1315 Outline - Houston Community College

Houston Community College
Speech 1315 – Public Speaking
Bro.* Sgt.* Rev.* Dr. Robert M. Gilmore, Sr., NCC, LPC-S, LCDC
robert.gilmore@hccs.edu Cell - (281) 546-8168 robertgilmore@prodigy.net
Text: A Speaker’s Guidebook: O’Hair, Stewart, Rubenstein
Course Description: Introduction to Public Speaking. Instruction and training in
principles of speech theory, composition and delivery in diverse speaking situations.
Public speaking provides the student with practical tools and skills necessary to
communicate ideas; analyze effective communication situations; implement theories and
models; improve listening abilities; enhance their competence in oral communication and
appreciate the level of personal/professional satisfaction it brings towards achievement.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
Understand theories and models of speech communication;
Appraise and analyze speakers and audiences;
Appreciate historical, contemporary and current ability of communicators;
Examine and demonstrate ethical standards in oral communication;
Apply appropriate organizational skills for development of speech outlines;
Select topics, research, and develop of informative/persuasive speeches;
Demonstrate selected styles and types of speeches;
Write and understand the requirements of good speech structures/outlines;
Demonstrate effective use of vocal skills and nonverbal delivery;
Understand and utilize effective methods of listening skills and theory;
Understand the theory and method for small group participation;
Appreciate new methods and models of communication in society today.
Core Objectives: Core objective definitions:
Critical thinking: creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation
and synthesis of information
Communication: effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas
through written, oral, and visual communication
Empirical and quantitative skills: manipulation and analysis of numerical data or
observable facts resulting in informed conclusions
Teamwork: ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with
others to support a shared purpose or goal
Social responsibility: intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility,
and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national and global communities
Personal responsibility: ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to
ethical decision-making
Grading Assessment is Qualitative and Quantitative:
Chapter Examinations, Mid-Term & Final
Written Assignments, Group Exercises
Speech Presentations, Outlines
Attendance, Class Participation
Houston Community College
Speech 1315 – Public Speaking
Attendance and Participation:
Attendance is required and imperative for both you as a speaker and you listener. Please
refer to College catalog for college attendance policy (3 min absent). Class participation
and attendance is essential for your successful completion of this class, speech
communication is a performance class and production is vital to your success.
It is critical that your signature is recorded for each class.
There will be library /computer assignments for individual and group projects.
All speech outlines must be typed, using the identified textbook format.
Classroom preparation, chapter reading assignments and research is vital to your success.
Individual and Group assignments are required for class participation.
Absences with no e-mailed excuse will be counted towards Final grade.
If late work and extra credit turned in, grades will reflect assigned work.
8. Presentations in a speech class must reflect honest attempt to apply oneself, practice is
essential for your future academic and professional success.
9. Extra credit and attention will be given to students that apply themselves by speech
demonstration and class performance.
10. Students may e-mail instructor or call in case of emergencies.
11. Cell phones and electronic devices need to be silent in class.
12. Students with verifiable disabilities need to contact the Office of Special Populations.
13. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated, provide cited sources for validity.
14. Students communicate with the instructor (privately) if problems arise.
15. Grades will be given for all individual/group assignments, examinations, etc……
Title IX
HCC is committed to provide a learning and working environment that is free from
discrimination on the basis of sex which includes all forms of sexual misconduct. Title IX
of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that when a complaint is filed, a prompt
and thorough investigation is initiated. Complaints may be filed with the HCC Title IX
Coordinator, available at 713-718-8271 or email at oie@hccs.edu.
Academic Weekly Calendar:
Weeks 1& 2: Introduction to the course. Requirements for student academic success,
individual introductions, group assignments. Assigned Chapter reading for first scantron
examination. Introduction to library and computer learning center resources.
Weeks 3 & 4: All homework assignments due (Individual and Groups), Review of
Chapter reading and Formal evaluations of All Speech Communication students @
presentations, Review of 1st Group Assignment Presentations,
Week 5: Chapter examination, Group Presentations on Contemporary and Historical
Speakers. Reading of Chapters Major focus on final elements of theory and models for
communication. Individual communication projects assigned.
Houston Community College
Speech 1315 – Public Speaking
Week 6 & 7: Presentation of individual projects, major discussion of group assignments
and methods for effective speech presentations. Research and resource assignments for
groups. Second major formal evaluation of all Speech communication students begins.
Week 8: Mid-Term examination (All assigned reading chapters). Group assignment of
informative speech preparation. Chapters are next series for reading and test.
Week 9 & 10: Informative speeches and presentation evaluations begin. All individual
and group assignments need to have final approval before presentations
Week 11 & 12: Third Examination on reading Chapters and final reading of Chapters
begins to complete book requirements. Persuasion speeches identified, any special
projects that were assigned or suggested by individuals and groups presented.
Week 13: Persuasion presentations, final analysis of individual student presentation
styles prior to final graded presentations. Each group will have final analysis prior to final
individual and group presentations.
Week 14: Review of all major chapter reading, review of examinations taken to this point
and individual grade analysis for each speech communication student.
Final speech outlines, individual and group presentations scheduled for final presentation
Week 15 & 16 Final individual and group presentations and final exams..
Study Terms
1. Communication Process, Channel, Linear, Sender, Receiver, Oral, Aural,
Feedback, Encode, Decode,
2. Noise (Physical, Psychological, Physiological)
3. Non-verbal, Gestures, Movement, Eye Contact, Vocal Skills
4. Content, Context, Ethnocentric, Multicultural, Message,
5. Frame of reference ,Culture, Attitude, Belief, Value
6. Plagiarism, Ethics, First Amendment, Bill of Rights
7. Hearing, Listening, Appreciative, Empathic, Comprehensive, Critical
8. Audience Analysis, Demographic Analysis, Psychological Analysis
9. Small Group, Panel Discussion, Symposium ,Oral report
10. Team, Brainstorming, Reflective Thinking Method ( 5 Step Model) John Dewey.
11. Informative Speech, Thesis, Main Points, Sub-Points, Outlining
12. Patterns, Topical, Chronological, Spatial, Causal, Problem-Solution, Narrative
13. Persuasive Speech, Monroe 5 Step Motivated Sequence
14. Internet, Intranet, Public, Mass Media, PowerPoint
Attitude Determines Success or Failure
(Memorize for Extra credit Presentation)
We are all products of our own thoughts. If our attitude toward the world is
good, we will obtain good results; if bad, bad results. And with an excellent attitude,
we achieve our best results. The way the world treats us is often nothing more than
a reflection of our own attitudes.
Houston Community College
Speech 1315 – Public Speaking
It is not always the most intelligent person who enjoys the greatest degree of
success. Quite the contrary! Only one kind of success involves the person with
extraordinary ability who can do what others can’t. The second kind of success is
where a person has ordinary talent and ability, but goes ahead and does what others
could do, but don’t.
There is no substitute for the right attitude. Our destiny is controlled by our
attitude toward people, environment, our job, and the world in general. Maintain a
positive mental attitude and you can’t help but succeed. For as it says in the Bible:
“As you sow, so shall ye reap.”
Credit and Extra Credit Homework Assignments
1. Communication Evaluation follows this format in order to provide a evaluation of
yourself. You have to identify three sources for this assignment and ask a specific
question as it relates to your communication skill evaluation. (Handwritten).
a) Friend _ “Since the person is your friend, you must ask them, what type of
communication skills do they think you need to improve upon?”
b) Intimate (Not Physical) Communication_ (Can be a Family Member) _ “This
person knows you and is willing to tell you something about yourself, even if it hurts.
You ask them, what communication skills do you have that needs to be improved and
what should you do about it for your future success”.
c) Unknown Person (Identify where you plan to be 5 to 10 years from now?)
The person that has that position right now, you are asking as a student, what type of
communication skills will you need to obtain or be in a position that they currently have
or you so desire”.
2. Vocal Evaluation, Select or find at least 3 selections of one of the following and be
prepared to read them on the assigned day. a) Poems, b) Prose, c) Short Story, d)
Children Story, e) Spiritual/Religious literature, f) Magazine Articles, g) Dramatic
Interpretation, i) etc.
3. Go to www.HopeAfter.org and you will be able to download the book titled, A True
Story……” free and after reading the entire book, select one Chapter for a written review
and analysis.
4. Public presentations or analysis, which involves your attending and analysis of
information presented at a public event in the City of Houston/Harris County. Must be
approved by the Instructor for extra credit (Instructor sometimes locates events or they
can be found in the Houston Chronicle, local papers or the community at-large).
5. Events where you give a presentation or participate by communication, this can be
on the job, in the community, professional events, volunteer efforts, causes or related
opportunities. Must be approved prior to date and documentation must follow.
EGLS3 (Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System)
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary
to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time near the end of the term, you will be
asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and department chairs
for continual improvement of instruction. Go to www.hccs.edu/egls3 for more information.