Inspirational quotes from Global Issues course Autumn 2007

Participant comments from Global Issues course autumn 2007
Highly recommend this course to all people of all backgrounds. Stimulates and
expands knowledge of global development and related issues. Keep up this great
Excellent! Up to Suas’ high standards.
Very very good. Well-informed lectures.
I came in knowing precisely nothing about causes and sometimes cases of
conflict, but left feeling more knowledgeable.
The facilitator was really knowledgeable and really interesting
Best run session so far – facilitator extremely well informed and engaging - entire
class was involved in discussion
Really enjoyable, educational and think would definitely impact my views and
change in a positive way
Brilliant, very engaging! Thanks
Really enjoyed it! Very engaging opened my eyes.
The facilitator was very brilliant, informative and clear.
Very well delivered – Informative, interesting, comfortable.
Very informative and got me thinking about different ways I can participate to
help and change things
Such courses can help me to be a better person and help me with future work
Its great to keep these issues fresh in your mind
I definitely think I have benefited from the presentations and also from the other
people in the group
Topics I did not think I would find interesting, I did and issues were more complex
than I thought
I found it both depressing and uplifting. I learnt a lot and want to learn more
I love that at least once a week I am forced to really think and possibly challenge
beliefs I hold
Excellent presentation which left me much better informed and aware of my
responsibility as a global consumer
Found it to be a totally enlightening experience
Definitely opens your eyes to concerns across the world that I wouldn’t have
given much thought to and encouraged me to do further study
The course has broadened my vision on such issues, therefore I’d be willing to
gain a more in-depth insight
This course has given me a good taste and I’d like to learn more. Would like to
work in development sector.
I am now much more aware of global issues and I am definitely interested in
getting involved with a programme in Africa. Most sessions were very interesting
and I really enjoyed the course
Extremely informative. It linked up all the issues and put everything in
It raised many important issues. I felt I learnt a lot.
I find it insightful to hear information on a topic and discuss and debate with
It was well organised and the speakers were very qualified to speak on the