1 Improve the texts below by correcting all the non-parallel elements in the following paragraphs. Elementary When learning any language, a good dictionary is an extremely valuable tool. However, like all tools, it is valuable only if it is used correctly and (1)efficient. In order to maximize the use of this language tool, learners need to not only understand but (2)have also to use the information that dictionaries can provide. A good dictionary provides more than correct spellings of words and (3)definitions that are precise. It also gives information about pronunciation, what part of speech a word is, etymology and (4)tells people how a word is used. Apart from this, a good dictionary informs the learner about whether a word is ‘informal’, ‘nonstandard’, ‘archaic’ (5)and also provides labels like ‘slang’ when words cannot be used in formal contexts. Other kinds of information include synonyms, plural forms and the (6)dictionary also gives parts of irregular verbs. Learners should try to have the most current version of a dictionary so that even words that have recently entered the language will be included. Currency also ensures the inclusion of new meanings of old words. Language teachers sometimes discourage learners from buying bilingual dictionaries as these may be out of date, (7)the implication that words can be directly translated may be there and this may be inaccurate Key: When learning any language, a good dictionary is an extremely valuable tool. However, like all tools, it is valuable only if it is used correctly and (1) efficiently. In order to maximize the use of this language tool, learners need to not only understand but (2) also to use the information that dictionaries can provide. A good dictionary provides more than correct spellings of words and (3) precise definitions. It also gives information about pronunciation, what part of speech a word is, etymology and (4) usage/ how a word is used. Apart from this, a good dictionary informs the learner about whether a word is ‘informal’, ‘non-standard’, ‘archaic’ (5)and ‘slang’ when words cannot be used in formal contexts. Other kinds of information include synonyms, plural forms and the (6) parts of irregular verbs. Learners should try to have the most current version of a dictionary so that even words that have recently entered the language will be included. Currency also ensures the inclusion of new meanings of old words. Language teachers sometimes discourage learners from buying bilingual dictionaries as these may be out of date, (7) or may imply that words can be directly translated and this may be inaccurate.