Edwardsville High School Media Center History, Politics, Current Events and General Biography Sources This is a list of major reference sets and resources for research in history and related fields. Most of these items are in the Reference Collection. The Reference Collection is located on the top level of the Media Center. At the end of this list are Dewey Classification numbers, which will point you to relevant areas of the collection. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask at the Circulation Desk. General Reference Sources Great Documents of Western Civilization R 901.0 VIO 20th Century R 909.82 TWE Newsmakers R 920 NEW Each year this set profiles interesting people from sports, entertainment, science, and politics. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography R 920.03 McG Biographies of famous figures in history arranged alphabetically. Research Guide to European Historical Biography 1450-Present R 920.073 REA Volumes are arranged alphabetically. American History The Encyclopedia of American History R 301.03 ENC Makers of America R 301.45 ENC International Library of Negro Life in America R 301.45 INT The Negro Heritage Library R 301.45 NEG Reference Library of Black America R 305.8 REF Great Lives from History-American Series R 920 GRE Notable American Women R 920 NOT A biographical Dictionary arranged alphabetically. Research Guide to American Historical Biography R 920.073 REA Contains Bibliographies and lists of museum and library holdings for major American figures. Encyclopedia of American Political History R 320.973 ENC Studies of the principal movements and ideas. Arranged by subject in alphabetical order. Each Volume contains a cumulative index at the end. Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy R 327.73 ENC Studies of the principal movements and ideas. Arranged by subject in alphabetical order. Each Volume contains a cumulative index at the end. History of American Presidential Elections R 329 SCH Encyclopedia of the American Constitution R 342.73 ERC Explains laws, court cases, personalities, and incidents that have had an effect on our constitution. Subjects are arranged alphabetically and there is a cumulative index arranged by subject at the end of each volume. The Album of American R 973 ADA Arranged by time period. The Annals of America R 973 ANN Arrange by time period. Volume I covers 1493-1783, all volumes after that cover a decade each. The Military History of the United States R 973 CHA Multi-volume set covering military history from the American Revolution to the Persian Gulf War. Volumes are arranged chronologically. Dictionary of American History R 973.03 DIC Information is arranged in alphabetical order like a dictionary of encyclopedia. Record of America R 973.03 MCC Information is arranged in alphabetical order like a dictionary of encyclopedia. American Statistical Sources Historical Statistics of the United States The Statistical History of the United States R 317.3 UNI R 317.3 UNI Other Reference Sets War in Peace R 355 WAR Armed conflicts of the Cold War, emphasis on “Armed” portion of the conflicts. Large sections on the arms used in modern warfare and the arms trade. Last volume is cumulative index. Crimes and Punishment R 364 CRI Famous and odd events in twentieth century crime. Arranged by Incident. Encyclopedia of World Crime R 364 NAS Great Lives from History-British and Commonwealth Series R 920 GRE Great Lives from History-Ancient and Medieval Series R 920 GRE Great Lives from History-Renaissance to 1900 Series R 920 GRE Great Lives from History-Twentieth Century Series R 920 GRE Illustrated History of World War I R 940.3 MAR Multi-volume history arranged by subject areas. Geography Encyclopedia of World Geography Each volume spotlights a different geographical region. R 910.3 ENC Religion and Mythology Asimov’s Guide to the Bible The Encyclopedia of American Religions The New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology R 291.03 LAR The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Active New Religions, Sects, and Cults R 220.9 ASI R 291 MEL R 291.9 BEI Dewey Ranges These are areas in the collection that may contain sources relevant to your research. 200 Religion 300 Social Sciences 310 Statistics 320 Political Science 900 History, Geography Travel 920-921 General Biography 922 Religious and Philosophical Biographies 923 Political, Royal, and Military Biographies 926 Science and Technology Biographies 927 Entertainment, Music, Film, and Sports Biographies 928 Author and Literature Biographies 940 WWII 973.7 American Civil War Upper Level 6 Internet Cafe 1 7 4 5 2 Lower Level 3 1.Reference Books 2.General Collection-PB, 001-999, F, SC 3. Athena Stations 4.Circulation Desk 5.Periodical Reading Area 6. Copy Machine 7. Restrooms