MICROPHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ISRAELI CLOUDS FROM AIRCRAFT AND SATELLITES Ronen Lahav and Daniel Rosenfeld Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 1. INTRODUCTION Preliminary results of extensive cloud physics measurements in Israel are reported. These measurements were done during the 1998-1999 winter as part of the research program of the Israeli rain enhancement project. In this study we tried to document the cloud evolution in a way that would be easy for comparison with NOAA/AVHRR data. The AVHRR microphysical inferences were validated by the in-situ measurements. Based on 10 flights, we were able to identify four major factors determining the cloud microstructure in Israel, which are used for a microphysical classification of the clouds. 2. THE AIRCRAFT MEASUREMENTS Data was obtained from the Israeli King air C90 cloud physics aircraft, in which the authors were the flight scientists. The main instruments used in this study were SPP-20, 2DC, King hot wire cloud liquid water contents, temperature, dew point, pressure, GPS and ball variometer. The data system was the SEA-200. c. After reaching the target area we penetrated young growing convective elements in vertical steps of 1000 feet from cloud base to the altitude were the SLWC (supercooled liquid water content) completely depleted or up to the cloud top if water persisted there. The parameters that were analyzed are cloud liquid water content (CLW); maximum up and down drafts; 2DC particle types and their maximum sizes; drop size distribution and their number concentrations; temperature and dew point. d. Monitoring clouds separately over sea and inland, for documenting potential differences between the two areas. The AVHRR and TRMM overpasses within 2 hours of the flight were analyzed. The analyses were done using the methods of Rosenfeld and Lensky (1998), and Rosenfeld (1999; 2000) 3. RESULTS 2.1 Data Processing All the research flights were conducted in the same way so we could compare them to each other. a. The takeoff was from Sde-Dov, which is located just 200 meters from the Tel Aviv coast line, in a parallel orientation. Therefore sea spray was readily detectable by the SPP-20, starting from the takeoff run. b. We flew to the target area passing and penetrating the cloud bases. _________________________________________ Corresponding author’s address: Ronen Lahav, Inst. of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel; E-Mail: ronenl@vms.huji.ac.il. FIGURE 1. Cloud droplet concentration [cm-3] as function of depth above cloud base, as determined by the temperature. Cloud base is at 70 C over the sea and 40 C over land. Figures 1 and 2 show the large difference between the land and the sea as measured at 15.1.99. The air in this day was hazy, probably from local air pollution. No sea spray was seen or detectable. Fig 1 shows that inland the drop concentration is higher than over the sea, with local concentration above 1000 drops cm -3 near cloud base decreasing with height. Over the sea the concentration varies between 200-350 drops cm-3. Fig 2 shows the difference in the effective radius of the same case. Over the land the effective radius is smaller by about 2-3 μm for the same depth, as obtained from the temperature relative to cloud base temperature. Fig 3 shows that the satellite retrieved r e (effective radius) decreases when moving from sea inland, following the aircraft measurements. The clouds over the sea exceeded the 14-μm precipitation threshold at -20C isotherm while inland it barely reached it at -110C isotherm. The differences between the land and the sea are probably due to the local air pollution above the land. Figures 4-8 show a case of clouds forming in air mass containing desert dust limiting the visibility to 5 km. The flow was from the sea inland. The dust was originated over North Africa, and moved through the east Mediterranean to Israel. The strong surface wind (SW, 20 knot) caused a stormy sea with much sea spray. FIGURE 2. Same as Fig 1, but for the SPP-20 measured cloud droplets effective radius [μm]. 990115 -30 FIGURE 4. Cloud Droplet concentration [cm-3] as measured by the SPP-20 over the Sea and Land on 21.3.99. Sea Land o T [ C] -20 -10 0 10 0 5 10 15 r eff 20 25 30 35 [m m] FIGURE 3. The 30th percentile effective radius [μm] of cloud droplets as measured by the NOAA-14 Satellite over Sea and Galilee (inland) on the 15.1.99. The vertical line is the 14-μm precipitation threshold. Fig 4 shows that the concentration is changing in the range 300-600 droplets cm -3 and there is almost no differences between sea and land. However according to Fig 5 the re over land is smaller by 2 μm than over the sea. Figures 6 and 7 show the drop size distribution at different depths above cloud base, as indicated by the temperature relative to cloud base temperature. The distribution over the sea is wider. We suggest that the sea spray is responsible for that. Because the desert dust prevailed equally over sea and land, it is unlikely that the desert dust was responsible for widening the distribution over sea. When the clouds are moving from sea inland they lose their large CCN (sea spray), but remain with the desert dust, and so become more continental. -1 Concentration [cm micron ] 990321dsd_sea DSD +5.0 100 DSD +1.7 DSD -2.6 -3 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 10 20 30 40 50 Drop diameter [micron] FIGURE 7. The Drop Size Distribution as measured by the SPP-20 over the sea on the 21.3.99. 990321 -30 FIGURE 5. The effective radius [μm] of cloud droplets as measured by the SPP-20 over the Sea and Land on 21.3.99. 1. Sea 2. Israel 3. Jordan T [ C] -20 o -10 DSD +2.5 100 DSD -2.0 0 DSD -5.0 10 -3 -1 Concentration [cm micron ] 990321dsd_land 1 10 0 5 10 15 r 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 10 20 30 40 50 Drop diameter [micron] FIGURE 6. The Drop Size Distribution as measured by the SPP-20 at a distance of about 40-km inland on the 21.3.99 eff 20 25 30 35 [m m] FIGURE 8. The 30th percentile effective radius [μm] of cloud droplets as measured by the NOAA-14 Satellite over Sea, land (west of the Jordan River) and Trance Jordan on 21.3.99. The vertical line is the 14-μm precipitation threshold. 4. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY Based on analyses of all 10 flights, we were able to identify four major factors determining the cloud microstructure in Israel: According to the satellite analysis presented in Desert dust. Fig 8, the re decreased moving from sea inland1st. Continental aerosols that are not desert and farther east over Jordan. The clouds at the -2nd. dust (air pollution). 100C isotherm exceeded the 14-μm precipitation Sea spray. threshold (Rosenfeld and Gutman, 1994) over3rd. 4th. CCN-lean Clean Maritime air. sea, barely reached it over Israel, and were mostly below it over Jordan. Based on those factors we classified the Israeli clouds into the following types: 1. Maritime clouds in clean marine air. 2. Continental clouds in locally polluted air without desert dust. 3. Continental clouds in CCN rich Mediterranean air. 4. Clouds with warm rain in air with non-desertdust-haze. 5. Clouds in air with desert dust, without warm rain. 6. Clouds in air with desert dust, with warm rain. We characterized the microphysical properties of the clouds in each flight. According to that we found that Maritime clouds in clean marine air with low concentration of CCN (cloud type 1) changes to Continental clouds in the center of Israel (cloud type 2) 10-20 km after crossing the coast line. Because instability over sea is at least as strong as over land, the likely explanation of the differences is the effects from the locally polluted air. Occasionally the air arrives from the sea already rich with CCN, forming cloud type 3. In days with warm rain and poor visibility due to non-desert-dust-haze (cloud type 4), the cloud base drop size distribution (DSD) was wide, yet containing large concentrations of droplets. The DSD narrowed gradually as the clouds moved farther inland until most of the warm rain processes ceased at the eastern border of Israel. The reason for that may be the wash out of the large and giant CCN originated as sea spray, and the added continental aerosols from local sources. Convective clouds in heavy dust storm, limiting the visibility to less than 2 km, had no warm rain, and up to 3 g m-3 of liquid water were observed up to -200C. At colder temperatures that water froze quickly. These clouds are defined as cloud type 5. In days where desert dust was observed with warm rain (cloud type 6), the warm rain decreased gradually inland, transforming the clouds into cloud type 5. The warm rain was not likely caused by desert dust, but rather from the sea spray that was depleted inland. We suggest that clouds in hazy (cloud type 4) and dusty air (cloud type 6) became continental inland slower than clouds in maritime clean air (cloud type 1) because the slow deposition of the large CCN as compared to the fast inclusion of the continental small CCN. Those observations help us to understand better the causes for the large variability of Israeli clouds. This understanding will lead eventually to the possibility to assess the suitability of the clouds to the various possible treatments for rain enhancement: hygroscopic seeding, glaciogenic seeding, or no seeding at all. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is supported by the Israeli Water Commission, and by Electrical Mechanical Services, a subsidiary of MEKOROTH, the Israeli National Water Company. 6. REFERENCES 1. Rosenfeld, D, and I. M. Lensky, 1998: Satellite based insights into precipitation formation processes in continental and maritime convective clouds. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 2457-2476. 2. Rosenfeld, D., and G. Gutman, 1994: Retrieving microphysical properties near the tops of potential rain clouds by multispectral analysis of AVHRR data. J. Atmos. Res., 34,259-283. 3. Rosenfeld, D., 1999: TRMM observed first direct evidence of smoke from forest fires inhibiting rainfall. Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, 3105-3108. 4. Rosenfeld, D., 2000: Suppression of rain and snow by urban and industrial air pollution. Science. 287, 1793-1796.