general purposes minutes 2nd june 2014

The Town Hall, School Road, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4QR
Tel: 01747 823588 Email:
Minutes of a meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on
Monday 2nd June 2014 in the Jubilee Room, Town Hall, School Road,
Gillingham commencing at 7.30pm.
These minutes do not constitute a true record until ratified by Full Council.
Non voting
Cllr D Milsted (Chairman),
Cllr D Walsh (Deputy Chairman)
Cllr R Arnold, Cllr Mrs A Beckley
Cllr R Evill, Cllr D Griffin Cllr S Joyce
and Cllr B Von Clemens.
Cllr Mrs J Robson
Members of the
There was one member of the public present.
In Attendance:
Mrs C Ratcliffe, Assistant Town Clerk
Cllr Mrs S Hunt, Cllr Mrs V Pothecary and
Cllr Mrs B Ridout.
Prior to the start of the meeting the Chairman informed those present that he would be absent from the
next meeting. Cllr Walsh would be chairing the next General Purposes Committee on 7th July 2014.
293. To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 6th May 2014.
Proposed by Cllr Walsh seconded by Cllr Mrs Beckley and agreed by all voting members that the
minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th May 2014 were approved as a correct record of that
meeting. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
294. Questions. There were no questions.
295. Declarations of Interest - Members are required to comply with the requirements of
Section 27 of the Localism Act 2011 discloseable pecuniary interests
There were no discloseable pecuniary interests.
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
296. To agree retention of the following working parties, membership and Lead Member:
Cllr Arnold proposed that “all the working parties listed on the agenda for the meeting were still
required”. Cllr Evill seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Allotments and Burial Provision
The following volunteered to be part of the Allotment and Burial Provision Working Party:
Cllr Evill (Lead Member)
Cllr Frith
Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllr Milsted
Cllr Mrs Pothecary
Cllr Mrs Ridout
Works Manager
Cllr Joyce proposed “that the members listed above were appointed to the Allotments and Burial
Provision Working Party of the General Purposes Committee”. Cllr Arnold seconded and the
vote was unanimous.
Cllr Evill confirmed he still wished to remain the Lead Member for the Working Party.
Cllr Walsh proposed that “Cllr Evill should remain as the Lead Member for the Allotments and
Burial Provision Working Party”. Cllr Arnold seconded and the vote was unaminious.
Traffic Management
The following volunteered to be members of the Traffic Management Working Party:
Cllr Mrs Ridout (Lead Member)
Cllr von Clemens
Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllr Milsted
Cllr Mrs Pothecary
Cllr Walsh
Cllr Arnold proposed that “the members listed above were appointed to the Traffic Management
Working Party of the General Purposes Committee”. Cllr Walsh seconded and the vote was
Cllr Walsh confirmed that Cllr Mrs Ridout still wished to remain the Lead Member of the working
Cllr Walsh proposed that “Cllr Mrs Ridout should remain as the Lead Member for the Traffic
Management Working Party”. Cllr Evill seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Land Management Working Party
The following volunteered to be members of the Land Management/Acceptance Working Party:
Cllr Joyce (Lead Member)
Cllr Mrs Hunt
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
296. To agree retention of the following working parties (continued):
Cllr Mrs Ridout
Cllr Mrs Robson
Cllr Von Clemens
Office Manager
Works Manager
Cllr Arnold proposed “that the members listed above were appointed to the Land
Management/Acceptance Working Party of the General Purposes Committee”. Cllr Joyce
seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Cllr Mrs Robson informed members that she wished to step down as Lead Member of the Working
Cllr Joyce confirmed that he would be willing be serve as Lead Member of the Working Party.
Cllr Von Clemens proposed that “Cllr Joyce was elected as Lead Member of the Land
Management/Acceptance Working Party”. Cllr Evill seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Waste Strategy / Gillingham in Bloom
The following volunteered to be members of the Waste Strategy Working Party:
Cllr Mrs Booton
Cllr Mrs Beckley
Cllr Mrs Hunt
Cllr Milsted
Cllr Mrs Pothecary
Cllr Mrs Ridout
Cllr Walsh proposed “that the members listed above were appointed to the Waste Strategy
Working Party of the General Purposes Committee”. Cllr Evill seconded and the vote was
Cllr Mrs Booton was not at the meeting and it was uncertain whether she still wished to remain as
Lead Member of the Working Party.
Cllr Walsh proposed that “the Working Party elected its own Lead Member at their next
meeting”. Cllr Arnold seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Play Area Management
The following volunteered to be members of the Play Area Working Party:
Cllr Mrs Hunt (Lead Member)
Cllr Mrs Beckley
Office Manager
Works Manager
Youth Centre Representatives
Table Tennis Representatives
Cllr Arnold proposed “that the members listed above were appointed to the Play Area Working
Party of the General Purposes Committee”. Cllr Mrs Beckley seconded and the vote was
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
296. To agree retention of the following working parties (continued):
Cllr Mrs Beckley confirmed that Cllr Mrs Hunt still wished to remain as Lead Member of the Working
Cllr Arnold proposed that “Cllr Mrs Hunt should remain as Lead Member of the Play Area
Working Party”. Cllr Walsh seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Festive Lighting
The following volunteered to be members of the Festive Lighting Working Party:
Cllr Mrs Robson (Lead Member)
Cllr Arnold
Cllr Mrs Ridout
The Mayor – Cllr Milsted
Cllr Von Clemens
Office Manager
Works Manager
Cllr Arnold proposed “that the members listed above were appointed to the Festive Lighting
Working Party of the General Purposes Committee”. Cllr Von Clemens seconded and the vote
was unanimous.
Cllr Mrs Robson confirmed that she still wished to remain Lead Member of the Working Party.
Cllr Arnold proposed that “Cllr Mrs Robson should remain as Lead Member of the Festive
Lighting Working Party”. Cllr Joyce seconded and the vote was unanimous.
297. To receive working party reports.
Allotments and Burial Provision
Cllr Evill reported that the plot of land the Town Council was considering purchasing for use as a
burial ground would not have received the support from DCC Highways and therefore it was not
possible to pursue this particular land acquisition.
Cllr Milsted informed the meeting that a local landowner had offered the Town Council some land but
its suitability has yet to be determined.
Traffic Management
Cllr Mrs Ridout, Lead Member of the Working Party, was unable to attend the meeting and there was
no report.
Land Management Working Party
The Working Party had not convened during May. The Assistant Town Clerk reported that there had
been several complaints about the long grass on the public open spaces. The complaints had been
investigated by the Countryside Rangers. The grass cutting schedule will be back on track by early
There was no update available regarding the public open space at Cherryfields/Swallowfields.
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
297. To receive working party reports (continued):
Waste Strategy / Gillingham in Bloom
Cllr Mrs Booton had circulated the following report prior to the meeting:
There has been no meeting this month. However, we are currently pushing our summer 2014
competitions; the categories being:
Best garden as viewed from road
Best wildlife garden
Best hanging basket/s
Best shared garden
Best Pub/Restaurant – floral display
Best Business premises – floral display
Gillingham Gardening Society committee members will be judging the entries.
Plantworld has informed me that they have a Shield which they used to give out as a prize when the
postmen used to nominate gardens in their rounds. They are going to search the office for it so it can
be used again.
We hope to advertise the competitions and glean some new members at the Party at the Rec. Posters
will also be put up at Orchard Park, Plantworld and Thorngrove.
Unfortunately all of the plants in one of the cattle troughs on Le Neubourg way have died. This is
because there doesn’t seem to be any drainage and the whole thing is full of stagnant water. Simon
has been notified and will be drilling some drainage holes close to the bottom. Hopefully this will cure
the problem and it will be replanted.
Cllr Milsted read out a letter received from Mrs Marian Suttle thanking the Gillingham in Bloom
volunteers who have worked so hard planting bedding plants around the town and making Gillingham
look so lovely.
Play Area Management
The Assistant Town Clerk reported that the Play Area Working Party had met on the 8th and 23rd May.
A successful consultation was carried out at the ‘Party at the Rec’ event held on Sunday 1st June. The
Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk, Mrs Trish Walker of Gillingham Youth Centre and Mr Lodge - a
working party volunteer attended the event. Local table tennis club members provided a table tennis
facility and free coaching sessions that proved popular with the young, old and disabled. A total of
seventy-five questionnaires about the refurbishment of Hardings Lane Recreation Ground where
completed by local residents of all ages.
Festive Lighting
This working party does not meet again until July.
298. To receive a report on the progress with the BMX track at Ham Farm and to make
recommendations thereon
The Assistant Town Clerk reported that the £30k out-of-court settlement owed by Persimmon Homes
in lieu of a play area on the Ham Farm Estate has now been paid after more than two years since the
settlement was agreed. It is very much hoped that North Dorset District Council will pay the legal
fees associated with this matter. The money will be spent constructing a small BMX track and
improving the existing play area.
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
298. To receive a report on the progress with the BMX (continued):
The Environment Agency has finally granted Flood Consent for the small BMX track. Unfortunately
it is too late to take advantage of the heavy machinery which was on site and may have been available
for a nominal sum during the construction of the bridge. A specification for the work will now have to
be drawn up and tenders sought from two local ground work companies. There is still a requirement
to dispose of the 30m3 of spoil from the site and this will be taken from an existing ‘depression’
nearby to help improve the biodiversity of the wetland area. The location of the ‘depression’ has been
approved by the Environment Agency.
299. To receive a report about s106 monies that could be used to provide a footpath and steps
up the embankment from Chantry Fields car park to Le Neubourg Way and to make
recommendations thereon.
The Assistant Town Clerk had received the following email from Mr Hugh de Iongh:
Following on from your letter to Liz Goodall about the recycling area at Chantry Fields, and the wishes
of the Town Council to create a footpath up to Neubourg Way from the recycling area, I have had a
look at this and discussed with others, and have the following suggestion to make.
The best funding for your proposed footpath from Chantry Fields car park to Neubourg Way would
appear to be from the allocation of £44k which is for ‘River Stour additional footpath/cycleway links to
form part of the long distance Stour Valley Way’, as I understand the Chantry Field car park is close to
the River Stour. I understand the Town Council may have some proposals for this allocation in hand,
but I don’t know how much they would cost, and whether the funding can do both.
I know the District is keen to use the recycling funding you identified to sort out the recycling sites and
surface as the recycling facilities get changed (fewer but bigger recycling skips, I gather)
ENF13 Peacemarsh (£10k) is for linking Neil’s Yard to the Milton on Stour cycleway
Hugh de Iongh
Community Planning Officer
North Dorset District Council
The Assistant Town Clerk made the following comments:
The footpath linking Milton on Stour cycleway to Neal’s Yard path is being investigated and the
footpath from Milton on Stour village to Neal’s Yard path is also being investigated by the Town
Clerk/Assistant Town Clerk.
The cost to link the existing tarred footpath on the Peacemarsh open space to the open space to the
rear of Cresscombe (Matthew Homes) is being researched by the Works Manager.
The cost of an ‘off the peg’ steel stair case for Chantry Fields (the link from the car park to Le
Neubourg Way) is being investigated by the Works Manager.
Once all the costs have been obtained it will then be possible to decide how and if these projects
can be funded from the s106 monies available.
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
300. To receive the Works Manager’s Monthly Report.
The following report was tabled at the meeting:
Daily litter picks and equipment checks have been carried out in all play areas and the monthly
recorded inspections have taken place.
The Town Orderly has carried out his daily tasks and is carrying out weeding to zone A as his
time allows.
Our summer member of staff is working well and carrying out all gardening tasks.
Grass cutting and strimming of all areas including service level agreements is on-going.
The grass at the Recreation Ground has been cut, a small running track marked out and some
minor repairs carried out to the sports pavilion for the ‘Party at the Rec’ event.
The bark surface that remained at the recreation ground following the removal of the multi play
unit has now been cleared; this area will now be grass seeded.
The Works Manager has marked allotments and burial plots as requested and also attended site
meetings with tree surgeons and the Countryside Rangers.
A small fallen tree and some overhanging branches have been cut and removed from the river at
Bay Road bridge; this was carried out by GTC staff following a meeting with the Countryside
In house service and repairs have been carried out to some horticultural equipment, and the
monthly vehicle inspections have been carried out.
Two test holes have been excavated at a possible burial ground site as requested.
Staff Training: Mr George Cadman has completed a First Aid course, Mr Mostyn Coombes and
Mr Martin Down have completed a pesticide spraying course, Mr Anthony Fripp is currently
attending college as part of his Horticultural Diploma.
Removal of failed trees due to winter storms at: Rolls Bridge £545.00, Peacemarsh £675.00, Lodden
Fields £320.00 at a total cost of £1540.00 ex VAT to be taken from Tree Maintenance Budget no.
Cllr Griffin proposed that “the removal of failed trees as specified above should be carried out at a
cost of £1,540 to be taken from the Tree Maintenance Budget no. 3.19 and recommended to the
Policy and Resources Committee to be held on Monday 16th June 2014”. Cllr Arnold seconded
and the vote was unanimous.
301. To receive an update from Gillingham Direct.
The following matters have been dealt with by Gillingham Direct during May:
Report that boundary fence at Rolls Bridge Way needs repairing. GTC
investigating ownership.
Concerns received regarding the loss of amenity land at King John Road.
Investigations revealed that the property owner is extending his boundary in
accordance with the deeds and therefore no further action is necessary.
Request for picnic bench to be moved out of Garden of Remembrance.
Faulty Street Light Lammas Close
Report of damaged fence between Recreation Ground and RiversMeet Car Park.
Reference No.
ML -
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
The fence is the responsibility of RiversMeet. ML to arrange repairs.
Complaint received regarding volunteers working on the Town Bridge Meadow
Site being inappropriately dressed. Please note that all volunteers are required to
wear appropriate work-wear in accordance with health and safety legislation.
Faulty Street Light Laburnum Way
Brambles overhanging pavement at rear of Waitrose. This area has not been
adopted by the Highways Authority and is owned by Sherborne School. Sherborne
School has been advised. GTC / Waitrose have cut back brambles.
Request for assisted collection with new wheeled bins
Complaint received regarding damage to a heather plant in the cemetery.
Report of over-grown verge at the junction of Marlott Way / Peacemarsh
Roundabout. These verges have now been cut.
Report of graffiti in the High Street Bus Shelter.
Complaint regarding front door of Town Hall. The locksmith will shortly be making
alterations to the lock.
Request for rubbish bin to be removed at Marlott Road following reports from
residents of neighbouring properties regarding a smell. This rubbish bin has now
been removed by GTC
Report of residents using no parking cones at Oake Woods – This matter is being
dealt with by DCC Highways
Request for application to become a British Citizen.
Referred to the Border Agency.
Report that black finger post signs have been moved and are pointing in the wrong
direction. GTC staff have moved signs to correct positions
Report of uneven surface on old war memorial site. GTC staff to investigate and
make recommendations
Report of property boundary in Wavering Lane being extended onto the public
verge. Reported to DCC Highways and NDDC Planning Enforcement
Report of broken rubbish bin at Newbury on path to railway station.
Request for a ‘No Ball Games Sign’ to be erected at The Garden of
Remembrance. Request passed to P&R Committee for consideration.
Report of overhanging hedge at Hyde Road. Reported to Spectrum Housing
Residents living adjacent to Rolls Bridge have requested that the current grass
cutting schedule is revised and areas of longer grass are cut more frequently. A
site visit is due to be held between GTC, NDDC and The Countryside Rangers to
discuss the current schedule following the transfer of land to GTC.
Report that grass verge adjacent to ASDA needs to be cut. This area has now
been cut.
Report that grass verge adjacent to Wyke Court needs to be cut. This area has
now been cut.
Request for cricket pitch at Recreation Ground to be cut on a regular basis. SD is
liaising with Cricket Club regarding cutting schedule.
Complaint about condition of allotments at Cemetery Road. The allotments will be
inspected by GTC during the first week in June.
Request to be added to electoral roll.
Enquiry regarding voluntary car link scheme.
Request for rubbish bin to be removed at Newbury.
Enquiry regarding tree felling at Casterbridge Way.
Complaint regarding long grass on verge adjacent to the petrol station. A land
registry search has concluded that the verge is the responsibility of DCC
Highways. A request has been sent to DCC for this area to be added to the grass
cutting schedule.
Report of rubbish in River Lodden including fencing and corrugated plastic.
Request for traffic markings to be repainted at junction of New Road and
Shaftesbury Road
Report of overflowing bin outside the church at Milton-on-Stour
Request for verges along Marlott Road to be cut. These verges have now been
SSE - 3561
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GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE – Monday 2nd June 2014 (continued):
Report of garage doors opening out onto main road at East Stour. This has been
reported to NDDC Planning Enforcement.
Request for border agency documentation to be signed. Referred to Gillingham
Police Station.
Request for trailers at Cemetery Road Allotments to be marked.
Complaint received regarding the removal of the rubbish bin at Marlott Road. See
note above.
Complaint that Gillingham Police Station is closed. Member of the public wished to
report a scam in which a family member has lost money. Advised to report the
incident by calling 101.
Report that Ash Tree is overhanging path at junction of Rolls Bridge Way and
Willow Way.
Report that Mini Moto motorcycle has been thrown into the river at Bay Bridge.
This was reported to the Environment Agency but as there was no contamination
risk they were unable to provide any assistance. The matter was then reported to
Dorset Waste Partnership. DWP policy states that staff are unable to retrieve
rubbish from rivers. Following a risk assessment GTC staff retrieved the
motorcycle which is now at Gillingham Police Station.
Report of blocked drain at School Lane
Report of blocked drain on pavement at entrance to Lidl
Report of damage to bollard and pavement outside Royal Lodge at Newbury.
Report of pot holes along Bay Road. Request for road to be resurfaced.
Report of pot holes along Common Mead Lane. Request for road to be resurfaced.
Report of Willow Trees overhanging pavement along Maple Way. Following an
inspection by GTC staff it has been noted that the tree is also touching overhead
wires. GTC will need to arrange for a tree surgeon to look at the tree and the utility
companies will need to be informed.
Report of stray dog found in Wyke. Reported to Dog Warden, Police, Vets and
local media.
Request for Rubbish Bin at Oake Woods
Gillingham Direct continues to be busy.
Staff have dealt with a number of enquiries regarding the forthcoming changes to the recycling and
rubbish collections. Kitchen caddies and recycling boxes have been distributed on request.
There is a high demand for room bookings at The Town Hall and three weddings have been held
during May.
Cllr Mrs Robson commented on the number of lights that are still on all day.
Cllr Joyce queried the permission required for temporary notices.
Cllr Mrs Robson queried whether Shreen Vets had the correct permission for their new signage at
Wyke traffic lights.
Cllr Joyce commented on the improvements to the Town Hall car park following the recent
refurbishment works and thanked all those involved.
302. Matters Pertinent.
There were no matters pertinent.
The meeting closed at 8.09pm.
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