
Meeting :
Date :
SMOS IOCP Key-Point 2 Mission ( IOCP Week-15 )
Wednesday 17 March 2010
09:30 / 18:30 : Plenary Session
Location :
ESAC – Villafranca – Room : B-5 / Building Bm .
Chairman :
Secretary :
Mike BROWN .
Participants :
IOCP Core Team :
A. Garrigues ; G. Buenadicha ; ( H. Barré excused )
M. Martin-Neira ; N. Wright ; S. Delwart
M. Zundo ; M. Brown ; M. Drusch ; C. Bouzinac .
IOCP Support :
EADS-CASA : J. Closa
UPC : I. Corbella , F. Torres , V. Gonzales-Gambau
CESBIO : Y. Kerr , F. Cabot , Ph. Richaume
TKK-Aalto : Juha ; DEIMOS ( Jose B. , Rita C. )
ESL’s Members ; INSA DPGS Ops Members .
Special Observers :
A. Hahne ; S. Mecklenburg
M. Canela ( PLSO )
Y. Kerr ; J. Font ; CNES Representative .
Observers :
R. Oliva ; F. Martin P ; CEC Members
Objectives of IOCP Key-Point 2 ( IOCP Week-15 ) :
- Check status , results and outcomes of PLM Operations and Calibration activities
performed since IOCP KP-1-P of 27-January-2010 ( Part 1 of MIRAS PLM
Pseudo-Operational phase : 6 GREEN Weeks 9 to 15 ) .
- A ) Define Final calibration strategy : Frequency for LO ( MIRAS Operations and
Level-2) and Short calibration ( Confirm it is Not needed )
- B ) Preliminary assessment of Dual and Full-Pol measurement modes after 6
GREEN Weeks of Pseud-OP
- C ) Detailed analysis of Dual and Full-Pol at Levels L1 and L2 ( SM/OS )
o Evaluation of L1 and L2 data products quality
o Release L1 and L2 data products to SVRT Teams
- D ) Finalisation of LICEF PMS Cold Sky calibration + Impacts at L1OP
- E ) Approve Changes for L1PP and L1OP ( Weighting Matrix ; …. ) to be
included in their Post-KP-2 Versions
- F ) Complementary geo-location corrections matrix
- G ) Final assessment of foreign source corrections ( Sun, glint, Moon ) and
implementation in L1OP
- H ) Check due closure of IOCP Actions defined since KP-0 ( December-2009 ).
Detailed Agenda ( Issue-1 of 03 March 2010 ) :
Introduction ; Major events / phases since KP-1-P
MMN / 10 minutes
Status of Actions from KP-0 , KP-1-P and IOCP Weekly Telecon’s
Recall and Report of the PLM Pseud-OP activities since KP-1-P
o PLM Pseud-OP activities GREEN Weeks 9 to 15
o Planned / Actual / Additional activities & planning
AG / 10 minutes
Results of the PLM Pseud-OP / Commissioning activities MMN + Team
o Overall PLM Calibration activities and results
MMN / 15 minutes
Status of complementary PLM activities : S-Band TX ; SADM planned in
IOCP weeks 15 and 16 .
o PLM Instrument and Calibration results by CASA
JC / 10 minutes
o PLM Calibration results by UPC
IC / 10 minutes
LICEF’s noise figure discrepancy ( Cold sky / Factory )
o NIR and CAS Calibration results by AALTO
JK / 10 minutes
o Data Processing results at L1PP by DEIMOS
RC / 10 minutes
o Status of IOCP data processing since KP-0
ROB / 10 minutes
( Including data not yet processed at KP-1 )
o Status of IOCP data processing / evaluation by CEC
FMP / 10 minutes
( Including data not yet processed at KP-1 )
Results of the PLM Pseud-OP / Commissioning Operations GB / 30 Minutes
o Planned / Actual / Additional operations and planning ( E.g. CAM’s )
o Major Anomalies ( NCR’s / AR’s ) and resolution at Operational level
( SW patches ; MM partitions disabling – AI-010 )
o Changes of ESAC DMZ IP addresses : Schedule and Impacts ( Re-tests )
o Overall status and conclusions wrt KP-2 objectives
Results of the PLM Data Processing :
o DPGS / PDPC / Data Distribution Report
NW / 15 minutes
o L0 , L1 , L2 , NRT Processors Report
NW / 15 minutes
o L2-SM , L2-OS , CEC Report
SD / 15 minutes
o Soil Moisture results , highlights and issues
YK / 20 minutes
o Ocean Salinity results , highlights and issues
JF / 20 minutes
OTT implementation in L2-OS ; Generation of Xi / Eta file at L1 level ??
o Geo-localisation results , highlights and issues
FC / 20 minutes
o Campaigns status ( ESA Skyvan ; CNES , Elabara )
CB / 20 minutes
o RFI situation / maps ; Affected key validation sites
YK / 20 minutes
o Data Processing ; Scientific issues / open points
All / 15 minutes
Review and discussions of major open points :
All / 50 minutes
o Resolution of IOCP anomalies
o X-Band data acquisition XBAS / SVALBARD ( AI-104 )
o RFI’s : gathered data and maps ; Mitigation techniques ( AI-101 ) ; Next
steps via CDTI ; ITU ; NATO ; Others
o Needed design improvements / Re-design for L0P and L0P-NRT
System Configuration for Pseudo-OP Part-2 :
All / 20 minutes
o On-Board Configuration ( PLM ; ASW ; Patches ; OBOP’s ) GB
o Ground Systems Configuration : FOS ; DPGS
o Processors Configuration : L1PP ; L1OP ; L2’s
MZ / NW / SD
o Other necessary changes
All / 30 minutes
o IOCP Weekly Telecon’s :
Every Wednesday 10:00 / 11:15
( Progressive hand-over to ESRIN Mission Team SM / RmL )
o ORR :
27 April 2010 at ESRIN ( Current Baseline )
o IOCP KP-3 :
18-19 May 2010 at TBD
o Mission-IOCR : TBD ; Combined with KP-3 on 18-19-20 May ( TBC )
o Other SMOS events : EGU ; Bergen ; …
Conclusions :
Executives / 15 minutes
o Major results / achievements of KP-2 ; MOM’s
o Can we continue PLM Pseud-OP phase Part-2 ( GREEN Weeks 15 to 22 ):
YES – TBC – NO [ Tick as appropriate – Only option is : YES ] .