Algae and Moss Review

Biology 11
Algae and Moss Assignment
1. What are the main characteristics of algae?
2. Why are mosses and algae considered non-vascular?
3. What does the water in which algae live do for them?
4. What do unicellular algae resemble?
5. All algae contain chlorophyll
6. Why do scientists disagree about the classification of algae?
7. How has your text/internet chosen to classify algae? (Ie: check the glossary)
8. What characteristics do algae have (or not have) because most live in water?
9. What does chlorophyll do for a plant?
Biology 11
10. Why do algae have different types of chlorophyll?
11. What types of pigments does the phylum
Chlorophyta have:
Rhodophyta have:
Phaeophyta have:
12. What do accessory pigments do?
13. Why do green algae sometimes live in a colony?
14. How do green algae store food?
15. What do some scientists believe green algae evolved into and why?
16. Why is chlamydomonas important in the theory of evolution?
17. What connects a volvox colony?
18. How do Volvox “communicate”?
19. How do spirogyra sexually reproduce? (the term and explanation)
Biology 11
20. What is alternation of generations?
21. What is isogamy?
22. What is syngamy?
23. Why do organisms sexually reproduce?
24. Why is algae important to us in terms of evolution?
25. What uses do we have for algae?
1. Why don’t we have much evidence on the evolution of land plants?
2. Which phylum are the mosses?
3. List the ways land plants had to adapt in order to survive out of the water:
4. What are the main characteristics of the bryophytes?
Biology 11
5. What are rhizoids and how are they different from roots?
6. How does water move from cell to cell?
7. How have bryophytes adapted to life on land?
8. What is the female gametophyte structure?
9. What is the male gametophyte structure?
10. On a separate sheet of paper draw and label the moss life cycle.
11. Which stage is dominant, the gametophyte or sporophyte?
12. What is the protonema?
13. How are mosses different from other land plants?