Unit 12 Someone Help! I’m Extinct! PART I: Opening (Section One: Introduction of the extinction of animals and the solution to the problem) It’s not easy for animals to share a planet with humans. In fact, scientists say that 1 ______________ kinds of animals will die out this year because of us. Luckily, scientists have found a solution to this problem; that is, they can use the animals’ 2______________ to bring them back to life. PART II Body (Section Two: how the cloning technology has been used) This technology is called cloning. This technology could save animals that may soon become extinct, such as 3__________________ and 4__________________. It may also be used with animals that have recently disappeared from the earth, such as 5___________________. Scientists hope that someday this technology may even be used to clone animals that have been dead for a very long time, such as the mammoth, which has become extinct for 6______________ years. The reason why scientists think this is possible is that in Year 7______________, a perfectly preserved mammoth was discovered. Q: Why does the discovery of a perfectly preserved mammoth make scientists believe it is possible to bring the mammoth to life? (Read the hint before you answer.) 8 A: __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (section Three: Challenges in cloning) Mark each of the following statements about the skills of cloning with T(TRUE), F(FALSE) or N (Not Mentioned). ______ 9. A clone must have a substitute mother. ______ 10. The young animal has to grow inside an animal of its own species. ______ 11. The mother’s species must be similar to the species of the cloned animal. ______ 12. A cow can be used as an ox’s substitute mother. ______ 13. Scientists have tried to use a monkey as the substitute mother of an ox, but failed. Q: Scientists are having problem finding a substitute mother for the panda. Why? A: 14____________________________________________________ (Section Four: cloning is not a solution to the problem of extinction) Many people think cloning can not solve the problem of extinction. They have brought up two arguments. First, the cloned animals could not survive in today’s world because they may have no 15______________ and 16______________. Second, cloning requires too much 17______________, 18______________ and 19 ______________. PART III: Ending (Section Five: conclusion-- The real cure for extinction) Q: If cloning is not the real cure for extinction, what is? Hint: For the same reason, cloning dinosaurs is considered nearly impossible because they have been extinct for too long. Therefore, it is very unlikely for kids in the future to see, for example, T. rex, from the movie Jurassic Park. A: 20 ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________