NASPSPA Executive Committee Meeting June 8, 2011 Burlington, VT Burlington Conference Room Attendees: Jody Jensen, Craig Hall, Diane St-Marie, Howie Zelaznik, Lori Dithurbide, John J. Buchanan, Penny McCullagh, Jenny Etnier Call to order: 12:08 p.m. June 8, 2011 The fall minutes were approved with a unanimous voice vote. The agenda for the Burlington EC meeting was approved with a unanimous voice vote with no additions. Conference Planning and Reports 1. Sponsorship: It was noted that past sponsors are not as willing to send equipment and individuals to the conference site. The committee discussed several ideas to keep sponsorships while not expecting onsite presentations by the sponsor. Several ideas were discussed: (1) develop DVD presentations that run continuously, (2) develop more specific events for sponsors (such as the Delsys breakfast), and (3) tap into more local sponsors located in the conference site area (e.g., athletic shops, fitness shops). Based on sponsorship this year, it was suggested that Penny will restructure pricing for new types of displays at the conference site and advertisement through the NASPSPA web page. 2. Abstracts: The issue of abstract publication was discussed. Can we get the supplement published without ordering the supplement for distribution at the conference? This would save funds that could be used for other purposes (e.g., student grants, young investigator grants). The committee suggested that we need to talk with HK and JSEP and determine if we can still have the supplement published without ordering copies to distribute at the conference. The development of an app for the conference programs was also discussed. No decision was made but a demonstration of a search app may be in order to help determine if the society wants to move forward with this type of technology. 3. Membership. The EC discussed the need to keep membership constant and possibly increase membership in order to ensure the viability of the association. NASPSPA membership has been steady around 400 to 450 per year. Does NASPSPA want to grow and increase membership? This may require some change in the focus of the organization to bring in other types of researchers. A name change could also be associated with a change in focus and an increase in membership. President Jensen stated that she will announce at the business meeting that she is forming a futures committee that will be charged with presenting the membership new names for the society that will be voted on at the Hawaii conference. The change in name and focus and increase in membership may also require conferences on other continents and other countries besides the United States and Canada. 4. Conference 2013. Dr. Penny McCullagh reported that the 2013 conference site is a Hilton hotel in New Orleans. The committee decided to have Penny investigate Nashville, Charlotte, Charleston, and Savannah as possible conference sites for 2014 and to investigate Portland, Vancouver, and Seattle as possible sites for the 2015 conference site. 5. Hawaii conference 2012. The deadline for abstract submission was set as October 14 for Hawaii. This will be announced by Dr. Jensen at the business meeting. There will be a change in the session’s start and stop times to encourage members to take advantage of the evenings in Hawaii. 6. Financial report. The following financial information was reported by John Buchanan to the EC: Membership fees as of May 15, 2011: $16,500.00, 201 (prof.) 193 (std.) Registration fees as of May 15, 2011: $63,480.00, 126 (prof.) 130 (std.) Sponsorship fees as of June 1, 2011: $5,600.00 Student roundtable fees as of May 25, 2011: $320.00, 33 students Current NASPSPA assets Checking account: Savings account: CD: Total: $48,387.15 $20,936.03 $3,129.73 $72,452.88 7. Conference program. Past president Craig Hall noted that the sport and exercise science speaker would not be able to attend. A search for a substitute was in progress. Dr. Hall also stated that there were two pullouts with regard to the program: one talk and one poster. The EC again stated that the area program chairs need to encourage variety in symposia and to make sure that the speakers are not currently or recently from the same laboratory. The EC stated that the area program chairs should remember that just because a group of authors is requesting a symposium, the request need not be granted if the abstracts are not all rated as the highest quality. 8. Communications director report. Dr. Etnier reported that there is a need for the communications director to have access to editing more aspects of the NASPSA website. Aspects of the site that need improvement were noted: job postings, new link feed, and sponsorship visibility. Electronic elections were held for the first time with 50% of the members voting. Sending out information for Hawaii to other organizations needs to start in earnest after Vermont. It opens September 1 and deadline is October 14 for Hawaii submission. 9. President’s final comments. Dr. Jensen noted that there were no nominations for the young scholar award this year. The EC noted that the membership needs to be encouraged to submit nominations for all awards. This is very important in terms of the perception of NASPSPA by nonmembers. The EC decided that the past president liaison, Dr. Zelaznik, will send out a message regarding the early scholar award. 10. Distinguished scholar. (Howie) Form a committee and have one every year. The committee selects the nomination. Set up drop box nomination process. Need a good way to set up nomination process (Diane updated policy manual). Distinguished scholar committee charged with reviewing nominations from outside the committee and charged with nominating and selecting. President leads the committee. Abstract submission updates: symbol insertion. Abstract grading: accept, reject, revise and resubmit. Graduate student research grant: Each grant can be a maximum of $2,000.00. One or more grants can be awarded per year. Must acknowledge award in any publications directly linked to work proposed in grant. Adjourned: 4:56 pm, June 8, 2011 NASPSPA Executive Committee Meeting June 9, 2011 Burlington, VT Burlington Conference Room Attendees: Jody Jensen, Craig Hall, Diane St-Marie, Howie Zelaznik, Lori Dithurbide, John J. Buchanan, Penny McCullagh, Jenny Etnier Call to order 9:30 a.m. June 9, 2011 11. The EC made changes to the distinguished scholar committee, stating that nominations can come from members and from the committee. Past president liaison will be responsible for sending reminder e-mails to members regarding this award. The EC decided that nominations for early award scholars who do not receive the award should remain active in the pool. Past president liaison will be responsible for monitoring this pool and contacting the nominators of the nominees who did not win. The EC decided that if finances are available, the graduate student grants can be a maximum of $2000.00. If finances allow, multiple grants in each area can be given if there are several submissions of equal quality. As an organization, NASPSPA should attempt to create a catalog of published papers wherein the research was supported by a graduate research award. The catalog will be a listing of the titles with URLs of the publishing journals’ home pages. In the fall, the EC needs to develop a plan to increase sponsorship of the conference, especially local sponsorship around the conference site. President’s award: Individual is selected by president and cleared by EC. 12. Mike Wade was nominated by Dr. Jensen to receive the president’s award for 2011. The EC approved, and the award will be presented in Hawaii. What would a fellow for NASPSPA look like? Take this to the membership and determine criteria for status. Need fellowship language to be outlined by the EC at the fall meeting and then voted on by the membership. Adjourn June 9, 2011, 10:45 a.m.