Officer Report-1256049.pdf - Bolsover District Council

Old Bolsover
Repairs to 'Little Castle' including changes to details of lead roof and
insertion of sockets into stonework to support scaffolding
Bolsover Castle Castle Street Bolsover Chesterfield
Mr Ian Ashby English Heritage
FILE NO. H1980
Mr Stephen Kimberley
DATE RECEIVED 13th October 2008
Bolsover Castle is a Grade 1 listed building situated within Bolsover Conservation Area. The
Little Castle is a square keep built on the remains of the original keep in the Seventeenth
century. Whilst the majority of Bolsover Castle is also a scheduled ancient monument the
Little Castle is excluded from this scheduling. The Little Castle occupies a prominent position
on relatively flat land overlooking a steep escarpment and can be seen in views from some
miles around in particular from the west. The building is faced externally in ashlar with a lead
The proposal is for the repair of the lead roof to the Little Castle with some detailed design
changes to improve the weatherproofing of the covering and durability of the covering.
In order to facilitate the repair scaffolding is necessary to meet health and safety concerns.
Due to the high level of the tower it is proposed to insert stainless steel sockets into the
exterior stonework to support the scaffolding brackets. There are to be 42 support brackets
each with 3 fixing points. The stainless sockets are permanent and are to be covered by the
insertion of appropriately coloured plastic caps or pointed with a stone dust and lime mortar.
Consideration was given to an alternative system for supporting the scaffolding but it was
confirmed by an email received from the applicant on the 20th November that they wished to
proceed with the original proposal.
99/00261/LBC – Consent granted for internal and external repairs and restoration works 23/08/1999
07/00609/LBC – Consent granted for installation of CCTV system on Little Castle 20/12/2007
Highway Authority – No objections 21/10/2008
Old Bolsover Town Council – The matter to be left to the District Council to decide.
Conservation Officer – No objection but request two conditions. The first regarding the
provision of a Method Assessment to outline the location of the hole selection process and
the method to be used to disguise the holes once finished with. The second is to require a
documentary archive of all aspects of the work. 04/12/2008
No response from any of the National Amenity societies (Ancient Monuments Society, Council
for British Archaeology, Victorian Society, Georgian Society, Society for the Protection of
Ancient Buildings, 20th Century Society).
One Site notice posted and one press advertisement.
No representations received.
CON7 and CON11 of the Bolsover District Local Plan
S16 of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas Act) 1990 – requires local
planning authorities to have special regard to the desirability of preserving a listed building or
its setting or any features of special architectural interest which it possesses when
considering applications for Listed Building Consent.
Main Issues
The main issue in determining this application is the effect of the proposal on the special
architectural or historic interest of the building.
The works are proposed in order to repair the existing lead roof to the building. The existing
leading is believed to have been last replaced in the 1940’s. There is evidence of rainwater
leakage in the main rooms of the Little Castle just below the roof. The re-leading would be
done with lead to match the existing but with detail differences to ensure a better seal against
the elements. The roof itself cannot be easily seen from outside of the roof area as it is
surrounded by a stone parapet which obscures it from views from elsewhere in the Castle and
from outside of the site. It is considered that the works will improve the long term prospect of
the building by preventing water ingress which has the potential for causing damage to the
internal features which are integral to this listed building.
The re-roofing work does require scaffolding around the building in order to erect a temporary
roof and to enable the work to be completed safely. The scaffolding is of a temporary nature
and Listed Building Consent is not required for the scaffolding itself. However because of the
height of the tower and the nature of the land surrounding, to minimise the amount of
scaffolding required and the risk of damage to the fabric from the erection and dismantling, it
is proposed to install scaffolding at a high level around the top of the keep. In order to support
this scaffolding the proposal is to insert into the stonework permanent stainless steel sockets.
The sockets are to be formed from 30mm diameter hollow stainless steel bar. Once the work
is completed it is proposed to cover the sockets with stone coloured plastic caps or point them
with a lime and stone dust mortar mix. The sockets would still be in place if any work in the
future required similar scaffolding. Due to the small size of the holes and the height of the
holes above ground it is considered that the holes will have little visual impact and as they are
considered necessary in order to perform remedial works to the roof the limited impact on the
Listed Building is considered as acceptable.
However the application does not give precise locations of the holes and gives two
alternatives for the covering of the holes. As this introduces doubt into the process it is
considered necessary to condition that a Method Assessment be submitted to and approved
by the Local Planning Authority to outline the location selection process and confirm the
proposed capping/disguising technique. This Method Assessment should be agreed prior to
the works commencing. The Conservation Officer has indicated a willingness to meet the
applicant on site to discuss this Method Assessment and has also requested a condition to
require a documentary archive as required by Local Plan Policy CON11.
Policy CON7 of the adopted Local Plan states that the works shall be designed and
implemented in a manner that respects and preserves the special architectural or historic
interest of the listed building. This reflects the statutory duty laid down in S16 (2) of the Listed
Buildings & Conservation Areas Act 1990. It is considered that these works generally meet
the requirements of policy CON7.
Other Matters
PPS3, Greenfield/Brownfield, Density
Listed Building:
Conservation Area:
Crime and Disorder:
Access for Disabled:
Trees (Preservation and Planting):
SSSI Impacts:
Human Rights:
see above
see above
no known issues
no known issues
no known issues
Conclusions/Reasons for Approval
The proposal is generally in accord with the policies of the development plan. Consideration
has been given to the desirability of preserving the listed building, its setting and any features
of special architectural interest which it possesses. No significant material impacts have
arisen such as to warrant the refusal of consent
The main development plan policies applicable:
CON7 and CON11 of the Adopted Bolsover District Local Plan
In accordance with the direction given at paragraph 35 of DETR Circular 01/2001 as the
application is by English Heritage for Listed Building Consent in respect of a building which is
within its ownership, guardianship or otherwise under its control refer the application to the
Secretary of State with a recommendation that the application should be approved subject to
the following conditions:
1) The works to which this consent relates shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years
from the date of this consent. (Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section
18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990).
2) Prior to the commencement of the works hereby permitted a Method Assessment
detailing the selection process for the location of the sockets and the proposed
capping/disguising technique for the sockets once the work is complete shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall
be carried out in accordance with the approved Method Assessment. (Reason: To
enable control of this important detail in the interests of preserving the listed building
and any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses in
compliance with policy CON7 of the Bolsover District Local Plan.)
3) Prior to the commencement of the works hereby permitted a documentary archive
(including photographs, measured survey drawings and written descriptions of the
building as appropriate) shall be made in accordance with a scheme submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Records shall be made of any
features revealed in the course of the works in accordance with the approved scheme.
Two copies of the documentary archive shall be deposited with the Local Planning
Authority. (Reason: To ensure that there is an adequate record of the building having
regard to its historical and architectural interest and in compliance with policy CON11
of the Bolsover District Local Plan.)
S Kimberley
Endorsing Officer
T Ball
Date 08.12.08
referrals to 3rd officer)
Determining Officer G. Clarke
Date 09.12.08
NOTE: Referred to Secretary Of State 09.12.08
SoS NOT CALLED IN APPLICATION (letter dated 6th January 2009); council to
No changes in circumstances since above assessment, therefore decision issued as
recommended. C M Doy 9/01/09