ENG1D Miss McBride Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________ Sentence Fragments Of the advertisements that you see, which are complete sentences and which are sentence fragments? Consider how you know which advertisements belong in each category. Sentence fragments Complete sentences Select two examples of sentence fragments above, and form complete sentences based on them. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Think of a product that you use on a daily basis, or a food that you love. Form a sentence fragment advertisement about this particular product. Why do you think that marketing professionals use sentence fragments to advertise their products? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ENG1D Miss McBride Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________ Editing On lined paper, rewrite the following paragraph, correcting any sentence fragments. My five-year-old son Anthony is built like a little wind-up toy. His black curly hair, bushy eyebrows, a cute button nose, and chubby cheeks, which people can't resist pinching. These make him look like a life-size teddy bear. Anthony loves to wear his favorite black leather jacket with the picture of the Skoal Bandit on the back. And jeans with patches on the knees as a result of the holes he puts in them while crawling on the floor, pushing his toy cars around. Indeed, he is a very energetic little boy. In one afternoon, he will ride his bicycle, play video games, complete a 200-piece jigsaw puzzle, and, of course, play with his toy cars. In fact, his energy scares me sometimes. For example, that time on the roof. He shinnied up a tree and jumped onto the roof. However, he wasn't energetic (or bold) enough to climb back down, and so I had to rescue my wonderful little wind-up toy. The study of French requires patience. Because the grammar rules are different from those of the English language. This should not discourage you from learning a new language. It important to be able to communicate with people from other countries. In fact, in Canada it is doubly important to learn French. So you will be better able to communicate with your fellow citizens. Which include getting a job and being able to travel. For these reasons encourage you to accept the challenge and learn French.