NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / Exercises Proposed for teaching in (January –May, 2016 Semester) 1. Name of the Teacher Anuran Bhattarcharya 2. Department Civil Engineering 3. Course Title Engineering Geology 4. Course code CE 405 5. Course Hands out (in reference to framed & approved syllabus) (maximum 500 words) Unit Course contents Contact Class Hours Estimate I II General Geology: Branches and scope of Geology 2 Earth: its position in the solar systems 1 Surface features and internal structure, 1 Work of natural agencies like lakes, oceans, atmosphere, wind, streams, sea, glacier Earth movements. Types of weathering, mountains and mountain building. Mineralogy: Definition of crystal and a mineral 1 Study of the physical properties and occurrence of quartz, Feldspar, Mica, Kyanite, Calcite, Talc, Corundum, Gypsum, Fluorite, Biotite, Muscovite, Graphite, Realgar, Magnetite, Limonite, Pyrite, Galena, Barite, Dolomite, Garnet, Tourmaline, Chal‐copy‐rite, Opal, Topaz, Autite, Hornblende, Epidate, Kaolinite, Diamond. Petrology: Formation and classification of rocks into three types, Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, Description of physical properties for constructional purposes of Granite, Pegmatite, Dolerite, Gabbro, Basalt, Sandstone, Conglomerate, Breccias, Limestone, Shale, Schist, Marble, Quartzite, Khondalite, Slate, Gneiss, Andesite, Stratigraphy of India. 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 13 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / III IV Principles of correlation, fossils, their preservation and significance Structural geology: Strike and Dip, Out crops, Volcanoes, overlaps, Inliers and Outliers, Types classification of Folds, Faults, Joints, Unconformities Engineering Geology: Ground water,. 3 Zones of ground water, 2 Water table and perched water table, 2 Water bearing properties of rocks, 2 Occurrence of ground water, springs, selection of a site for well sinking and ground water investigations. 2 Earthquakes and landslides: Classification, causes and effects of earthquakes and landslides, 2 Seismic curve, seismographs, seismograms, accelograms, seismic problems of India, 2 Seismic zones of India, remedial measures to prevent damage for engineering structures, case histories. 2 Geological investigation: Interpretation of geological maps, use of aerial maps in geological surveying 2 Geophysical methods as applied to civil engineering for subsurface analysis (Electrical and Seismic methods). 2 Geology of dams and reservoirs: Types of dams, requirements of dam site, preliminary and detailed geological investigations for a dam site, 2 Important international and Indian examples of failures of dams and their causes, 2 Factors affecting the seepage and leakage of the reservoirs and the remedial measures, silting of reservoirs. 2 16 2 1 2 14 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / Rock mechanics and tunneling: Purposes of tunneling and geological problems connected with tunneling, geological considerations in road alignment, 2 roads in complicated regions, problems after road construction, geology of bridge sites 2 6. Books/Literature to be followed: (a) Books (Min. 2 texts + 3 references) (i) Title Engineering and General Geology Author Prabin Singh Publisher S.K. Kataria and Sons (ii) Title Author Publisher A text Book of Geology P.K. Mukherjee The world Press Private Limited (iii) Title Author Publisher Physical and Engineering Geology S.K. Garg Khanna Publishers (b) Magazines/Journals (Minimum 5) (i) Earthwise magazines (ii) Geological magazines (iv) The Geological society of America (v) Geologynet (vi) Geology and Geoscience Journals (vii) Journal of the Geological Society 7. Mode of Teaching: J.C Bose/S. N. Bose (please tick) - J.C Bose 8. If the course is of practices, list the experiments to be offered. (i) Study of Crystal Models (ii) Study of Mineral Hands Specimens (iii) Study of Rock Hand Specimens, (Igneous, Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks) (iv) Study of Optical Properties of rocks and minerals. (v) Study of Geological maps 10 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, YUPIA, Pin-791112 (Established by MHRD, Govt. of India) Website :, Fax No: (0360) 2284972 E-Mail: / (vi) Field trip and field report. Are the manuals ready for the experiments to be conducted? Yes/No (please tick) Remarks/ Endorsement by the HoD With his /her signature with date Name of the Teacher: Designation: Signature with Date: