Social Studies Lesson Plans

Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 3
Significant Historical Event Strategy
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Unit
Understanding) Individual people have
made changes to improve our community
over time.
Time Allotted: Day 1/2
Unit Question:
Can an individual person
really change a
I can show how people, events, and ideas have
changed communities over time. 3.1A
I can identify important people who have helped
shape communities. 3.1B
I can use words that describe the past, present and
future. 3.3A
I can make and understand timelines. 3.3B
Anticipatory Set: (Universal Generalization) (Hook) – Individual people often
affect how communities change and develop.
Ask students to turn and talk about what they know about Ruby Bridges.
Important People
 Changes
 Improvements
Instructional Input: (Line) Modeled/Guided Practice
Day 1: Tell students that you are going to read a story about an event in history. Ask
students, “What is an event? What makes it historical?”
Introduce Ready, Set, Recall Strategy. Explain how they will use this strategy to recall
important events about Ruby Bridges. Read The Story of Ruby Bridges to students.
Remind them to listen for the important events as you read. After reading model and
guide students to recall the important events independently following procedure for the
Ready, Set, Recall strategy.
historical, event,
segregation, boycott,
civil rights
Day 2: Continue to follow the procedure for Ready, Set, Recall strategy. Have students
form groups to combine and expand their list of events from day 1. Have groups round
robin, each group contributing one event at a time to create a class generated list on
chart paper.
Tell them you will teach them how to use a kind of map to help them remember the
event, and show them how to use this tool to learn about any important event in history.
Introduce and explain the parts of the historical event chart. Guide students through the
following steps to complete the chart.
Ready, Set, Recall
strategy, historical
event chart, Book: The
Story of Ruby Bridges
chart paper for list of
ideas/ connections,
pencils, markers
1) Write the name of the event and the setting. 2) Write the name of actor(s). 3) Write
the goal of Ruby Bridges 4) Discuss and list the important events, 5) Discuss and write
the outcomes of the event. (Be sure to discuss any benefits or consequences as a result
of the events)
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
None today
Teacher will scaffold and support students as they recall events independently and in
What kind of strategy did you learn today? How can this strategy help you to
learn about events of the past?
3rd Grade Unit 3
How will you check
for understanding?
Monitor students as
they participate in the
activity to support their
understanding and clear
up any misconceptions
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 3
Significant Historical Event Strategy
Date: _______________
Time Allotted: Day 3
Desired Results: (Unit
Understanding) Individual people have
made changes to improve our community
over time.
Unit Question:
I can show how people, events, and ideas have
Can an individual person
changed communities over time. 3.1A
really change a
I can identify important people who have helped
shape communities. 3.1B
I can use words that describe the past, present and
future. 3.3A
Students will complete the I can make and understand timelines. 3.3B
Significant Historical Event
Strategy over the course
of several days.
Anticipatory Set: (Universal Generalization) (Hook) – Individual people often
Important People
affect how communities change and develop.
 Changes
Review historical event map of Ruby Bridges. Ask students to share how this map helped
 Improvements
them remember the event.
Break students into heterogeneous groups. Pass out word cards to each group. In
groups, students discuss all the possible relationships between the words on each card.
historical, event,
Then, they create a label or heading for each group of words on post it notes. Tell
segregation, boycott,
students it is okay to not have a label for some lists.
civil rights
Instructional Input: (Line) Modeled/Guided Practice 1) As a whole group share
possible connections, headings and labels for the words on the lists. 2) Tell students that
you are going to read a story about another event in history. 3) Ask students to turn
group word lists, Ruby
and talk to discuss what an event is and what makes it historical.
Bridges historical event
chart , Book: Rosa, by
4) Read Rosa by Nikki Giovanni. As you read, ask students to think about… the
Nikki Giovanni, chart
connections between the words on the cards and the historical event, and the events of
the story they think are important. Tell them that after reading they will use the historical paper for list of ideas/
connections, pencils,
event mapping strategy to remember the event.
marker, map pencils
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
Explain to students that each one of them will receive 4-5 sticky notes. On the sticky
notes have students write the five most important events from the story.
Note: Students are creating a rough draft of the events. Students will add an illustration
in the next lesson. Remind them to leave space on their sticky notes for these
Teacher will scaffold and support students as they work in groups to determine
relationships between the words on the cards.
Say to students: “Okay, let’s go back to the word cards you worked on with your
group. Look at your ideas on the chart. Now what are you thinking? How might
these words be connected to the story you learned?”
3rd Grade Unit 3
How will you check
for understanding?
Monitor students as
they participate in the
activity to support their
understanding and clear
up any misconceptions
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 3
Significant Historical Event Strategy
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Unit
Understanding) Individual people
have made changes to improve our
community over time.
Time Allotted: Day 4
Unit Question:
Can an individual person really
change a community?
Students will complete the Significant
Historical Event Strategy over the
course of several days.
Anticipatory Set: (Universal Generalization) (Hook) – Individual
people often affect how communities change and develop.
Review lesson from previous day along with the sticky notes for each
student. As a whole group or in partners, have students discuss me of the
events they wrote on their sticky notes.
Instructional Input: (Line) Modeled/Guided Practice
Give students time to complete the 4-5 events from the book on sticky notes
if they did not finish. Tell students they will read each event on their sticky
notes and put them in chronological order. Explain chronological order.
Guide students as they complete this task.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
Students will illustrate each of the events on their sticky notes. Do not let
students look at the illustrations in the book because they will attempt to
copy them.
Note: Students are creating a rough draft of the events and adding an
Teacher will scaffold and support students as needed.
What did you learn today?
3rd Grade Unit 3
I can show how people, events, and ideas
have changed communities over time. 3.1A
I can identify important people who have
helped shape communities. 3.1B
I can use words that describe the past, present
and future. 3.3A
I can make and understand timelines. 3.3B
Important People
 Changes
 Improvements
historical, event, segregation,
boycott, civil rights
group word lists, Ruby Bridges
historical event chart, Book: Rosa,
by Nikki Giovanni, chart paper for list
of ideas/ connections, pencils,
marker, map pencils
How will you check for
Monitor students as they participate
in the activity to support their
understanding and clear up any
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 3
Significant Historical Event Strategy
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Unit
Understanding) Individual people
have made changes to improve our
community over time.
Time Allotted: Day 5/6
Unit Question:
Can an individual person really
change a community?
Students will complete the Significant
Historical Event Strategy over the
course of several days.
Anticipatory Set: (Universal Generalization) (Hook) – Individual
people often affect how communities change and develop.
Review lesson from previous day along with the sticky notes for each
student As a whole group or in partners, have students discuss some of the
events and illustrations on their sticky notes.
Instructional Input: (Line) Modeled/Guided Practice
Give students time to complete the 4-5 drawings from the book on sticky
notes if they did not finish. Review the historical event on Ruby Bridges.
Pass out student copies of chart. Guide students through the steps thy will
follow as they complete a chart on Rosa Parks.
1) Write the name of the event and the setting. 2) Write the name of
actor(s). 3) Write the goal of Rosa Parks and MLK 4) Discuss and list the
important events, 5) Discuss and write the outcomes of the event. (Be sure
to discuss any benefits or consequences as a result of the events) *Students
may either write in the boxes or draw a picture and write a caption.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
Students will begin to transfer information from the sticky notes to the even
Note: More than class period will most likely be needed to complete the
event chart.
Teacher will scaffold and support students as they complete their event
chart on Rosa Parks.
Closure: How can this strategy help you to learn about events of the
past? (Students can respond in writing.) Students share their charts.
3rd Grade Unit 3
I can show how people, events, and ideas
have changed communities over time. 3.1A
I can identify important people who have
helped shape communities. 3.1B
I can use words that describe the past, present
and future. 3.3A
I can make and understand timelines. 3.3B
Important People
 Changes
 Improvements
historical, event, segregation,
boycott, civil rights
group word lists, Ruby Bridges
historical event chart , student
handouts of historical event chart,
Book: Rosa, by Nikki Giovanni, chart
paper for list of ideas/ connections,
pencils, marker, map pencils
How will you check for
Monitor students as they participate
in the activity to support their
understanding and clear up any
Alief ISD
Public transportation
3rd Grade Unit 3
Alief ISD
3rd Grade Unit 3
Alief ISD
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Rosa Parks
E.D. Nixon
Jo Ann Robinson
3rd Grade Unit 3
Alief ISD
3rd Grade Unit 3
Alief ISD
Houston, Texas
New Orleans, Louisiana
Atlanta, Georgia
Montgomery, Alabama
3rd Grade Unit 3
Alief ISD
Civil rights movement
3rd Grade Unit 3
Alief ISD
Historical Event Strategy
Purpose or Goal:
3rd Grade Unit 3