March BTF Meeting, March 1, 2002 Meeting Began at 9: A.M. Discussion and Debate 1 The current ACC travel policy was presented and deemed too ponderous. BTF members were asked 2 Safety Policy Issues A) Several items from the developing safety policies were presented and discussed. All labs will have a safety sheet listing dangers and safety requirements. Unless exempted from specific requirements, a lab must follow all the procedures of the lab safety policy. The ACC Science Safety Committee’s target date for finalizing the safety policy is April 29th. 1) The BTF discussed when to require closed-toe shoes in labs. Should all labs courses require students to wear closed-toe shoes (like Biotech does) or should select courses be exempt, i.e. A&P I,1406 and 1408? If a student comes to lab in open toed shoes, booties (preferably an obnoxious color) will be provided. 2) Students who do not have the proper eyewear will not be able to be in that lab. Several questions arose: Should safety goggles be required in all labs? Are they necessary in 1406 and 1408? Should the BTF buy goggles for the students and sterilization equipment (e.g. UV cases) for those goggles? What does the CDC handbook recommend? a) There was no consensus on the question of purchasing the goggles for students or making the students responsible for their own eyewear. 5 BTF members thought it would be a good idea to provide the students with goggles; 3 thought it would be a bad idea and the rest wished to consider it some more. The major questions are the cost (from $3-$8 per pair) and the feasibility of sterilizing so many pairs of goggles when the labs are at almost capacity. The suggestion was made to approach the administration for funding (unlikely in the current budget crunch) or outside donors. b) If the students are responsible for their eyewear, the goggles will be available in the bookstore or they may purchase them elsewhere if they meet the stated safety specifications. 3) The safety policy as it will apply to field trips was discussed. The consensus was that each field trip should have a safety sheet listing safety issues and requirements to go on that trip. The standards set for a trip in rough country or to the sewage plant would be different from those set for a trip to the Wildflower Center. 4) A brief description of the development and role of the ACC Science Safety Committee was presented 3 There was a discussion of offering 1408 as a PCM class. Passed Unanimously. There was a motion to allow PCM as an option for 1308 and 2306 given the understanding that the class size would remain at 50. Passed. 4 The BTF discussed what the minimum standard for passing in the Associate’s degree should be. Is C the minimum passing? D? Should it be based on the GPA? Should it only apply to Science courses? 2.0 average required for the degree? Tabled for further discussion. 5 The BTF voted to add all Biology courses (except Critical Thinking) as options for the core curriculum. 6 Preliminary Common Course Objectives for 1407, 2106 and 2206 were presented for comment and discussion. 7 D’Maris Allen-Mierl discussed the problems with the Media people and the difficulty in setting up and using media before and between classes. . 8 Changes to campus offerings in the fall: CYP: Fewer sections of 1406 and 1408, more sections of 1714, 1724 and 1704. NRG: Fewer sections of 1407 (losing a lab to the Water Sampling course in Environmental Tech), more 1406 and 1408. PIN: More sections of 1724 RGC: More 1714, 1704 and 1407. Add Aquatic. Meeting ended at 12:00 P.M.