2/16/16 BIOLOGY 207 - Dr.Locke Lecture#15 - Mapping genes on chromosomes by recombination Required readings and problems: Reading: Open Genetics, Chapter 7 Problems: Chapter 7 Optional Griffiths (2008) 9th Ed. Readings: pp 134-145; 155-157 Problems: 9th Ed. Ch. 4: 10-16, 32, 35-37, 42; not 11b 12c Campbell (2008) 8th Ed. Readings: Concept 15.3 Concepts: How are gene loci mapped using recombination? 1. Three linked genes can serve as an example for the construction of a genetic map using recombination frequencies derived from a 3-point test cross. 2. This method of determining genetic distances can be extended to loci spread along a whole chromosome and throughout a genome. 3. Resolution on genetic maps is limited by the markers available and the number of progeny that can be analysed, consequently genetic maps are more refined in prokaryotes than in eukaryotes. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 1 2/16/16 Genes are physically arranged in a linear order along a chromosome. The order and relative distances between them can be mapped by using the frequency of crossingover along a chromosome. In previous lectures -> Independent Assortment vs Linkage Linked loci are syntenic: don't show independent assortment - not 9:3:3:1 ratio in F2 cross - not 1:1:1:1 ratios in test cross Closely linked: -------•--------------A-B----- e.g. 2% -------•--------------a-b----Partially linked: -------•---------A------B----- e.g. 30% -------•---------a------b----- Absolute linkage = 0% Independent Assortment = 50% Today: 3-point cross First - a 3-point cross to identify two linked gene loci and a third that assorts independently (unlinked). Second - a 3-point cross to identify three linked gene loci. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 2 2/16/16 First example: 3 loci in Drosophila scute echinus vg (vestigial) -----|----|----|--5.6 m.u. unlinked sc scute - loss of thoracic bristles ec echinus - roughened eye surface all recessive vg vestigial - vestigial wings 1) Construct a triply recessive stock and cross with wild type to produce an F1 sc ec vg x sc+ ec+ vg+ P1 sc ec vg sc+ ec+ vg+ sc ec vg sc+ ec+ vg+ gametes sc ec vg sc+ ec+ vg+ F1 2) Cross F1 triple heterozygote to triply recessive stock sc ec vg sc+ ec+ vg+ 8 combinations Biol207 Dr. Locke section x sc ec vg sc ec vg sc ec vg Lecture#15 gametes Fall'11 page 3 2/16/16 Progeny: 8 gametic types / phenotypes are possible: # Parental sc ec vg sc+ ec+ vg+ Recombinant sc ec vg+ sc+ ec+ vg sc ec+ vg sc+ ec vg+ sc ec+ vg+ sc+ ec vg |sc-ec |sc-vg |ec-vg |Par Rec.|Par. Rec.|Par. Rec. 233 |233 239 |239 241 231 12 14 14 16 1000 100 % |241 |231 | | | | |944 | |233 |239 12 14 14 16 56 |233 |239 | 241 | | 231 | | 12 | | 14 | | 14 | 14 | 16 | 16 | 498 502 |502 241 231 12 14 . 498 Note 1) considerable deviation from 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 ratio that would be expected for all unlinked genes. Therefore -> linked 2) sc <--> ec Calculate distance # recomb./total = 56/1000 = 5.6% 2 loci linked 3) sc <--> vg = 502/1000 = 50.2% therefore 2 loci not-linked 4) ec <--> vg = 498/1000 = 49.8% therefore 2 loci not-linked Therefore the map must be: Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 4 2/16/16 Second example - 3 point test cross: 3 loci with recessive mutant alleles: v vermilion coloured eye cv cross veinless wing ct cut wing edge Coupling a- b- (x) a+ b+ a- ba+ b+ Repulsion a- b+ (x) a+ ba- b+ a+ b- a- ba+ b+ a- b+ a+ b- (x) a- ba- ba- b- a- ba- ba- b- a- ba+ b+ a+ ba- b+ a- b+ a+ ba+ b+ a- b- Both mutants from the same parent Biol207 Dr. Locke section (x) Lecture#15 Mutations from different parents Fall'11 page 5 2/16/16 (1) Use v+/v+ cv/cv ct/ct (crossveinless, cut phenotype) cross to v/v cv+/cv+ ct+/ct+ (vermilion) v+ cv ct v+ cv ct x v+ cv ct v cv+ ct+ v cv+ ct+ P1 v cv+ ct+ gametes v cv+ ct+ v+ cv ct F1 2) Cross F1 triple heterozygote to triply recessive stock v cv+ ct+ x v cv ct v+ cv ct v cv ct 8 types Biol207 Dr. Locke section v cv ct Lecture#15 gametes Fall'11 page 6 2/16/16 Progeny: 8 gametic types / phenotypes are possible: # Parental v cv+ ct+ v+ cv ct Recombinant v cv ct+ v+ cv+ ct ct ct+ 400 409 31 28 v v+ cv cv+ 61 65 v v+ cv+ ct 2 cv ct+ 4 totals 1000 | v-cv | v-ct | cv-ct | |Par. Rec.|Par. Rec.|Par. Rec.| | | | | |400 |400 |400 | |409 |409 |409 | | | | | | 31 | 31 | 31 | | 28 | 28 | 28 | | | | | | 61 | 61 | 61 | | 65 | 65 | 65 | | | | | | 2 | 2 | 2 | | 4 | 4 | 4 | |815 185 |868 132 |935 65 | | 18.5%| 13.2% | 6.5% | Conclude: all three loci are linked and a map can be produced. Note: the order of loci is changed to take into account the mapping data. The order for the analysis above was v cv ct but the genetic order is v ct cv. v ct cv |<=-------- 13.2 --------=> | <=-------6.5------=>| 13.2 + 6.5 = 19.7 |<=-----------------------18.5----------------------=>| = 18.5? Why is 18.5 not the same as 19.7? Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 7 2/16/16 Answer: We need to correct for double crossovers! Double crossovers are not yet taken into account The last two (rare) classes are double cross over class Parental Double recombinants phenotypic class above v ct+ cv+ ----=> v ct cv+ (v cv+ ct class above) X X v+ ct cv ----=> v+ ct+ cv (v+ cv ct+ class above) To correct for double crossovers we need to count this class twice (once for each crossover event) as a recombinant (not as a parental). Therefore 31+28+61+65+(2+4)+(2+4)=197 or 19.7% See 3-locus “Cheet sheet”: Use multiple 3-point crosses to map chromosomes The 3-point cross produces a genetic map for 3 loci at a time. By using additional loci spread along the chromosome, the whole chromosome can be mapped. Example: First map 3-loci A B C Next add D A, B, D 3 point cross Next add E A, B, E 3 point cross One can map A, B, C, D, E or D A B C E Further extension will permit mapping of all loci along a chromosome and by extension to all chromosomes. Example: Mapping of the tomato genome. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 8 2/16/16 Were do crossovers occur along a chromosome? - can occur all along a chromosome, however, - some regions differ in crossover frequency. Centromere & telomere regions have reduced crossing over. Recombination Low Frequency High In well mapped organisms (eg. Drosophila) there is a reduction in the frequency of crossing over near the centromere and telomeres. Message: Crossing over is not equally likely all along a chromosome. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 9 2/16/16 Resolution of Genetic maps The resolution of genetic maps depends upon two factors. 1) Number of marker loci - Marker genes have to have a phenotype that permits the alleles to be distinguished. - more loci make a better map 2) Number of progeny. - More progeny make a better map. - The ability to score recombinants among 100's, 1000's, 104 etc. means that one can identify rare recombinants and thus map loci that are very close together. 4 1/100 = m.u. 1/10 = 0.01 map units apart etc. Because of these two factors, the genetic maps of simple prokaryotes are more refined than eukaryotes. 1) Use many of the auxotrophic marker loci. 6 2) Screen ~10 progeny on a plate if one uses selectable systems. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#15 Fall'11 page 10