ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACT OF THE SCREEN IMPREGNATED ON THE MALARIA AMONG THE UNDERFIVE CHILDREN IN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Jackie Kabwe Kabeya, djack_kabwe yahoo.fr; Institut National de la Statistique ABSTRACT Malaria remains the leading cause of morbidity in DR Congo. Pregnant women and children under five are most affected by this pandemic. One of the MDGs is to halve the malaria prevalence in the population. The WHO recommends the use of the net widely as a preventive method in the fight against malaria. The DHS-2007 was estimated at 31% prevalence of fever among children under five years, while only 19% of these children slept under a mosquito net the night preceding the survey, with provincial variations . This study proposes to measure the impact of the use of mosquito nets on malaria in children under five years by the provinces. Indeed, a secondary analysis of DHS data will test whether the difference in the prevalence of malaria is significant among children who use the net and those who do not use it or is it a utopia when we know that environmental factors of health problem: the excrement of small children are not treated tissue (31%), only 9% of the population use hygienic methods of sewage and 60% of households do not Use of sanitary means for disposing of garbage (MICS 2, 2001). The screen can it have a real impact on malaria in this environment? We use data from the DHS DRC-2007. Some environmental data (MICS 2, Min. Environment) will help us to better interpret the results and provincial disparities. Key words: malaria, fever, under five children, bed net ,environment 1. CONTEXT In spite of the progress accomplished in the domain of the prevention and the treatment, national sanitary statistics reveal that the malaria is always located to the 1st rank of the murderous affections of the DRC. Therefore the malaria constitutes a major problem of public health in DRC. In addition to the losses in human lives, the malaria is expensive in expenses of public health. And that a Congolese child made, on average, 10 episodes of fever per year. The malaria constitutes therefore for the RDC a factor of poverty aggravation, a reason of inequalities and a brake to the development. 1 The engagement of the Health ministry to fight against this illness resulted in the implementation in 1998, of a National Program of Struggle against the Malaria (PNLP) whose objective is to reduce at least 50%, the morbidity and mortality specific to the malaria, here 2010. To the number of the retained strategies, we will keep the strategies adopted by the PNLP to fight against the vectors of the malaria by having recourse to the use of the screen impregnated to large scale and the cleaning up measures. 1. OBJECTIVE The goal of this survey is to measure the impact of the screen impregnated on the malaria among the children under five years. Indeed, the results of the investigation DHS 2007 have found that only 19% of children of less than 5 years have passed the last night under bed net impregnated. It will be thus question to compare the prevalence of the malaria among the under five children bed net impregnated and those not being under bed net impregnated. The significance of this difference will allow us to introduce the data of the environment to verify if the significance of the difference and to be able to conclude if the use of the bed net impregnated is an utopia or if it really has a meaningful impact that should be encouraged or if it would be necessary to change priority rather in this struggle hired against the malaria. 2. METHODOLOGY We will essentially use the data produced by the DHS report. It is an investigation that concerns 9200 households and the following question on the malaria has been put on all children under five years: Has this child developed fever during these last two weeks? The feverish attack is generally a sign of malaria in tropical environment. Besides, a second question has been put on the use of the screen overnight preceding the investigation, notably for the children less than five years old. An analysis of the frequencies will allow us to clear the features of this age group and from an analysis multivaried we will be able to value if the malaria (dependent variable) is influenced by the use or not of the bed net and if the introduction of the environmental data leads in one or the other sense the impact of the MII. All this will be done on the children of less than 5 years. The results will lead us to the conclusion on the effectiveness on the present level of the use of the MII in DRC. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1. General features of the children under five years in DRC. 2. The less than five years children nearly constitute 1/5 of the Congolese population, that is 19% and as many as girls (18,9%) than boys (18,8%). which reinforces the general pace of the pyramid of the ages in the countries with strong birthrate and strong mortality. 3. The infantile and juvenile morbidity remains high in spite of the efforts of struggle undertook to the level of the government and the support of the humanitarian organisms. 31% of the children suffered from the fever during two weeks having preceded the investigation, 16, 4% endured the diarrhea and 15, 4% of the sharp respiratory infections during the same period. G.Enyuka and P. Madungu, 2009. 3.1. 4.2. The bivariate analysis whose results are retaken from the pictures 1 and 2 shows: 4.2.1. A kindness of the screen impregnated of insecticide against the malaria: The children 0-4 years sleeping under bed net are strongly less touched than those who don't use the bed net and even less that those who don't use one screen at all 2 (impregnated or not). Indeed, on the 32,2% of children that made the fever during the last 2 weeks, only 2,4% are those who slept under bed net impregnated of insecticide, while 24, 3% didn't use the screen and 5,5% of them used a screen non impregnated of insecticide. This joins the thesis of Audrey Pettifor, 2008 for the pregnant women. The khi2 appears very meaningful to this level between the children using the MII in relation with the others. 3.1.1. In relation with the provinces, except the province of the Katanga and the one of the western Kasaï where the difference seems to be meaningful, the other provinces present the same tendency, eithera very weak proportion of children having slept under bed net and having endured the fever (0,7% for the Katanga to 2,9 for Kinshasa, the provinces of the Maniema (4,9%) and especially the one of the Bas-Congo 510,2%) that seem to depart of this average. It can explain itself by the weak proportion of the households that evacuates garbage by hygienic means of evacuation: case of the Maniema (0,9%) and of the Bas Congo (27,6%) as there adding the important proportion of the households that evacuates waters used to the flight in the parcel or in the street. 3.2. The unhealthy environment influences contact positively with the vector that transmits the malaria and therefore, weaker prevalence of the malaria is observed in the provinces where efforts of purification of the immediate environment of the households are observed, case of the South Kivu, the North Kivu and the Oriental Province. The unhealthy environment inhibits the impact of the bed net impregnated on the malaria. We recognize with Kandala and others, 2008, that the 11 provinces that the RDC counts are of vast units, but the disintegration at this level is a considerable progress on the national averages and this analysis procures information disintegrated on the level of the malaria and the use of the bed net impregnated on the under five children, in relation with the environment. 3.2.1. CONCLUSION This survey gave itself for objective to measure the impact of the screen impregnated on the malaria and to integrate the dimension of the environment to know if the impact of this bed net impregnated remains efficient. The data of the EDS 2007 and the MICS 2 have been used to arrive to this analysis. PNLP strategy proves to be efficient because the impact of the bed net impregnated is distinctly meaningful in relation with the treated screen or not and with the nonuse of this screen. However, the direct environment puts problem and its effects prevent an efficient action of the bed net impregnated in general and in the provinces of the Maniema and the BasCongo in particular. It is therefore imperious that the decision-makers, as well as the humanitarian put more effort on the purification of the environment in particular supported by a motivation of the households and that the free distribution of the screen impregnated of insecticide be assured beforehand. It would permit to get efficient results in general in the struggle against the malaria on the Congolese population in general and on the under five years children in particular. 3 Table 1: Picture n°1.Proportion of the children of less than five years having made the fever according to the use or not of the impregnated screen.(In %) variable Without screen fever No fever Khi2: 0,025 24,3 48,0 Screen non impregnated 5,5 12,0 Screen impregnated 2,4 6,3 Total 32,2 66,2 Picture n°2.Proportion of the children of less than five years having made the fever according to the use or not use of the impregnated screen and means of evacuation of the worn-out waters and garbage according to the provinces. province Without screen Screen non impregnated Screen impregnated Total Kinshasa Bas Congo Bandundu Equateur Oriental Nord Kivu Maniema Sud Kivu Katanga Kasai oriental Kasai occ 19 10,5 21,8 21,6 26,2 26,4 27,2 25,1 22,5 32,3 6,8 5,8 5,3 5,9 4,3 3,1 6,7 8,4 7,5 2,5 4,0 2,9 10,2 1,1 0,8 1,1 1,8 4,9 1,1 0,7 1,6 1,7 33,0 * Hygienic sanitary Means of evacuation of the garbage 28,8 26,5 28,2 28,2 31,5 31,3 38,9 34,7 30,6 36,4 * Hygienic sanitary Means of evacuation of the worn-out waters 34,4 9,7 1,5 1,6 10,0 2,0 9,9 12,3 9,2 5,4 38,7 3,7 57,8 61,7 27,6 49,7 13,0 26,8 66,3 0,9 64,7 43,7 31,4 * source: investigation Mics 2/2001 1. References and footnotes Kandala and other: Diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection, and fever among children in the Democratic Republic Congo of (DRC). 1University Warwicks of, Warwick Medical School, Clinical Sciences Research Institute, African Populations and Health Research Center, Shelter Africa Centre, 3 Department of the Sciences of the Population and the Development, Faculty of Economics, University of Kinshasa,2009,. 2. Gilbert Enyuka and Perpetuate Madungu: The morbidity of the children of less than five years in Democratic Republic of Congo: what was the real impact of the armed conflicts, 2009. 3. Democratic republic of Congo, National Investigation on the situation of the women and children, MICS2, 2002. 4. Democratic Republic of Congo, demographic Investigation and of health, 2007. 5. Audrey Pettifor and other: Bed clean ownership, use and perceptions among women seeking antenatal care Kinshasa in, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Opportunities heart improved maternal and child health, 2008. 4