11.0 2014 pre conference meeting

NASPSPA Fall Preconference Executive Committee Meeting
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Hilton Minneapolis, Minnesota
The following Executive Committee (EC) members were present: past president John
Shea, president-elect Gabriele Wulf, president Alan Smith, secretary-treasurer Shannon
Ringenbach, communication director Catherine Sabiston, past presidents’ Liaison
Maureen Weiss, and student representative Alyson Crozier. NASPSPA conference site
coordinator Penny McCullagh was in attendance to present her report. Incoming
secretary-treasurer Thomas Raedeke attended the meeting after lunch.
* Action items are underlined
1. The meeting was called to order by Smith at 8:04 a.m.
2. The Fall Executive Committee minutes were edited and approved.
3. The agenda for the meeting was approved.
4. Conference report
a. McCullagh discussed the 50th anniversary and doing something special
(e.g., location, program, pin).
b. Future sites
i. Portland, Oregon, June 4-7, 2015
ii. Montreal, Quebec, June 16-19, 2016
iii. Sites for the 50th anniversary were discussed including Monterey,
Napa, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Lake Tahoe.
iv. McCullagh will visit these sites and report at the fall EC meeting.
c. McCullagh will continue to work with sponsors and the policy manual
will be edited to reflect this.
5. Past president’s report
a. Shea reported on his consistent and positive communication with HK.
b. Shea created a conference program book for 56 cents per copy.
c. Shea created a document reflecting the NASPSPA abstract submission
process timeline.
d. The pros and cons for deadlines for symposia and abstracts were discussed
with input from Shea, Weiss, Ringenbach, Sabiston and Wulf. Smith will
consider all of the information to help him plan the 2015 program.
e. Shea discussed his goal of including more verbal presentations in the
i. Sabiston recommended 5-minute poster presentations.
ii. Smith will proactively recruit symposia and consider timelines
when developing the 2015 program.
6. Student Representative’s Report
a. Crozier requested an increase of $500 in the student representative’s
budget to adequately cover two events (e.g., social, student–faculty lunch).
i. The motion by Weiss to approve the $500 increase passed.
Additional fees may be requested by the student representative and
approved by the EC.
ii. Wulf will make the changes in the policy manual.
iii. Ringenbach recommended increasing student conference
registration fee to have student events included in their fee.
iv. Sabiston recommended the use of Survey Monkey to poll students
on their needs, likes, and dislikes pertaining to the conference
7. Communication Director’s Report
a. Sabiston reminded the EC that the postings for student assistantship/post doc positions under the Resource Center link are nested under the
employment heading, which creates some confusion for students.
i. Sabiston will work with HK to edit the website Resource Center
link to reflect three separate headings:
1. Faculty positions
2. Graduate assistant positions
3. Postdoctoral positions
Also, under the Links heading, Sabiston will announce related
b. Sabiston will report at the business meeting that 37% of members voted
for the 2014 election positions, and 32% of members completed the 2013
postconference survey.
8. Secretary-Treasurer’s Report
a. Ringenbach reported the membership numbers.
b. Ringenbach reported the financial information.
c. The EC agreed not to sell our membership list to companies that would
sell to third parties.
d. Ringenbach recommended a central location for mailing information (e.g.,
taxes, accountants, attorneys).
i. Smith will speak with HK to determine if they can help with this
e. Weiss recommended a strategy to pass on information from president to
president because information has been lost over time.
i. The EC agreed that the secretary-treasurer will record a separate
confidential document (“shadow document”) in the policy manual
that is accessible only to the Executive Committee (members of
Nominations, Distinguished Scholar, and Student Award
Committees; Leadership Pool, and Executive Board rotation
ii. Weiss will contact previous presidents to gather information about
committee membership.
iii. Ringenbach will mail the current file box to HK for a central
keeping of information.
iv. Ringenbach will go over the duties for the secretary-treasurer with
the incoming secretary-treasurer in the Policy Manual.
9. President-Elect’s Report
a. Wulf discussed edits to the policy manual
i. Smith will ask McCullagh to document the duties of conference
site coordinator.
10. President’s Report
a. Smith discussed the cost and time of abstract editing with HK.
i. Smith negotiated with HK to set an hour limit to edit abstracts
b. Wulf will share the guidelines for the JMLD and JSEP Excellence in
Research Award and Excellence in Reviewing Award to the EC at the fall
EC meeting.
c. Smith will send an email to the president of SCAPPS to update and
discuss the SCAPPS/NASPSPA student exchange.
d. Smith discussed recommendations of an award to international students to
travel to NASPSPA.
i. The EC discussed this and decided to revisit it at the fall EC
e. Smith discussed the mid-career initiative.
i. Ringenbach will chair this committee and send a report to the EC
for the fall meeting.
ii. Smith will encourage members at NASPSPA 2014 to be involved
in this committee.
f. Smith initiated discussion concerning memorials of NASPSPA members.
i. Weiss recommended that memorials be announced at the business
meeting and in the newsletter.
ii. The EC agreed to manage and organize memorials.
iii. Smith recommended announcing retirements.
iv. Further discussions will continue at the fall EC meeting.
g. Weiss will create a procedure for appointing the past presidents’ liaison
and share at the fall meeting.
Other Business
11. Sabiston will include a Survey Monkey question concerning the interest in
supporting a local organization.
12. Smith walked through content and slides for the business meeting.
The meeting was adjourned by Smith at 4:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Shannon D. R. Ringenbach, secretary-treasurer.