Sample Unit Plan- Lessons for Weather

Science Weather Lessons
Science Social Studies
TCW complete the Social
Studies study guide to prepare
for Wednesday’s test. TTW
review/reteach any concepts
as needed during this time.
Weather Introduction
Social Studies Test
Complete a KWL chart about TSW complete the SS test,
weather as a class. This will be Exploring Communities.
displayed in the room
throughout the Weather Unit.
Wind direction
Wind speed
Create a brainstorm chart of
weather words. This will also be
displayed in the room
throughout the unit. Add to it
TTW use the SMART lesson
“Weather Terminology” to
introduce the 4 new weather
words for the week.
TTW use the powerpoint
“Weather conditions and Tools”
to teach all essential
information and show
illustrations and photographs of
weather, as outlined in the
essential information of the
support document.
Afterwards, TSW respond in their
science journals.
2-3.2 Recall weather terminology
(including temperature, wind direction,
wind speed, and precipitation as rain,
snow, sleet, and hail).
2-3.4 Carry out procedures to measure
and record daily weather conditions
(including temperature, precipitation
amounts, wind speed as measured on
the Beaufort scale, and wind direction
as measured with a windsock or wind
**Meteorologist Visit**
TCW watch the Magic
School Bus video, “MSB Kicks
Up a Storm.”
Time allowing, TSW write
about the video in their
science journals.
TCW play a matching game on
the SMART board to match the
definitions to the terminology.
Watch “Weather: A First Look”.
(17 minutes)
After watching, add any new
words to the chart of weather
words. Use a different color
Science Weather Conditions and Tools
Weather Terminology
TSW then create a chart in their
science journals with the 4
words, definitions, and
Weather: Beaufort Scale
Weather: Review and
Weather: Floods
Recording Weather Information
TTW explain the Beaufort scale
TCW watch the Magic
for determining wind speed.
TTW review weather information School Bus video about
TTW display the poster of the
from this week and last week
floods. TCW discuss floods,
Beaufort Scale. TCW discuss
using a review game. TTW then especially the essential
each part of the chart. TTW
introduce next week’s weather information from the support
then display pictures on the
recording by having the class
SMART Board and have the
create a chart that will be used
students determine the wind
to collect weather data next
Time allowing, TSW write
speed using the Beaufort Scale week. TSW draw the chart in
about the video in their
poster. TSW then complete
their Science journals.
science journals.
some examples independently
by completing the “Beaufort
Assessment: Teacher
Scale” handout.
2-3.2 Recall weather terminology
(including temperature, wind direction,
wind speed, and precipitation as rain,
snow, sleet, and hail).
2-3.4 Carry out procedures to measure
and record daily weather conditions
(including temperature, precipitation
amounts, wind speed as measured on
the Beaufort scale, and wind direction
as measured with a windsock or wind
2-3.2 Recall weather terminology
(including temperature, wind direction,
wind speed, and precipitation as rain,
snow, sleet, and hail).
2-3.4 Carry out procedures to measure
and record daily weather conditions
(including temperature, precipitation
amounts, wind speed as measured on
the Beaufort scale, and wind direction
as measured with a windsock or wind
Science Weather Lessons
Science TCW sing the Weather Helper TCW complete the Weather
/ Social song and the Weather Song as Study Guide together in class.
Studies an introduction to the Weather TSW take the study guide home
Symbols lesson. TTW then
to study it nightly for Friday’s
display a pictograph showing test.
weather symbols. TCW discuss
the symbols on the pictograph
and what each symbol
represents. TTW then ask
questions about the pictograph
to have the students practice
analyzing weather data.
TSW draw weather symbols for
sun, cloud, rain, and snow in
their science journals.
2-3.2 Recall weather terminology
(including temperature, wind direction,
wind speed, and precipitation as rain,
snow, sleet, and hail).
2-3.4 Carry out procedures to measure
and record daily weather conditions
(including temperature, precipitation
amounts, wind speed as measured on
the Beaufort scale, and wind direction
as measured with a windsock or wind
TTW use the “Severe Weather”
powerpoint to review and
revisit severe weather,
hurricanes, tornadoes,
thunderstorms, and floods.
TTW use the SMART lesson
“Weather Review” to review
weather for tomorrow’s test.
Assessment: Teacher
TTW then review the seasons of 2-3.2 Recall weather terminology
(including temperature, wind direction,
the year. Afterwards, TSW
wind speed, and precipitation as rain,
illustrate the seasons of the year snow, sleet, and hail).
2-3.4 Carry out procedures to measure
on the handout.
2-3.2 Recall weather terminology
(including temperature, wind direction,
wind speed, and precipitation as rain,
snow, sleet, and hail).
2-3.4 Carry out procedures to measure
and record daily weather conditions
(including temperature, precipitation
amounts, wind speed as measured on
the Beaufort scale, and wind direction
as measured with a windsock or wind
and record daily weather conditions
(including temperature, precipitation
amounts, wind speed as measured on
the Beaufort scale, and wind direction
as measured with a windsock or wind
TSW complete the Weather