




Receiving time

Available Position

Talented Young Scientists Program

Agricultural biotechnology research

6months □ one year □√ (please use √ to mark the choose)

Organization Haikou Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of

Tropical Agricultural Sciences

Contact person Zhiqiang JIN Phone No.

86 186 8984 6976

Email address xjyjs@vip.163.com

Website of the organization: http://ibp.catas.cn/v2/

Description of the organization (less than 500 words).

The Haikou Experimental Station is administrated by the Ministry of

Agriculture, as an agricultural research institute, taking tropical fruiter as the main research object, focusing on the key scientific questions which existed in the fruiter field, engaged in tropical fruiter genetics and breeding, tillage and cultivation, plant diseases and insect pests’ prevention and control technology research and postharvest technology. It provides scientific theory and technical support for the development of tropical fruiter science and tropical fruiter industry by strengthening the independent innovation and carrying out an in-depth basic theory research.

Five provincial technology platforms has been established, including China

Agricultural Research System Haikou Comprehensive Experimental Station, National

Center of Important Tropical Crops Engineering and Technology Research Banana

Research and Development Department, Hainan Key Lab of Banana Genetic

Improvement, Hainan agricultural science and technology 110 tropical service station and Hainan agricultural science and technology 110 tropical seeding station. Four municipal science and technology platforms

The Institute has a team of 87 staff comprised of researchers, developers and administrators. Among these twenty-two people have PhD degrees and twenty-six people have masters’ degrees.

Successively for the National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, national "973" plan preliminary research projects, national science and technology support plan corpus, the ministry of agriculture "948" projects, Hainan science and technology major project and other items; Altogether has published more than 200

articles, of which the three indexes included 29 articles;17 pieces of patents approved.

Gained achievements of Hainan scientific and technological progress first prize, second prize and third prize.

Responsibilities and description of the position (less than 500 words).

Tropical fruit trees genetic improvement. Studying the genetic patterns of excellent traits of tropical fruits and breeding new strains or varieties with high yield, good quality and stress resistance by combining marker assisted breeding, cell engineering and gene engineering techniques. Research field:

(1) Tropical fruit trees genetics. Studying fruit classification, origin and evolution; isolation of functional genes involved in yield, quality, resistance, nutrition use by using functional genomics, metabonomics and roteomics to supply abundant gene resources for crop improvement and clarify biological basis of traits formation.

(2) Tropical fruit trees breeding theory and method. Establishing the molecular breeding system of major traits and achieving large scale molecular design breeding by studying the mutagenesis mechanism and breeding technique of tropical fruit trees. Combining the modern biotechnology and conventional breeding techniques for supplying new ways, new technologies, new methods and new materials of crop genetic improvement.

(3) Tropical fruit trees reproduction techniques. Important tropical fruit trees tissue culture and cell totipotency; t ropical fruit trees micro propagation and adaption of environment; t ropical fruit trees cell embryonic development; important fruits quick reproduction technique.

(4) Tropical fruits quality formation and improvement. Studying the mechanisms and regulation of tropical fruits quality formation; creating the new strains of important fruits with the transgenic technique ; selection and cultivation of new varieties of tropical fruit trees with excellent quality, high yield and high efficient.

Requirements for applicants.


The age of applicants should be not more than 45 years old.


Master degree of Agronomy is requested, and the applicants need to devoted to the aspects of tropical fruit; and have good-team ability of cooperation, and have good academic achievements.


Have good English level.


Good health to be competent for the work.


Promise to be full time work in China.

6. Promise to abide strictly all the law and rules in China.
