Власенко С. с соавторами

Vlasenko, Svetlana V., Voronkov, Nikita S.
The topic of the Semantic relations of proximity between terms of law
Legal Concepts Congruence and Specialized Usage as
Challenges for Legal Linguistics, in: Vestnik Tverskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seryja Filologyja. 2015. No. 2.
P. 12–24. [Tver State University Journal of Philology] (in
The article advocates a standpoint whereby semantic relations of
proximity between terms of law are not established routinely and
linguistic data are determined by the existing pattern and
interaction of internal legal domains. The role of legal linguistics
is emphasized; Russian–English correspondences for
terminological attributes ‘fiscal’ and ‘financial’ are provided
from the Russian and Anglo-American legal languages with the
strictly fixed usage in finance, tax and banking fields specified.
Vlasenko, Svetlana V. and Zaslavskaya, Vlada A.
The topic of the Legal translation problems from the Pan-European legal English
and associated problems
Legal Translation Under Unification of Private Law
Terminologies in Pan-European Legal Language, in: Vestnik
Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seryja Filologyja.
2015. No. 4. P. 222–234. [Tver State University Journal of
Philology] (in Russian)
The paper features a number of legal translation problems
caused by the shaping of the Pan-European legal English and its
rapid unification. In so doing, the paper aims at prioritizing
those challenges associated with legal translation, which are
seemingly linguistic by form, but affect the substantive
comprehension of terminologies, legal norms and their
definitions in the EU property law and, thus, burden legal
communication handled cross-linguistically. The examples
given illustrate complications not only in establishing semantic
relations between legal concepts to be translated, but also in
identifying correlations among technical terms denoting
proprietary relations within the EU.
Vlasenko, Svetlana V.
The American legal linguistics and the scholarly legacy of a prolific
The topic
American legal linguist, Peter M. Tiersma.
of the
Publication The US Legal Linguistics: Peter M. Tiersma’s Scholarly Legacy, in:
Political Linguistics. 2015. 3 (53). 250-6. (in Russian)
Description The paper features the scholarly legacy of a prolific American legal
linguist, Peter M. Tiersma (1952–2014) whose contribution to the
development of this discipline is significant and highlights his
scholarly works, stances on the history and formation of the English
legal language and texts, as well as the interaction between language
and the law – his primary research challenge elaborated on across his
multiple research papers. Tiersma’s significant legacy covers, inter
alia, such research fields as forensic linguist as witness and linguistic
expert analysis, legal textology, courtroom discourse and legal
communication, legal lexicography and terminography, to name but
a few, which were merited by the scholar’s attention at different
periods of his academic career. The article introduces Lawrence
Solan’s remembrances of the late scholar whose contribution into
exploring legal linguistics and discourse, given the international
outreach and worldwide citation of the scholar’s works, cannot be
overestimated. The ongoing topicality of Tiersma’s research areas is
exemplified by references to works by forensic linguists from
various countries.
Vlasenko, Svetlana V.
The topic of Inconsistencies in treating the “translation discourse” concept and
associated extra-linguistic complexities.
Publication Translation Discourse: Dilemmas of Defining and Unifying the
Concept, in: Moscow University Journal. Series 22: Translation
Theory. 124–144. (in Russian)
The paper attempts at delineating the notion of ‘translation
discourse’, which lacks a generally accepted definition, thus
entailing diverse treatments and inconsistencies in understanding by
and across scholarly communities engaged in translation studies.
The complexity of defining and unifying the notion is necessitated
by the multiple revisions of the basic terms ‘translation’ and
‘discourse’. Research findings in current national and foreign
linguistics and related studies are used to arrive at translation
discourse definition, which is largely handled in terms of critical
discourse analysis, social and cultural contexts, and communicative