Hylan Refuses Bait to go on Bench and Quit Mayor’s Race ----Foes Realize Need for Keeping Him on Ticket to Block Third-Party Plan. ----McCooey Calls Leaders ----Brooklyn Chief Confers with Olnay, but Both Refuse to Tell What Was Said. ----Meeting of Borough Leaders on Mayoralty Situation Is Put Off Until Next Week. ----In a final attempt to avert an open break and keep him in line for the ticket, Democrats who do not believe Mayor Hylan could make a winning fight for a third term yesterday sent friendly emissaries to the Mayor, who now are bringing all their persuasive powers to bear with a view to inducing him to quit the Mayoralty race and accept a nomination for the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial District. Up to last night these envoys of the anti-Hylan Forces had not been able to budge Mayor Hylan from this determination to make a fight for the Mayoralty again. It was stated, however, that the pressure would continue, and that when the Mayor awakened to a realization of his loss of popularity with the voters there was hope that he would yield to their representations. Coolidge’s Relatives White House Guests ----President’s Father and Mrs. Coolidge’s Mother Attend Inauguration in Washington ----Washington, Feb. 27. — Among guests of President and Mrs. Coolidge in the White House for the inauguration week were John Coolidge, their son; Colonel John Coolidge, the President’s father; Mrs. A. I. Goodhue, mother of Mrs. Coolidge, who lives in the Coolidge home at Northampton, Mass.; Mr. And Mrs. Frank W. Stearns of Boston, intimate friends of the Coolidges, and President Olds of Amherst, President Coolidge’s alma mater. Mrs. Goodhue arrived at the White House today and will remain for several weeks for her first visit to her daughter and son-in-law since they have lived in the White House. Colonel Coolidge, who administered the oath of office to his son when the latter succeeded to the Presidency on the death of President Harding, said that while he was not enthusiastic about leaving Plymouth, Vt., he was anxious to be on hand for the event. He sent word, however, that he did not expect to stay at the White House more than a day or two. As a tribute to the memory of President Harding, President and Mrs. Coolidge sent an invitation to Dr. George T. Harding of Marion, Ohio, father of Warren G. Harding, and his wife to be guests at the White House during the coming Inauguration. Dr. Harding, however, found it necessary to decline. In his note to the President he said he and Mrs. Harding fully appreciated the honor paid them and the thoughtfulness and kindliness shown by the President and Mrs. Coolidge. Laundry Owner Slain at Work in his Shop ----Harlem Man Is Found Shot Dead by Assailant Who Entered Through Transom. Isidore Fink, 30 years old, of 52 East 133d Street, was shot dead at 10:30 o’clock last night in the rear room of the Fifth Avenue Laundry, which he owned, at 4 East 132d Street, by an assailant who apparently entered and left the laundry through the transom over the street door. The doors and windows of the laundry were locked when the police entered, finding Fink on the floor with two bullets in his left chest and one in the left hand. No pistol was found. Money in the cash register and in Fink’s pocket had not been taken. Mrs. Locklan Smith, negress, who lives in an apartment behind the two-room laundry, heard screams and the sounds of blows, but no shots. She ran to the street and returned with Patrolman Albert Kattenborn, who found the doors and the front and rear windows locked. He managed to get into the laundry by lifting a boy through the open transom. The boy unlocked the door. Fink had evidently been doing some ironing, for a hot iron was on the lighted gas stove. Max Schwartz, a shoemaker, with whom Fink lived, said that Fink always kept the doors locked when he worked late, as he feared hold-ups. Fink had no enemies, he said. Noctilucent Cloud Mystery Studied In Radio’s Behalf ----Phenomenon Arouses Keen Scientific Discussion Regarding Its Nature and Origin In the last two of three Summers frequent reports have come from Europe of silvery clouds shining brightly in the middle of the night, effects described as quite different from the lingering glow of twilight. In England it has at times been easy to read a newspaper at midnight by their light. Thus a long-standing scientific mystery crops up again. “Noctilucent,” or “night-luminous,” clouds have been a subject of intermittent discussion among meteorologists and astrophysicists since 1885. Occasional observations of the phenomenon date back even further, for the appearance of clouds shining in the midnight sky aroused popular interest in France in the middle of the seventeenth century. Noctilucent clouds bear a general resemblance to the cirrus, the highest of the ordinary cloud types, consisting of ice needles floating at heights above the earth ranging from five miles in high latitudes to seven miles in the tropics. If, however, they shine by reflected sunlight late at night, they must be many miles above the cirrus level. In the 1880s several measurements of their height, made by Jesse and Stolze by means of simultaneous photographs taken at two widely separated places, indicated that these nocturnal clouds were at an altitude of about fifty miles. At that period they were believed to consist of fine dust carried into the upper atmosphere by the explosive eruption of 1883 of the East Indian volcano Krakatoa. Some of their reappearances in later years were likewise thought to be connected with volcanic eruptions, including those of Pelée and Katmal. Explanations of Origin. The clouds have been seen in both the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere, chiefly between latitudes 50 degrees and 60 degrees. The season of their occurrence in the Northern Hemisphere is between the middle of May and the middle of August; in the Southern, from November to February. At such times and in such latitudes twilight lasts all night, but the noctilucent clouds are visible beyond the limit of the twilight zone and they are distinctly brighter than the background of the nocturnal sky. Some observers have reported a rapid movement of these clouds from east to west, one estimate being as great as 500 miles an hour. Dr. Alfred Wegener and others have suggested that the atmosphere at the lofty level of these objects lags behind the motion of the earth from west to east, so that the apparent velocity of the clouds is due to the more rapid rotation of the earth beneath them. As luminous clouds in recent years have frequently appeared when there was no volcanic outbreak violent enough to spout dust up into the higher atmosphere, several new explanations of their origin have been proposed. Vegard, in 1925, in accordance with his well-known hypothesis that the high atmosphere consists of frozen nitrogen, attributed their appearance to an afterglow of this substance following its illumination by sunlight. Wegener, in the same year, advanced the idea that they consist of ice particles borne aloft in the circulation of a hypothetical “upper troposphere.” Dr. W. Jardetzky, in 1926, also attributed them to ice formed, according to his view, from oxyhydrogen gas under the effects of electrons emitted from the sun. In support of this idea he has pointed out the fact that noctilucent clouds have been much in evidence at times when sun spots were numerous and when the bombardment of the earth by a solar emission of some kind is supposed to be most active. None of these proposed explanations has appealed strongly to the scientific world. Doubts About the Height. The subject of the noctilucent clouds recently acquired increased importance because they are assumed to occur in the region of the upper atmosphere occupied by the Heaviside layer when it is in its nocturnal position. This ionized stratum of the atmosphere is believed to lie about thirty miles above the earth in the daytime and fifty miles at night, the higher position being associated with greatly improved reception of radio signals. The levels between fifty and sixty miles above the earth are also those in which bright meteors or shooting stars are most frequent and in which they tend to leave behind them luminous trails that persist for some seconds or even for several minutes. All the phenomena of this lofty region have become a subject of fresh interest on account of their possible relations to radio transmission. A lively discussion has developed among meteorologists concerning the physical and chemical characteristics of the atmosphere at these levels. No unanimity of opinion or any conclusion has yet been attained. Some well-known scientists of clouds, including Cave and Clayden in England, have expressed doubts concerning the heights ascribed to the noctilucent clouds by Jesse and other early authorities. A few months ago Professor Carl Störmer, the Norwegian investigator of the aurora, published a memoir reporting measurements made on Dec. 30, 1926, of the heights of certain clouds observed about 5 P. M., when the darkness of night had so far advanced that stars of the second magnitude were visible. The measurements were made by means of photographs taken simultaneously from two of Störmer’s aurora stations, located at Bygdö and Oscarborg, sixteen miles apart. The method and apparatus are those that have been used in thousands of measurements of auroral features at the same stations and the results are therefore entirely trustworthy. The height obtained for the clouds was about seventeen miles. Now the question arises whether the clouds measured by Störmer in mid-Winter were identical in nature with the famous noctilucent clouds of mid-Summer that have been the subject of so much controversy. If so, do they occur at a lower altitude in Winter than in Summer? Or were the earlier measurements of their heights erroneous? The clouds lately measured in Norway showed iridescent colors, recalling the fact that certain meteorologists of a generation ago believed all iridescent clouds to be located at great altitudes. Pinch Serge, Oust Isadora ----Russian Hurls glasses in Paris Hotel, She Shrieks, Police Handle Him Roughly—Oo, la la la ----By Henry Wales [By Cable—Exclusive Dispatch] PARIS.—Serge Essenin was arrested and Isadora Duncan was ousted from the Crillon Hotel early today as a result of row in their suite. Serge rolled in the hotel about 2 o’clock this morning lit up and soon the guests heard roars, yells, breaking bottles and glasses being thrown out of the windows. Serge then tried to smash the door connecting with the room occupied by an American millionaires, who was terrified, while Isadora rushed into the corridor lightly clad screaming for help. Hotel porters were unable to handle the husky young Russian and the police were called, who mussed up Serge considerably before he submitted. DRAGGED TO STATION Essenin was dragged to the station house to sleep off his wild jag. Isadora was asked to quit the hotel immediately. She went a doctor to take Serge to another hotel when he sobered. Isadora has taken refuge in a friend’s home. “Whisky and soda ruins Serge. He is accustomed to vodka, but he cannot stand hooch,” said the hotel waiters. The room looked like a cyclone had struck it after the police had dragged out the Russian. Essenin left Paris at 8 o’clock tonight for Moscow, via Berlin, accompanied by several companions to make sure he does not get off the train. SPLIT IS DENIED Serge denies that he and Isadora have split, but she declines to make any statement whether her matrimonial venture has ended. Friends insist that she found her youthful, temperamental husband too much and everything is off between them. “Paris is too much for my nervous temperament,” said Serge at the train. “America played havoc with my nerves and I did all sorts of things I should not have one. I have been epileptic as a result of war, revolution, more war and continuous trouble.” The Duncans continue to fill the public eye and the public print. Long columns are carried daily, both on Isadora’s troubles in America and her brother Raymond’s troubles with the police on account of his salacious salon picture, which, by the way, the authorities evidently intend to keep for themselves. But the brother and sister have no intention of aiding each other, each declaring that the other is a mere seeker of publicity. Raymond affirms that “Isadora always has been a hunter of cheap notoriety and has long been a bad influence in the family.” Isadora, when questioned about Raymond, merely glares. Scores Germans in House ----Lineberger Defends French Course in Ruhr; Democrat Refers to Bergdoll and YellowStreaked Race ----WASHINGTON.—Occupation of the Ruhr was attacked and defended today in the House. Representative Knutson of Minnesota, the Republican whip, declared France was seeking to dismember the German republic and that the time had come for America to break its “long silence” with reference to the occupation. Representative Butler of Pennsylvania, chairman of the Naval Committee, who had yielded Knutson time in which to make his address, told the House that he in no way concurred in what the Minnesota member had said. “My sympathy is with France,” he declared, “and I hope she can collect every dollar that is due her.” Representative Vinson, Democrat, of Georgia, made a like announcement, declaring he had a brother whose “blood was spilled on the battlefield of France.” “I am for France and always will be for France,” said he. Knutson, who delivered a prepared address, asked how much longer the United States was going “to stand aside and permit the violation of the promises made at the time of the armistice.” “President Wilson said we were not fighting the German people,” he contended, “and yet, the children of Germany now are undernourished because the Allies have taken all of their cows. Almost everything produced in Germany since the armistice has been taken from them.” Replying later to Representative Knutson, Chairman Bulwinkle, Democrat, North Carolina, who served in the World War, told the House that “Grover Cleveland Bergdoll and all the others of that white livered, yellow streaked race, will applaud and say the American Congress is in favor of us.” He declared that the Germans had murdered and ravished during the war in an effort “to carry out their imperialistic aims” and asserted that they had failed to deliver to the people of the occupied district the fats, sugar and other foodstuffs sent to them from America. Representative Lineberger, Republican, California, also a World War veteran, declared Knutson had “unfurled the German imperial standard on the floor of the House of Representatives.” “You may say,” said Lineberger, “that the war is over, but the war has never begun for gentlemen such as the gentleman from Minnesota.” Four Ships Wrecked ----Tuscan Prince is Total Loss ----- Gale-Lashed North Pacific Takes Toll of Vessels; Crews Reported Safe ----Steamer Nika Burns While Rescue Boat Saves Men From High Waves ----[By A. P. Night Wire] SEATTLE.—The steamer Tuscan Prince is a total loss on Estevan Point, Nootka Sound, British Columbia, according to a wireless message from the United States Coast Guard cutter Algonquin. The crew was landed safely. The North Pacific’s “graveyard of ships” claimed four more vessels as victims, with possible loss of life, in a furious gale that swept the ocean off the Washington and British Columbia coast lines. The vessels known to have been lost are the steamer Nika, burned to the water’s edge near Umatilla Reef; the freighter Santa Rita, lodged high on a rock ledge near Clo-Oose, Vancouver Island, the motor ship Coolcha, pounded by huge waves as she lay on and exposed reef at Albert Head, near Victoria, B. C., and the British freighter Tuscan Prince. “We are breaking up fast; we are going to drown,” was the last message from the latter vessel early today. Then her spark failed and she was unable to give her position. Repeated calls brought no answer and ships that went to her rescue were unable to sight her. CREWS SAVED The crews of the other vessels were rescued. Word by word, the messages often halted or broken, the wireless brought the story of the storm’s toll into Seattle during the night and today. First, late yesterday came word from the Coast Guard cutter Snohomish, Capt. R. R. Waesche. “We are going to aid steamer Nika, reported lost rudder, dangerous position off Umatilla Reef.” The Snohomish was at Port Angeles, eight hours run from the disabled vessel. A little later another message from Victoria, said the Coolcha had been abandoned and her crew taken off by the salvage steamer Algerine. Then word came that a station at Walla Walla had heard the Nika’s call for aid. The Snohomish reported she would reach the disabled craft at midnight. The regular routine of the air began again. FIRE ALARM SOUNDED Once more out of the West came an SOS faintly and a call: “We are on fire. Help.” There was no signature. The operator at the naval radio station oat Bremerton, Wash., thought he “heard Nika say something about fire aboard but couldn’t understand it all.” The Smith Island radio compass station reported: “Apparently inexperienced operator on watch.” The Snohomish searched vainly for the vessel and reported no progress. The steamer Kewanee, off the entrance to the straits of Juan de Fuca, saw a glare, evidently from a steamer afire. Shortly after 3 o’clock, this morning the Santa Rita broke into the aerial conversation. “We will be there at 4 o’clock,” said the Santa Rita’s key. An hour later and the Santa Rita had struck a Vancouver Island ledge and was herself calling for help. Another call came. WIRELESS FAILS “SOS Tuscan Prince ashore at—” the wireless failed. “We are breaking up fast, we are going to drown,” said a second faint message. “Santa Rita, off Tatoosh on rocks, sinking, receiver broken, cannot hear anyone work. Captain says she won’t sink but the water is rough. Asks if anyone o the way.” The wireless had picked up another call for help. “U. S. Coast Guard cutter Algonquin off Columbia River, attempting rescue Tuscan Prince.” “The Santa Rita’s receiver in commission again.” Commercial messages filled the air again and then came the Snohomish: “Rescued total crew of thirty-four men from burning Nika. Now standing by wreck. Will give obstruction report later.” BAD NEWS REPORTED “Bad news from the Tuscan Prince. Lives probably lost when Tuscan Prince went ashore near Estevan. Going to vessel’s aid,” said a The latter vessel at that time was reporting in no immediate danger. Just before noon the Snohomish told of the rescue of the Nika’s men. “The sea was too rough for lowering of boats so Snohomish put bow up close along stern burning Nika and took crew off with improvised breeches buoy, men putting buoy on and jumping into water and being hauled aboard. Heat intense. No one lost, three men slightly hurt.” Lady Astor is Mixed in Arguments ----Lively Scenes Enacted in Commons Over Emigration to Colonies ----[By Cable—Exclusive Dispatch] LONDON.—Lady Astor figured in several lively scenes in the House of Commons yesterday when Labor party members, debating on unemployment, attacked the government’s policy of sending children to the colonies. While C. D. Hardie, a Laborite from Scotland, was denouncing the policy as un-Christian, Lady Astor interrupted, questioning the accuracy of one of his statements. “You haven’t the manners of a street corner cat,” Mr. Hardie retorted. The speaker intervened, saying the members must listen to each other in patience. Later J. W. Muir, another Scottish Laborite, speaking on the same subject, asked if the members would consent to having their own children emigrate. Lady Astor and several others stood up, saying: “I would.” All were requested to sit down by the speaker. Mr. Muir then asserted that the plan included the emigration of boys 14 years of age. Lady Astor shook her head, and Mr. Muir replied; “but, my dear lady, it is so.” The speaker rebuked him, ordering him to the chair and pointing out that the honorable lady was not in the chair. Mr. Muir, apologized, saying the remark just slipped out. River Bed Disgorges Prehistoric Relics ----- Stone Slab Bearing Ancient Hieroglyphics Found Near Sonora ----[By A. P. Night Wire] SONORA.—More than 200 feet beneath the surface among the stones of the ancient river bed which was covered by the lava flow which created Springfield flat, the famous goldbearing area at Columbia, a slab of granite bearing hieroglyphics believed to have been carved by a representative of a prehistoric race has been found by one of the miners of the Springfield Tunnel and Development Company. The stone is irregular in shape, being twelve inches long by approximately nine inches wide. The characters extending across its face are from three to four inches high and regular in shape. The stone will be forwarded immediately to the University of California for study and deciphering. The stone is apparently a part of a larger rock from which it has been broken. Old Fight is No Bar to Little ----National Guardsman Gets Help of Ambassador When Colonel Balks in Paris ----[By Cable—Exclusive Dispatch] PARIS.—The time-honored row between the National Guard and the Regular Army did not prevent Gen. Arthur W. Little, a member of the staff of Gov. Smith of New York from arranging to decorate the French generals who helped the Three Hundred and Sixtyninth American (colored) Infantry, now a National Guard unit, when it served with the French in Champagne. New York State and Federal authorities sent Gen. Little to decorate Gens., Gouraud, Eileydosielle, Legallis and Lebuc and Capt. Defouquieres with conspicuous service medals, but Col. Bentley Mott, the military attaché at the Paris Embassy, declined to aid Gen. Little in getting into communication with the French government and the Minister of war. Finally Gen. Little conferred with Ambassador Herrick. The latter immediately ordered Col. Mott to co-operate. The decoration ceremony was arranged. And entire French division will parade and be reviewed at an early date, when Gen. Little confers the medals. Returns from Funeral, Finds Roomer Dead ----When Mrs. Minnie M. Pratt, 1836 Garfield Place, returned home yesterday afternoon after having attended the funeral of a friend, she found Mrs. Dora Louise Maude, a roomer in the house, dead from asphyxiation. Mrs. Maude had been dead about an hour when the body was discovered, according to Dr. S. S. Bernard, who was called on the case. Hear her was a gas hose from a heater, with the cock open. According to Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Maude had been suffering from a nervous breakdown, and seemed subject to despondency. She was a widow and about 35 years of age. She has no known relatives in this city, but leaves a brother, Sidney L. Bates, of Dunsmuir. The body was taken to the Strother-Dayton undertaking establishment. Negro Held on Murder Charge ----A formal complaint of murder was made against Milton Taylor, negro, yesterday afternoon by Dep. Dist.-Atty. McClelland in connection with the fatal shooting of Taylor’s wife on the 12th inst. Taylor has been held in the City Jail. He will be arraigned this morning. The accused man told the Coroner’s jury investigating the death that he had been compelled to shoot his wife to prevent her stealing all his possessions after she had left him. The jury returned a verdict of homicide. W.C.T.U. Meeting ----The Central W.C.T.U. will hold an all-day meeting tomorrow at its headquarters, 301 North Broadway. Speakers will be Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Garret and Miss Cummings. Music will be furnished by Mrs. Harris. Salvationists’ Needs Detailed ----Chairman Garland Tells Why Drive is Made ----Demands on Army Expand as City Grows ----Appeal Made to Aid Workers with Facilities ----“Why does the Salvation Army need more buildings?” said William M. Garland concerning the Army’s drive for $270,000 to provide funds for housing its various institutions. “The one reason the Salvation Army needs larger quarters,” said Mr. Garland, who is chairman of the committee of business men in charge of the drive, “is that Los Angeles has grown so fast the work the Army carries on is becoming seriously handicapped because of lack of facilities. Just as Los Angeles has grown in prosperity and population, so have the calls for help and service on the Army increased. “Four years ago the advisory board decided on a building program to house the various Army institutions. Heavy demands for welfare work depleting the funds available, as well as the high cost of building, have caused us to wait until this time to push over the drive for money to provide the buildings needed. We cannot wait longer. WORK IS VARIED “Most of us think of the Salvation Army in terms of the roll of the drum at the street meetings and the free Christmas dinners. As a matter of fact these are but two phases of the Army’s work. The work actually covers fourteen different activities in Los Angeles. And here is something to think about. Seventy-five per cent of this work is carried on without appeal for public support. The reason is the Salvation Army helps folks help themselves. “The Salvation Army is performing a wonderful service. It takes the place of father, mother, brother and friend to folks who have nobody to fall back on. This lovely country of ours not only attracts the wealthy but is a Mecca for the down-and-out and viciously criminal classes. Yet it is the duty of those who love their country, their city and their homes to extend such help and encouragement as is possible to these unfortunate and unhappy people, to try and direct them toward a better and happier life. The contact can be made, and is made, daily, through the Salvation Army. There is an instinctively decent element in every human life which can be appealed to by these generous, kindly souls of our Salvation Army. If they can save these people from the paths that lead them to prison or the gallows, and show them—with sympathy, kindness and assistance—the right road, it is your duty and my duty to do our part as best we can, and as soon as we can. You know what it means to have somebody stretch out a helping hand, say a kindly word and extend real help when things fall to pieces. The Salvation Army does so many different kinds of good it is impossible to dwell on any one activity without doing the others an injustice. CHILDREN GET MILK “Take milk for instance. It is the greatest food known to build healthy little bodies. Last year the Salvation Army distributed 140,000 quarts of milk to undernourished little children. It keeps them growing, going to school and will help to develop them into good citizens as they grow older. Healthy bodies make for healthy minds, and that is the great requirement for good citizenship. “Then there is the day nursery over on Towne street, where youngsters are cared for each day, while their mothers work and earn. The army knows it is better to care for these children and have the mothers earning than it is to have the mothers idle and dependent on charity for themselves and their children. “That is the whole philosophy of the Salvation Army’s service—to help folks who need it help themselves. “Then there’s the Working Men’s Hotel and Industrial Home on Weller street. Here the homeless and friendless man finds both. He gets a clean bed and good food and the opportunity to find a job. Temporary work is given him on jobs the army provides. This is a spur to his pride. He feels he is not an object of charity, but is helping to pay for what he receives. This system by the same token eliminates the shiftless and lazy loafer. BUILDINGS NEEDED “Adequate housing facilities are going to enable the army to carry its work among the poor and needy and helpless on the greater scale which our fast-growing city demands. Without the proper equipment in buildings the army cannot carry out the program of work I know should be done. The success of the drive means a new poor man’s hotel to be located at 125 East Fourth street, the erection of a relief center and day nursery at the intersection of Eighth street and Towne avenue and the erection of divisional headquarters and central corps facilities on West Ninth street. It will also provide a maintenance fund to take care of the new buildings as well as the other institutions now housed in buildings owned by the army. “The Salvation Army is doing great work. We all admit that. Let us prove we believe what we say by not failing to give our support during this drive.” The advisory board and executive committee in charge of the drive is composed of Mr. Garland, chairman; Frank Ryan, assistant chairman; and twenty-six other business and civic leaders. Man, Masking as Kip, Visits ‘Dusky Bride’ ----New Rochelle, N. Y. (AP).— Mrs. Alice Jones Rhinelander has overwrought nerves today from the shock she got last night, when a stranger stalked into a neighbor’s house and announced he was Leonard Kip Rhinelander come back to his bride. The visitor bore a slight resemblance to Young Rhinelander, and the neighbor, Mrs. Albert Muller, ran with word to the former Alice Jones that the husband who unsuccessfully tried to annul their marriage because of her negro blood had come to see her. Greatly excited, Mrs. Rhinelander rushed to the Muller home, but the stranger was not her husband. She turned him over to New Rochelle police, who put him in a padded cell. Day of Motoring Later he told police he was Teddy Dorn, aged 42, of Newark, N. J. Police said he had a wife and two children in Newark. Before the stranger appeared to upset her already strained nerves, Mrs. Rhinelander spent the day motoring. It was said she may go to Florida to rest. Meanwhile, her real husband, the Leonard Kip Rhinelander of aristocratic parentage, disappeared from his hotel in White Plains early yesterday morning and is in seclusion. Lee Parsons Davis, attorney for Mrs. Rhinelander, said service of papers in a separation suit against her husband would be made by publication if Rhinelander cannot be found. Work on Appeal The latter’s attorneys thus far have refused to accept service in the forthcoming suit. Isaac N. Mills, counsel for Rhinelander, began work today on his appeal brief with which he hopes to upset the jury’s verdict denying h is client freedom from the wife whom he says he married without knowing she was the daughter of a mulatto. Judge Mills is preparing to go to the appellate division and the court of appeals if Supreme Court Justice Morschauser overrules his motion to set aside the jury verdict. Justice Morschauser is expected to five his opinion before the end of the month. 9 Injured by Hit and Run Autoists ----While the crusade against hit and run drivers, speeders and violators of traffic rules, was under way today in all the bay cities, nine persons, four of them women were victims during the weekend of speeding motorists who failed to stop after striking them. Some of the drivers were caught, and a rigid search is being conducted by the combined bay city police forces for the others. Following are the injured: Frank Pigantore, 771 Madrid street, concussion of brain. Mitchell Dobrenan, 10, a newsboy; both legs fractured. Miss Julia Stafford, 907 Peralta street, Berkeley; hurt internally. George Aitken, 1177 Stanyan street; fractured foot. Dan Lynch, 1009 Treat avenue; internal injuries. Mrs. Susan Hill, 81, 4315 Salem street, Emeryville; minor hurts. J. L. Mulqueeny, her husband; slight injuries. Mrs. Gus Bustal, 54 Merriwood drive; severe bruises. Young Dobrenan was struck down as he alighted from a Municipal street car at Eleventh and Market streets by an automobile which crashed into the car. The driver leaped from the wreckage and fled on foot. He was captured after a race with police at Lilly and Franklin streets. He was Ray Lagomarsino, 19, who the police say was driving a stolen car. Victim Recovers Frank Pigantore, after a night unconsciousness, recovered from a concussion of the brain today at the Mission Emergency Hospital, sufficiently to converse with hospital attendants. Pigantore dos not know what happened to him, but surgeons say he was the victim of a hit-and-run driver. The man was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital last night in an unconscious condition by two men and two women. The quartet disappeared without leaving their names or addresses. The number of their machine, however, was obtained and was turned over to the police today. Later Pigantore was taken to the Mission Emergency Hospital. Obtain Number Miss Stafford was struck down at Mission and New Montgomery streets yesterday. Pedestrians who witnessed the accident took the number of the machine and turned it over to the police. Miss Stafford is at the St. Francis Hospital. Aitken was struck when he alighted from a street car at Carl and Stanyan streets. He was taken to the Park emergency Hospital. Mrs. Susan Hill, 81, who came across the plains in a covered wagon in 1853, suffered severe cuts and bruises when she was struck by a car driven by August Peterson of Martinez at San Pablo avenue and Fifty-fourth street, Oakland. Capture Driver Witnesses pursued Peterson two blocks before he was captured. Dan Lynch, a mail carrier, was hit by a speeding machine at Twenty-ninth and Mission streets, Saturday night. Karl Rahm, 503 San Francisco, was arrested by police last night as the driver of the hit and run auto which struck him. Rahm was traced by his license number and arrested at the home of his brother, Gus Rahm, 11 Beaver street. Mrs. Butsal received her injuries when hit by a truck near her home. The Oakland police are said to have the name of the owners of the vehicle. Mulqueeny and his wife were injured when another car struck their machine broadside at Webster and Seventeenth streets. Mrs. Mulqueeny was thrown out and seriously hurt. ‘Red’ Grange in Radio Broadcast ----New York.—Fresh from a football game for which he had been paid in the neighborhood of $20,000, Harold (“Red”) Grange last night told the largest audience before which he ever appeared that the rewards of football “are spiritual rather than material.” He broadcast a football speech over radio WEAF and twenty-one associated stations as a part of the Near East Relief program for Golden Rule Sunday. During the afternoon he materially aided the Chicago Bears in their 19 to 7 victory over the New York Giants. To his radio audience he said: “Football, I am convinced, is the best game that was ever invented. It demands more than any game from the player. Its rewards are spiritual rather than material, but they are certain. The monetary reward is secondary. “The big thing I have won from football is not this present fortunate break which has enabled me to earn certain monetary rewards, but rather the more permanent matter of a training in courage, stamina and ability to use mind and muscle more effectively.” He also included in his address a diet and schedule—excluding tobacco and liquor—for aspiring athletes; called Bob Zuppke “the greatest football coach that ever lived,” and said his own training as an iceman had been of his own choice and a surprise to his father. Iron Pipe Shopper Kills Charity Worker ----St. Louis, Mo. (AP).—The body of Mrs. Callie Black, 25, one of a number of women who sold “forget-me-nots” on the streets here Saturday for disabled veterans, was found yesterday in an alley. She had been beaten to death with an iron pipe. Russell L. Miller, 21, an express driver, confessed that he committed the crime, police announced. Overcome by Gas ----Alfred Koch, 936 Diamond street, was in the Central Emergency Hospital today recovering from the effects of gas asphyxiation. Koch told police he was the victim of an accident. Cropsey Rebukes 2 Jurors Who Went To Hear Reynolds ----Nassau County Probe Begun with Criticism from the Bench of Men on Panel. ----Levity In Court Quashed. ----Reynolds Present, Ready to Testify. ----By GEORGE EDWARD LYNDON Jr. MINNEOLA, L. I., Feb. 26.—The extraordinary Grand Jury which is to sift the charges of graft and corruption in Nassau County under an executive order of Governor Smith went into session in the courthouse here promptly at 2 o’clock p.m. with Thomas McNeilly, an expert accountant attached to the State Controller’s office, as the first witness. The jury consists of 20 members chosen by Justice James C. Cropsey, who is presiding over the investigation, and Special Deputy Attorney General Kenneth M. Spence, after an examination remarkable both for its brevity and its intensity. In his stern rebuke of two talesmen, Joseph S. Seligman of Farmingdale and Arthur Lugren of Freeport, both of whom finally were included in the jury, Justice Cropsey created a severely austere atmosphere which quite apparently impressed upon those in the court room the fact this is to be an investigation with a fixed and unswervable purpose. Both Seligman and Lugren admitted having attended meetings which Mayor William H. Reynolds of Long Beach conducted in is own defense against charges which he indicated he believed would be lodged against him. Reynolds Arrives Early. Reynolds was among the earliest arrivals at the courthouse, treading almost literally on the heels of Mr. Spence and his staff as they entered the rotunda. The Mayor, flushed of face, closely followed the process of examining the prospective jurors. He declined to make a statement, but his attorney, Peter P. Spencer of Brooklyn, said that he had addressed a letter to Justice Cropsey asking that Reynolds be permitted to testify before the Grand Jury under a waiver of immunity. Whitney Chosen Foreman. After the jury had been selected, Justice Cropsey designated Daniel S. Whitney to act as foreman. In his charge to the jurors, afer they had been placed under oath, Justice Cropsey emphasized the fact that he proposed to make the investigation a fair one without bias, without prejudice. Hatch Rum Plots In Seaman’s Inst., Stuart Charges ----Seven Seized on Liquor Boats Said to Have Made Plans There. Bootleggers are taking advantage of the hospitality the Seamen’s Institute affords to seafaring men, and are using the building at 25 South st., Manhattan, as a headquarters where rum-running plots are hatched, according to charges contained in a letter from Assistant Customs Collector H. C. Stuart to United States Attorney Ralph C. Greene today. The letter demanded the swift prosecution of seven men seized on board two rum-runners off Orient Point on Saturday. The prisoners were examined in the Customs House today and are said to have made statements in which they admitted having hatched their conspiracy to smuggle liquor in the Seamen’s Institute. The two boats seized were the Sadie E. Nickerson, a motorboat with 500 cases of whisky on board, and the Theodore, another power boat, which also carried 500 cases. The crew of the Sadie E. Nickerson consisted of W. H. Libby of Clinton, Conn.; James McDonald of 25 south st., and James Jensen of 167 E. 83rd st. The crew of the Theodore described themselves as Albert Brown, Acting Captain George Hanson of 25 Jagert ave., Flushing, L. I.; George Hudson of New Orleans, La., and William Hamilton of 25 South street. Assistant Collector Stuart said that he had brought the matter to the attention of the superintendent of the Seamen’s Institute. F. B. Leach, assistant to the superintendent of the institute, said this afternoon that steps had already been taken to bar the seven men involved in the two seizures from the institute. “Anyone found hatching such plots are immediately barred from the building,” he said. The four men caught with three truck loads of fancy liquors on the estate of Isaac Guggenheim at Sands Point, Port Washington, Saturday, were arraigned in the Federal Building today. They were held for further examination. The four described themselves as John Hart, 2665 Vanderveer pl., Brooklyn; Edward Aloise, 95 Halsey st., Astoria, L. I.; Jack Daly, 1895 Walton ave., Bronx, and Harold Davis, 2126 Broadway, Manhattan. The value of the liquor seized was placed today at about $40,000 by Divisional Enforcement Chief R. Q. Merrick. Edwin Fitzpatrick, 27, of 244 W. 19th st., Manhattan, was arraigned today before Commissioner Rasquin, charged with passing out gin to sailors in the Navy Y. M. C. A. on Sands st. Ensign Emmet E. Spring made the complaint. Fitzpatrick was held in $1,000 bail. Quake Rocks New England ----Houses Tremble, Windows Rattle and Furniture and Dishes Are Tossed About ----5th Recorded in 300 Years ----Shock is Worst on the North Shore of Massachusetts ----Tremor Preceded Great Shock. ----BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 28. — An earthquake, heralded by an earlier tremor, shook Eastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire today, causing alarm to thousands, making houses tremble on their foundations, breaking windows, and tossing furniture about. It was the fifth earthquake in the three centuries of New England’s recorded history. Along the north shore, the towns and cities received the brunt of the natural convulsion. In Marblehead, Gloucester, Beverly and Salem people ran from their houses, huddled in amazed groups in the streets, or sought safety in their cellars. Houses shook on Beacon Hill in Boston. The ground trembled as far north as Danville, N. H. Brockton and points along the shore felt the tremor, as did Arkham. The authorities at Harvard University made the following statement: “There was an earthquake shock recorded by the seismograph station of Harvard University at 9:23 P. M. “The shock was of four minutes duration. The preliminary tremors were obscured by vibrations apparently from an offshore disturbance. Because of this it was impossible to estimate the distance or location of the centre of the area affected. It appeared as if the strongest shocks were to the north and east of Boston. “There is a possibility that the earthquake may have taken place at sea. The microcisms, or wave vibrations, registered heavily.” In every section the frightened residents believed that there had been an explosion in the nearest powder mill. Revere and Winthrop folks were convinced that the magazine of one or the other of the harbor forts had exploded. Further inland citizens believed that a powder mill at Acton had blown up. All doubts were removed, however, when the Harvard seismograph station reported that the tremors were undoubtedly caused by an earthquake. Randolph Ray, acting in place of Professor Jay B. Woodworth, who is on sick leave, said that the seismograph would record an explosion faintly but that its records showed unquestionably that there had been an earthquake. Comparatively few people felt the earlier tremor, or if they felt it failed to appreciate what it meant. This came at 5:30 o’clock this evening. It was reported to have been felt in its greatest strength at Danville, N. H., but people much nearer Boston, in fact within the city itself, felt the tremor. The great shock came between 9:23 P. M. and 9:28 P. M., depending upon the locality. It continued for a duration of four minutes in some places, to as long as six minutes in others. At Police Headquarters in Boston, it was believed that a particularly heavy truck was passing when the whole building shook, and the same theory prevailed all over Beacon Hill. In Medford and Malden dishes were thrown from the tables, bric-a-brac from shelves and pictures torn from the walls. Slates where thrown to the ground from hundreds of roofs in the north shore towns. CLINTON, Mass., Feb. 28.—The earthquake was felt in Clinton at 9:24 o’clock this evening. Buildings were shaken and windows rattled for a period of about two minutes. In the District Court room the court officials were startled when the chairs began to shake and the windows to rattle. PROVIDENCE, R.I., Feb. 28.—Slight earth tremors were felt in Rhode Island this morning. Residents of Conimicut reported that soon after 9 o’clock this evening a deep rumble, lasting for fully two minutes, was heard. The Fordham University seismograph recorded the earth tremors and shock in New England yesterday, according to J. S. O’Connor at the university. “It was probably the slipping of an old fault,” said Mr. O’Connor. “We got the first light tremors beginning at 9:18 o’clock this evening. They were rapid and of high frequency, and lasted about half a minute. Then we got the full impulse at 9:23 o’clock. It was a single shock of considerable duration.” LIFE-LONG WORRIES. ----My young son complained to me at breakfast about a terrible dream he’d had the night before, a dream of monsters and strange cities and frightening voices coming from the dark. The poor tyke was greatly shaken up by it, and it reminded me of just how important it is to get good sound sleep. I’ll tell you what I told my son. The fifteen minutes before going to sleep is the most important quarter of an hour in the whole twenty-four. The question of real sleep and refreshment—in place of restless, uneasy slumber plagued with nightmares—for the body, brain and mind is determined by the physical, mental and emotional state during the last waking moments. If the individual enters the sleep state with tense muscles, a mind unrelaxed and intent on anxious problems, and filled with worry, hate or fear thoughts, the chances are all against real repose and refreshing sleep. Indeed, many people get up from their couches each morning entirely unrefreshed and unfit for their day’s labor—not having had an hour’s real rest. It seems not too much to say that some people do not know what real slumber is. A large number of people have formed the vicious habit of carrying their troubles to bed with them. If they have any anxious care, any grouches, any enmities, any hatreds to indulge, they brush these all aside during the activities of the day, and carry all of them to bed with them to indulge in the luxury of hate and worry thoughts before sleep. What is the consequence? The sub-conscious mind which rules in sleep takes its cue and its subjects for reflection and for solution from the dominant thoughts and emotions just before sleep. The work of the sub-conscious mind is intensified during sleep and its activities are determined by the suggestions of our conscious thought during waking hours, and especially by the last conscious thinking before sleep. The subsconscious mind is the hopper of a mill that receives whatever is given to it— good or bad—false or true—moral or the reverse, —and it grinds up its grist into the finest flour and builds it into the physical, intellectual and moral character of the individual. All worry thoughts, fears, hates, envyings, suspicions, and jealousies are destructive thoughts and become, when builded into character by the sub-conscious, poison thoughts to injure health and happiness. These discordant thoughts have another serious effect upon the individual. Ellingson Girl Insane, State Expert Asserts ----Her Trial for the Murder of Her Mother Is Expected to Begin Today. ----SAN FRANCISCO, April 29.—Counsel for both sides indicated today that the trial of Dorothy Ellingson, 16 years old, charged with the murder of her mother, would proceed tomorrow, though others in close touch with the case saw a strong possibility that the defense would present a formal motion to end the trial and empanel a new jury to determine the girl is now insane. Dr. Fred P. Clark, Superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, at Stockton has issued a statement saying he considers her insane, basing his judgment on close observation of her behavior in the court house. It was understood that other alienists, subpoenaed by the defense, were examining the prisoner at the county jail today. Sylvester J. McAfee, of defense counsel, said he had not received formal reports on her condition and could not predict whether the trial would be interrupted. He pointed out, however, that the defense, in outlining its case to prospective jurors all last week, had emphasized that possibility she was insane at the time of the commission of the crime. Her present condition, if it were brought into the case, would involve a new issue, he said. Dorothy Ellingson is alleged to have cut her mother’s throat on March 24. The girl claims she had been having nocturnal visions and heard voices commanding her to do things. It is claimed that the voices warned her that her mother was a threat to her and must be eliminated. Crashes Into Taxi In 17-Story Plunge ----Actor Goes Through Roof of Cab Just as Passenger Alights. ----Lives 4 Hours After Fall ----Not Known Whether Dead Man Jumped or Fell From New Equitable Building. ----Harold Van Winkle, 21, an actor appearing at the Broadhurst Theater, lived for four hours after falling or leaping from the seventeenth floor of the Equitable Life Assurance Society’s new building at the corner of Thirty-second Street and Harvard Avenue yesterday. The drop carried him from the south side of Thirty-second Street to the entrance of the Hotel Pennsylvania on the opposite side, where he crashed through the roof of a taxicab just after it had discharged a fare. Van Winkle’s fall came when the streets were filled with noonday crowds. Although he sustained a fractured skull, two broken legs and internal injuries, he was conscious when Patrolman Dobbins of the West Thirtieth Street Station reached him in the taxicab and was able to whisper name and address. He died in St. Mary’s Hospital. The dead man lived with his mother and grandmother at 750 St. Nicholas Avenue. His mother was visiting in New Jersey yesterday. His grandmother reports he had been troubled of late with disturbing dreams and complained of loss of sleep. She believes that chronic fatigue may have led to his fatal fall. Fellow performers at the Broadhurst Theatre said he was a sensitive man prone to nervous exhaustion, and that his behavior in recent weeks had become erratic. His associates did not know why he might have gone to the Equitable building. There is no record of his having business there. A big crowd gathered on Thirty-second Street when the tragedy occurred, and fifteen patrolmen from nearby posts held them in check. Patrolman Dobbins believed at first that the man had fallen from one of the hotel windows. Dr. Dwinell of St. Mary’s Hospital, who had to force his way through the crowd with the aid of the policemen, took Van Winkle to the hospital. Husband Missing A Week. ----Kissed Wife and Promised to Meet Her a Few Hours Later. ----ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 30.—A week ago today Wilmer S. Chew, 38, kissed his wife good-bye in the morning and promised to meet her at 1:30 P. M., to close a deal on a cigar and stationery store that Mrs. Chew was going to conduct, and left the house. He has not been seen since. Mrs. Chew, bordering on a nervous breakdown, has pursued every possible clue as to her husband’s whereabouts without result. The day after his disappearance, Mrs. Chew discovered a journal kept by her husband, in which he had drawn a large number of strange pictures which Mrs. Chew described as “nightmarish.” The journal also included passages of text written in a language Mrs. Chew could not identify. Her husband does not speak any foreign languages, she reported. Aged Woman Drowned in Swamp. ----Mrs. Mary Dahle, a widow, 85 years old, of 596 Eighth Avenue, Astoria, reputed to be the owner of real estate in the Ravenswood and Astoria sections of Long Island City, was found dead yesterday in the swamps near the incinerator of the Queens Street Cleaning Bureau, Astoria. It is believed she wandered into the swamp while looking over some of her property. Albert Dahle, 38, grandson of the deceased woman, said his grandmother had grown distracted in recent weeks and claimed to have heard “voices” calling to her from the swampy area. California Farmer Dies As ‘Sacrifice’ ----Submits Willingly to Fatal Branding With Hot Iron by Religious Fanatics. ----OROVILLE, Cal., April 9.—Herman R. Schalow, a farmer, the District Attorney’s office says, was a willing sacrifice at a religious “branding party,” after which he died. Warrants for four relatives for alleged participation in the rites will be issued. The “branding party” took place at the home of Edward Rhodes, brother-in-law of Schalow, near Gridley, early Sunday morning, March 29. The District Attorney says he has admissions that at least two persons other than Schalow were in the room when a poker was heated in a stove and that the feet, arms and other parts of Schalow’s body were seared. Investigators learned that those who took part declared a human sacrifice was necessary as a part of a reputed religious fanatical ceremony. They assert they were impelled by a strange power possessed by Schalow, one they could not resist, and that the branding was voluntarily accepted by Schalow, who rested on the floor, a willing victim to this white hot iron. Mrs. Schalow fell into a strange “spell,” in which she remained for two or three days following the party, authorities say they learn. Sheep were offered as sacrifices the night before the “branding,” reports of investigators say. Radio Inventor Gone. ----Patent Notice Reaches Home After Engineer Has Disappeared. ----Anthony Bosson, 28 years old, of 113-13 Atlantic Avenue, Richmond Hill, a radio engineer, disappeared from home last Friday. Yesterday his sister, Mrs. Mary Schad, with whom he lived in Richmond Hill, received a letter for him from the Patent Bureau in Washington, announcing the issuance to Bosson of a patent for a radio device. Mrs. Schad reported her brother’s disappearance to the police of the Richmond Hill Station. She said he had devoted years to the development of a special radio, and for many months worked day and night to perfect an invention which he wanted patented, which, according to Mrs. Schad, was meant to “receive normally inaudible signals.” Mrs. Schad reported that her brother was of a uniquely creative type, and was guided in the development of his invention by images he got in dreams. Bosson was impatient to hear from Washington after he applied for the patent, and always hurried home in the evening to see if the expected letter had arrived. Mrs. Schad reported he had been more than usually agitated in recent days. Friday night he failed to come home, and has not been seen by his family or friends since. He had $248 with him on the day he disappeared. He is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 135 pounds. He wore a brown suit and brown overcoat. Moors Slay Explorer And His 3 Children ----Governess Also Dies ----- Wife of Dr. H. L. Hammerstein, Once of Chicago, Badly Wounded. ----Murders Laid To Work Of Fanatical Sect ----Special to The Tribune. CHICAGO, March 30.—Word that Dr. Hans L. Hammerstein, his three children and their governess were killed by natives in Spanish Morocco, reached Chicago relatives of the explorer today. The news came from Barcelona. It was stated that Mrs. Hammerstein, the only one in the party to escape death, is in a Barcelona Hospital seriously wounded. Dr. Hammerstein, who was a zoologist, was a resident of Chicago in 1901 and 1904 and, during that time, contributed valuable animals to the Lincoln Park Zoo. The explorer was in Morocco cultivating a virgin forest that had been granted him by the Spanish Government. The murder of himself, his children and their governess is believed to have been the work of a fanatical sect who are said to worship beings they refer to as “Old Ones.” Local authorities have arrested numerous members of the sect in recent years, but have been unable to identify its leaders. Battles Sargasso Weeds. ----British Freighter Fights Them for 12 Days on Trip to Baltimore. ----BALTIMORE, Md., March 11.—For twelve days the British steamer Clan MacFadyen sailed through a sea of weeds. At times the floating masses of weeds hindered the passage of the big freighter, causing her to arrive at this port from the Cape Verde Islands several days overdue. Captain Harry S. Sumner said he had never seen so much seaweed. “We received a wireless message from the United States steam yacht Arcturus, 1,000 miles away,” said Captain Sumner, “stating that the Sargasso Sea, which is composed of the sargasso weed, extended beyond them.” The vast field of sargasso-weeds which the Clan MacFadyen encountered extended far beyond the usual area of great density between the Azores and the Antilles. There was danger of the thick masses becoming enmeshed in the propellor blades. At times the weeds were so dense that with full steam ahead, the large freighter seemed to be held back. Likely To Be U. S. Atty. Gen. Strawn ----WASHINGTON, Jan. — The name of Silas H. Strawn of Chicago was mentioned more and more today in speculation on the successor of Justice Harlan Fiske Stone as U. S. Attorney General. Mr. Strawn had been considered as a possibility for the vacancy on the Supreme Court bench. Famed $1,000,000 Pearls For Sale ----- NEW YORK, Jan. — The famous $1,000,000 string of pearls, owned by the late Princess Anastasia of Greece, will soon be sold. William B. Leeds, son of the the Princess, says his mother requested the pearls be sold and a trust fund established with the proceeds for the benefit of her sister, Mrs. Henderson Green. There are 43 pearls in the string. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ----Commonwealth of Massachusetts.—Suffolk, ss.—Probate Court.—To the heirs-at-law and all other persons interested in the state of MARY A. FLAHERTY, late of Boston, in said County, deceased: Whereas, MICHAEL FLAHERTY, administrator of the estate of said deceased has presented to said Court his petition for license to sell at private sale, in accordance with the offer named in said petition, or upon such terms as may be adjudged best, the whole of a certain parcel of the real estate of said deceased for the payment of debts and charges of administration, and for other reasons set for in said petition:—You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be held at Boston, in said County, on the twenty-second day of April, A. D. 1925, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any you have, why the same should not be granted. And said petitioner is ordered to serve this citation by delivering a copy thereof to each person interested in the estate fourteen days at least before said Court, or by publishing the same once in each week, for three successive weeks, in the Boston Daily Advertiser, a newspaper published in Boston, the last publication to be one day at least before said Court, and by mailing, post-paid, a copy hereof to each person interested in the estate, fourteen days at least before said Court. Witness, WILLIAM M. PRIEST, Esquire. Judge of said Court, this twenty-fourth day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five. FRANK L. BRIER, Register. ja3 9 16 NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of ELLEN M. LONERGAN, late of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, deceased, testate, and has taken upon herself that trust by giving bond, as the law directs. All persons having demands upon the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the same, and all persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to JOHN B. WENZLER, Adm., C.T.A., 514 Broadway, So. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mar. 22, 1925. ja3 9 16 NOTICE is hereby given that the restaurant business located at 46A Astor St., Boston, has been sold Mar. 22, 1925, by Owner John Joseph McDonald to Max Grossberg and Charles Sidd. All bills, claims or demands must be rendered within 10 days of this notice, as we will not be responsible thereafter. MAX GROSSBERG and CHARLES SIDD. Knight Held for Shoe-Polishing Girl’s Body After Attack In Auto ----By United Press MAIDSTONE, England — Sir Gerard Maxwell-Willshire, an actor described by the complainant as a “titled gentleman,” was charged today with assaulting Jean Olds, 22, a hairdresser. *** By United Press LONDON—Sir Gerard Maxwell-Willshire, 34-year-old baronet, was arrested today at Farnsham, Surrey, because of startling charges made by a young woman. The woman said “a titled gentleman” took her motoring Tuesday night, ostensibly to a dinner dance at Maidstone. In a lonely wood, she said, he stopped his car, overpowered her, tore off her clothes and tied her to a tree. Then, she charged, he painted her body with shoe polish and motored away, leaving her bound to the tree. Sir Gerard was charged with assault and remanded on bail. He is an actor and in 1923 divorced Lillian Birtles in the U. S. The arrest was upon a warrant signed by Jerry Wilson. The baronet’s attorney said the charges would be denied. Ready to Open Tomb At Luxor ----Miskatonic University’s “Pharaoh Scholar” Program Nearing Completion of Goal ----[ by cable—exclusive dispatch ] Luxor, April 18.—There is every evidence here today that Miskatonic University professor of archæology Arthur Chapman and his assistants are opening the sealed door leading from the main tomb to that portion where it is hoped the mummy of King Imhotep will be found. Miskatonic dean Robert T. Hayes and the university’s board of regents will arrive tomorrow and everything is being done to give show them the results of the university program’s work. There remains nothing in the outer recess but the two statues guarding the secret entrance, and even if the excavators desire to remove them now it is quite unlikely that it would have been necessary to do all that is being done today. Huge planks and other equipment which might be used in opening the sealed door have been carried into the place and from time to time those allowed near the entrance could hear sounds that suggested that the secret door was being attacked. It is believed that professor Chapman and his student helpers are getting everything ready so that the regents may be among the first to enter the mystery chamber Sunday morning. The excavators are taking no chances on possible pitfalls within the darkened chamber beyond. They are fully prepared to bridge the pit if one should be found as has been in other tombs, but the impression prevails that the next chamber will be found much as the first with the inclusion of the body of the king. The “Pharaoh Scholar” program is an ambitious new academic plan under the leadership of dean Hayes. If this year’s work is successful, students next year will conduct archæological work at Qasr Farafra oasis, under the leadership of noted Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge. Tropical Sea Water to Generate Power ----French Scientist Describes His Plan to American Business Men at Dinner Here. ----Projected development of unlimited electrical power out of tropical sea water at low cost and on a scale that would relive modern industry from its dependence on coal and oil was described to American industrialists by Professor Georges Claude, a member of the French Academy of Science, at a dinner given for him by William F. Barrett, Vice President of the Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, at the University Club last night. Amplifying cabled reports of the discovery by himself and Professor Paul Boucherot, Dr. Claude explained that tropical sea water at surface level has a constant temperature of about 28 degrees centigrade, and that water at this temperature boils and evaporates into low pressure steam when brought in contact with a vacuum. The steam thus developed is drawn through a turbine by the condensing action of cold water obtainable from the sea at a depth of 3,000 feet where its temperature is a constant 5 degrees, and at very low pressure can be generated into power in unlimited quantities at less cost than now obtains in the most economic hydraulic plants. By this process a cubic meter of a surface sea water will generate seventeen pounds of steam, or the power equivalent of a meter of water falling 300 feet, he stated. Professor Claude said the French government is interested in its utilization for the development of Colonial possessions. He also said plans will be announced soon for the construction of the first plant in a southern area on this side of the Atlantic. Among the ultimate possibilities of the discovery, he included the artificial cooling of homes and entire towns in semi-tropical climates like Florida and Cuba through refrigeration powered from the sea. Cheap irrigation and fertilization of tropic arid land is also possible, he said. Among the guests at the dinner were William M. Beard, Frederick M. Beckett, Ralph R. Browning, Matthew J. Carney, Edward T. Chandler, W. T. P. Hollingsworth, William J. Knapp, Giles W. Mead, Benjamin O’Shea, James A. Rafferty, Jesse J. Ricke, W. H. Vander Poel and Edward S. Whitney. Ford Plans a Factory in Greece. ----Athens, Greece. Jan. 7 (AP).—The Ministry of Communications is studying an offer received from Henry Ford, American motor car manufacturer, for the establishment of a factory at Phaleron for construction of motor cars of American pattern. Deny Radio Device Offer. ----Westinghouse Offices Unaware of Reported $100,000 Deal. ----A representative of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company said yesterday that neither the main office at Pittsburgh nor the New York office knew anything regarding the offer of $100,000 to Dr. Palmer H. Craig, head of the Department of Physics at Mercer University, for a simple device which, it is said, can displace vacuum tubes and batteries in radio receiving sets. The instrument is said to be based upon the use of bismuth plates functioning as the detector or amplifier, in accordance with the Hall effect of rectification of alternating current. Dr. Alfred N. goldsmith, chief broadcast engineer of the Radio Corporation of America, when asked for his opinion of such an invention, said: “The Hall effect would produce a low power output, or a second order effect. For example, the combination of hydrogen and oxygen to form water is an effect of the first order because it produces a very important result. The Hall effect is a very curious magnetic action. It is entirely conceivable that electrons can be controlled outside a vacuum tube as between a filament and metallic plate inside the vacuum tube detectors and amplifiers. However, I am doubtful whether Dr. Craig’s invention can produce an output equivalent to that of the modern vacuum tube amplifier and detector.” Keeper at Sing Sing Dismissed. ----Special to the New York Times. ----Ossining, N. Y., Jan. 7. — Roy Hayden, a keeper in Sing Sing two years, was dismissed from the State service today on a charge of having violated the censorship rules of the prison by telephoning for Joseph Hagan, a prisoner, to Mrs. Hagan in New York. The State censors all mail and other communications between inmates and relatives or friends. H. Hughes Not To Quit Work on “The Creole” ----Lecturer at Columbia Denies University Officials Have Got Him to Drop Play. ----A published report that pressure by officials of Columbia University had caused Hatcher Hughes to abandon work on a play called “The Creole” was branded as completely false yesterday by Mr. Hughes. Mr. Hughes, who won the Pulitzer prize several seasons ago with his “Hell Bent for Heaven,” lectures at Columbia on dramatic subjects. “The Creole,” which was written by Samuel Shipman and Kenneth Perkins, was played on the Coast a few months ago with Richard Bennett as its star, and at that time attracted police attention. Mr. Hughes recently contracted with Albert Lewis, who controls the play, to make certain revisions in it. Mr. Hughes declared that there had been no intimation, either official or unofficial, that the university regarded his association with the play as undesirable, and that he did not think university officials were even aware that such play existed. He branded the entire report as “a sensational story,” but added that it was quite possible that “something might be started” as a result of it. Mr. Lewis, producer of the play, said late in the afternoon that he understood “everything had been straightened out,” but that he was quite willing to release Mr. Hughes from his obligation to work on the play. All that he had asked Mr. Hughes to do, Mr. Lewis said, was to eliminate from the play everything of an objectionable nature. 12 Injured by Bomb ‘Planted’ in Detroit ----County Building Shaken, Windows Shattered and Hundreds Panic-Stricken. ----‘Purple’ Gang Suspected ----Darrow Attending Court Case Is Jarred—Jokes With Judge About Blast. ----Detroit, June 18. — A devastating blast which injured twelve county employes, two seriously, shattered the Wayne County Building to its foundation this afternoon is believed by police to have been another attempt at intimidation of the courts by sympathizers with the “Purple” gang, nine members of which are now on trial on charges of conspiracy to extort. “The dynamite bomb evidently was intended for the Municipal Courts Building, where the ‘Purples’ are on trial,” Police Inspector John T. Doyle of the First Precinct declared, “but as usual in such cases some stranger was hired to plant the bomb and probably mistook the county building for the City Courts building. “It is a miracle no one was killed. The bomb was a powerful one. If it had exploded in the confined space of the rest room instead of in the courtway, I believe it would have wrecked the building and killed many persons.” The explosion occurred at about 2:50 o’clock. The bomb was left in a the men’s room on the first floor and was found by Frank Stolpa, a constable, who tossed it into the areaway in the centre of the building and was trying to extinguish it with water when it exploded. ONE MAY LOSE AN EYE. Stolpa and Arthur Vercrusse, another constable, who also helped in the efforts to extinguish the bomb, were struck in the face by flying glass and bits of iron from the bomb and taken to Receiving Hospital for treatment. Vercrusse, according to the physicians, may lose the sight of his right eye. Declares Genius Is World’s Need ----Dr. Harlow Shapley Would Create “Seductive Dignity” for Intellectual Life. ----Specializing Peril Seen ----Dr. Alexis Carrel, in Philosophic Survey, Seeks Coordination of Science and Social Effort. ----Special to the New York Times. Philadelphia, March 24.—Views of six members of the American Philosophical Society on the intellectual needs of the modern world, as expressed in letters to Dr. Francis X. Dercum, the society’s president, endorsing its recently announced intellectual stocktaking, were made public here tonight. Dr. Dercum’s letter outlining the plan was sent to 435 members of the society in this country and abroad, as the first step in a survey designed to guide the society in the promulgation of a program of continuing and expanding service to all branches of learning. The letters made public were among the first 100 received and others will be given out from time to time as they are reviewed and collated, Dr. Dercum said. “The world’s intellectual need today, as always, is genius,” wrote Dr. Harlow Shapley, astronomer and director of Harvard College observatory. “Lacking that (and we generally do lack it) an important need is an epidemic of broad intellectual sympathies and a third need is the promotion of a seductive dignity for the intellectual life, especially where academic dignity is more solemn and repulsive than alluring.” Dr. Alexis Carrell of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research declared that the world “imperatively needs the advent of great intellectual leaders who know the requirements of spiritual life as well as the sciences concerned with inanimate and living matter,” and warned that there was peril in specialization unless it was properly directed. SEES SOME BAD EFFECTS. “A better coordination of scientific and social effort,” he wrote, “would render a distinctive service in preventing some of the bad effects of specialized knowledge. When only one aspect of a problem is taken into consideration, the solution is generally ineffective. “Architects are constructing cities which are of an impressive beauty, but totally unfit for the proper sheltering and breeding of human beings. Physicians, as well as industrialists and bankers, often do not realize that men are not mere machines, while priests may forget that they possess bodies. “The desire for the immediate welfare of the individual seems to obliterate in many educators the supreme interests of the nation and of the race. “The danger of a narrow intellectual education is evident. But high culture cannot be given to all. The more gifted children should be protected against the leveling influence of the high or preparatory schools. If some of the best university students were segregated they could be given a more active and encyclopedic training and taught that early specialization is not desirable.” Dr. James R. Angell, president of Yale University, wrote: “I should say that perhaps the most pressing intellectual need is such poise as comes from a genuine coordination of the great sub-divisions of thought. These sub-divisions have become so highly specialized, so separatistic and so self-conscious, not to say selfcomplacent, that the genuinely philosophical outlook of life and its problems, an outlook which presupposes inclusive vision and genuine insight, has become utterly impossible.” CALLS FOR CREATIVE SCHOLARSHIP. “In our own American world I think there is a crying need of more just evaluation of the human and social import of creative scholarship — indeed, a scholarship of every kind. At present it enjoys only the most meagre recognition.” Dr. David Starr Jordan, Chancellor emeritus of Stanford University, said in his letter that “stock-taking is good business,” and added: “I approve of your intellectual stock-taking.” “More attention should be paid to the histories of the past civilizations and their influence on us through continuity,” wrote Dr. E. A. Wallace Budge of the British Museum. Dr. W. W. Keen of Philadelphia, a former president of the American Philosophical Society, who celebrated his ninety-second birthday on Jan. 19, wrote that in this opinion the day’s intellectual need is “a sense of dependence in God.” Slain In Bootleg Feud. ----Body of Man Killed With Hatchet Found in Camden (N. J.) Park. ----Camden, N. J., March 24 (AP). — His head almost severed by a hatchet the body of Gaeto Agodia, 30 years old, was found today in Forest Hill Park. The police expressed the belief that he had been slain as the result of a bootleg gang feud. Besie the body, police found the hatchet with which Agodia had been killed. A few feet away in the rain-soaked sod were the imprints of a woman’s shoes and those of man. A diamond ring and several dollars in cash were untouched in the victim’s pockets. Letters in the man’s clothing led to his identification by relatives from Atlantic City. They said they had not seen Agodia for three years. Ninth Planet Discovered on Edge of Solar System; First Found in 84 Years ----Lies Far Beyond Neptune ----Sighted Jan. 21 After 25 Years’ Search Begun by Late Percival Lowell. ----Seen At Flagstaff, Ariz. ----Observatory Staff There Spots It by Special Photo-Telescope — Makes Thorough Check. ----Astronomers Hail Finding ----The Sphere, Possibly Larger Than Jupiter and 4,000,000,000 Miles Away, Meets Predictions. By the Associated Press. FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., March 13. — In the little cluster of orbs which scampers across the sidereal abyss under the name of the solar system there are, be it known, nine instead of a mere eight, worlds. The presence of a ninth planet in the retinue of the sun, long suspected, was definitely announced here today by Dr. V. M. Slipher of the Lowell Observatory, who headed a group of eminent astronomers whose groupings in the Milky Way with telescopes and cameras located the new-found sphere. Way out beyond Neptune, tagging bashfully behind its brothers, the new planet’s exact whereabouts, size and age are still unknown and it has not even a name. Its presence was mathematically predicted years ago by the late Dr. Percival Lowell, noted scientist, who founded the observatory here, partly for the very purpose of identifying it. Other astronomers, notably Dr. W. W. Campbell, director of Lick Observatory, verified Dr. Lowell’s calculations. Reward of Long Search. Today the faith in those calculations was rewarded by an announcement by Dr. Slipher that the new planet had been “sighted” Jan. 21 by an extremely delicate photographic lens developed for the search. Announcement was withheld, Dr. Slipher said, “until we were absolutely sure.” The discovery revealed that the planet is forty-five times as far from the earth as the earth is from the sun. Although its size has not yet been definitely determined, it is believed it may be bigger than Jupiter, largest member of the solar family, which is 1,200 times larger than the earth; and, said the announcement, it is at least no smaller than the earth. Astronomically the discovery is regarded as the greatest since the location of Neptune, eighth member of the solar system, in 1846. The astronomers who participated in the discover are C. O. Lampland, E. C. Slipher, J. C. Duncan, K. P. Williams, E. A. Edwards, J. W. Lowell and T. B. Gill. Until some one entitled to do so gives the sphere a name, it is to be known as “the transNeptunian planet.” First notice of the body was made by C. W. Tombaugh, photographer at the observatory, who saw a tiny spot on one of his plates. With this revelation, investigations were intensified and the scientists soon determined they had come upon the long-sought planet. Announcement of Discovery. Announcement in connection with the discovery was made at the observatory as follows: “The announcement is made by the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff of the discovery of a celestial body whose rate and path among the stars indicates a new planetary member of the solar family beyond the outermost known planet, Neptune. “Twenty-five years ago Dr. Percival Lowell, who founded Lowell Observatory, began a mathematical investigation for a planet beyond Neptune. The probability of locating such a body, however, was difficult and involved enormous and intricate computations. “In 1914 he announced a s the result of his calculations the possibility of distance of the predicted body in a large memoir, a Lowell Observatory publication. “The search of the skies directed by Dr. Lowell’s theoretical work was begun by photography in 1905 and has been continued to the present time. The use was made of the best available instruments, and search covering that band of the skies in which the known planet traveled. “Early last year the Lawrence-Lowell telescope, a highly efficient special instrument for the search, was put in operation. Some weeks ago (Jan. 21) Mr. C. W. Tombaugh detected an object on a plate made with the telescope, which has since been followed carefully here. “It has been observed photographically with the large Lowell reflector by C. O. Lampland and it has been observed visually with the larger refractor by the various members of the staff. “All observations indicated the object to be the one which Lowell saw mathematically.” ----Report to Harvard University. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 13. — The discovery of the ninth solar planet was reported to the Harvard Observatory here this morning in the following telegram from the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff: “Systematic research begun years ago, supplementing Lowell’s investigation for a transNeptunian planet, has revealed an object which for seven weeks has in rate of motion and path consistently conformed to trans-Neptunian body at the approximate distance he assigned. Fifteenth magnitude. Position March 12 at 3 hours, Greenwich mean time, was seven seconds of time west from Delta Geminorum, agreeing with Lowell’s predicted longitude.” Harvard astronomers are checking up on the data, but Professor Harlow Shapley and his assistant have expressed confidence in the accuracy of the discovery and believe that it is the most vital astronomical finding made since Neptune was located in 1846. Because of its tremendous distance from the sun, the Harvard astronomers believe that the ninth planet receives the light of the sun with a brilliancy at most hardly exceeding that of moonlight. They believe that the newly found body takes at least 330 years to go around the sun. Percival Lowell was the older brother of President Lowell of Harvard. He was graduated from Harvard in 1876. After graduation he spent several years in business and later traveled in the Far East, especially in Japan, about which he wrote several books. As a boy he had been greatly interested in astronomy, and this interest returned during his travels. In 1894 he established the Lowell observatory in Flagstaff, under his own direction. He died in 1916. The Lowell observatory ahs been in close touch with Harvard University since its foundation, and the 13-inch triplex telescope, the most powerful of its kind, through which the discovery was made, was completed by Robert Lundin of Watertown, Mass., after it had been started by the Rev. Joel Metcalf of Watertown. ----Lowell Called It “Planet X.” CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 13 (AP). — Professor Percival Lowell, in 1915, a year before his death, published his “Memoir on Trans-Neptunian Planet,” in which were set forth his elaborate mathematical calculations and predictions of the direction of the newly-found planet. He called it “Planet X.” Fifteen years before the planet was to be discovered, professor Lowell wrote: “It indicates for the unknown mass between neptune’s and the earth’s, a visibility of the 12-13 magnitude according to the albedo (reflecting power) and a disk of more than one second in diameter.” ----Gives Credit to Slipher. BOSTON, March 13. — Roger Lowell Putnam of Springfield, Mass., chairman of the board of trustees of the Lowell Observatory, said tonight that discovery of the new planet may be safely credited to Dr. V. M. Slipher, director of the observatory. After the image of the planet had been located on a photographic plate, Mr. Putnam said, Dr. Slipher about three weeks ago found the sphere through the observatory’s 24-inch telescope. The observations are to be checked and studied in an effort to determine the size and position of the planet.