Principal's Specification G36 Environmental Management Date: October 2009 Revision: 1.0 Environmental Management G36 Contents 1 General .................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Interpretation and Definitions ...................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Principal's Specification Reference Documents .......................................................................... 2 1.4 Identified Records ........................................................................................................................ 3 2 Environmental Management .................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Environmental Policy and Key Performance Indicators .............................................................. 4 2.3 Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Resources, Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 5 2.5 Subcontractors ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.6 Training, Awareness and Competence ....................................................................................... 5 2.7 Communication ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.8 Reporting ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.9 Monitoring and Evaluating of Environmental Performance ......................................................... 6 2.10 Non-conformance Control, Corrective and Preventive Action..................................................... 7 2.11 Records of Environmental Activities ............................................................................................ 7 2.12 Audit and Review ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.13 Environmental Management in Design ....................................................................................... 8 2.14 Emergency and Incident Management ........................................................................................ 8 3 Environmental Management Plan .......................................................................................................... 9 3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Preparation of the Environmental Management Plan ................................................................. 9 3.3 Scope and Content of the Environmental Management Plan ................................................... 10 3.4 Scope and Content of Environmental Management Sub- Plans ............................................... 10 3.4.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 10 3.4.2 Carbon/Energy Management Sub-Plan....................................................................... 10 3.4.3 Water Management Sub-Plan ..................................................................................... 11 3.4.4 The Noise and Vibration Management Sub-Plan ........................................................ 12 3.4.5 Heritage Management Sub-Plan ................................................................................. 12 3.4.6 Waste Management Sub-Plan ..................................................................................... 13 3.4.7 Spoil Management Sub-Plan ....................................................................................... 13 3.4.8 The Air Quality Management Sub-Plan ....................................................................... 13 3.4.9 Landscape Management Sub-Plan ............................................................................. 14 3.5 Environmental Construction Method Statements ...................................................................... 14 ANNEXURE G36/A – SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED RECORDS ............................................................... 16 ANNEXURE G36/B – PRINCIPAL'S SPECIFICATION REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................... 17 ANNEXURE G36/C – SCOPE AND CONTENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SUB-PLANS ..................................................................................... 18 Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page i Environmental Management 1 General 1.1 Introduction G36 This Principal’s Specification G36 contains the requirements for environmental management that include the development, implementation and maintenance of an Environmental Management System and an Environmental Management Plan. The Contractor must: a) incorporate environmental management into all aspects of the Contractor's Activities; b) design and construct the Project Works and Temporary Works so that potential environmental impacts are minimised or avoided; and c) manage environmental impacts by careful planning and design and by implementation of environmental impact mitigation practices during construction. 1.2 Interpretation and Definitions a) The definitions contained in Clauses 3.1 and 3.3 to 3.13 of ISO 14001 apply in the interpretation of the words and expressions appearing in this Principal’s Specification G36 unless stated otherwise. b) A reference to an "Annexure" is a reference to an Annexure attached to this Principal's Specification G36 unless stated otherwise. c) A reference to a "clause" is a reference to a clause of this Principal's Specification G36 unless stated otherwise. d) In this Principal's Specification G36, the following terms have the following meanings: i. “Authority” means any authority or person that has a right to impose requirements on any part of the Contractor’s Activities or over the Construction Site; ii. “Australian Standards” means codes, standards and specifications published by Standards Australia; iii. “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday or 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 December; iv. "Compliance Tracking Program" means a procedure that documents and tracks compliance with the objectives and requirements of the Contract, Law and the Environmental Documents; v. “Contract” means the agreement between the Principal and the Contractor; vi. "Contractor" means the organisation engaged by the Principal for the delivery of the Project Works and the Temporary Works; vii. "Contractor's Activities" means all things and tasks which the Contractor is required to do under the Contract; Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 1 Environmental Management 1.3 G36 viii. "Environmental Construction Method Statement" means a statement of work activities that address environmental risks and provide mitigation measures and controls for a site or construction activity; ix. “Environmental Documents” means the environmental conditions of approval issued by the Minister for Planning and any other related environmental consents, approvals or determinations; x. “Environmental Incident” means an unexpected event that may result in harm to the environment and includes Pollution Incidents; xi. “Environmental Management Plan” means a document setting out the specific environmental resources, risk management procedures, responsibilities and practices for a particular project to ensure compliance with the environmental conditions of approval and that environmental risks are properly managed; xii. "Environmental Management Sub-Plan" means a plan that addresses specific environmental management issues along with measures that will be implemented to adequately manage these environmental management issues; xiii. “Environmental Management System” means a corporate level system that details the organisational structure, policies, procedures, practices and responsibilities for environmental management to ensure that environmental issues are identified and managed; xiv. “Environmental Manager” means the person appointed to that position by the Contractor; xv. "Identified Records" means those records identified in Table A1 in Annexure G36/A; xvi. "ISO 14001" means AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use; xvii. "Law" means any Commonwealth, New South Wales or local government legislation including acts and regulations; xviii. “Pesticide” has the same meaning as within the Pesticides Act 1999 (NSW); xix. “Pollution Incident” means an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is, has been or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of circumstances in which material (including waste) has been placed or disposed of on premises unlawfully, but it does not include an incident or set of circumstances involving only the emission of any noise or odour; xx. “Principal’s Representative” means the representative authorised under the Contract to act on behalf of the Principal; xxi. "Principal's Specification Reference Document" means a document listed in Annexure G36/B and any updated or replacement version of these documents that may be issued from time to time; xxii. "Project Works" means any permanent works which the Contractor is required to design, construct, complete and hand over; and xxiii. "Temporary Works" means any temporary works required to carry out the Contractor's Activities but which do not form part of the Project Works. Principal's Specification Reference Documents The Contractor must comply with the version of each Principal's Specification Reference Document that is current at the time that the relevant Contractor's Activities are undertaken. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 2 Environmental Management 1.4 G36 Identified Records Identified Records are nominated for the purposes of the Principal’s Specification Q6 and are required to be created by the Contractor. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 3 Environmental Management 2 Environmental Management 2.1 General G36 Without limiting the Contract, the Contractor must during the performance of the Contractor’s Activities ensure: a) all obligations contained in the Contract and under Law are met; b) all legal and regulatory obligations relevant to the Contractor’s Activities are clearly defined and addressed; c) that environmental policies and key performance indicators that satisfy the requirements of the Principal and relevant Authorities are established; d) that an Environmental Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 14001 and the NSW Government Environmental Management Systems Guidelines is developed, implemented and maintained; e) procedures for formulating, resourcing and implementing an Environmental Management Plan are set; f) procedures for auditing, recording and monitoring the performance and effectiveness of an Environmental Management Plan are defined; and g) all other objectives and requirements identified within the Environmental Documents are met. 2.2 Environmental Policy and Key Performance Indicators a) The Contractor must prepare, implement, maintain and communicate an environmental policy for the Contract that is endorsed by the Contractor’s chief executive officer and senior management. The Contractor’s environmental policy must include a commitment to the principles of resource conservation and sustainability. b) The Contractor must also identify key performance indicators that support the Contractor's environmental policy. 2.3 Planning The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that comply with clause 4.3 of ISO 14001 to: a) identify legal and regulatory obligations relevant to the Contractor’s Activities; b) identify and assess the environmental aspects relating to the performance of the Contractor’s Activities; and c) identify all environmental risks and develop appropriate control measures that are to be implemented to provide environmental protection. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 4 Environmental Management G36 2.4 Resources, Roles and Responsibilities a) The Contractor must provide sufficient resources to ensure effective implementation of the Environmental Management System and the Environmental Management Plan. b) The Contractor must: i. identify key environmental management personnel including roles and responsibilities; ii. identify the Environmental Manager that is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the Environmental Management Plan are implemented and maintained; iii. indicate how suitable resources will be assigned to ensure that the Environmental Management Plan is fully implemented, for both design and construction activities; and iv. detail the relationship between the Environmental Manager and personnel responsible for implementing the Environmental Management Plan. 2.5 Subcontractors a) The Contractor must identify the division of environmental management responsibilities between the Contractor and its Subcontractors. b) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that will ensure Subcontractor compliance with environmental management requirements and identify: i. the duties of each Subcontractor for planning, implementing and monitoring environmental protection measures and for keeping environmental records; ii. the duties the Contractor will retain for environmental protection of subcontracted work; iii. how environmental protection measures on subcontracted work interface with adjacent work areas, as applicable; and iv. the Contractor’s surveillance program for monitoring the effectiveness of Subcontractor’s environmental protection measures. c) The Contractor must during the selection of Subcontractors include an assessment of their environmental management performance, capability and systems. 2.6 Training, Awareness and Competence a) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that comply with clause 4.4.2 of ISO 14001 for the delivery of training, awareness and competence programs. b) The Contractor must ensure that all employees, Subcontractors and agents working on the Construction Site are provided with environmental training to achieve a level of awareness and competence appropriate to their assigned activities before they commence their assigned activities. Any person that has not been provided with appropriate environmental training must not be permitted to work on the Construction Site. c) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain a site specific induction that covers all relevant environmental issues and includes the implementation and maintenance of environmental controls and procedures Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 5 Environmental Management G36 d) The Contractor must develop a training plan that describes the minimum level of training, skills, experience and/or qualifications that are required for the Contractor's employees, Subcontractors and agents working on the Construction Site including who is to be trained, dates for training and training procedures. e) Environmental induction and training must include: i. training purpose, objectives and key issues; ii. the Contractor’s environmental policy and key performance indicators; iii. due diligence and key duty of care and responsibilities; iv. conditions of any environmental licence and the conditions of approval; v. reporting procedure for Environmental Incidents; and vi. site specific issues and controls including those described in the Environmental Construction Method Statements. f) The Contractor must develop procedures for establishing and maintaining a register of environmental induction and training carried out including dates, names of persons trained and trainer details. 2.7 Communication The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that comply with clause 4.4.3 of ISO 14001 for site communication, external communication and communication with Subcontractors in relation to notification of environmental emergencies and incidents. The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures for maintaining a current list of relevant contact names, telephone numbers and facsimile numbers for the Contract. 2.8 Reporting The Contractor must prepare written reports on its environmental performance and fully comply with all the reporting requirements of the Environmental Documents. The Contractor must prepare and submit the following written reports to the Principal's Representative: a) the results of all formal environmental audits and reviews within 10 Business Days of audit and review completion; b) summary reports of environmental performance evaluations within 10 Business Days of evaluation completion; c) full reports on environmental emergencies and incidents, including regulatory breaches, following the resolution of the emergency or incident; and d) monthly Environmental Management Plan and statutory compliance reports, including reporting against key performance indicators. 2.9 Monitoring and Evaluating of Environmental Performance a) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that comply with clause 4.5.1 of ISO 14001 for the monitoring and evaluation of environmental performance. The Contractor must undertake all activities and measurements needed for monitoring and evaluating the Contractor’s environmental performance. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 6 Environmental Management G36 b) The Contractor must evaluate the effectiveness of the Contractor’s environmental protection measures for compliance during the performance of Contractor’s Activities at least once per month. The Contractor must keep detailed records of the environmental performance evaluations. c) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain a Compliance Tracking Program to track compliance with the objectives and requirements of the Contract, Law and the Environmental Documents. The Compliance Tracking Program must as a minimum include: i. a tabulated list of objectives and requirements including responsibility for ensuring compliance and status of compliance; and ii. procedures for ensuring compliance with identified environmental objectives and requirements. 2.10 Non-conformance Control, Corrective and Preventive Action a) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that comply with clause 4.5.3 of ISO 14001 for non-conformance control, corrective and preventative action. Corrective and preventative action actions must be implemented where non-conformances are identified. b) The procedures identified in the Environmental Management Plan to address nonconformance control must also apply to the procedures for containment measures, clean-up and restoration of the Environment as well as rectification of deficient environmental protection measures. 2.11 Records of Environmental Activities The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures that comply with clause 4.5.4 of ISO 14001 for control of environmental records. The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain a procedure for maintaining legible environmental records to demonstrate compliance with the Environmental Management Plan, including as applicable: a) monitoring/inspection reports; b) internal audit reports; c) external audit reports; d) reports of environmental emergencies and incidents, other environmental non-conformances, complaints and follow-up action; e) minutes of Environmental Management Plan management review meetings; f) evidence of action taken as a result of minutes of Environmental Management Plan management review meetings/events; g) induction and training records; and h) records of monitoring against compliance limits. 2.12 Audit and Review a) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain an environment management audit and review program to verify that the Contractor’s Activities are being undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, Law and the Environmental Documents. The audit and Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 7 Environmental Management G36 review program must comply with clause 4.5.5 and 4.6 of ISO 14001 and as a minimum include: i. an audit of the Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Management SubPlans and Environmental Construction Method Statements within three months of the commencement of construction on the Construction Site and then at least every six months; ii. regular environmental compliance audits of Subcontractors; and iii. annual senior management reviews of the Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements. b) The persons responsible for environmental auditing must have qualifications complying with AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing c) The Contractor must keep detailed records of the audits and reviews completed. 2.13 Environmental Management in Design The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain procedures to: a) provide guidance to the design teams on their obligations with respect environmental risks and control measures; and b) identify when potential environmental impacts may change as a result of developments and/or modifications to the design. 2.14 Emergency and Incident Management a) The Contractor must develop, implement and maintain emergency and incident response procedures that must include: b) i. well defined categories for environmental emergencies and incidents; ii. tailored notification protocols for each category of environmental emergency or incident; iii. identification of third party notification requirements; iv. the identification of at least two persons (and their contact telephone numbers) who will be available on a 24-hour basis and who have authority to take immediate action to shut down any activity, or to effect any environmental control measure, including as directed by an authorised officer of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW); and v. on site rectification arrangements. The Contractor must notify the Principal’s Representative verbally within 2 hours and in writing within 24 hours of any environmental emergency or incident. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 8 Environmental Management 3 Environmental Management Plan 3.1 General G36 The Contractor must prepare the Environmental Management Plan, including Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements, using a structured and logical approach that incorporates best management practices and procedures for environmental management. 3.2 Preparation of the Environmental Management Plan a) The Contractor must frame and detail the Environmental Management Plan, including Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements, using its own words, logic and procedures. b) The Environmental Management Plan must outline the environmental protection measures to mitigate the impact of construction activities and identify opportunities to provide environmental benefit, such as resource use minimisation. c) The Environmental Management Plan must comply with ISO 14001 and the NSW Government Environmental Management Systems Guideline and must document: d) i. a project specific environmental policy and key performance indicators; ii. how environmental management has been planned, including the how risks and appropriate control measures have been identified; iii. resource requirements; iv. roles and responsibilities, including those of Subcontractors; v. induction and training requirements. vi. communication requirements; vii. reporting requirements; viii. procedures for monitoring and evaluating environmental performance; ix. procedures for non-conformance control, corrective and preventive action; x. procedures for control of environmental records; xi. procedures for audit and review; xii. procedures for environmental management during design; xiii. emergency and incident management procedures; and xiv. development and maintenance of Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements. The Environmental Management Plan must be prepared and managed as a live document and be updated as the stages of the Project Works and Temporary and conditions on the Construction Site change. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 9 Environmental Management G36 3.3 Scope and Content of the Environmental Management Plan a) The Contractor must ensure all environmental requirements nominated in the Environmental Documents and this Principal's Specification G36 are addressed in the Environmental Management Plan, including the Environmental Management Sub-Plans and the Environmental Construction Method Statements. b) The Environmental Management Plan must address all the items listed in Table C1 in Annexure G36/C and all the requirements of the Environmental Documents. 3.4 Scope and Content of Environmental Management Sub- Plans 3.4.1 General The Environmental Management Plan must, as a minimum, include the following Environmental Management Sub-Plans: a) Carbon/Energy Management Sub-Plan; b) Water Management Sub-Plan; c) Noise and Vibration Management Sub-Plan; d) Heritage Management Sub-Plan; e) Waste Management Sub-Plan; f) Spoil Management Sub-Plan; g) Air Quality Management Sub-Plan; and h) Landscape Management Sub-Plan. All Environmental Management Sub-Plans must address the items listed in Table C2 in Annexure G36/C and all the requirements of the Environmental Documents. 3.4.2 Carbon/Energy Management Sub-Plan The Carbon/Energy Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) the statutory and policy framework, including the Energy Efficiency Opportunities program and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act; b) energy to carbon calculation methodology; c) baseline energy demand and analysis for each construction phase; d) energy reduction measures to be implemented including those relating to: i. selection of equipment with consideration of energy efficiencies; ii. purchasing of renewable energy; iii. use of energy efficient Construction Site lighting; iv. sourcing material from the Sydney region to avoid transport-related energy consumption; v. modular construction; vi. use of prefabricated components; Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 10 Environmental Management 3.4.3 G36 vii. green site office selection/fit out; viii. centralised monitoring and reporting of energy usage data; and ix. providing incentives for use of public transport by construction workers, green travel plan targets and incentives. Water Management Sub-Plan The Water Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) water resource management measures to be implemented to reduce potable water consumption, including those relating to: i. water recycling opportunities for tunnelling equipment and/or any other processing facility including concrete batching plants; and ii. rainwater harvesting opportunities to supply water within the Construction Site. b) resources for the installation of erosion, sedimentation and water quality controls prior to commencement of the construction of the Project Works and Temporary Works and maintaining controls during the construction of the Project Works and Temporary Works; c) compliance with the requirements of relevant guidelines, criteria, design guides and policies; d) turbidity, erosion, sedimentation, chemical and water pollution control measures and procedures that will be implemented and as a minimum must include measures and procedures to ensure: i. temporary erosion, sedimentation and water quality controls are installed prior to the commencement of the construction of the Project Works and Temporary Works and that these controls are adequately designed and sized; ii. catch drains and associated discharge points are installed and appropriately linked prior to commencement of construction; iii. the area of disturbed ground which is exposed to erosion is minimised; iv. stockpiles are protected from erosion; v. diversion drains are installed routinely to minimise erosion, sedimentation and water quality impacts; vi. water is diverted away from any contaminated areas; vii. erosion and sediment control and construction techniques that maintain runoff water quality are adopted; viii. that pollution does not occur from chemical and fuel usage/storage, bunded areas, chemical drums, refuelling, wash down, acid sulphate soil and rock and wastewater management areas; ix. prompt maintenance and repair of all temporary and permanent erosion, sediment and water quality structures following storm/wet weather damage; and x. monitoring of water quality is undertaken to provide information on the effectiveness of controls and measures; e) procedures for controlling and removing chemical, fuel and lubricant spillage on or around the Construction Site caused by the Contractor's Activities; f) procedures for the use and storage of chemicals and dangerous goods in accordance with Law, manufacturer's instructions and the relevant materials safety data sheets (MSDS); and g) the water source which the Contractor intends to use for the Contractor’s Activities. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 11 Environmental Management 3.4.4 G36 The Noise and Vibration Management Sub-Plan The Noise and Vibration Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) noise and vibration impact assessment procedures, including the preparation of individual site specific noise impact statements, for regenerated noise from excavation and tunnelling operations; b) blast management strategy (if blasting is proposed); c) compliance with the requirements of the Principal’s Construction Noise and Vibration Strategy; d) noise and vibration control measures and procedures that will be implemented and as a minimum must include: 3.4.5 i. measures to ensure that all noise and vibration environmental obligations and criteria are met; ii. the use of noise and vibration best management practice to reduce noise and vibration; iii. selection of plant and equipment and noise-reducing components to control and reduce noise impacts; iv. placement of work compounds, parking areas, equipment and material stockpile sites away from noise-sensitive locations; v. provision of acoustic enclosures; vi. consultation with affected residents; vii. timing and direction of construction activities and opportunities to combine noisy activities to reduce their impact; viii. use, installation, management and maintenance of environmental control measures, including prompt installation; ix. use of temporary noise barriers and/or mounds; x. construction vibration management for various plant items working adjacent to buildings; xi. procedures to be implemented if noise and vibration criteria are exceeded; and xii. monitoring of noise and vibration levels is undertaken to provide information on the effectiveness of controls and measures. Heritage Management Sub-Plan The Heritage Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) a register of directly and indirectly affected heritage items; b) management measures for each heritage item including the use of suitable construction methods for demolition and salvage of significant materials and components; c) heritage monitoring during construction of the Project Works and Temporary Works to ensure the minimum disturbance to retained heritage items; d) procedures for the management of any Indigenous items encountered during the performance of the Contractor's Activities; and e) procedures to ensure that all personnel working on the Construction Site are trained in relation to their responsibilities under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 12 Environmental Management 3.4.6 G36 Waste Management Sub-Plan The Waste Management Sub-Plan must be consistent and comply with DECCW’s Waste Classification Guidelines and the NSW Government’s Waste Reduction and Purchasing Policy and must address and detail the following: a) the hierarchy for sustainable waste management (avoid/reuse/recycle/ resource recovery/disposal) in accordance with the NSW Government’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2007; b) waste management measures and procedures that will be used; c) waste stream analysis procedures for the Construction Site and each phase of construction; and d) procedures for centralised reporting and auditing of waste volumes and disposal destinations. 3.4.7 Spoil Management Sub-Plan The Spoil Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) the hierarchy for spoil management including: i. on-site reuse/recycling; ii. beneficial reuse on other approved construction sites including identification of those sites; iii. off-site recycling for use in construction after processing including identification of those sites; and iv. disposal to landfill including the identification of those sites; b) methodologies for on-site spoil handling, testing (including for contamination and acid sulphate soil and rock) and transportation; c) monitoring and reporting, including extraction volumes and reuse and disposal locations; d) management of contaminated spoil, including the development of remedial action plans and engagement of a NSW accredited site auditor if required; e) management of acid sulphate soil and rock; and f) measures and procedures for extracting and storing Yellow Block sandstone. 3.4.8 The Air Quality Management Sub-Plan The Air Quality Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) procedures that will be used by the Contractor to ensure that all construction facilities are designed and operated to minimise the emission of smoke, dust, cement dust, Pesticides and other substances into the atmosphere; and b) air quality controls and measures that will be implemented and as a minimum must include: i. the spraying of earthwork formations and roads with water or other suitable liquids; ii. the removal of mud from the wheels and bodies of haulage equipment before it enters public roads or other sealed pavements by means of facilities such as truck wash downs and wheel washes; iii. the removal of mud spilt by construction equipment on to public roads or other sealed pavements; Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 13 Environmental Management 3.4.9 G36 iv. the erection of dust screens around and/or spraying of stockpiles with suitable stabilising agents; v. maintaining dust control equipment so that this equipment is available when required including periods of dust generating activities or high wind speed; and vi. maintaining exhaust systems of construction plant, vehicles and machinery in accordance with manufacturer specifications and undertaking periodic visual checks of exhaust systems emissions. Landscape Management Sub-Plan The Landscape Management Sub-Plan must address and detail the following: a) procedures that will be used for: i. protecting trees; ii. replanting; iii. reinstatement of relevant sites; iv. monitoring during construction; and v. post-construction monitoring; b) methodologies for revegetation and landscape planting in all public spaces; c) measures to ensure the use of local indigenous species in preference to introduced species; d) methodologies for undertaking revegetation and landscaping activities progressively, where practicable, and in consultation with the affected residents; and e) methodologies for reinstating the Construction Site to the pre-construction state as soon as practicable following completion of construction. 3.5 Environmental Construction Method Statements a) The Environmental Management Plan must include a procedure to produce and maintain Environmental Construction Method Statements. b) The Environmental Construction Method Statements must include a statement of work activities that address environmental risks and provide mitigation measures and controls for a site or construction activity. c) The Environmental Construction Method Statements must as a minimum be provided for underground excavation and tunnelling operations and the following sites: i. Rozelle; ii. White Bay; iii. Pyrmont; iv. Barangaroo-Wynyard; v. Baranagaroo Pedestrian Link; vi. Martin Place; vii. Town Hall Square; viii. Central; and ix. stabling and maintenance facility. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 14 Environmental Management d) G36 The Environmental Construction Method Statements must as a minimum address and detail: i. environmental measures to be implemented that are identified in separate tables which clearly indicate at which period during the construction phase the measures apply; and ii. site layouts and locality plans with significant trees, heritage items, spoil waste management areas and environmental monitoring locations clearly marked. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 15 Environmental Management G36 ANNEXURE G36/A – SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED RECORDS Table A1 Schedule of Identified Records The records listed below are Identified Records for the purposes of the Principal's Specification Q6. Clause 2 Description of the Identified Record Environmental Management System and system procedures relevant to the Contract 2.8 Reports on environmental performance 2.9 Compliance Tracking Program records 2.10 Non conformance reports 2.11 Records of environmental activities 3 Environmental Management Plan including Environmental Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 16 Environmental Management G36 ANNEXURE G36/B – PRINCIPAL'S SPECIFICATION REFERENCE DOCUMENTS B1 Standards Australia Codes, Standards and Specifications AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing B2 Other Documents NSW Government Environmental Management Systems Guidelines NSW Government’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2007 DECCW’s Waste Classification Guidelines Principal’s Construction Noise and Vibration Strategy Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 17 Environmental Management G36 ANNEXURE G36/C – SCOPE AND CONTENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SUB-PLANS Table C1 Environmental Management Plan Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 18 Environmental Management 1. 2. GENERAL a. Description of the project, including environmental issues; b. Purpose of the Environmental Management Plan; c. Objectives of the Environmental Management Plan; d. Scope of the Environmental Management Plan; and e. Environmental Management Plan consultation procedure with relevant Authorities and Approval process. PLANNING a. b. c. 3. G36 Legal and regulatory obligations for the project (tabular or checklist approach). Related documentation required in the preparation of the Environmental Management Plan to ensure all environmental obligations are met including: i. all Environmental Documents, including safeguards and conditions of approval; ii. Contract, Law and Environmental Documents; iii. all environmental obligations relevant to the Contractor’s Activities; iv. legislation, licences/permits/approvals and notifications and all associated conditions; and v. relevant Australian Standards and compliance standards, including policies, guidelines, criteria and other documents. Assessment of environmental aspects and impacts and risks for the project, including: i. measures to avoid and/or control the occurrence of environmental impacts; ii. measures (where practicable and cost effective) to provide positive environmental offsets to unavoidable environmental impacts; and iii. assessment of all the environmental risks, including a site plan of all environmentally sensitive areas and environmental risk issues. Supplementary management plans including: i. a list of required Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements; ii. referencing and identification of linkages between the Environmental Management Plan and the Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements; and iii. steps to ensure compliance with all management plans and associated documents. IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 19 Environmental Management a. G36 On-site structure, responsibilities and Authorities including: i. project structure; ii. supervision and document control; iii. assignment of responsibility, authority, accountability and reporting for planning, approving, implementing, maintaining, assessment, monitoring, recording and rectification for the Environmental Management Plan, management plans and environmental controls; iv. responsibilities for design that ensure construction and operational impacts are minimised and environmental obligations are met; v. Contractor relationships and responsibilities in relation to the Environmental Manager; vi. Contractor control and surveillance of Subcontractors; vii. the role of the Environmental Manager. b. Resources (materials/labour) needed to develop, implement and maintain environmental control measures (for Contractors and Subcontractors) during all stages of the project, including additional resources to maintain controls during and after storm/wet weather damage. c. Environmental control measures and procedures including: d. f. i. environmental control measures as they apply across the project and to specific sites (using a matrix approach to identify site specific measures); ii. plans, environmental procedures and work method statements or other systems; iii. effective and timely installation of environmental control measures; iv. procedures that ensure environmental control measures meet all project environmental obligations; v. location and controls for compounds and stockpile areas; vi. provision of adequate areas for stockpiling of materials; vii. routine maintenance of controls; and viii. extraction of water and use of water for construction and operation and details of sources. Training, awareness and competence (for Contractors and Subcontractors) including: i. induction training; ii. environmental awareness training; and iii. toolbox training. Incident and emergency planning, preparedness and response including: Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 20 Environmental Management 4. G36 i. a list of the Contractor’s key incident and emergency response personnel showing responsibilities and contact details including all-hours telephone numbers: ii. details of emergency services (including ambulance, fire brigade, spill clean-up services); iii. details of containment measures to be taken in the event of emergency situations that may arise during the work under the Contract; and iv. procedures to ensure that lessons learnt from incidents are incorporated into the Environmental Management Plan. g. Records of environmental activities, including the requirements of this Principal’s Specification G36. h. Document and data control, including: i. general, including preparation, review, approval and distribution; ii. storage and access to all Environmental Documents, references and plans; and iii. reporting to the Principal and relevant Authorities. COMPLIANCE a. Contractor measures and checklists that ensure all environmental design requirements are addressed. b. Inspection and surveillance systems and actioning for inspection/surveillance reports that ensure problems are quickly identified and resolved including: i. development of environmental design that meets environmental obligations; ii. Contractor and Subcontractor inspection, surveillance and testing systems, including inspection and test plans for all activities; iii. checklist/reporting forms that will be used and the frequency of checklist preparation. It is important that checklists are not tick and flick forms but are used to identify and resolve problems and issues; and iv. measures for prompt actioning of surveillance and inspection reports and notification of results back to inspectors/writers of reports. c. Systems so that all Contractor audits are completed as required and all audit corrective actions and other audit actions are commenced immediately following the audit closing meeting using draft audit findings and resolved within two weeks. d. Environmental monitoring program, including: i. timing, frequency, locations and responsibility of monitoring; and ii. actioning systems so that environmental monitoring information is used to resolve identified problems effectively and quickly, including: A. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 measures for prompt use of monitoring information by project staff irrespective of whether above or below exceedance Page 21 Environmental Management G36 levels; and B. e. Project Compliance Tracking Program, including: i. 5. 6. identification of project environmental exceedance levels and proposed corrective actions and timing to address exceedances. monitoring systems for compliance assessment of project environmental objectives and requirements, including an electronic database that contains the: A. requirements of the Contract, Law and the Environmental Documents B. allocation of responsibility for timing of compliance assessments;; and C. status of licences, permits, approvals and notifications; ii. reports provided to all relevant Authorities; iii. audit reports; iv. storage of Environmental Documents; and v. procedures to ensure prompt and effective resolution of Authority, stakeholder, community and the Principal’s environmental issues. f. Non-conformance, preventive and corrective action systems that quickly and effectively address non-conformances and observations. g. Contractor systems for prompt actioning of Authority, stakeholder, community and the Principal’s issues, requirements, reports and audits. REVIEW AND IMPROVEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN, SUB–PLANS AND METHOD STATEMENTS a. Description of the review/improvement procedure of the Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements, including allocation of responsibility and register of issues. b. Frequency of review/improvement of the Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Management Sub-Plans and Environmental Construction Method Statements. c. How changes in Environmental Documents are identified and forwarded to relevant personnel. REPORTING The monthly reports on the Environmental Management Plan must include details on: a. all cases of non-compliance with environmental obligations, licences, permits approvals and the like; b. all cases on non-compliance with the Environmental Management Plan; Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 22 Environmental Management 7. G36 c. actions resulting from all environmental inspections and audits; d. any failure to address low/high monitoring levels (as appropriate) or monitoring exceedances; e. actioning and reporting of all incidences; f. actions taken to address non-conformances or preventative actions; g. the frequency of environmental checklists and actioning concerns; and h. any environmental issues not addressed after two months. APPENDICES a. Environmental Management Sub-Plans. b. Environmental Construction Method Statements. c. Licences, approvals, permits and notifications. d. Inspection and test plan checklists. e. Emergency procedures and emergency contacts. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 23 Environmental Management G36 Table C2 Environmental Management Sub-Plan a. Purpose/objectives of the Environmental Management Sub-Plan. b. Environmental obligations in relation to the relevant Environmental Management Sub-Plan. c. Legal obligation, guidelines and licence, permit and notification requirements. d. Environmental aspects, impacts and risks. e. Environmental control measures as they apply across the project and site specific environmental control measures (with a matrix to assist with identifying site specific measures). f. Environmental procedures and systems. g. Responsibilities for implementation of the Environmental Management Sub-Plan. h. Resources (materials/labour) needed to implement and maintain environmental control measures. j. Environmental monitoring systems and compliance monitoring. k. Environmental emergency and incident planning and response and learning from environmental emergencies and incidents. Principal's Specification G36 Revision 1.0 Page 24