Hot Case Template 19/8/10 GENERAL APPROACH Introduction Cubicle Infusions Ventilator Monitor Equipment Question specific examination GENERAL QUESTIONS Why does this patient have severe respiratory failure? Brain Cough Nerves NMJ Respiratory Muscles Pleura Airways (large and small) Parenchymal Chest wall Ventilator asynchrony Cardiac failure Abdominal distension/failure “This patient has Respiratory Failure for multiple reasons. These include… “ List headings of causes -> clinical signs associated with list Why is this patient failing to wean from ventilation? Brain Cough Nerves NMJ Respiratory Muscles Pleura Airways (large and small) Parenchymal Chest wall Ventilator asynchrony Cardiac failure Abdominal distension/failure Jeremy Fernando (2011) “There are multiple reasons why this patient is failing to wean from mechanical ventilation. These include…” List headings of causes -> clinical signs associated with list Why is this patient in Renal Failure? Acute, Chronic or Acute on Chronic Pre – volume status, shock + causes, temperature Intra – nephrotoxics, urine for casts + protein, sepsis, CK, nephritic/nephrotic syndromes Post – catheter flushed, intraabdominal pressure, hydronephrosis Can you extubate this patient? Original condition requiring intubation Airway Breathing (Respiratory function) – ventilation parameters including ABG and CXR Cardiovascular function Neurological function Assessment of environment – time of day, level of airway skill in unit, planned procedures Why is this patient shocked? – must find the shock! Hypovolaemic – bleeding, dehydration, 3rd spacing (signs: cool peripherally, CR, pale, low CVP, low BP, narrow pulse pressure, high HR) Distributive – SIRS, septic, anaphylaxis (signs: WWP, dilated, bounding pulse, low diastolic pressure, wide pulse pressure, pressors, low CVP, high Q, low SVRI, active praecordium) Cardiogenic – myocardia, valves, rhythm, pericardium, left and right sided (signs: cool peripherally, shut down, bounding pulse, narrow pulse pressure, inotropes, high CVP, low SvO2, low Q, crackles in chest, oedema) Obstructive – TP, tamponade, abdominal compartment syndrome (signs: cool peripherally, narrow pulse pressure, inotropes, vasopressors, high CVP, muffled heart sounds, low Q) Technical – transducer height, quality of trace Why is this patient jaundiced? Acute, Chronic or Acute on Chronic Liver Disease Pre-hepatic Hepatic Post-hepatic Why is this patient not waking up? OR Why has this patient got a decreased LOC? Jeremy Fernando (2011) Structural – focal Abscess CVA Trauma Bleed Non-structural - global Meningism – SAH, meningitis No meningism - metabolic, electrolytes, sepsis/seizures, organ failures, toxins (MESOT) Why is this patient weak? Unilateral or bilateral weakness Upper vs Lower motor neuron lesion Brain Spinal cord Peripheral nerves NMJ Muscles Is this patient brain dead? Diagnosis Exclusion of treatable causes Preconditions Responsiveness Brainstem reflexes Apnoea Imaging Other relevant information – second assessment by suitably trained doctor Why is this patient febrile? Infectious - community acquired - nosocomial (surgical site, lines, chest, urine, sinusitis) Non-infectious - head injury - DVT -> PE - drug/toxin - SIRS (post surgery, trauma, aspiration, pancreatitis) - Hypermetabolic syndromes -> thyroid storm -> NMS -> MH -> heat stroke -> phaeo -> liver failure -> burns Jeremy Fernando (2011) -> cocaine toxicity -> serotonin syndrome What injuries has this multiple-trauma patient sustained? Stage of illness Primary, secondary or tertiary survey (examine from head to toe) Rehabilitation phase Complications of stay “My assessment follows a primary and secondary survey. Injuries from head to toe including relevant injuries are…” How is this patient with multi-organ failure progressing? Initial illness and response to treatment Diagnosis correct Organ failures and support for each organ Complications of stay – nosocomial infection… Why does this patient have Polyuria? Cause Volume status Complications Treatment SPECIFIC PATIENT APPROACHES The COPD Patient Stable of illness – acute, respiratory weaning Ventilation strategy – NIV, invasive, weaning strategy Tracheostomy consideration Nutritional state Quality of life and prognosis Brain Cough Nerves NMJ Respiratory Muscles Pleura Airways (large and small) Parenchymal Chest wall Ventilator asynchrony Cardiac failure Abdominal distension/failure Jeremy Fernando (2011) The Post Cardiac Surgical Patient Type of surgery Emergency or Elective Post-operative complications (bleeding, bleeding, tamponade, graft occlusion, CVA) Shock assessment Causes and type of heart disease The Post Cardiac Arrest Survivor Prognositication Rhythm CPR (time to and quality) Time to ROSC Cause of arrest – ability to treat cause Therapeutic hypothermia Coma -> need to wait until 72 hrs Assessment @ 72 hours – pupils, corneal reflexes, motor response, SSEPs (N20 peak absence), iso-electric EEG, burst suppression, status myoclonus Other issues Cause of cardiac arrest – IHD, arrhythmias, drowning, drug Complications (organ failures) Why did this young patient have an out of hospital cardiac arrest? Cardiovascular - arrhythmia, electrolyte abnormality, long QT, Brugada syndrome, myocarditis (influenzae), ischaemia, congenital heart disease, shock, HOCM, ARVD Respiratory - TP, pneumonia with hypotension, PE Neurological - SAH, brain haemorrhage Renal - hyperkalaemia Drugs - overdose: TCA, opioids, stimulants, cocaine The patient with an Intra-abdominal Catastrophe Cause Treatment (source control) Nutrition Complications – ACS, fungal sepsis How to move forward? The patient who has had an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair Emergency or Elective End-organ damage Complications - brain injury - spinal cord ischaemia Jeremy Fernando (2011) - ileus MI lower limb ischaemia compartment syndromes renal injury The patient who has had a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Hemisphere Site Territory Complications Neurological – bleeding, seizure, hydrocephalus, vasospasm, increased ICP Respiratory – aspiration, neurogenic pulmonary oedema Cardiovascular – AMI Electrolytes – SIADH, CSW, DI Treatment done Management The patient with a Head Injury Isolated TBI or not? Phase of illness: < 48 hours, day 2-7, late Complications: - refractory intracranial pressure - VAP - nosocomial infection - ventriculitis The patient with a Spinal Injury Phase of injury Acute: ileus, cardiovascular, ventilation Sub-acute: recurrent atelectasis and segmental collapse Chronic: pain, psychological issues, infection (uro, resp, pressure areas), autonomic dysreflexia, spasm. ASIA Classification (A-E) Cord syndrome presentation Other injuries/issues The patient with Burns Burn Site Depth Extent Phase of Burn Resuscitation (Day 1) Post-resuscitation (Day 2-6) Jeremy Fernando (2011) Inflammatory/infective (Day 7) Complications The Transplant Patient Transplant – liver, heart, lung, heart-lung, bone marrow, renal, pancreatitic Phase of care – immediate post op, sepsis, rejection, respiratory failure, renal failure Surgery – graft function, anatomy, anastomoses Infection – bacterial (early), opportunistic: fungal, viral, mycobacterial (late) Immunosuppression – rejection, GVHD, drug side effects, malignancy The Obstetric Patient Illness requiring ICU admission Pregnancy + Baby Delivery – when or already done Long Stay ICU Patient Illness requiring ICU admission Reason for ongoing admission Things that need to happen to allow discharge Can you decannulate this patient with a Tracheostomy? Reason for insertion – resolved/treated Airway – cuff down, size, speaking, absence of airway obstruction Respiratory assessment – FiO2, cough, sputum load, swallow, infection, WOB, CXR Cardiovascular – can patient deal with increase O2 demand Neurological – power, cough, awake, alert Environmental – time of day, level of staff, MDT involvement Why has this patient got Liver Failure? TYPE Hyperacute (Fulminant) - < 7 days Acute - 7 – 28 days Sub acute – 28 days to 6 months CAUSES (DAVE) Drugs – paracetamol, halothane, idiosyncratic Alcohol Viral (A->G, CMV, HSV, EBV) Extras – fatty infiltration in pregnancy, HELLP, Wilsons, Reye’s Jeremy Fernando (2011) Neurological Exams for the CICM Examination Paralysed patient – pupils only Quick examination where neuro not the focus – GCS or responsiveness, pupils, movement of limbs, tone, reflexes. Unconscious examination – GCS or responsiveness, pupils, oculocephalic reflexes, corneals, cough, gag, limbs (posture, tone, reflexes, movement to pain) Conscious examination – everything! GCS, CNS, PNS. Jeremy Fernando (2011)