Constitution of the Korean Martial Arts Society of

Constitution of the Korean Martial Arts Society of
Miami University
Adopted April 2009
It is recognized that there are many differences in teaching styles from one martial
arts instructor to another and that focus, technique, and philosophy vary tremendously
from school to school. In acknowledgement of such diversity, this club, known as the
Korean Martial Arts Society (“KMAS” or informally as the Red Dragons), has been
established and is constituted for the purpose of disseminating the traditional style of the
Korean martial art form of Tae Kwon Do to the student body and general staff of Miami
University and all others who wish to participate.
Article 1: Purpose of Organization:
a. This organization was founded in 1983 to promote an understanding of the
Martial Arts among Miami University students, faculty, staff, and general
b. To teach Tae Kwon Do as a discipline intended to produce a new
sensibility in the individual, as it fosters self-confidence, leadership, and
c. To develop awareness of the potential growth of the body, spirit, and mind
within the formal training structure of Martial Arts,
d. To a provide regular physical training for the sake of an active and healthy
e. To teach practical self-defense techniques,
f. To participate in both intramural and extramural competition;
Article 2: Membership and Eligibility Requirements:
a. The Korean Martial Arts Society is open to all students (both graduate and
undergraduate), faculty, and staff. KMAS does not discriminate against
potential members on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin,
disability, age, sexual orientation, or veterans' status, or any other
classification under any circumstances;
b. Membership, the following criteria are required to be met and maintained
during the course of an academic year to be a member of the KMAS, or to
be eligible for a position in the Executive Board:
Payment of dues in 2 weeks as stipulated by the constitution, unless
an alternative payment method is arranged by a member with the
Treasurer and approved by the Executive Council,
ii. Any alternative payment plan that is arranged will not be discussed
amongst the membership without the expressed written consent of
the member in question,
iii. Provide current contact information to the Secretary which includes;
email, and contact phone number,
All club members are required to sign and date a liability release
form and emergency form (annually) before taking part in any club
Fill out the member information form and the club liability release
form required by the KMAS,
Share all financial obligations equally with all other club members,
Any member who fails to comply with the membership guidelines
and conduct will be subject to disciplinary action that will be decided
on by a majority of the Executive;
c. Dues:
Dues shall be paid by every member of the club at the beginning of
each semester, or a member may pay for two full semesters at the
beginning of each academic year,
ii. The only members who shall not be required to pay dues are alumni
instructors who volunteer their time to travel and teach for the club:
i. This corresponds to all ranks above brown belt,
ii. If any situation arises which does not directly correlate with
the with this rule then the requirement to be dues may be
waived with full approval of the Executive Council;
iii. The cost of dues shall be set at the beginning of each academic year
by a majority decision of the Executive Council on advice from the
The cost of dues may not be changed at any other time except the
beginning of the academic year without the unanimous consent of
the Executive Board;
d. Hazing is strictly prohibited as outlined by University Policy in the Code of
Student Conduct-Appendix C and state law;
Article 3: Practices and Code of Conduct
a. The terms practice and meeting in this document shall refer to an official
practice session of the club in which a rank of Green Belt or higher is present
and the term Executive Meeting shall refer to a meeting of the Executive
Board outside of an official practice;
b. Attend official practices at least once a week, unless prevented by a conflict
that has been recognized by one of the club officers,
c. Demonstrate respect for club leadership, black belts, and work-out leaders at
all time,
d. Refrain from using techniques learned during practices for personal gain or as
a form of aggression,
e. Instruction:
a. Based on the hierarchy of proven experience, the two highest
ranking members of at least one year’s membership in the club
shall be given the respect and responsibility of leading class on a
specific day and be called Instructor,
b.Belt ranks of members shall follow those established by the school
of Sah Bah Nim (Master Fiedeldey),
c. In the event of a new member of advanced rank, all due respect
will be shown to such a member, but he/she will remain under the
guidance of the class’ instructor regardless of rank, as they become
familiar with the specific polices and philosophies of the Korean
Martial Arts Society,
d.Class time instruction should closely follow the guidelines
published in the Instruction manual in order to maintain high
standards and general attitudes of the club,
e. Practices are held four times a week for a two-hour period—and
kid’s classes twice a week for a one-hour period—except in cases
of university holidays, severe weather, or other extenuating
f. To conduct a practice, there must be CPR/First Aid certified staff
available. In the case of university-approved practices when
facility staff are not available (ex. summer practices), there must be
at least two CPR/First Aid certified members in attendance at
every practice,
g.Every upper belt (green or above) is to instruct the kid’s class at
least twice a month,
Article 4: The Executive Board:
a. The President, whose duties will include:
i. Coordinating with the other members of the Executive Board at the
beginning of each semester to plan activities for that semester,
ii. Having final authority in how practices and work-outs are
conducted except in the presence of a Black Belt instructor,
iii. Carrying out all executive duties that are required for the KMAS to
run effectively and efficiently,
iv. Acting as the main liaison between the KMAS and the University,
other Martial Arts Schools, the Black Belt instructors, and all other
institutions and individuals outside of the club,
v. Organizing at least two Executive Meetings per month of the
Executive Board to discuss club business,
vi. Attending all required functions for the President of a student
organization and Miami University and designated by the black
belt instructors,
vii. Maintaining communication with the upper-belts to ensure that at
least one will be present at all club practices,
viii. Being continually responsible for accountability and transparency
of the entirety of the Executive Board, voting procedures, and
ix. Nominating chairs of special projects to be approved by a majority
of the Executive Board;
b. The Vice-President, whose duties shall include:
i. Assisting the President with all aforementioned duties,
ii. Maintaining University relations including:
1. The registration of KMAS with Rec. Sports and the Student
Affairs Office,
2. Making all reservations for the usage of University
iii. Procuring hotel reservations for club events and activities and
ensuring adequate transportation to and from these events and
iv. Being continually responsible for accountability and transparency
of the entirety of the Executive Board,
v. Executing the duties of the President in the absence of the
President or in the case of the President’s resignation, removal
from office, or otherwise permanent departure;
c. The Treasurer, whose duties shall include:
i. Requesting and filing the appropriate fiscal and financial forms,
including any and all pertaining to University funding,
ii. Collecting member dues and equipment payments and maintaining
them in KMAS account ledger,
iii. Managing all assets in the KMAS account ledger,
iv. Updating the KMAS account ledger within one week of an event
or transaction,
v. Copying and recording all receipts and transactions and submitting
a monthly report to the Executive Board,
vi. Appropriating and paying the correct amounts for appropriations to
tournaments and other KMAS sponsored activity,
vii. Synthesizing, in concert with the President, an expenditure report
of projected club activities and events,
viii. Being continually responsible for all fiscal responsibilities and
maximizing revenue generation for KMAS;
d. The Secretary, whose duties shall include:
i. Cataloguing all current members, based on membership
requirements, of KMAS,
ii. Organizing and maintaining a written and electronic database of all
members of KMAS —complete with; names, contact information,
major, and academic-class-status, and weekly meeting attendance,
iii. Maintaining records of all forms required to be filled out by the
membership of KMAS at the behest of the University and Black
Belt Instructors,
iv. Guaranteeing that all members fill out all required forms necessary
to meet membership requirements,
v. Providing an attendance sheet at all club practices and ensuring
that it remains accurate and up to date,
vi. Maintaining the blackboard page and general website of KMAS;
e. Public Relations Director, whose duties shall include:
i. Being continually responsible for the recruitment and addition to
the membership for the Korean Martial Arts Society,
ii. Advertising the club and club functions in order to maximize
visibility and awareness of KMAS on campus,
iii. Organizing all recruitment activities at the beginning of each
semester on concert with the other members of the Executive
iv. Seeking out and creating fundraising opportunities for KMAS;
Article 5: General Executive Board Procedures
a. All officers may enlist other members of the club to assist them in their
duties with the approval of that member and a majority of the Executive
b. All members of the Executive Board are required to assist their elected
successors with understanding the duties of their positions and how to
fulfill them from the conclusion of elections to the end of the incumbent’s
term in office;
c. All members of the Korean Martial Arts Society are eligible to hold a
position on the Executive Board provided that they have met all
membership requirements for KMAS for at least one year;
d. At the final meeting of the academic year, in May, the incumbent officers
shall formally hand over power to their elected successors or renew their
terms of office if they have been reelected;
Article 6: Elections and Voting Procedures:
a. If a vote is required by the membership of KMAS, the President shall notify
all members of the club of the date of that vote at least two weeks prior to its
b. All voting done by KMAS outside of Executive Board decisions requires
quorum of a half-plus-one majority of the total number of official members,
and a majority of the Executive Board,
c. Elections will be held on a date three weeks prior to finals week of the Spring
Semester for all positions on the Executive Board and take place via secret
d. Members may announce their candidacy up until the end of practice on the
date designated for elections,
e. Members of the club may nominate others for a particular position at which
point the President shall verify whether or not the nominee wishes to stand for
f. No member may be forcibly nominated for any position on the Executive
Board and may refuse a nomination without fear of any negative
g. If a nomination cannot be verified by election day the nominee may not be
considered for election,
h. It shall be the President’s duty to ensure that the majority of the Executive
Board is present on election day to count the ballots and certify the results,
i. A candidate must obtain a half-plus one majority of the submitted votes in
order to win outright, and failure to do so will require an immediate run-off
election between the top two vote getters,
j. Election Day procedures shall be as follows:
i. At then end of the practice on the date designated for elections, the
President shall hand out a ballot listing all positions on the
Executive Board where members may write their candidate
selections them,
ii. All candidates for an Executive Board position shall deliver a brief
and constructive statement to the present members about their
plans for the club and why they are qualified for the position in
iii. The order for issuing statements shall be as follows, President,
Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Public Relations
iv. At the conclusion of a statement the candidates may field questions
for a maximum two minute period,
v. Following the conclusion of all statements and questions, members
shall select their choices for each positions and turn their ballot
into the Vice-President,
vi. When all ballots have been submitted, the President shall collect
and silently count them away from the rest of the membership with
the rest of the Executive Board,
vii. Upon completion of counting the ballots, the President shall
announce the winners of each positions without announcing the
margins, but a losing candidate may request a verbal reading of the
votes if they desire,
viii. If a run-off election is required then the President shall instruct all
members of the club to write their choice between the two
candidates on the back of a ballot to be counted and announced in
the same manner that was previously mentioned,
Article 7: Removal of an Executive Board Member:
a. If a member of the club believes that an officer is in violation of KMAS’s
Policies or is derelict in their duties they may submit a complaint to the
President who shall bring it to the attention of the Officer in question and the
club as a whole,
b. If the President is the subject of a complaint then the Vice-President shall be
responsible for the receiving and notifying the President and the club as a
c. The member who issued the complaint shall not be revealed under any
circumstances unless they wish to reveal themselves and must be the one to
formally do so,
d. Within one week of the complaint having been received, the official members
of the club shall vote on whether or not to remove the officer from their
position via secret ballot,
e. On the date when removal is to be voted upon, the President, or VicePresident if the President is the subject of the complaint, shall read the
complaint aloud and the accused shall be allowed to defend themselves
against the charges,
f. Voting Procedures for removing an officer shall be as follows:
i. The President shall distribute and collect ballots asking whether or
not to remove the officer in question from their position,
ii. The Executive Board shall count and announce the ballots in the
same manner as directed in Article XIII;
g. If the officer is removed from office then they are immediately relieved of all
the duties and responsibilities of that position;
Article 7: Filling an Executive Board Vacancy:
a. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board the other
members of the board shall fulfill those duties until a replacement
has been appointed,
b. Within two weeks of a vacancy being created the Executive Board
shall appoint a replacement to fill that vacancy until the next
c. An appointment may be made by a two thirds majority of the
remaining members of the Executive Board;
Article 8: Financial Management: Typical Income Percentages
a. Fundraising: 10%
b. Miami Funding: 40%
c. Club Dues: 50%
d. Donations: 0%
e. Sponsors: 0%
Article 9: Advisors
a. Considerations for Selecting Club Advisor
i. A faculty member of Miami University,
ii. A person who has attained an advanced rank in the
Traditional Korean Martial Arts Society,
iii. The Executive Board must approve candidate by a
unanimous vote;
b. Responsibilities and Evaluation of Advisor
iv. Advisor should be able to attend at least one club practice a
v. Advisor must have the leadership experience required to
lead practice if necessary (either proven in practice or by
vi. Advisor must be available to aid in filling out university
forms and club-specific paperwork,
vii. If a member of the Executive Board finds the Advisor is
failing to fulfill his duties, that member may bring the
matter to the Executive Board for consideration;
c. Advisor Removal Process
viii. In the event of an Executive Board member finding the
advisor unable to fulfill their duties, the Executive Board
may bring the continued status of the advisor to a vote,
ix. A simple majority will be required to remove an advisor;
Article 10: Safety and Risk Management
a. High Risk
x. Hazard 1: The nature of training in Judo
1. Countermeasures: Instructors will teach proper
throwing techniques and proper falling techniques
in order to prevent the chance of injury, and at least
two CPR/First Aid certified members must be in
attendance at all times if trained facility staff are not
available. All judo will be practiced on mats or
pads in order to reduce the impact and the chance of
xi. Hazard 2: The nature of tae kwon do sparring
1. Countermeasures: In no-contact sparring, pads and
other equipment are highly recommended, and in
actual sparring matches, all are required.
Instructors will also teach proper sparring technique
and control in order to prevent injury,
b. Medium Risk
xii. Hazard 1: Injury due to improper wood/concrete-breaking
1. Countermeasures: Instructors will teach proper
breaking techniques, and no actual breaking will be
allowed without a proper amount of practice on
pads or bags (as determined by an instructing
member or advisor). An upper rank must then
approve the attempted break technique,
xiii. Hazard 2: Injury due to travel
1. Countermeasures: Only members who have
attended a travel safety meeting are eligible to drive
or lead a trip, (pending)
c. Low Risk
xiv. Hazard 1: Risk of disease and wear and tear of feet
because we train barefoot
1. Countermeasures: Floors will be regularly swept
and cleared of debris, and first aid will be used in
the case of injury. In the case of bodily fluids
coming into contact with equipment or the floor, the
area of contact will immediately be disinfected,
xv. Hazard 2: Working on punching bags/training mitts
1. Countermeasures: Instructors will teach proper
punching and kicking technique. When the
technique allows for the risk of bruising or bloody
knuckles, pads or punching gloves will be used to
prevent this;
Article 11: Amending the Constitution:
a. Any member of the club may submit an amendment to the
b. One week after its submission, the President shall read the
amendment to the club who will vote on whether or not to adopt it
after a period of debate,
c. An amendment must have the support of two-thirds of the present
Executive Board to be adopted into the constitution;
Article 12: This document shall require the approval of a three-fourths majority of
the Executive Board in order to be placed into effect;
Article 13: This document shall remain the sole governing document of the Korean
Martial Arts Society until such time that it is amended or replaced.