Gamper & Koptur 1 Birds using honeydew reduce herbivory 2 3 Birds using honeydew reduce leaf herbivory on scale insects’ host plant—tritrophic 4 interactions in Mexican forests 5 6 Heather A. Gamper1 and Suzanne Koptur 7 8 Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199 9 USA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 22 Tallahassee, FL 32306-1100, USA. E-mail: 23 Present address: Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, 1 Gamper & Koptur 2 24 ABSTRACT 25 Honeydew, a sugar solution produced as waste by phloem-feeding insects, is commonly a 26 prized food for ants, which may serve to protect the insects’ host plant by reducing the 27 number of other herbivorous insects. A wide variety of birds both eat arthropods and use 28 the honeydew produced by the scale insect Stigmacoccus garmilleri (family 29 Margarodidae), which is associated with oak trees (Quercus spp.) in Mexican forests. By 30 removing potential leaf-chewing insects, birds may aid the plant by reducing the amount 31 of leaf area lost, as do the ants in ant-honeydew systems. We used bird exclosures to 32 examine experimentally the indirect effects of birds on leaf damage on oak trees 33 harboring scale insects. Leaves on the branches from which birds were excluded 34 sustained substantially more damage than those on control branches, a result that suggests 35 that birds may decrease herbivory on trees harboring both scale insects and other 36 herbivorous insects. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Keywords: honeydew, herbivory, birds, Margarodidae, Quercus spp., exclosures Gamper & Koptur 47 48 3 INTRODUCTION Herbivores can put strong selective pressure on plants by removing plant biomass 49 that might have been used for growth or reproduction (Coley et al. 1985). An extensive 50 literature addresses ants and the negative impact they often have on herbivorous insect 51 populations, which results in protection of the plant on which they live (reviewed in 52 Hölldobler & Wilson 1990). Ants that forage on scale-insect honeydew have been shown 53 to reduce the number of herbivorous insects and protect the host plant (e.g. Bach 1991, 54 Gaume et al. 1998). Previous studies (e.g. Holmes et al. 1979, Gradwohl & Greenberg 55 1982, Loyn et al. 1983, Fowler et al. 1991, Bock et al. 1992, Gunnarsson 1996) have 56 shown that birds also significantly reduce the number of herbivorous insects on plants. 57 Several experiments, in addition, demonstrated a decrease in plant damage by 58 herbivorous insects in the presence of insectivorous vertebrates (Atlegrim 1989; Spiller & 59 Schoener 1990a, b; Marquis & Whelan 1994; Dial & Roughgarden 1995; Greenberg et 60 al. 2000; Sanz 2001). 61 A honeydew-producing scale insect, Stigmacoccus garmilleri (family 62 Margarodidae, tribe Xylococcini), is associated with the trunk and branches of Quercus 63 spp. in highland forests of Mexico. This relationship was first described from San 64 Cristobal, Chiapas (Greenberg et al. 1993); Quercus spp. in forests of Chiconquiaco, 65 Veracruz, were found to have the same scale insects, and this interaction probably occurs 66 in other highland areas of Mexico. Migratory birds were found to compete aggressively 67 for scale-insect honeydew during winter months in Chiapas (Greenberg et al. 1993) and 68 in this system in Chiconquiaco. Trees with scale insects have a characteristic appearance, Gamper & Koptur 69 visible even from a distance: their trunks and branches are covered with a black sooty 70 mold growing on the copious accumulated honeydew. 4 71 The study site is located in humid, montane forests between 1950 and 2100 m in 72 elevation. Most studies have found that the highest ant species richness and abundance 73 occur at low or intermediate elevations (Koptur 1985, Samson et al. 1997, Sanders et al. 74 2003). Fifty km east of the study area, at sea level, 30 species of ants associated with 75 plants were documented in coastal habitat (Rico-Gray 1993). Sanders et al. (2003) found 76 that, over the approximate elevation range of 900–2300 m in the tropics, ant species 77 richness decreased with increasing elevation. A study conducted at elevations and in 78 forests similar to those in our study area in Mexico found the same tendency in the 79 number of ant species (Diaz-Castelazo & Rico-Gray 1998). 80 The members of the Margarodidae are unique in that the immature instars bear 81 long anal tubes, and honeydew is presented at a distance from the body (Gullan and 82 Kosztarab 1997). The immature instars of S. garmilleri position themselves within the 83 bark of the tree in small cracks and fissures, and each releases honeydew at the tip of a 84 long anal filament (averaging 10 cm in length), a substantial distance from the plant 85 surface (Fig. 1). In addition to possible geographical constraints on their distribution, 86 ants may therefore find access to the honeydew droplets difficult. 87 The effect of insectivory by vertebrates has been evaluated through both 88 exclosure experiments (e.g. Holmes et al. 1979, Atlegrim 1989, Spiller & Schoener 89 1990b, Bock et al. 1992, Marquis & Whelan 1994, Murakami & Nakano 2000) and 90 vertebrate-removal experiments (Loyn et al. 1983, Dial & Roughgarden 1995, Jäntti et al. 91 2001). Many experiments (with the exception of Forkner & Hunter 2000 and Wiens et Gamper & Koptur 5 92 al. 1991) have demonstrated a significant impact on arthropods by foraging birds or 93 lizards. Many avian exclosure experiments have been conducted in grasslands, temperate 94 forests, or marine systems, but few have been conducted in tropical systems. Gradwohl 95 & Greenberg (1982) and Greenberg et al. (2000) found that avian exclosures increased 96 the number of herbivorous insects in moist tropical understory in Panama and in 97 Guatemalan coffee plantations. 98 Our study explored the impact of birds on arthropod-caused leaf damage on trees 99 with scale-insect colonies in high-elevation oak forests of mainland Mexico. We used 100 field experiments to test the hypothesis that, like ants, birds protect plants against insect 101 herbivores. We hypothesized that leaf damage would be greater on branches from which 102 birds were excluded than on control branches, that is, that birds (the third trophic level) 103 would modify the interaction between the first and second trophic levels (plant and 104 herbivorous insects, respectively). 105 METHODS 106 Our study was conducted in the township of Chiconquiaco, Veracruz, Mexico 107 (19°43’60 N, 96°46’0 W; 15ºC mean annual temperature; 1532 mm mean annual 108 precipitation). This area has three seasons: a somewhat dry and cool season from 109 October to March, a dry warm season from April to May, and a wet warm season from 110 June to September (Williams-Linera et al. 2000). The area is covered by heavy fog on 111 most days. The forest in this area is approximately 2010 m in elevation, and the habitat is 112 a mosaic of mature forest patches, cow pastures, and small corn fields. The experimental 113 trees were located within a forest remnant (ca. 25 ha) on a west-facing slope with a 114 canopy of Quercus spp. Several species of oaks have been identified from the study area Gamper & Koptur 115 (Q. laurina, Q. germana, Q. salicifolia, Q. corrugata, Q. affinis, and Q. xalapensis) and 116 they are all apparently capable of hosting the scale insects. 117 6 A total of 40 trees were chosen for intense study. All trees chosen had colonies of 118 scale insects producing honeydew, though not all trees at each site had scale-insect 119 colonies. The number and species of birds visiting the tree, the total time spent in the tree 120 by each individual bird, and food items taken were recorded during hour-long 121 observation periods at focal trees. All individual trees were observed on four occasions 122 (distributed evenly within morning and afternoon hours) between March 2002 and May 123 2002, for a total of 160 hours of bird observation. 124 On two occasions, 31 May 2003 and 5 June 2003, we placed ant baits to examine 125 the ant species composition in the area. Petri dishes, baited alternately with tuna and 126 honey, were placed in line transects of 16 baits at 4-m intervals. Baits were then checked 127 at 30-min intervals for 90 min. Two transects were run simultaneously in different 128 habitat types, and ant numbers and morphospecies were recorded. Forest, pasture, and 129 edge habitat types were sampled. Time to discovery was calculated for each bait (120 130 min was used for undiscovered baits, resulting in a somewhat exaggerated picture of ant 131 activity on the transects). Specimens of ants were preserved in alcohol and later pointed 132 and sent for identification (to W. P. MacKay, University of Texas, El Paso). Analysis-of- 133 variance tests evaluated the effects of habitat type, food type, date of sampling, and 134 sampling area on the number of baits discovered and the average number of ants 135 encountered in each Petri dish. 136 We chose the most isolated forest area for the exclosure experiments to decrease 137 the possibility that the netting would be removed by humans. Although scale insects are Gamper & Koptur 138 found on pasture and forest-edge trees, we chose trees in the forest interior to minimize 139 human interference. Branches of oak trees on which the majority of leaves were new 140 (and nearly fully expanded) were selected. On four experimental trees, four branches of 141 similar size were selected, for a total of 16 branches. Two branches in each tree were 142 covered by bird exclosures, and two, approximately equal size and similar foliage 143 density, were marked as controls. Treatments were assigned to branches randomly. On 144 each branch, 25 new, undamaged leaves were individually labeled with numbered tags 145 (colored pigeon bands, National Band & Tag Co., Newport, KY, USA) and their areas 146 estimated with the aid of a clear plastic ruler marked with 5-mm squares. 147 7 The exclosures were left in place from 5 April 2003 to 1 July 2003. Leaf damage, 148 the response variable, was expressed as the proportion of the originally measured leaf 149 area missing or affected (the number of 5-mm squares of which at least 50% of the area 150 was missing or affected) at the end of the exclosure period. Missing parts of leaves, leaf- 151 mining, and insect galls were all included as insect damage; leaf browning exhibited by 152 some leaves in both treatment types was not. 153 Exclosures were made of black, plastic netting with 1.5-cm openings and 1.5-mm- 154 wide threads (plastic hardware cloth). We constructed them by attaching the ends of the 155 netting to the tree branch, surrounding the desired vegetation, and closing the top and 156 bottom with 16-gauge copper wire. The wire also suspended the netting away from the 157 enclosed vegetation. The net openings were too small for birds to enter the exclosures 158 but openings were large enough to allow movement of most arthropods. Relative 159 humidity was measured inside exclosures and on control branches, and differences were 160 only about 1%. Because some exclosures were more and others less humid than controls, Gamper & Koptur 8 161 we attributed the differences to natural variability within the habitat rather than to effects 162 of the netting. Neither the treatment nor the control braches received direct sunlight, and 163 the netting was unlikely to have contributed to light interference. 164 The most common organisms excluded by the netting that were found feeding on 165 leaf-dwelling insects were birds. Lizards were not found in forested areas, although they 166 were present in pasture areas and on the edges of the forest patches in low abundance. 167 Bats or small nocturnal rodents might remove insects in the study area, but neither these 168 organisms nor evidence of them was encountered in the study area. 169 A data transformation suggested by Zar (1984) was used because the data did not 170 meet the homogeneity-of-variances assumption of analysis of variance (ANOVA). The 171 following transformation lead to a value X’ with an expected variance of 0.25 over all 172 values of X and n: X’ = 0.5 (arcsin √(x/n + 1) + arcsin √(x + 1/n + 1)). After data 173 transformation, Levene’s test for homogeneity of variances confirmed (P > 0.14) that the 174 assumption of equality of variances was met, but even after transformation data were not 175 normally distributed, so non-parametric tests were used. Equivalent parametric tests 176 yielded the same results, so the latter are reported. 177 A 4 2 ANOVA was also used to evaluate the effects of tree and treatment 178 (control and exclosure) on leaf loss. Trees and treatment were treated as fixed factors. A 179 plot of the residuals against predicted values showed no obvious pattern, suggesting that 180 the assumption of independence was reasonable. 181 182 183 Gamper & Koptur 184 9 RESULTS 185 The diverse bird community in the study area includes many Neotropical migrant 186 species. Approximately 55 species were observed visiting oak trees in the vicinity of the 187 experimental trees between 15 March and 17 April 2002 (Gamper pers. obs.). 188 We collected 5 species belonging to 5 ant genera: Formica argentea, 189 Crematogaster cerasi, Tapinoma sessile, Pheidole sp., Monomorium marjoriae. Of 190 these, only F. argentea and C. cerasi were observed using honeydew. These 191 observations were made on pasture trees where scale-insect anal tubes had been blown by 192 the wind and stuck to the trunk, where the honeydew pooled and was accessible to ants. 193 Baits in pasture were most frequently discovered (59.37%), followed by edge transects 194 (14.06%); baits in forest habitat were never discovered. Although different ant species 195 visit tuna and honey baits (Koptur 1992), we combined the results because we were 196 simply measuring overall ant activity and abundance. Clearly no ants were detected in 197 the forest habitat, so use of scale-insect honeydew in the forest habitat is left for other 198 organisms. 199 Although ant foraging on S. garmilleri honeydew was uncommon, bird foraging 200 on this carbohydrate-rich resource was very common. Birds were also observed, on 201 occasion, to supplement their diet with insects. Species observed visiting focal trees to 202 feed on honeydew on more than two occasions are presented in Table 1. Audubon’s 203 warblers were observed most frequently at focal trees (n = 272), followed by Nashville 204 warblers (n = 214), Black-throated green warblers (n = 145), and Wilson’s warblers (n = 205 126). Migratory warblers were found to forage more on honeydew than did resident 206 breeding birds during these observation periods. The relationship between time spent Gamper & Koptur 10 207 feeding on honeydew and time spent feeding on insects was positive and significant 208 (Spearman’s rank correlation = 0.612, n = 24, P < 0.001). 209 Protected leaves suffered a 12.1% loss of area and control leaves a 7.3% loss. A 210 Mann-Whitney U test on transformed values showed that the results were in the expected 211 direction and significant (z = –3.934, P < 0.001) and therefore that exclusion of birds did 212 increase leaf damage. Exclosures had an average rank of 189.86 and control branches 213 148.25. Leaf loss is plotted against treatment effect on the four trees used in the study in 214 Figure 2. The ANOVA results showed significant main effects for treatment (F(1,327) = 215 20.11, P < 0.001) and tree (F(3,327) = 26.37, P < 0.001), but the interactions were not 216 significant (F(3,337) = 0.536, P = 0.658). Post-hoc analyses consisted of all pairwise 217 comparisons among the four trees. The results of a Tukey Honestly Significant 218 Difference test indicated that leaves on tree 1 sustained significantly more damage than 219 did those on trees 2–4 (P < 0.001), which did not differ significantly from each other 220 (Fig. 2). Our results indicate substantially greater leaf loss for the bird exclosures 221 branches than control branches. 222 DISCUSSION 223 Leaves often sustain the most damage early in their lives, and results of exclusion 224 experiments are most dramatic on young leaves (Koptur 1984). In our experiment, using 225 young oak leaves allowed us to measure the significant effects on damage of excluding 226 birds. Our results concur with those of several other studies in which exclosure 227 treatments produced significant increases in amount of leaf damage (Atlegrim 1989, 228 Spiller & Schoener 1990a, b, Marquis & Whelan 1994, Dial & Roughgarden 1995, 229 Greenberg et al. 2000). These studies demonstrate that insectivorous birds can reduce Gamper & Koptur 11 230 herbivory and potentially increase the fitness of the plants on which they forage by 231 reducing leaf loss to herbivory. Although we did not measure fitness effects, reduction of 232 damage to the oak trees might increase their competitive abilities and might also lessen 233 demand on the plant to synthesize secondary compounds to deter herbivores (Coley et al. 234 1985). Increasing the health of the host species may support larger scale-insect colonies, 235 dense populations of which could in turn attract more birds that remove leaf-damaging 236 insects. Even though trees with dense colonies of scale insects appear healthy, the effect 237 of varying scale-insect densities on the host plant and the way the insects affect the 238 overall health of the trees should be examined. 239 Insect numbers on experimental and control branches were not recorded during 240 our study. If the insects are very mobile and the number of leaves monitored is relatively 241 few, measurement of insect numbers could be extremely subjective. Murakami & 242 Nakano (2000) found that differences in the degree of leaf damage between treatments in 243 an exclosure study mimicked the trends observed for Lepidoptera larvae. Insect counts 244 may introduce error based on time of day of counting or on disturbance if the exclosures 245 have to be opened for insect counts. Even though direct interactions may be important to 246 species populations, the indirect interactions that arise from them can be equally 247 important. The direct interactions that affect a species may be weaker than those that 248 make up an indirect effect (Spiller & Schoener 1990b), but direct measurements of the 249 abundance of arthropods can strengthen the argument for the capability of predators to 250 exhaust their food resources (Jäntti et al. 2001). Lictenberg & Lictenberg (2003) 251 recorded direct observations of predation events (vespid wasp and ant predation on Gamper & Koptur 12 252 lepidopteran larvae), but for some organisms that are sensitive presence of an observer, 253 such results could be misleading. 254 Changes in the abundances of birds may affect the rate of insect removal from the 255 plant (Marquis & Whelan 1994). Holmes et al. (1979) estimated removal rates of 256 caterpillars from plants in the understory of temperate forests to be higher during June 257 and mid-July, when birds were feeding nestlings. The effects of temporal differences in 258 the bird community on our results should be examined. In addition, placing our 259 exclosures higher in the canopy might be critical to understanding of the within-forest- 260 area effects of bird predation. Many of the birds in our study area forage at specific 261 heights, and our experiment included only those that forage in the understory/lower 262 canopy. The effects of bird predation on leaf-feeding insects might be higher in the mid- 263 canopy, where many bird foraging guilds overlap. 264 Our data cannot entirely rule out the possibility that improved microclimate 265 within our exclosures attracted herbivorous insects and increased herbivory in that way. 266 This effect seems unlikely, however, because the differences in microclimate between the 267 exclosures and the control branches were similar to those within exclosures and within 268 controls. Experiments designed to assess the importance of these factors directly would 269 strengthen our results. Finally, results from more than a single season are necessary 270 before we can conclude that birds normally regulate leaf damage. 271 The study reported here is the first to investigate the role of birds in protection of 272 the plants hosting honeydew-producing insects. Our results suggest the third trophic 273 level (birds) can modify interactions between the first trophic level (oak trees) and the 274 second level (herbivorous insects), as ants do in many other systems. This increased Gamper & Koptur 13 275 knowledge of trophic-level interactions can shed light on issues such as the indirect 276 benefits of scale insects to their host plant and the importance of insectivorous birds in 277 forest ecosystems. 278 279 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 280 The authors thank R. Greenberg, J. García-Franco, and G. Williams-Linera for help with 281 field logistics; P. Gullan (scale), W. P. MacKay (ant), and M. Peralta Méndez (oak) for 282 species determination; V. Ruiz Mandoval, M. Ferrer, M.Cuautle, and A. Plata for field 283 assistance; and EPA Fellowship (U916078) for funding. 284 285 Gamper & Koptur 14 286 LITERATURE CITED 287 Atlegrim, O. 1989. 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Species Status No. visits Honeydew time Insect time Audubon's warbler (Dendroica coronata auduboni) M 295 53930 1387 Nashville warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla) M 230 44600 1002 Black-throated green warbler (Dendroica virens) M 160 22935 1069 Wilson's warbler (Wilsonia pusilla) M 156 19674 2168 Townsend's warbler (Dendroica townsendi) M 70 13831 397 Yellow-eyed junco (Junco phaeonotus) R 53 5827 165 Ruby-crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula) M 44 3510 630 Bumblebee hummingbird (Selasphorus heloisa) R 23 2212 0 Chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina) R 20 3668 30 Painted redstart (Myioborus pictus) R 18 1213 180 White-eared hummingbird (Basilinna leucotis) R 15 578 0 Common bush-tanager (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus) R 14 1485 878 Gamper & Koptur 366 367 19 Crescent-chested warbler (Parula superciliosa) R 9 151 116 Black and white warbler (Mniotilta varia) M 8 818 100 Flame-colored tanager (Piranga bidentata) R 8 762 165 Hermit warbler (Dendroica occidentalis) M 5 1781 0 Golden-browed warbler (Basileuterus belli) R 5 300 38 Violet sabrewing (Campylopterus h. hemileucurus) R 5 144 0 American robin (Turdus migratorius) M 3 938 0 House finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) R 3 520 0 Ivory-billed woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus flavigaster) R 3 60 960 Gamper & Koptur 20 368 FIGURE LEGEND 369 Figure 1 Hair-like anal filaments of the scale insect Stigmacoccus garmilleri bearing 370 371 drops of honeydew (Chiconquiaco, Veracruz, Mexico). Figure 2 Effects of treatments on amount of leaf damage on the four trees measured in 372 2003. Each mean is the average of leaves from two branches on the same tree. 373 Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals around the mean. Damage was 374 significantly higher where birds were excluded on all four trees (P < 0.001), and 375 tree 1 was significantly different from trees 2, 3, and 4 (P < 0.001), which did not 376 differ significantly from each other. 377 378 Gamper & Koptur 21 379 380 Gamper & Koptur 22 Tre a tm e n t Co nt ro l Bird s e xc lu d e d Percentage leaf damage 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 Tre e 381 4