The role of the hard benthos living “tiszavirág”- Palingenia


Recolonization experiments of Palingenia mayfly in the Lippe and Odera Rivers in


Between the Chair of Zoology of the College in Eger/Hungary and the Institute of Zoology of the University of Bonn/Germany an arrangement was closed in 2005 for a scientific collaboration. The purpose of this collaboration was the resettlement of the Palingenia

longicauda mayfly in some running waters of Germany.

The role of the Palingenia mayfly in running waters is very important. The larvae use the materials of the bottom by bioturbation. They are also important members of food-web in running waters.

Earlier Palingenia longicauda was a characteristic benthic species of middle and lower sections of large river systems in Europe. During the last century the species disappeared from the rivers of Western Europe and from the l980’s the large mass emergence took place only in the Tisza River and in few of its tributaries.

At the middle/end of the last century the water quality of a lot of German rivers have became much better, that is why we try to recolonize Palingenia mayfly into earlier habitats in

Germany. In 2006 and 2007 we collected eggs (80 millions) in Hungary and carried them in

Germany. The eggs were hatched in laboratory and the “mini-larvae” were put in the original habitats of Lippe and Odera Rivers. Apart from these 1200 1-2 year old larvae also were transported and colonized in the Lippe and Odera Rivers.

Actual the development of the Palingenia -population in these rivers is controlled by


Fig.1. Palingenia longicauda mayflay (adult)

Fig.2. Palingenia longicauda mayflay (nymph)

Fig.3. Recolonization of Palingenia mayfly in the Lippe River

Fig.4. Reintroduction of “mini-larvae” into earlier habitats

Thomas Tittizer – Institute of Zoology of the University of Bonn/Germany

Sándor Andrikovics – Chair of Zoology of the College in Eger/Hungary

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