Site Characterization of the Jülicher Zwischenscholle area for the PEGASE project Mihail Ciocanaru, Rainer Harms, Olaf Nitzsche, Andreas Englert, Harry Vereecken Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany 1. Introduction The Jülicher Zwischenscholle test area, located in North Rhine – Westfalia (Germany), is one of the six test areas studied within the PEGASE project and belongs to the larger Zwischenscholle area (Fig. 1). The six sites reflect different hydrogeological conditions and land use strategies within the EU. The Jülicher area was chosen from the following reasons: 1. good knowledge of the hydrogeological situation (e.g. reflected in the high density of wells); 2. the presence of the test site Krauthausen, providing detailed information at field scale; 3. the possibility to conduct additional field experiment at the test site Krauthausen, allowing a combined analysis of pesticides transport in soil and groundwater ; 4. the presence of different stack holders (e.g. water works, farmers and water users); 5. the Jülicher Zwischenscholle contains several protection areas designed to safeguard groundwater quality; 6. presence of pesticides in the groundwater. 2. Geology The Zwischenscholle area is situated in the Lower Rhine Embayment (Fig. 1). This is the tectonic lengthening of the Dutch Rift Valley. Since Tertiarian times, the Lower Rhine Embayment is an area of subsidence. The base are Variscian folded sediments of Devonian and Carboniferous times. Since the subsidence started, up to 1200m Tertiary and up to 100 m Quaternary sediments had been deposited. The stratigraphic sequence of the Tertiary (Fig. 2) shows an interlocking of terrestrial and marine sediments. These sediments consist of fine and coarse sand, gravel, clay, and lignite coal. The Quaternary sediments in the southern part of the Lower Rhine Embayment are mainly fluvial deposits of the Rhine/Maas river system. In the northern part, push moraines and aqueoglacial deposits of the Saale inland ice are added. 1 Fig. 1 – Geo-structural map of Lower Rhine Embayment (Lingelbach, 1996) Fig. 2 – Geological cross-section through the Lower Rhine Embayment (Lingelbach, 1996) 2 Fig. 3 – Geological map of the Jülicher Zwischenscholle area (Lingelbach, 1996) The Lower Rhine Embayment is divided into several parts by mainly south-east - north-west directed faults. The Zwischenscholle area is bounded by the Rurscholle on the south-west and the Erftscholle on the north-east (Fig. 1). The bounding faults are called Rurrand fault Rurrand Verwerfung) and Rursprung (Fig. 3). The Zwischenscholle area is lowered against the Erftscholle but lifted against the Rurscholle. Tectonic activities in the Lower Rhine Embayment are still ongoing and have resulted in some historic and recent earthquakes with magnitudes up to 5.8. 3. Soil In the Zwischenscholle area we can find mainly (Fig. 4): Braunerde, Parabraunerde, Gley, Pseudogley, Auenboden (for a translation of the German soil types we refer to the Arbeitskreis für Bodensystematik der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 1998). In the south-eastern part of the region (Hambach, Niederzier) Braunerde are predominant, while in the north-western part Brauner Auenboden dominate. In the middle part of the region 3 we can find predominantly Pseudogley, Parabraunerde and Braunerde. Along the Rur river we find Niedermoor. Fig. 4 – Soil map of the Jülicher Zwischenscholle area (from Geologische Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1976) 4. Land Use The area is characterized by forest and agricultural land use (Fig. 5). The western part, which includes the research center area, is mainly covered by deciduous forest. Minor parts are found with mixed forest, coniferous forest, and urban land use. The eastern part is dominated by agricultural land use. The main crop is sugar beat with an annual turning of winter wheat, winter barley, and winter rye. Minor crops are corn, potatoes and oat. The predominantly used fertilizer is urea. As pesticides are mainly used: Isoproturon, Oxydemeton-methyl, Metamitron, Cycloat, Bifenox, Triflusulfuron-Methyl, Fluroxypyr, Carbendazim, Epoxiconazol, Fenpropimorph, Kresoxim-methyl, Metribuzin and Ethofumesat. 4 Urban regions in the area consist of small villages (Stteternich, Hambach, Niederzier, Krauthausen, Selgersdorf), a network of larger and smaller motorways, and the area of the research center. Open pit mining activities are found outside the Zwischenscholle area but have no direct influence on the PEGASE investigation area. Fig. 5 – Land use map of the Jülicher Zwischenscholle area (Lingelbach, 1996) 5. Hydrogeology The first (unconfined or semi confined) aquifer (Fig. 6) consists of Quaternary Rhine and Maas sand and gravel sediments (Klosterman, 1992). The base of the aquifer is build by the Reuver clay. The aquifer thickness varies from 15 m in the south-west to 35 m in the northeast (Fig. 7). The main groundwater flow direction is from south-west to north-east. The first aquifer is in direct contact with small local creeks and the Rur river. Regions with leakage effects from the lower confined aquifer (between 45 and 120 m thick) are found on the Rurrand fault (Rurrand Verwerfung). The Rurrand fault is assumed to be a natural no flux 5 boundary, whereas the Rursprung fault shows a hydraulic connection between the Zwischenscholle area and the Rurscholle area. The mean hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer varies between 5 10 4 m/s and 5 10 3 m/s. The mean hydraulic gradient is 0.002. The porosity varies between 20 and 30% (Lahmeyer International, 1984). Fig. 6 – Hydrogeological map of the Jülicher Zwischenscholle area (from Lingelbach, 1996) The southern part of the area is used by the research center for the withdrawal of drinking water from shallow wells (Fig. 6, well cluster around 020224 and 020226). For this purpose two water supply wells are used. The yearly totally amount of water withdrew by these two wells is of 33.000 m3. 6 Fig. 7 – Lithological profiles from different groundwater measurement points within the Jülicher Zwischenscholle area 7 6. Groundwater chemistry Water samples were available from monitoring wells and public supply wells screened over the whole investigation area (Lingelbach, 1996). Sampling was done accordingly to the following german standards: DVWK Regel 128, DIN 38402-T13, DIN 38402-T21, DIN 38405T19, DIN 38406-T22. Most of the wells are screened in aquifer 1, which is the investigated aquifer within PEGASE (Fig. 7). Some of the wells reach the deeper aquifer 2 and can be used for comparative purposes. Chemical composition of the groundwater was determined by following procedures: ion chromatography for anions except HCO3- ; titration for HCO3- ; atomic adsorption spectroscopy for cations. Iron and manganese were stabilized by adding 0.5 mL/L HNO3 to the tested samples. Due to that fact, only the total concentration could be measured, not the redox state. For most of the wells an additional screening of electrochemical parameters (pH, EH, conductivity, and temperature) is done regularly. Average concentrations of the most important species in the groundwater bellow areas used for forest, agriculture and urban settlements are given in table 1. The dominating ions are Ca2+ and HCO3- in all regions of aquifer 1. Magnesium and sodium are also found but in minor concentrations. The anion concentrations show a clear influence of agricultural use in the whole area. Sulfate, chloride and nitrate concentrations are significantly higher in aquifer 1 than in aquifer 2. Highest concentrations can be found in the region under agricultural use. Magnesium and partly sodium show also a high concentration, potassium does not. One could expect also a higher potassium concentration due to the use of KCl, K2SO4, and K 2 SO4 MgSO4 fertilizers. The low natural background of the potassium concentration in combination with a high selectivity for ion exchange of potassium may be one reason for that low concentrations. 8 Table 1 – Average concentrations for different land use regions found in 1992 (Lingelbach, 1996) and electrochemical parameters in aquifer 1 and 2 Ion Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ NH4+ Fetot Mntot HCO3SO42ClNO3NO2PH Cond. [µS/cm] Temp[°C] Eh [mV] * agric.use aqu. 1 mg/L Mmol/L 2.925 117 0.827 20.1 0.874 20.1 0.086 3.35 0.000 0.00 0.014 0.77 0.002 0.11 2.066 126 1.667 160 2.817 100 0.828 59.6 0.000 0.02 forest aqu. 1 Mg/L mmol/L 2.180 87.2 0.704 17.1 1.013 23.3 0.058 2.27 0.005 0.09 0.201 11.2 0.019 1.03 2.098 128 1.448 139 2.152 76.4 0.449 32.3 0.000 0.02 6.65 972 11.2 188 6.41 776 10.3 170 urban use aqu. 1 mg/L mmol/L 2.323 92.9 0.683 16.6 1.022 23.5 0.072 2.83 0.001 0.02 0.008 0.43 0.005 0.30 2.033 124 1.344 129 2.501 88.8 0.540 38.9 0.002 0.09 6.50 781 13.5 125 forest aqu. 2 Mg/L mmol/L 1.420 56.8 0.453 11.0 0.770 17.7 0.074 2.88 * N.D. N.D. 0.072 4.00 0.005 0.27 N.D. N.D. 0.485 46.6 0.679 24.1 0.000 0.0 N.D. N.D. 6.77 448 N.D. – No Data The pH value for all regions ranges between 6.5 and 7. The electrical conductivity is in direct correlation with the ionic strength of each solution. Due to the described measurement procedure, iron and manganese could be determined only as a sum parameter. However, from the redox and pH state of the well waters, it can be assumed, that iron is found as Fe2+ and manganese as Mn2+. Both concentrations are high in the first aquifer underlying the forest region, iron is also found in high concentration in aquifer 2 (forest region). A significant reduction of nitrate is not found in the unconfined aquifer. 9 7. Krauthausen test site The Krauthausen test site is situated approximately 7 km southeast from the research center in Jülich, Germany (Fig. 6). Here the uppermost semiconfined strongly heterogeneous aquifer is investigated in detail. The Krauthausen test site was established in 1993 within the framework of EU project "Critical parameters governing the mobility and fate of pesticides in soil/aquifer systems: An experimental and modeling study based on coherent interpretation of transport parameters and physico-chemical characteristics measured at multiple scales". To examine the impact of aquifer heterogeneity on solute transport, 72 wells were installed at the site. Fig. 8 – Generalized stratigraphic sequence for the Krauthausen test site The drillings reach a depth of maximally 22 m. From these drillings a generalized stratigraphic sequence was derived (Fig. 8). The investigated aquifer at the test site Krauthausen is situated between 1.5 and 10.5 m below surface (Fig. 8). The aquifer is covered by a 1.5 thick alluvial material in which a stagnic pod- 10 zoluvisol developed (Jacques D. et al., 1998). Below the alluvial material is an inter-bedding of clay, silt and fine sand. The clay and silt content of the aquifer sediments varies between 0.5 % and 7.5 %, the mean total porosity is 26 % with a standard deviation of 7 %. The mean cation exchange capacity is 0.44 meq/100g. The mean clay content amounts to 2.3 %. The mean specific surface is 0.7 m2/g (Englert et al., 2000; Vereecken et al., 2000). The groundwater flow is parallel to the length of the Krauthausen test site with a mean gradient of 0.2 %. The groundwater table varies from 1 m to 3 m below surface. At high groundwater tables ( < 1.5 m) the aquifer is semiconfined. At lower groundwater tables the aquifer is semi-unconfined. This variation in the groundwater table causes a time dependent change in the specific storage coefficient (S) within one magnitude. At high groundwater table situations S amounts to 7.7 10 4 , at low groundwater table situations S amounts to 10 10 2 . The mean hydraulic conductivity amounts to 3.8 10 3 m/s (Englert et al., 2000; Vereecken et al., 2000). The groundwater is a bicarbonate rich water with high concentrations of nitrate caused by intensive agricultural land use. The pH value amounts to 6.7, the EH value varies between 250 and 300 mV. The content of solved oxygen amounts to 7.7 mg/l (Englert et al., 2000; Vereecken et al., 2000). In the last years, extensive research concerning the transport of LiBr, uranin and NaBr was conducted at the test site and documented in literature (Englert et al., 2000; Döring U., 1997; Döring U. et al., 1999; Neuendorf O., 1996; Vereecken et al., 1999; Vereecken et al., 2000). 11 References Arbeitskreis für Bodensystematik der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (1998) – Systematik der Böden und der Bodenbildenden Substrate Deutschlands. Mitt. Dt. Bodenkund. Ges., 86, 1-180. Döring U. (1997) – Transport der reaktiven Stoffe Eosin, Uranin und Lithium in einen heterogenen Grundwasserleiter. Internal report, Forschungszentrum Jülich. Döring U., Jaekel U., Neuendorf O., Seidemann R., Vereecken H. (1999) – Analysis of reactive solute transport in a heterogeneous aquifer. 3. Characterization of sorption heterogenity and its impact on solute transport. Internal report, Forschungszentrum Jülich. Englert A., Hashagen U., Jaekel U., Nitzsche O., Schwarze H., Vereecken H. (2000) – Transport vor gelösten Stoffen im Grundwaser – Untersuchungen am Testfeld Krauthausen. Grundwasser, 3, 115-124. Geologische Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen (1976) – Bodenkarte von Nordrhein-Westfalen 1:50000, L 5104 – Düren. Krefeld. Jacques D., Kim D.-J., Diels J., Vanderborght J., Vereecken H. and Feyen J. (1998) – Analysis of steady state chloride transport through two heterogeneous field soils. Water Resour. Res., 34, 2539-2550. Klosterman J. (1983) – Die Geologie der Venloer Scholle (Niederrhein). Geol. Jb., Bd. A66, Hanover, 3-115. Klosterman J. (1992) – Das Quartär der Niederrheinischen Bucht. Geologische Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Krefeld. Lahmeyer International (1984) – Standortgutachten Geologie, Hydrogeologie und Bodenmechanik. Jülich. Lingelbach M. (1996) – Untersuchung und statistische Auswertung der Grundwasserbeschaffenheit auf der Jülicher Zwischenscholle der Niederrheinischen Bucht von 1975 und 1992. Diplomaarbeit, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg. Neuendorf O. (1996) – Numerische 3-D Simulation des Stofftransportes in einen heterogenen Aquifer. Dissertation RWTH Aachen. Schneider H. & Thiele S. (1965) – Geohydrologie des Erftgebietes. Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf. Vereecken H., Jaekel U., Esser O., Nitzsche O. (1999) – Solute transport analysis of bromide, uranin and LiCl using breakthrough curves from aquifer sediment. J. Contaminant Hydrol., 39, 7-34. Vereecken H., Doring U., Hardelauf H., Jaekel U., Hashagen U., Neuendorf O., Schwarze H., R. Seidemann H. (2000) – Analysis of solute transport in a heterogeneous aquifer: the Krauthausen field experiment. J. Contaminant Hydrol., 45, 329-358. 12