UNOFFICIAL 1 NASPSPA Executive Committee Meeting November 4, 2012 Halifax, Nova Scotia Marriott Harbourfront Spa and Resort Atlantic Suite The following EC members were present at the fall meeting of the NASPSPA executive committee: president John Shea, past president Diane Ste-Marie, president-elect Alan Smith, secretary-treasurer Shannon Ringenbach, communications director Jeff Fairbrother, past- presidents’ liaison Maureen Weiss, and student representative Jenn Tomasone. Penny McCullagh, NASPSPA conference site coordinator, was also present for parts of the meeting. 1. The meeting was called to order by John Shea at 8:33 a.m. 2. The minutes from the postconference meeting were approved. Maureen Weiss (PL) moved to approve the edited minutes, and Jeff Fairbrother seconded the motion. The edited minutes were approved by a voice vote of the current 2012 officers. 3. Alan Smith made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Shannon Ringenbach. The agenda was approved by a voice vote. a. Diane Ste-Marie will cross-reference the preconference minutes. 4. Penny McCullagh provided a postconference report. a. Penny McCullagh will advertise locally and abroad for NASPSPA 2013. b. John Shea will contact a preconference speaker potentially related to music. c. Diane Ste-Marie will contact Jan Hondzinski and advertise locally. d. Penny will pursue Portland, and San Diego will be a second choice for NASPSPA 2015. e. Penny will look into Montreal, Savannah, and Charleston as conference sites for 2016. 5. Diane Ste-Marie put forward a motion to remove the drop box for NASPSPA business. Maureen Weiss seconded. The motion was approved by a voice vote of the executive committee. Jeff Fairbrother copied all files from the drop box to his laptop. a. Maureen Weiss will find the minutes prior to 2000 and forward to Shannon Ringenbach to put on the NASPSPA computer and Jeff Fairbrother to be posted on the website. b. Shannon Ringenbach will provide the missing minutes from 2000 to the present to Jeff Fairbrother to be posted on the website. c. Jeff Fairbrother will provide the appropriate files from the dropbox to the appropriate committee members. 6. John Shea gave a report concerning the awards and the related committees. a. John Shea will work with Jeff Fairbrother to send an e-mail for nominations for the various awards and vacant executive committee positions. b. Jeff Fairbrother will propose a change to add a callout box for the nominations in the newsletter UNOFFICIAL 2 7. Ongoing projects were discussed. a. John Shea will form a committee for website improvements to be presented to the executive committee by April 1, 2013. b. John Shea will contact Jody Jennsen to determine the best way to continue investigating sponsorship and advertising. c. John Shea will form a futures committee that will research the name change and report to the executive committee Feb. 1, 2013. 8. Jenn Tomasone gave the student report concerning student events at NASPSPA 2012 and plans for NASPSPA 2013. The physical activity during the student social was well received at NASPSPA 2012 and will be continued. Information from the students was discussed and Jenn will work on making the student faculty lunch more social using tall tables and facilitating introductions. a. Diane Ste-Marie will meet with Jenn to discuss a preconference workshop on knowledge translation. b. Jenn will research a physical activity for the student social in New Orleans. 9. Jeff Fairbrother’s communication report discussed the limitations of the current website (e.g., down a lot, updating information is difficult, no access to newsletters, membership list is just e-mails, it’s laborious). 10. Shannon Ringenbach proposed a budget change for awards to be increased from $10,000 to $12,000 to cover the transportation of the NASPSPA-SCAPPS Outstanding Paper Exchange. a. Shannon will scan and save to the NASPSPA computer items from a physical file box to the NASPSPA computer. b. Shannon will check the warranty on the computer. 11. Diane Ste Marie reported on the progress of the program committees for NASPSPA 2013. 12. The committee decided not to pursue Psychextra because of concerns over copyright issues. The executive committee voted to approve the JMLD as an official journal of NASPSPA. a. Diane Ste-Marie and Alan Smith will work together to maintain continuity with HK. They will continue the discussions concerning the relationship between HK and NASPSPA. 13. The details of the NASPSPA-SCAPPS Outstanding Paper Exchange were discussed with respect to the travel and stipend. a. Diane Ste-Marie will contact the president of SCAPPS to follow up on consistency with respect to the travel and stipend. 14. The postconference survey results were discussed. a. Diane will work with Penny so that the poster session is not crowded. b. Diane will consider a 50/50 verbal and symposium format. 15. Maureen Weiss discussed fellow status for NASPSPA. a. Maureen and John will form a committee to determine the viability and potential criteria and report to the executive committee by February 1. 16. Motion to approve all changes to the policy manual that are formatting and items of fact. Moved by Diane Ste-Marie, seconded by Jeff Fairbrother. 17. Alan Smith edited the policy manual. UNOFFICIAL 3 a. Alan Smith will delete the sponsorship information from the policy manual. It was suggested that the sponsorship information will be included in the secretary-treasurer’s report at the fall EC meeting. b. Shannon Ringenbach will edit the Graduate Student Research Grant with respect to the reimbursement process. c. Jeff Fairbrother will edit sections in newsletters in the policy manual. d. John Shea will hire a certified accountant to verify the books after John Buchanan’s term. e. Jeff Fairbrother will match dates in the policy manual. 18. Further discussion of the HK relationship was tabled. a. EC members will e-mail thoughts on HK to committee members. Diane Ste-Marie and Alan Smith will continue discussions with HK. Maureen Weiss moved to adjourn the meeting and Jenn Tomasone seconded. President Shea adjourned the meeting at 6:26 p.m. As reported by Shannon D.R. Ringenbach, secretary-treasurer