LLB (HONS) IRISH LAW COURSE WORK SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Notes for Guidance to LLB Students on the Submission of Assessed Course Work Method of Assessment The subject lecturer will inform students of the topic of the coursework, the date and procedure for submission, the format of the coursework and the percentage of the final mark allocated to it. Closing Date for Submission 1. Students normally have at least three weeks to prepare the assessed coursework. In exceptional circumstances, an extension of the time limit may be granted by the Head of the Law Department. Any request for an extension should be made by the student concerned to the Head in advance of the closing date for submission. 2. The following penalty system applies to assessed coursework which is submitted after the required date where no extension has been granted under para. 2: 1 day late 5% 2 days late 10% 3 days late 20% 3. After three days the coursework will not be accepted for correction. As a matter of general practice, no mark will be credited for work submitted after the three day maximum limit or after any extended date where an extension has been granted under para 2. However the Board of Examiners will take into account by way of mitigation, any extenuating circumstances such as illness or accident which may have been notified in writing, together with appropriate medical evidence, prior to the meeting of the Board. Assignments must always be handed in on the due date. If however there is genuine and documented evidence as to problems encountered during the preparation period then this may be taken into account when marking any assignment result. A Mitigation form, obtainable from the DBS Reception, MUST be completed by students in this position. 4. If a candidate fails to submit coursework and has no valid excuse (supported by independent evidence e.g. a signed original medical certificate) which the Examination Board deems valid, that candidate will automatically fail that subject irrespective of the mark achieved in the examination. Such a candidate will be required to re-sit the examination and resubmit an alternative assignment in July or the following May, depending on the number of subjects failed. 5. Candidates must type all coursework and it must be submitted on the due date. Candidates will not be allowed to submit a manuscript version on the due date and then later to substitute a typed/printed out version. Form 1. The lecturer will normally prescribe the maximum number of words including footnotes, for any assessed essay. Marks may be deducted if the word limit is breached. 2. Essays must be typed. A lecturer is entitled to refuse to correct a manuscript essay. Marks will be deducted if an essay is not typed. 3. Candidates must write on one side of the paper only, and leave a margin on the left hand side of each sheet. 4. Candidates must ensure that their name is on the essay and that loose leaves are secured by staple, treasury tag or similar means before submission to the lecturer. 5. The essay must contain a bibliography of all books, reports and articles referred to in, or used in the preparation of the essay. Please follow the OSCOLA rules in relation to citation and referencing. 6. Full references must be given, either in footnotes or in the body of the text, to all cases cited in the essay. 7. All quotations from, or paraphrases of, the work of any author other than the candidate must be clearly identified and attributed, whether in the footnotes or the body of the text. 8. Any student who attempts to pass of the work of others as his/her own in an essay may be regarded as having committed an unfair examination practice. Heavy penalties may be incurred for such a practice. They range from a reduction of marks for the assessed work in question to the cancellation of the candidate’s marks in the examination as a whole and disqualification of the candidate from any future University examination. Every candidate must therefore avoid anything that might be regarded as plagiarism. This handbook provides guidance on the avoidance of plagiarism. Method of Submission 1. Fullātime day students must submit their completed assignments to DBS Reception, no later than 5pm (day students) on the specified submission date. Any assignment not submitted on or before this time will automatically be considered to have been submitted one day late and 5% will be deducted from the assignment total. There will be no exceptions unless accompanied by a medical certificate. 2. Evening students must submit their completed assignments no later than 6.30pm to DBS Reception. Any assignment not submitted on or before this time will automatically be considered to have been submitted one day late and 5% will be deducted from the assignment total. There will be no exceptions unless accompanied by a medical certificate. Marking of Essays Lecturers may reveal marks achieved on coursework on the strict understanding that these are subject to final confirmation by the external examiners. As with the examination, external examiners look at a cross section of essays which will include a representative sample of borderlines, fails and firsts.