MFM-I Application for Accreditation as First Fellow in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, HKCOG I would like to apply for accreditation to be a First Fellow in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. I. Personal data Name (Surname first) __________________________________________ HKID/Passport Number __________________________________________ Sex Date of birth _____________ Correspondence address __________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone II ____________ Fax ____________ E-mail ______________ Medical education and training Medical school ___________ Basic degree ________ Year _________ Qualifications: MRCOG / MRACOG* Year _______ MHKCOG Year __________ FHKAM Year _______ FHKCOG Year __________ FRCOG / FRACOG* III. Year _________ MFM training ____________________________________ Year _________ Others __________________________________________ Year _________ Type of practice: HA / University / Private* *(delete as appropriate) endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 1 IV. Past Experience of Attachment / Training in Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Yes / No If yes, please specify (including dates, location and nature). V. Categories of pregnancies with maternal/fetal/perinatal disorders/complications managed by you, and other related work e.g. Medico-legal consultation, during one representative year in the past 5 years. Period from _____________ to _______________ Number 1. Poor obstetric history (recurrent miscarriage/pregnancy loss, significant perinatal and intrapartum complications) and demographic high-risk group requiring serial monitoring and/or prophylactic treatment. 2. Significant family history of hereditary conditions. 3. Conception by assisted reproduction technology and related complications. 4. Multiple pregnancy and related complications. 5. Significant fetal congenital anomalies requiring serial assessment and/or therapeutic intervention. 6. De novo fetal complications (hydrops fetalis, cardiac arrhythmia etc) requiring monitoring and/or intervention. 7. Fetal growth restriction of early onset (<32 weeks) or extreme growth restriction (<3rd percentile). 8. Persistently abnormal fetal lie at term. 9. Significant uterine abnormalities including fibroids causing malpresentation, previous uterine surgery and repair, cervical and vaginal problems). 10. Preterm labour presenting before 32 weeks from all causes (including PROM). endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 2 11. Antepartum haemorrhage requiring serial monitoring, and/or intervention before 32 weeks. 12. Hypertensive disorders requiring medical treatment (all categories). 13. Diabetes complicating pregnancy (pre-gestational and gestational). 14. Other endocrine disorders requiring treatment during pregnancy. 15. Respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological conditions requiring medical treatment during pregnancy. 16. Hepatobiliary and pancreatic conditions (including active hepatitis but not asymptomatic HBsAg carrier, fatty liver, gall stones, and pancreatitis). 17. Autoimmune conditions, antiphospholid syndrome, thromboembolic and haematological (excluding anaemia due to iron deficiency and thalassaemia traits) complications. 18. Cardiac conditions requiring treatment. 19. Chronic renal diseases requiring serial assessment and/or treatment. 20. Significant psychological/psychiatric complications requiring consultation/treatment. 21. Maternal malignancies. 22. Maternal trauma requiring hospitalization and/or surgery. 23. Postpartum complications requiring resuscitation under intensive care and/or surgical treatment. 24. Others (please elaborate) endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 3 VI. Number of the following maternal/fetal procedures performed under one principal diagnosis in one representative year over the past 5 years Preterm delivery < 33 weeks Preterm caesarean section < 33 weeks Caesarean section for major placenta praevia and accreta Caesarean section for transverse/oblique lie External cephalic version/internal podalic version Repeat caesarean section after two or more previous sections Classical caesarean section Repair of uterine laceration or rupture Caesarean hysterectomy Cervical cerclage Repair of third and fourth degree vaginal tear Repair of cervical tear Evacuation of vulvovaginal haematoma Ultrasound scanning at level 3, Biophysical profile and/or Doppler Studies Diagnostic amniocentesis Chorionic villus sampling Other invasive fetal diagnostic procedures such as embryoscopy, fetal blood sampling, fetal biopsy etc. Fetal therapy procedures endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 4 MFM-II Application for Position of First Fellow in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, HKCOG List of patients seen: Period from ID No.* / / to / / Diagnosis/Condition *Include character and first 5 digits of ID. No. only. Name & signature: Name and Signature of applicant Certification Unit Head/Hospital administrator Date: endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 5 MFM-III Application for Position of First Fellow in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, HKCOG Summary of Clinical Experience in Management Skills Period from ID No.* / / to / / Diagnosis/Procedure/Management *Include character and first 5 digits of ID. No. only. “Management” includes diagnostic and treatment procedures of all modalities, counseling, and supervision of other doctors in special procedures. Name & signature: Name and Signature of applicant endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 Certification Unit Head/Hospital administrator 6 Date: endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 7 MFM-IV Application for Position of First Fellow in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, HKCOG Maternal-Fetal Medicine related CME activities in the past 5 years (please use additional sheets if necessary) Activities CME points Attending conferences/lectures/talks Delivering lectures/talks Publications Quality assurance Others Note: Applicants may be invited to submit the following documents to substantiate the application. 1. 2. 3. 4. Individual case records of patients managed by you. CME attendance certificate. Publications. Announcement of lectures/CME activities with you as the speaker. Name of applicant Signature Date Use additional sheets if necessary. endorsed by Council on 11th November 2004 8