INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING REAZ_M This is a finite difference program (Crank-Nicolson implicit scheme) for modeling retrograde compositional zoning in garnet adjacent to biotite which has behaved as a homogeneous infinite reservoir during cooling. The method is based on a modification of Lasaga’s theory of stationary interface (Lasaga, 1983, Adv, Phys Geochem. 2, 81-114) as given in Ganguly et al. (2000, EPSL, 183, 471-486), plus the option to include the condition of moving interface as a consequence of reaction during the diffusion process. The finite difference program has been interfaced with an optimization program, MINUIT, to obtain the best fit to the measured data from a set of input parameters which can be varied within specified ranges. For further details, see Ganguly et al. (op. cit.) You have only the executable version of the program, not the source code. All three files, REAZ_M.exe, REAZ_M.INP and OUTPUT FILE should be in the same directory (e.g. local disk (C:)) INPUT FILE For the purpose of tutorial, the input file is broken up into three segments, as shown below, followed by instructions for each segment. You would need to edit the input file (REAZ_M.INP) to change the input parameters. --------------------------Segment 1:-------------------------REZONE_M.INP INITIAL STEPSIZE L_LIMIT U_LIMIT 1. B/ 0.070 0.00100 0.0400 0.10 2. PGAMA 5.0000 0.00100 0.1000 10.00 3. CI 0.4400 0.00100 0.3000 0.50 4. Rz 5.0000 0.00100 0.0000 20.00 --------------------------------------------------------------B/ (beta/gamma in Lasaga’s theory) is the ratio of the enthalpy change of the Fe-Mg exchange reaction between garnet and biotite and Fe-Mg interdiffusion coefficient The latter is calculated at the median position within the diffusion zone, and is assumed to be independent of compositional change within this zone. The estimated values of /within ~95% confidence interval is 0.07( 0.02). This ratio controls the change of interface composition of garnet as a function of time (Eq. 13, Ganguly et al., 1998). One should first try modeling of zoning profile with the input value of /, as indicated in the above Table. If it does not produce a satisfactory fit to the data, then / may be allowed to exceed the specified limits. PGAMA is Lasaga’s ’, but redefined in Ganguly, 2000, (Eq. 14)for a nonlinear cooling model). The output file would provide the value of PGAMA that produces the most satisfactory fit to the observed retrograde zoning profile maintaining the constraints on the input parameters in the REAZ_M.INP file (see the above Table). CI is the initial garnet composition (Mg/(Mg + Fe)), which is taken as the core composition showing a flat X(Mg) vs. distance relation. Rz(micron) is the width of reaction zone at the rim. For each parameter, you should enter an initial value to begin the calculation. The last two columns in the above table give the lower and upper limits within which these input parameters can be changed by the optimization program, and the column STEPSIZE indicates the stepwise extent of these changes during the computation. The L_LIMIT for CI must be the observed core composition. ---------------------------Segment 2:---------------------------53 5 0.250 1 -5 -5 0.764 0.235 -4 -4 0.764 0.235 -3 -3 0.764 0.235 -2 -2 0.764 0.235 -1 -1 0.764 0.235 1 0 0.250 0.750 2 1 0.294 0.706 3 2 0.313 0.687 4 3 0.331 0.669 5 4 0.335 0.665 6 5 0.366 0.634 7 6 0.387 0.613 8 7 0.395 0.605 9 8 0.397 0.603 10 9 0.411 0.589 11 10 0.416 0.584 12 11 0.426 0.574 13 12 0.428 0.572 14 13 0.434 0.566 and so on ………………………………….. -----------------------------------------------------------------The two numbers in the first row indicate, respectively, the total No of points in the analyses (in garnet and biotite) and the number of points for only biotite. The two numbers in the second row represent, respectively, the edge composition of garnet and the step size, in microns, in the microprobe analyses. The step size must be constant. Since the edge composition of garnet cannot be determined by microprobe spot analysis because of the convolution effect from the adjacent biotite (see Ganguly et al., 1988, Amer Min 73, 901-909), it has to be obtained by extrapolation from the trend of the measured composition within garnet. There is obviously some room for flexibility in the determination of the edge composition, and the input value may be varied to see if the fit between the calculated and measured profiles improve. The next set of numbers represents the mineral compositions with the following order of the columns: Point No. Distance from the X(Mg) X(Fe) Interface (microns) The negative distance is for the biotite side, and the zero plus positive distance is for the garnet side, with the zero being the distance of the interface in the x-axis. X(Mg) = Mg/(Mg + Fe) so that X(Fe) = 1 – X(Mg). ---------------------------Segment 3 --------------------------------ERROR DEF 0.00001 PRINTOUT 0 SEEK MIGRAD SEEK MIGRAD SEEK 0.00001 0.00001 MIGRAD 0.00001 MIGRAD 0.00001 CALL FCN 3. EXIT ---------------------------------------------------------------------These are instructions for the optimization program, MINUIT. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING. You would ultimately get a combination of the best values for B/r, CI and PGAMA that best fit the measured data. If you want to keep B/r and/or CI constant, then you would need to enter 0 for the step size for these parameters in the input file. TO RUN THE PROGRAM: It is better to run the program from the DOS instead of Windows (it will, however, run in Windows.XP). Go to DOS, and the subdirectory where the input file (REAZ_M.INP) and the executable program (REAZ_M.EXE) are stored. At the prompt, just type REAZ_M, and the program will start running. It will ask for an input file name, to which the answer is REAZ_M.INP. It will then ask for an output filename in Italian (NOME DEL FILE DI USCITA DEI DATI). Give any name where you want the results to be stored: xxx.out. At the end of computation, you will see the output file name on the screen. Click on the file name to open the file. OUTPUT FILE As the program starts computing, you would notice that it is moving through different optimization schemes, from SEEK to MIGRAD to SIMPLEX. An example of the numbers that appear at the end of the output file is shown below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------START MIGRAD MINIMIZATION. TO MINIMUM (EDM) .LT. 0.10E-10 CONVERGENCE CRITERIA -- ESTIMATED DISTANCE OR EDM .LT. 0.10E-05 AND FRACTIONAL CHANGE IN VARIANCE MATRIX .LT. 0.10E-01 MIGRAD FAILS TO FIND IMPROVEMENT MIGRAD TERMINATED WITHOUT CONVERGENCE FCN VALUE CALLS EDM HINT.EXT.PARAMETER VALUE ERROR INTERN.VALUE INT.STEP SIZE 0.15300E+08 928 0.34E-05 1 1 B/r 0.800E-01 0.256E-15 0.15708E+01 0.73780E-08 WARNING - ABOVE PARAMETER IS AT LIMIT. 2 2 PGAMA 0.9425E+00 0.8144E-08 -0.94982E+00 -0.11357E-08 3 3 CI 0.48000E+00 0.1665E-14 0.15708E+01 0.84267E-08 WARNING - ABOVE PARAMETER IS AT LIMIT. 4 RZ 0.10000E-01 ERRORS CORRESPOND TO FUNCTION CHANGE OF ********* *** 14****CALL ********** 0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 FCN 0.250000 0.294000 0.313000 0.331000 0.335000 3.00000 0.250000 0.328122 0.362007 0.379943 0.391362 0.0000 5.0000 6.0000 7.0000 8.0000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 17.0000 18.0000 0.366000 0.387000 0.395000 0.397000 0.411000 0.416000 0.426000 0.428000 0.434000 0.437000 0.444000 0.439000 0.443000 0.446000 0.399656 0.406186 0.411577 0.416160 0.420136 0.423633 0.426743 0.429533 0.432054 0.434344 0.436434 0.438350 0.440112 0.441737 and so on ---------------------------------------------------------------The output file shows the value of PGAMA that yields the best fit to the measured profile, along with the values of other parameters that the optimization program has used to calculate the profile. There is a “warning” for a parameter if it has to be pushed to the limiting value specified in the input data file. Recalculation of the profile with relaxation of the limiting value may improve the fit. For example, excellent fit to the measured data was obtained in the above example by increasing the input value of / to 0.15 (the input file entry is / = 0.10 (L_limit = 0.08 U_Limit = 0.15) The numbers in the three columns are as follows: Distance from the interface (microns) X(Mg)_Grt measured X(Mg)_Grt calculated You can copy and paste these data in an excel file and compare the measured and calculated profiles. The T-t path and cooling rate at any temperature can be calculated from the value of PGAMA (’) and Eq. (14) of Ganguly et al., 2000, EPSL paper): ’ = (a2Q)/(RD(To) a is the effective grain size (i.e. the distance from the interface to the end of data in the input file), Q is the activation energy of Fe-Mg interdiffusion in garnet, D(To) is the diffusion coefficient at the peak temperature and is a a cooling time constant (K-1t-1). Here you would need to keep track of the units so that ’comes out as a dimensionless parameter. For example, If D(To) is in cm2/s, then a must be in cm, and if Q is in Joules/mol then R (gas constant) must be 8.314 J/mol-K. The cooling time constant is then in unit of K-1s-1, which can be converted to the unit of K-1Myr-1 upon multiplication by 3.154(1013). The value of the cooling time constant, , is calculated from the last equation. The T-t path is then calculated from the following relation (Ganguly et al. 2000, EPSL): 1/T(K) = 1/To(K) + t so that the cooling rate at any temperature, T’, is given by dT/dt = - (T’)2