PTLs) with
an annual capacity to analyze over 71,315 samples for monitoring the quality status of
pesticides. The details regarding location of these PTLs with their capacity to analyze
samples are given at Annexure-XI.
The Central Government has also set up a CIL as a National Referral Laboratory
u/s. 16 of The Insecticide Act, 1968. The details of samples analyzed at CIL during the
preceding 5 years are given at Annexure-XII.
The details about samples analyzed at SPTLs are given at Annexure- XIII
Ministry of Agriculture has also set up two Regional Pesticides Testing
Laboratories at Chandigarh and Kanpur under the Directorate of Plant Protection
Quarantine & Storage, Faridabad. The objectives of the RPTLs are to supplement the
resources of the States/UTs in quality control testing of pesticides. Analysis Capacity of
RPTLs is 2200 samples per annum during the current year 2013-14.The testing facility
of RPTLs is extended to only such States/UTs which do not have pesticides testing
laboratories or have inadequate testing facilities in existing SPTLs. The details of
samples analyzed at RPTLs during the last five years are given at Annexure-XIV.
Status of action taken by the State Governments on misbranded pesticides samples
during the preceding five years are given at Annexure-XV. State Governments are
requested to fill up the format regarding the infrastructure of Units action taken statistics
by them as per Annexure-XVI.
States have been requested to set up their own Bio-Pesticides Testing
laboratories. Provision of Rs. 20.0 Lakh as Grants-in aid has been provided in the EFC
for the equipment. Proposals from some of the States have been received and are in
progress. Financial approval and sanction of Rs.20 Lakh for procurement of equipment
and miscellaneous items for strengthening of State Bio-Pesticide Testing Laboratory
(SBTL) has been issued to the Govt. of Sikkim and Rajasthan. Proposals for
strengthening of SBTLs in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh are under
2.5 Grants-in-Aid for Strengthening/Setting up of SPTLs
States have been provided the Grants-in-Aid to strengthen the facilities in
existing pesticides testing laboratories and also for setting up of new SPTLs. Grants-inAid to the tune of Rs. 315.00 lakhs, Rs. 240.00 lakhs, Rs.135.0 Lakhs, Rs.45 Lakh and
again Rs. 45.0 Lakh have already been released to the States/UTs for construction of
new laboratory buildings during the year 2004-05, 2005-06 2007-08, 2010-11 and
2011-12 respectively. Some of the State Governments have been provided the
sophisticated equipment for strengthening of the existing facilities of SPTLs during the
year 2004-05 , 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09,2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12. As decided
by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, States/UTs which do not have any
SPTL have been advised of the minimum requirement of infrastructure, manpower and
equipment etc. so that they can submit their proposals accordingly. Response from all
such States which do not have any SPTLs is not encouraging. They are, again,
requested to send proposals for setting up and strengthening of new SPTLs for quality
control of pesticides. A statement showing Grants-in-Aid to the State/UT may be seen
at AnnexureXVII. The States, which have received Grants-in-aid for construction of
new laboratories in their State are required to furnish the Utilization Certificates and
there after status of minimum infrastructure facility developed and trained manpower
provided in the new laboratory, so that sophisticated equipment may be provided to the
newly setup SPTLs. Utilization certificate of the Grants in aid released to some of the
State during the 8th, 9th plan and the year, 2003-04, 2004-05,2005-06 and 2007-08 have
also not been received despite of repeated request and duly discussed in the previous
Zonal Conferences. The competent authority had decided in the year 2012-13.that the
states which have not utilized the grants-in-aid need to surrender the same at the
earliest .
2.6 NABL accreditation for State Pesticides Testing Laboratories (SPTLs)
In the previous zonal conference, states had been requested to get NABL
accreditation for the State Pesticides Testing Laboratories. Letters regarding furnishing
the NABL status of the state laboratories were written by PPA and Techno-Legal Cell in
the month of October,2012 and March,2013 respectively. As per communication
received from the states till date, only 6 laboratories i.e. Pune and Aurangabad in
Maharashtra, Ludhiana, Amritsar and Bhatinda in Punjab and Shimoga in Karnataka
have been accredited by NABL. No progress in this regard is received from other
States/UT. States are again requested to take up this matter with NABL authorities
under Department of Science & Technology (DST) for accreditation of their SPTLs.
2.7 Setting up of Task Force in Special Campaign for Quality Control
States/UTs are requested to constitute special flying squads comprising senior
officers of the Agriculture Department to draw samples for quality monitoring during
peak period of cropping season. Emphasis may be given on sampling of the product
which is reported to be less effective or ineffective by the farmers or any other sources.
Close watch should be kept on fly by operators trying to push spurious pesticides into
the market.
2.8 Utilization of analysis capacities of SPTLs
The statistics provided by the States, show that the analysis capacity of SPTLs is
not fully utilized. The Insecticide Inspectors may be directed to draw particularly the
samples of those manufacturers of pesticides whose samples have not been drawn in
the past/have not been found misbranded so that not only the analysis capacity of
SPTLs is fully utilized but quality check is also enhanced by analysis of more samples. It
is necessary to ensure that the samples are drawn uniformly from all
2.9 Grading of Pesticides Industries for optimum drawl of Pesticides Samples
As already discussed in previous Zonal Conferences, States/UTs Govt. are to
make grading of the Pesticides Formulator/Manufacturer based on their performances
in previous years and targets for sample drawl for the State enforcement
Inspectors/Officers be fixed accordingly. It may also be ensured that, samples are
drawn in such a manner to meet the total utilization of analysis capacity of SPTLs in the
2.10 Written Consent of the State Government for Launching Prosecution
by the Central Insecticide Inspectors
Central Insecticides Inspectors of the Directorate of P.P.Q&S. have been given
specific targets for drawl of Pesticides Samples. The CIIs ought to initiate legal
proceeding on misbranded pesticides sample as per provisions of the Insecticides Act,
1968. Under such circumstances, the prosecution is required to be launched by the CII
against the dealer/distributor/manufacturer/formulator of pesticides, for which written
consent of the concerned State Government is required under the provision of the
Insecticides Act, 1968. It has been observed that some of the States have not given the
written consent to the concerned CII timely to initiate the launching of the prosecution
for misbranded samples, which defeats very purpose of drawl of pesticides samples and
taking of action against the supplier/ manufacturer of misbranded pesticides. States/UTs
are, therefore, advised not to delay the granting of written consent to the Central
Insecticides Inspectors and all the cases pending in their States may be cleared
2.11 Availability of Minimum Infrastructure Facilities with the Licensed
Formulator/ Manufacturer of Pesticides
State/UT Governments are required to grant licenses to the registered
formulator/manufacturer of pesticides after ensuring strict compliance and
implementation of guidelines for minimum infrastructure facilities at the premises of
registered formulator/manufacturer. Off-late, many complaints have been received by
the Central Government that the licensed formulator/manufacturer of pesticides in the
States have not properly followed these guidelines as required for granting licenses by
the State Governments.
States/UTs are therefore, to ensure strict compliance and implementation of
guidelines for minimum infrastructure facilities by the formulator/manufacturer before
granting licenses as per the provision of the Insecticides Act, 1968. Licenses issued to
defaulter formulator/manufacturing units may be reviewed and canceled forthwith.
Issues for Consideration
A. Each SPTL should have requisite functional sophisticated equipment viz. UVVisible Spectrophotometer, HPLC, GLC & FT-IR etc.
B. Strengthening SPTLs to undertake analysis of various groups of newly
introduced pesticides including those which have been recently registered
/introduced for controlling specific weeds, insect pests and diseases.
C. Deployment of notified Insecticides Inspectors for drawl of samples prevalent in
that area including technical grade materials from the premises of
manufacturing/formulating units, stocking, distribution and sale points for
monitoring the quality of pesticides.
D. Timely furnishing the details of action taken and related statistics on monthly
basis regarding suppliers of misbranded/substandard or spurious pesticides.
E. Special campaign for Quality Control during peak cropping season, emphasis
may be given on sampling of product, which is reported to be less effective or
ineffective by farmers or any other source.
F. States may take up matter for NABL Accreditation of SPTLs.
G. Utilization of Grants-in-aid released to the States for strengthening the analytical
facilities of their SPTLs and construction of new SPTLs and furnishing utilization
H. Issuing mandatory consent u/w 31 of the Insecticides Act, 1968 to Central
Insecticides Inspectors for launching prosecution against the dealer and
manufacturer of misbranded pesticides.
I. States/UTs may review and ensure compliance of guidelines for minimum
infrastructure facilities at the premises of registered formulator/manufacturer at
the time of issue of licenses.
The Parliament enacted an Act, called “The Insecticides Act, 1968”, to regulate the
import, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of pesticides to prevent the
risk to human beings, animals and environment; and for the matters connected
therewith. Pesticides are toxic in nature and are required to be used judiciously with
specified precautions to safeguard the users, animals, wild life and the Environment.
The Registration Committee (RC) constituted under Section 5 of the Insecticides Act,
1968 is well aware of the emerging pest problems in the country and has been
approving the uses of new pesticides; new formulations of already registered
pesticides and label expansion of already registered formulations to combat the pest
problems of various crops in the country. As on 01-08-2013 total 841 pesticides
have been included in the Schedule to the Act by the Government of India by issuing
the Gazette Notifications from time to time and listed on the website
To promote the Integrated Pest Management approach and to reduce the use of
chemical pesticides, Registration Committee has registered 22 bio-pesticides(19
microbial bio-pesticides and 3 botanical bio-pesticides) for use in the country, 14 (12
microbial bio-pesticides and 2 botanical bio-pesticides) of them have been registered
u/s 9(3) (Annexure-XVIII). As many as 46 bio-pesticides have been included in the
Schedule to the Insecticides Act, 1968. For quality control of bio-pesticides,
Government of India has notified, vide Gazette notification G.S.R. 756 (E) dated 15 th
December 2006, the 7 Laboratories in different States to function as Central
Insecticides Laboratory in respect of bio-pesticides (Annexure- XIX.
As on 15.01.2013, total 241 pesticides have been granted regular registration under
Section 9(3) of the Insecticides Act, 1968 for use in the country( except Endosulfan
which has been banned for production, use & sale all over India, till further Order , by
the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India by the interim order in a Writ Petition) (AnnexureXX). Whereas, 28 pesticides and 4 insecticide formulations have been banned for
import, manufacture and use in the country Uses of 7 pesticides have been withdrawn
(Annexure-XXI). 18 pesticides have been refused registration in the country
(Annexure-XXII) and restrictions have been imposed on 13 other pesticides
During previous zonal conferences, it has been repeatedly emphasized to send a yearly
statement of valid manufacturing licenses issued by the states, but the information has
not been received from States/UTs. To maintain database on this aspect, all the
States/UTs need to send consolidated yearly statement in the month of January every
year to enable the Ministry in facilitating policy and other decision making in respect of
quality and manufacture of pesticides.
a) The Regulatory Authorities in the States/UTs, for enforcement of the provisions
of Insecticides Act, 1968 and Insecticides Rules, 1971, are to ensure proper use
of registered pesticides as per the conditions stipulated in the Certificates of
Registration granted by the Registration Committee .
b) Bio-pesticides and less toxic environment friendly pesticides may be encouraged
to promote the IPM strategy in the country.
c) Yearly statement of valid manufacturing licenses issued by the States/UTs, to
pesticide manufacturers, may be provided in the month of January every year.
Promotion of Integrated Pest Management Related Issues and Specific
Focus on Critical Pests and Diseases for Rabi Crops:
Change in the cropping system approach aiming at higher productivity coupled
with aberrant weather conditions in the recent past provided conducive field conditions
for the multiplication of various pests and diseases of different crops particularly in
States of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, J & K,
Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Haryana, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha etc. This
lead to repeated use of chemical pesticides and farmers ignored the IPM package of
practices by resorting to indiscriminate use of pesticides. This in turn proved to be
counter-productive and to adverse affects on the population of naturally occurring biocontrol agents/bio-pesticides in the farmers’ fields. To rebuild the ecosystem, States
have to take corrective measures to initiate implementation of IPM package of practices
during the ensuing Rabi Season. Following key considerations may be kept in mind
while finalizing the Action Plan for adopting Integrated Pest Management strategy for
Rabi, 2013-14.
Pest & disease situation:
During Rabi 2012-13, the pest & disease situation in general remained normal
throughout the country as no major outbreak of any pest was reported. However,
moderate to severe incidence of wilt disease of gram crop in Maharashtra State was
reported. Low to moderate incidence of pod borer on pigeon pea and chick pea crop in
Maharashtra state; trace to low incidence of Sanjose scale on apple crop in Srinagar
and Anantnaag districts of J&K state was reported; Low to moderate incidence of
Mango hopper and mall formation in Uttrakhand was also reported. During the year,
2012-13, the incidence of yellow rust was also reported in Punjab state in Roper,
Hoshiyarpur and Navasahar districts. The primary inoculum of yellow rust was noticed
in village Mehandpur of block Saroya district Navashar (Punjab) on 3 rd January, 2013.
Moderate to severe incidence of this disease was also repoted in Mahendergarh,
Karnal, Kurukshetra and yamunanagar district of Harayana, una mandi and Bilaspur
districts of Himachal Pradesh and Saharanpur districts of Uttrakhand.The trace to low
incidence of Aphid, powdery mildew disease was reported in Haryana State .The
problem of Cuscuta weed in lentil crop in Saran and Patna districts of Bihar State. The
problem of Orobanchy weed was also reported from Sonipat and Yamunanagar districts
of Haryana state. An invasive weed Ambrossia psilostachya was also reported from
Karnataka State. Its intensity was confined only in non crop area..
During Kharif 2012, by and large insects-pest/ disease situation remained
normal. However, low to moderate incidence of bacterial leaf blight and rice blast was
reported from Konkan ,Raigarh,Sholapur and Ratnagiri districts of Maharahstra state on
rice crop. Low to moderate incidence of girdle beetle was also reported on Soybean
crop in Amrabati, Viderbh, Bhandara and Wardha districts of Maharashtra state. The
incidence of white fly and jassids on cotton crop was also reported above ETL in few
localities of Maharashtra state. The incidence of gall midge was also reported above
ETL in certain areas of thane district of Maharashtra. Trace to low incidence of Cotton
leaf curl virus and White fly was reported in Abohar, Fazilka, Hoshiyarpur, Amritsar and
Faridkot districts of Punjab state and Fatehabad, Sirsa, and Jind districts of Haryana
state. Severe incidence of Sugarcane white fly was also reported in Baroda, Surat and
Anand districts of Gujarat state. Similarly, Low to moderate incidence of Black bug on
Sugarcane crop was also noticed in certain localities of Uttrakhand State. Trace to Low
incidence of Foot rot and Gumosis was reported in few Kinnow orchards of Fazilka
district of Punjab state.
Pest and Disease Survey:
Surveillance of Kharif/Rabi crops to monitor insect pest and disease situation is
essential and States may constitute survey teams and finalize the survey routes of
major crops well in advance. The hot spots of pest/disease should be identified and
survey efforts in such areas should be intensified to know the pest/disease situation at
the initial stage itself. The present trained manpower as Master Trainers and
Agricultural extension Officers (AEOs) may be deployed for conducting such surveys in
the States. Central IPM Centres conduct rapid roving survey on weekly interval basis
especially in pests/ diseases prone areas so as to advise state on any likely increase of
pest’s build-up. All the States are advised to maintain close liaison with the respective
4.3.1. Pest Surveillance and Advisory System:
It has been observed that there is no uniformity in the system of pest
surveillance and in the efforts of various agencies viz., State Agriculture Departments,
ICAR Institutes, SAUs and CIPMCs involved in Pest Surveillance and Advisory System
in the country. The existing system of reporting, compilation and distribution of data on
pest surveillance varying from one to another agency result inadequate convergence of
data which, lead to incomplete and multiple advisories in adopting pest management
strategies. Hence, there is an urgent need to improve the present system of pest
surveillance by using the latest tools of Information Communication technology (ICT) by
deploying data input devices with Global Positioning System (GPS) to transmitting data
directly from the field to the server.
The Department of agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) has been working on
developing eco-friendly IPM technologies in different crops’ agro-ecosystem with the
decision to set up three tier Pest Surveillance and Advisory system at National, State
and District levels for effective data convergence and, appropriate and timely advisories
to the farmers. In this regard, DAC has already issued an order vide its letter No. 34/2007-PP-II, dated 29th August, 2008 to constitute National Pest Surveillance and
Advisory Unit (NPSAU) at national level and suggested State Government to set up
State Pest Surveillance and Advisory Unit (SPSAU) and District Pest Surveillance and
Advisory Unit (DPSAU) at state and district level respectively. So far all the states
except Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Sikkim, and A & N
Islands have constituted the Adivsory Units. All the states were advised to speed up
constituting and strengthening their pest surveillance system if not constituted so for.
In-charges, CIPMCs were also instructed to submit report of SPSAU to Hqrs, Faridabad
by 7th day of each month. All the States who have not yet made any progress should
come prepared with the details of constituting State Pest Surveillance and Advisory Unit
(SPSAU) and District Pest Surveillance and Advisory Unit (DPSAU) so that the same
could be discussed during the Zonal Conference.
4.3.2. Pest/Disease Monitoring Information System (PDMIS):
Pest/disease situations reported by Central Integrated Pest Management
Centers (CIPMCs), Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage (PPQ&S)
takes major inputs from State Agricultural/Horticulture Departments for preparing the
consolidated report on prevailing crop wise pest/disease situation in the country.
Presently, only Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and
Maharashtra states are updating pests/ diseases situation through the PDMIS.
Other states are requested to take necessary steps so as to update the
information on pests/ diseases through this system for taking further steps
timely. PDMIS is developed for state govt. to report:
Availability of pesticides in the state.
District wise crop area, infected crop area and treated crop area.
Crop wise pest/disease found in the reported districts.
Seed treatment Campaign:
The concept of seed treatment is the use and application of biological and
chemical agents that control or contain primary soil and seed borne infection/infestation
of insects and diseases which pose devastating consequences to crop production and
improving crop safety leading to good establishment of healthy and vigorous plants
resulting in better yields. Keeping in view the importance of seed treatment to achieve
better crop stand of major crops, and the fact that many farmers in the country do not
follow/adopt this practice, adoption of seed treatment by the farmers across the country
require effective extension strategies and making the appropriate bioproducts/chemicals available to the farmers at their doorstep. Preference should be
given to bio-control agents/products for treating the seeds before sowing or even for
storage purpose. The farmers also required to be trained/made aware of the methods
of seed treatment, post treatment- handling of the seeds and planting materials.
Government of India has therefore, launched a country wide campaign for ensuring
100% seed treatment in all important crops. During coming Rabi season, Pesticide
industry associations, ATMAs, CIPMCs, KVKs, Farmers Clubs, SAUs, NGOs, etc. can
play an important role in the campaign for 100% seed treatment and hence, their
participation is solicited. All the States are requested to communicate their
achievements through the enclosed proforma
4.5 Area Coverage under IPM Activities
Organization of FFS, Pest surveillance, Conservation and Augmentation of Biocontrol agents are the main IPM activities being conducted in the states. The states are
required to furnish the area coverage under these activities and the total area coverage
by these activities in a separate statement as per Annexure-XXIV for the year 2012-13
and 13-14 up to July, 2013
Human Resource Development:
Current thrust in IPM implementation relates to Human Resource Development.
During the last 20 years emphasis has been laid to develop skilled human resources in
States by imparting training to Master Trainers and AEOs through the conduct of 55
Season Long Training Courses. In these courses, a total number of 2031 Master
Trainers have been trained on IPM in various agriculture/horticulture crops. Under the
Farmers’ Field Schools (FFSs) programmes, since 1994-95 to 2012-2013, total 14617
FFSs have been conducted and 58419 AEOs and 439508 Farmers have been trained
in IPM skills. The 733 nos. of 2 days and 64 Nos. of 5 days training programmes were
organized since 2005-2006 through which 28520 trainees including farmers, agricultural
extension officers, pesticide dealers, NGOs and Students were trained. States may
utilize services of trained Master Trainers and AEOs for conduct of FFSs in the States.
During the FFSs programme women farmers have also been trained. Emphasis should
be laid to associate women farmers and farmers of the weaker sections of the society in
the future IPM training programmes. NGOs participation in the IPM programme would
help in intensification of the state efforts.
Conservation of Bio control agents:
The plant protection functionaries of the State Departments of
Agriculture/Horticulture are by now well conversant with potential parasitoids/pathogens
and predators of major crop pests. The survey team may give high priority for recording
population count of such bio-control agents and guide the farmers about the pest
defender ratio and try to save them while using pesticides.
Promotion of bio-control and Grant-in-aid:
Under certain situation, it becomes essential to supplement the field population of
parasitoids, predators and pathogens by releases of field collected or laboratory reared
bio-control agents and use of bio-pesticides (Bacillus thuringiensis, Trichoderma, NPV).
In this direction, various bio-control laboratories under the control of Central and State
Governments are mass-producing such eco-friendly IPM inputs. In addition, private
entrepreneurs and NGOs are also producing and marketing these bio-agents / biopesticides who are ready to supply the material on placement of advance firm orders.
To supplement the State efforts, grants-in-aid to the tune of Rs. 1450.00 lakh
has been earmarked to the States/UTs for the establishment of 29 State Biocontrol
Laboratories (SBCLs) @ Rs. 50.00 lakh per laboratory. So far, a sum of Rs. 1772.00
lakh has already been released to the States for construction of Laboratory building and
procurement of equipment and vehicles. Statement showing funds allocated, amount
spent and unspent balances against the States during VIII & X Plans for the
establishment of State Biological Control Laboratories (SBCLs) under the scheme
“Strengthening and Modernization of Pest Management Approach in India” is enclosed
as Annexure-XXV All the States except Jammu & Kashmir and Uttaranchal have made
considerable progress in the construction work and commissioning of the laboratories.
States may consider expeditious commissioning of the SBCLs so that additional
infrastructure is created in the States for mass production of bio-control agents. During
10th Five Year Plan Govt. of India, has approved grand-in-Aid for establishment of State
Bio-control Laboratories and has released Rs. 405 lakh @ Rs. 45 lakh per lab. to States
of Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand, Haryana,
Maharashtra and Uttaranchal. The States should put their full efforts for early
establishment of these SBCLs. States are to furnish utilization certificates of funds
released so far. All the states are to furnish progress report on bio-control efforts.
Further, Grants-in-aid is proposed to be given to NGOs, self help groups, women
organizations, farmers club and other private service providers for setting up of State
Bio-control Laboratories in the form of subsidy @ Rs, 5.00 lakh per Laboratory for
purchase of equipments subject to the conditions given in guidelines. The guidelines
have already been circulated to all the States. The same may be brought to the notice
of all concerned. So far, administrative approval of competent authority for purchase of
laboratory equipments have been issued to 19 NGOs while financial sanction and
release of funds to 16 NGOs has been made.
Coordination of State IPM activities:
Financial assistance are pouring in the States from various agencies like
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation’s TMOP, Crops Division, Plant Protection
Division of Government of India, World Bank, Department of Bio-Technology etc. To
derive full benefit of these resources, States may consider constituting a Coordination
Cell headed by a single Nodal Officer to coordinate and make better use of these
financial inputs for the benefit of the farmers. In this direction, State IPM Steering
Committee may be constituted which can advise the States to ensure proper
implementation of all the IPM programmes.
The surveillance and monitoring should be given top priority at the State level for
timely forewarning of pests./diseases for taking timely IPM measures. For this purpose,
each State/UT should identify one nodal officer of the rank of Joint Director of
Agriculture for prior planning and implementation of programme in the States.
Issues For Consideration:
 Priority should be given for pest surveillance and systematic monitoring of insect
pests and diseases for timely forewarning and their effective management.
 Major emphasis should be given on seed treatment with bio-pesticides/fungicides
to combat the seed borne disease problems.
 Pest Disease Monitoring Information System (PDMIS) has been developed on
line by NIC for reporting pest situation by the States/UTs. It has been observed
that only a few States are reporting the desired information. Hence, all the
States/UTs are to send the latest pest situation on-line through the System.
 State Bio-control Laboratories should be made fully functional for production of
bio-control agents/bio-pesticides to meet the increasing demand of farmers. If
not made functional so far, immediate steps should be taken in this direction.
 All States and UTs must try to utilize released amount of Grants-in-aid during the
same financial year, and submit the utilization certificates (UCs) in time to
Government of India. If funds could not be utilized during release year,
revalidation must be sought in the next financial year.
 All States/UTs are to furnish monthly technical progress report of activities
undertaken at SBCLs of their State to Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine
& Storage, N.H.-IV, Faridabad.
 Quality control standards already developed for the bio-pesticides may be used
for monitoring their quality in their SBCLs by creating facilities required for the
 Human Resource Development in IPM should be given top priority for improving
the knowledge and skill of agricultural extension officers and farmers.
 States should ensure positioning of all IPM trained personnel exclusively for the
IPM activities including IPM training to their persons.
 States should ensure participation of NGOs, Panchayat Raj Institutions, private
entrepreneurs and Cooperative Sectors fully in all IPM programmes.
 IPM packages of practices have been developed for 77 crops, which have been
circulated to all the States/UTs for use by them in Plant Protection Programme.
All the 77 Package of Practices has also been posted and available on
Directorate’ website for the utilization by the
beneficiaries. States should also bring all IPM activities under the Computer
Network for easy accessibility of information to the end users.
 The few of IPM packages are under revision which has been circulated to the
States and SAUs for their comments. They are requested to provide their
comments as an earliest.
 All the States/UTs should translate all IPM packages of practices in local
languages for the use of farmers of their States.
 All States/UTs must ensure timely submission of agenda note for each Zonal
Conference (Kharif & Rabi) on inputs required to Dte, of PPQ&S, Faridabad so
that information could be compiled for discussion during the conference.
5. Locust Monitoring and Control
The scheme Locust Control and Research is being implemented through Locust
Warning Organization (LWO)established in 1939 and later on merged with Directorate
of Plan Protection, Quarantine & Storage in 1946. The Locust Warning Organization
(LWO) monitors locust development/ activities over an area of about 2,00,000 sq km of
the Scheduled Desert Area (SDA) in the States of Rajasthan and Gujarat and Haryana
.It has 10 Circle Offices located at Palanpur, Bhuj (Gujarat State),Bikaner, Jaisalmer,
Barmer , Jalore, Phalodi, Nagaur, Suratgarh and Churu (Rajasthan State) with its field
Headquarters at Jodhpur and a Central Headquarter Faridabad. Besides, there is one
Field Station for Investigations on Locusts (FSIL) situated at Bikaner. LWO maintains its
own wireless network for exchanging information on locust survey and control between
Locust Circle Offices, Field Headquarters Jodhpur and Central Hqrs, Faridabad.
Satisfactory locust control potential is being maintained in the form of ready to use
pesticides, fleet of vehicles, plant protection equipments( hand held and vehicle
mounted spray machines), wireless sets and trained technical, wireless communication
and mechanical staff.
5.1 Desert Locust Situation;This year, India remained free from gregarious Desert Locust activity so far.
However, low numbers of solitary adults of desert locust ranging from 5-35 adult/
hectare have been reported during field Survey conducted in the month of June and
July, 2013 at Khajuwala in Bikaner District and BOP Hamir in Jaisalmer District.. Due to
light to moderate rain, the soil moisture is not very much conducive for locust breeding
in scheduled Desert Area (SDA) of Rajasthan and Gujarat. However, LWO staff is
keeping constant watch over desert locust activities throughout the scheduled Desert
Area in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat for any eventuality. As per FAO Desert
Locust Bulletin No.418, small scale breeding may occur in some parts of Rajasthan,
causing locust numbers to increase slightly but remain below threatening level.
State governments of Rajasthan and Gujarat are to keep constant vigil on the
desert locust activities through their field staff and if any activity of Desert Locust is
seen, the same may be communicated to In-charge of nearest Locust Circle Offices
(LCOs) of their areas for necessary action.
In view of globalization and liberalization of international trade in agriculture,
the States/UTs are also required to play an important role in the international trade of
plants and plant materials under sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement under WTO.
The following issues are of significance that needs interaction:
6.1 Export certification of plants and plant materials:
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Union Ministry of Agriculture has
notified various officers of the State governments for issue of Phytosanitary Certificates
(PSCs) for the agricultural commodities meant for export to facilitate the exports from
the country. The Certifying Officers are required to maintain proper inspection
procedures so as to export pest free agricultural commodities. To streamline &
harmonize the procedure and in view of stringent inspection by the importing country,
Standard Operating Procedure for “Export Inspection & Phytosanitary Certification of
Plant/ Plant Products & Other Regulated Articles” has been developed and adopted.
In the recent past, India has been receiving increasing number of noncompliances on exported consignments from importing countries especially from EU.
These notifications are mostly due to non-compliances of ISPM-15 while others are for
interception of live insect pests and other deficiencies in the exported consignments.
Hence, it has become more imperative to conduct proper export inspection &
certification of the commodities to be exported.
6.2 Compliance of ISPM-15 on Export of Wood Packaging Materials:
As per IPPC provisions, all importing countries require that the Wood Packaging
Materials (WPM) / dunnage used in all kinds of goods and agricultural commodities
should be either fumigated with Methyl bromide or Heat treated by the registered
treatment providers to ensure that it is free from pests. These service providers have
been accredited by the Dte. of PPQ&S details of which are available on website .These treatment providers are authorized to put ISPM15 Stamp on treated WPM / dunnage. If the said stamps are not appeared on WPM,
these reflect non-compliances of ISPM-15. All PSC issuing authorities / export
promotion personals are advised to ensure ISPM-15 compliance of WPM to avoid any
non-compliance from the importing countries and adverse effects on our exports.
6.3 Online Application for PSC and Introduction of New pre-printed Stationary for
the same:
India has introduced Plant Quarantine Information System (PQIS) in the country
January, 2011. To avoid the duplicity and provide transparency system in
Phytosanitary certification, new pre-printed stationary having security features has also
been developed which has been put in operation w.e.f. 1st January, 2011. Exporters
who intend to obtain PSC should have to register their application on line at PSC issuing authorities will receive the said
applications through a unique login ID which is allotted to them. Authorized officer will
issue above Certificates on pre-printed stationary. These pre-printed stationeries have
been dispatched to all PSC issuing authorities regularly or as per their demand directly
from Dte. PPQ&S, Faridabad or through nearest Regional Plant Quarantine Station. All
PSC issuing authorities are to use PQIS system. If any authority is having difficulties the
same may be indicated.
6.4 Grants-in-aid released to State PSC issuing authorities:
During the years 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08. Grants-in-aid have
been provided to various State PSC issuing authorities to strengthen /equip their
laboratory with latest equipments for carrying out export inspection. Bihar, Goa,
Nagaland, Mizoram and Tripura have sent Utilization Certificate (UC) for the amount
released to them while Gujarat, J&K, Karnataka, Manipur, Rajasthan and Uttar
Pradesh have sent the UC for part of the funds released to them, but the others are
yet to send the Utilization Certificates. The states are requested to send the same
immediately. If funds remain unspent, the sanction may be got revalidated from DAC
for incurring expenditure during this current financial year. The details are at
Annexure – XXVI.
Revalidation of sanction for these unutilized funds is now not possible.
Hence all states are required to surrender the unutilized funds.
Points for discussion
1. NPPO of India is receiving a large number of non-compliances in the recent past.
on the consignments exported from India.
2. In view of this, all PSC issuing authorities are advised to ensure strict compliance
of ISPM-15 on WPM / dunnage accompanying consignments exported from India
to avoid any non-compliance from the importing countries resulting in adverse
effects on Indian exports.
3. State PSC issuing authorities are requested to follow Plant Quarantine
Information System and issue PSC on pre-printed stationary only so that
exporters may not suffer.
4. PSC issuing authorities who have not submitted Utilisation Certificate of grant-inaid till date should submit the same urgently.
5. Necessary laboratory facilities for inspection/export certification may be
developed to ensure pest free export of agricultural commodities.
6. Documentation/inspection/treatment procedures for export certification may be
Strengthened and maintained properly.