Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 5500 Wabash Avenue Terre Haute, Indiana 47803-3999 Student Government Association Phone: (812) 877-8446 Fax: (812) 877-3198 SGA Senate Meeting February 11, 2003 Official Minutes A meeting of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Student Government Association was held on February 11, 2003 at 5:31 p.m., in the Kahn Room, the Vice President being the chair and the Secretary being present. Call to Order Vice President Samuel Zurcher called the meeting to order and Secretary Brian Kiefer called the role: present and absent. The absent Senators being: . Reports of the Officers and Standing Committees Executive Officers President – Benjamin Giant We had elections this past week. It went smoothly. Enjoy the meeting. Vice-President – Samuel Zurcher This is my last meeting. Thanks. Secretary – Brian Kiefer The mailing lists have been updated. I will let the new secretary know about the concerns on the format of the minutes. Treasurer – Alison Burgess The General Fund is at $44,413.92. Page 1 of 6 Executive Director – Sarah Walton The new President is Natalie Morand and the new Vice-President is Cheryl Fang. Publicity Directory – Patrick Roby Thanks to all who voted. Club Relations Director – Natalie Morand I want to see my committee. Parliamentarian – Laura Hemming No report. Class Presidents Senior Class President – Ryan Brown Senior gift is the same as last year but from a different distributor. Junior Class President – Andrew Courtice No report. Sophomore Class President – Jake Klug No report. Freshman Class President – Alicia Gehlhausen This Thursday at the basketball – freshman be there. District Reports BSB Hypnotist on BSB1 tonight. Commuter No report. Deming No report. Mees/Blumberg/Scharpenberg No report. New Hall No report. Page 2 of 6 Off-Campus Fraternities No report. On-Campus Fraternities No report. Skinner SkinnerFest is May 17, 2003. Speed No report. Open Forum Judicial Council Findings – See Attached Sheet Nat Bowe: Why are we, as Senate, just finding these judicial findings now? Samuel Zurcher: I don’t know. Ben Giant: I passed the buck on to Sam. I didn’t even think about informing all of Senate of the findings. Nat Bowe: We had no time to talk with the findings with my constituents, since no one knew, including your executive council, about the findings. Tim Swan: These findings are not binding, but just recommendations. Morgan Reeder: Concerning the second ramification, the club simply must ask, not necessarily be approved to continue to be a probationary club? Tim King: I’m confused on the ruling. Sam Zurcher: Tim Swan, maybe this is for you to answer. Tim Swan: This is another issue. Our feeling is that after those ninety days, you must either disband as a club or go back to probationary club status. Crosswalk by On-Campus Fraternities Jason LaBella: It is still dangerous not to have a crosswalk there, since drivers are not courteous. Ben Giant: I will get on Facilities again. New Business Activity Fee Resolution – Motion to accept resolution Jake Klug: (Resolution read) Jared Farmer: What about the other alternatives to this resolution? Jake Klug: We want the Rose community to be able to expand and reach out to more students and the local community. Vote by Voice: Nay – 3 abs o Division called: 24 yay – 20 nay – 6 abs Page 3 of 6 Aerial Robitics Club Budget Andrew Lee (Club Rep): We are requesting a new budget. We did not spend any money that we were budgeted. It is primarily a move of how we are spending our money. We would like an increase from $3,255.00 to $5,255.00. Andrew Batta (Finance Rep): Recommends $3,2850. We cut recruitment costs since it is near the end of the year. We also cut brochures and letterhead. We cut their competition expenses too, because they are not during this fiscal year. Steve Reed: You didn’t spend all your money on the items you budgeted for, but you spent it on other things. Why? Reps: I don’t know to be honest. Andrew Batta: They do not want to use the money they have for non-approved items, so they are attempting to approve that along with more money. Jared Farmer: Move to approve $3,2850.00. 2nd Cheryl Fang. Vote by voice: Passes - 0 abs. Team Rose Motorsports Funding Request Chris Brattain (Rep): Break-in, 90% percent of equipment stolen, want money to replace all stolen tools Paul Baldeshwilder(Finance Committee): Full amount recommended by Finance committee Chris: we are getting the lock cores and garage doors replaced, we are moving to Myers Motion to approve Full amount ($3981.95) 2nd Ron Zucherman: why have the locks not been replaced? Rep: The lock on the door is the really easy to break Steven Reeder: Why don’t you get a dead bolt? What happens if you get your old tools back? Frank Levinson: It is the same as putting a dead bolt on any door on campus, security cannot be held accountable Rep: If we get the old tools back we will use both sets and increase productivity Vote by voice: Passes - 5 abs. Spanish Club Funding Request Rachel Lukens (Rep): Planning a trip to Mexico, 4th annual trip for a class, students pay for flights, want SGA sponsorship for the trip Jake Klug (Finance Committee): We recommend $3980, cut the gas to $.10 mile due to Finance Committee policy Lukens: Each student pays for $850 of his/her trip, this funding request will allow more people to go Batta: Do you have to be in the class to go on the trip? Dr. De La Cova: No, if you want credit you must go, but anyone can go if they want Jared Farmer: What if gas is overly expensive Dr. De La Cova: Students will pay for the gas out of their own pocket Motion to approve Finance Committee amount of $3980, 2nd Page 4 of 6 Andrew Batta: We have approved money for this trip even when it was not required, Senate needs to decide whether we can fund class trips Ron Zuckerman: Since, it is open to all students we should fund it Jason LaBella: I was on this trip last year, it was no vacation, it was a lot of work, very rigorous course, this is not throwing money away at all Tim King: Can I go if I am not in the class and don’t speak Spanish Dr. De La Cova: If the trip was not already full, you would be able to go Laura Hemming: We were not aware that credit was given last year, should we pay for someone else’s education? Morgan Reeder: Why didn’t the HSS department give money Drew Courtice Move to amend the amount to $4230, 2nd Call to question: Passes Vote by voice: Passes – 0 abs Call to question for $4230: Passes – 2 abs Vote by voice: Passes – 3 abs for full amount of $4230 Unity Club Status Odessa Gearheart (Rep): I don’t understand why it is so hard for us to receive full club status. We amended the section on removal of members. Now states members can be removed if they are harassing other members in a harmful way. Nat Bowe: Why do you have the removal clause? Jared Farmer: Move to approve Unity for full club status, 2nd Steve Reed: Can we table Unity so that we can talk to our consitiuents about the Judical Council’s findings. Frank Levinson: Lets decide something tonight Andrea Mailoux: we have talked to our constituents for many weeks now, we should know how we feel Wes Kalata (Rep): If we are tabled, then we cannot get full club status for another 180 days Ben “not so” Giant: Judical Council wanted to give Unity one last chance to get full club status, which is this meeting, if they are denied/tabled, they must get probationary club status again Jason Labella: The deadline can be extended by one meeting after the 180 day deadline, it can be tabled because Unity has officially asked for it Zach Roth: We need to decide tonight Jason LaBella: They should be a club, however they are in the same ballpark as InterVarsity Steve Reed: We should go by the Judicial Council’s findings and recommendations Odessa: We have a non-discrimination statement, therefore we are not a “gay club” Matt Gordon: Senate should cut to chase and decide whether or not to give Unity full club status, reading a paragraph from Unity’s handout from last week of why Untiy should be a club Nat Bowe: if you feel Unity Club is wrong vote against it, disregard PC, you must represent you constituents Autumn Weddle: InterVarsity and Untiy should not be connected Page 5 of 6 Matt Gordon: most clubs here are based on an activity, Unity is based on a belief, these are two different things Ryan Brown: SWE and NSBE are open to all students, therefore we should allow those two clubs to get SGA Funding Nicole Parke: Call to Question: Passes – 0 abs Roll Call Vote : Fails 27 yea 18 nay, 2abs Unity Club Budget Null Constitution Amendment Proposed by John Stauffer Amendment to Artcile IV, Section 3, Part D Amendmetn to Article VII, Section 13, Part C, Section 4e Motion to Adopt Judical Council’s Recommendation Ryan Poplin: moves to approve the 2nd part of Judicial Council recommendation, 2nd by Nick Cheney Vote by Voice: Failed -- 4 abs Division called by Morgan Reeder: o 16 Yays, 23 nays, - abs “Passing of the Gavel” Many People: Thanks/Congrats to Exec Courtice: Congrats to Natalie Morand and Cheryl Fang Jason LaBella: SkinnerFest May 17 Ailur Blair: Call to Question need a second Natalie Morand: need to see committee after meeting Ben “not so” Giant: give Sam a round of applause for his good work, Senate: don’t become apathetic Sam Zurcher: Thanks to Ben, Exec, and Senate; Cheryl: Good Luck Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm Samuel Zurcher SGA Vice President Brian Kiefer SGA Secretary Page 6 of 6