Spectrum Sample Activities - Minnesota Department of Health

Sample Activities using the
Spectrum of Prevention
Influencing Policy and Legislation
 The Coalition for Responsible Sex Ed worked on a comprehensive sex education bill at the 2008
 The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution committing the Board to stop sexual
violence and directing the County Administrator to develop specific action steps across the Spectrum
of Prevention.
 The MN Men’s Action Network is working with local organizations to develop county and city wide
policies for sexual and domestic violence prevention.
 Breaking Free is working on legislation to make the Offenders’ Prostitution Program (John School)
mandatory statewide.
Changing Organizational Practices
 Stop It Now! Minnesota is working with youth serving organizations to review their policies and
practices to determine whether they meet the critical strategies identified by the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention’s guidelines.
 The Wakanheza Project/Creating Welcoming Environments for Youth is being implemented around
the state and other parts of the U.S. It helps individuals, organizations and communities create and
sustain positive, welcoming and caring environments for children, young people, adults and families.
 Winona’s Beyond Tough Guise community group is collaborating with Winona State University to
review student conduct policies and public statement protocols related to sexual and domestic
 One sexual assault program director worked with area faith communities to develop a background
check program for Children’s and Youth Ministry Workers, as well as policies on child safety.
 Breaking Free is collaborating with non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies to
provide victims of trafficking housing rather than having police take them to jail because the victims
of trafficking had no where to go.
 The Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center in St. Cloud added information on preventing the sexual
abuse of children to packets of materials that all new parents receive during home visits.
Fostering Coalitions and Networks
 The New Horizons Crisis Center in Marshall assessed attitudes about sexual violence on campus. From
the results, a task force was formed on campus to address sexual assault.
 The St. Paul-Ramsey County Teen Pregnancy Project/Sexual Violence Action Team was formed as a
community coalition to educate people and communities about the connection between teen dating
and teen pregnancy with sexual violence.
 The MN Men’s Action Network is building a statewide network of men and male leaders involved in the
primary prevention of sexual violence.
 Alexandria’s United Communities Advocating Non-violence (UCAN) is a local collaborative comprised of
city staff, manufacturers, victim services staff and others.
 The Sexual Violence Prevention Network, co-hosted by the MN Coalition Against Sexual Assault, MN
Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs, and MN Department of Health, presents
quarterly meetings across the state and communicates monthly via electronic newsletter containing
conference announcements, resources, research, funding opportunities, etc., reaching nearly 1500
individuals/organizations across Minnesota.
Sexual Violence Prevention State Plan - Action Team Launch – June 6, 2008
Educating Providers
 At Southwest Minnesota State University, sexual violence training is provided to all faculty, staff,
students and residential hall advisors.
 Stop It Now! Minnesota trains child care licensers and child care providers on “How Understanding and
Responding to Children’s Sexual Behaviors Can Prevent Child Abuse”.
 Casa de Esperanza is asking selected staff to participate in a series of sexual violence trainings to help
deepen their understanding of sexual violence and prevention.
 The New Horizons Crisis Center in Marshall provides training to faith communities to create boundaries
within their organizations. It is the first step in having the organizations set up a safety and screening
Promoting Community Education
 Casa de Esperanza provided workshops on sexual violence prevention to Latina teen mothers and
Latino youth.
 Fond du Lac Reservation had a feast honoring women which was organized and sponsored by the
men of Fond du Lac.
 The New Horizons Crisis Center in Marshall provides brochures on general crime, sexual assault and
agency services in prominent locations on campus. Posters and business cards are located in all men’s
and women’s restrooms.
 The MN Men’s Action Network provides community presentations and forums focused on men’s unique
opportunity and responsibility to end sexual and domestic violence.
 100 Men Take a Stand is a Family and Children Services’ Initiative for Violence Free Families which is
organizing predominantly African American men in north Minneapolis. This program provides
presentations, community events, and mailings to its members.
Strengthening Individual Knowledge and Skills
 The New Horizons Crisis Center in Marshall offers a relationship series (4 days) to area high school
students to gain skills in forming healthy, non-violent relationships.
 The MN Men’s Action Network provides community forums and presentations for men to give men
ideas of how to get started in the primary prevention of sexual violence.
 The Jacob Wetterling Foundation has developed family safety nights to increase individual and family
skills regarding personal safety and cyberbullying prevention.
 The St. Paul-Ramsey County Department of Public Health and community partners developed Hmoob
Thab Yeeb (Hmong Peace); Peaceful Hmong Family Circles; "Who Will I Become?" TPT TV show about
Hmong immigration stories & teaching resources.
 St. Paul – Ramsey County Department of Public Health and community partners promoted healthy
parenting and respectful partner relationships for men who have just become fathers through
distribution of the Quick Guide to Being a Dad in local hospital birthing centers.
Sexual Violence Prevention State Plan - Action Team Launch – June 6, 2008