Thank you for your interest in Urban Servant Corps! Please submit this application, your resume and 3 professional references to: APPLICATION FOR SERVICE Name _____________________________________________________ Date _______________ Respond here: CURRENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL SUMMER ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE (if different from above) DATE and PLACE OF BIRTH EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION NAME TELEPHONE ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP SCHOOLS ATTENDED NAME OF SCHOOL and LOCATION DEGREE EARNED DATES ATTENDED TRAINING, SEMINARS, OTHER UNIQUE GROWTH EXPERIENCES: VOCATIONAL INTERESTS, RECREATION, HOBBIES, MUSICAL TALENTS: FAVORITE READING MATERIAL DURING THE PAST YEAR: LANGUAGES (other than English) Please indicate whether you speak, write, or read in the language and proficiency level *PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THE SPACE BELOW THE BOX* MISSION ALIGNMENT 1. SELECT TWO WORDS FROM THE MISSION/VISION STATEMENT. WHY ARE THOSE IMPORTANT TO YOU? MISSION STATEMENT Urban Servant Corps is a faith-based, intentional community of full-time volunteers who seek to live simply while serving and accompanying those most in need through non-profit partner agencies in the heart of Denver. VISION STATEMENT Acting for peace with justice, advocating for and with the oppressed, and sharing our abundance as we respond to Christ’s call to love. 2. WHAT EXCITES YOU ABOUT URBAN SERVANTCORPS? HAVE YOU APPLIED FOR OTHER PROGRAMS? IF SO, WHAT WILL THE DECIDING FACTOR? 3. WRITE AN INCLUSIVITY STATEMENT FOR URBAN SERVANT CORPS. 4. WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT? HOW DOES THIS INFORM YOUR DAILY DECISIONS? SERVICE 5. IF YOU COULD PICK YOUR DREAM JOB, WHAT WOULD YOUR TASKS INCLUDE? AT WHAT TYPE OF AGENCY SITE ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SERVING? 6. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF SERVICE? 7. GIVE A SPECIFIC EXAMPLE OF YOUR EXPERIENCE IN WORKING WITH PEOPLE OF BACKGROUNDS OTHER THAN YOUR OWN. 8. SCENARIO QUESTION: You are serving at a non-profit organization that provides emergency food and other services to clients. As you speak with a client, he or she becomes irate at the lack of services that he or she can obtain that particular day and claims you are a worthless employee. He or she proceeds to yell about your privilege and assumes that a person of your background would never understand this circumstance. There are a number of other clients who are waiting to be served and are overhearing bits and pieces of this conversation. How do you respond? SPIRITUALITY 9. WHY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SERVING WITH A FAITH-BASED VOLUNTEER PROGRAM? 10. THIS TENET IS LIVED OUT, IN PART, THROUGH MONTHLY CHRISTIAN WORSHIP AND VOLUNTEER-LED FAITH REFLECTIONS. HOW WILL THESE CHALLENGE AND/OR ENGAGE YOUR SPRITUAL LIFE? 11. SHARE ABOUT YOUR FAITH/SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE SUPPORTED IN YOUR FAITH/SPIRITUAL JOURNEY DURING THIS YEAR OF SERVICE? INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY LIVING 12. WHAT ARE THE MOTIVATIONS THAT DRAW YOU TO LIVING IN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY? 13. WHAT ARE YOUR SKILLS IN CONFLICT RESOLUTION? 14. WHAT UNIQUE GIFTS WILL YOU BRING TO AN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY LIVING EXPERIENCE? WHAT DO YOU NEED FROM OTHERS IN COMMUNITY? 15. SOMETIMES COMMUNITY LIFE MEANS TO “SHOW UP EVEN IF YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”….HOW WILL YOU BALANCE SACRIFICE WITH SELF-CARE? SIMPLICITY 16. WHY IS LIVING SIMPLY AND SUSTANIBLY IMPORTANT TO YOU? 17. WHAT MEASURES DO YOU INTEND TO TAKE THAT WILL ACCOMPLISH YOUR PERSONAL AND COMMUNAL FULFILLMENT OF THE TENET OF SIMPLICITY? WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WITHIN THE SIMPLICITY TENET? 18. DESCRIBE SOMEONE YOU KNOW WHO LIVES A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY. MISCELLANEOUS 19. HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT URBAN SERVANT CORPS? 20. DO YOU HAVE A VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE? DO YOU PLAN TO BRING A CAR? COULD YOU BRING A CAR IF YOUR PLACEMENT REQUIRED ONE? 21. HAVE YOU OR DO YOU USE ILLEGAL DRUGS? 22. USC staff is committed to providing strong support throughout the year of service. DO YOU HAVE ANY FINANCIAL OBLICATOINS, SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES (recent death of a loved one, a sickness in your family, etc.) OR PERSONAL HEALTH CONCERNS (physical, mental, emotional, etc.) THAT MAY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON YOUR TERM OF SERVICE? Rate yourself on the following using the scale below: 5 – Excellent 4 – Above Average Listening -Conflict management -Group consensus -Public relations -Understanding peace & justice issues -- 3 – Average 2 – Below Average Care for self -Commitment to community -Creating time for friends -Public speaking -Leadership in a community setting -- 1 – No Experience Creativity -Working w/small groups -Facilitating meetings -Processing group interaction -Property maintenance and repair -- OTHER THOUGHTS YOU WISH TO EXPRESS? **Please attach a resume that includes job experience and applicable educational courses as well as contact information for 3 professional references. Send to** If selected to participate in Urban Servant Corps, I will commit to community life and to working hard at my placement agency. I understand that there is a significant level of responsibility with this commitment and that Urban Servant Corps staff and agency supervisors expect me to uphold the tenets of the organization and seek to fulfill its mission. I have represented myself truthfully in this application. Signed ____________________________________ Date _____________ I grant permission to share this application with prospective service sites. _____ (initial) NOTE: Urban Servant Corps is part of a collaboration called LIFE (Lutheran Immersion Formation Experience) in Service. The five organizations involved in this are: ALT Year, Border Servant Corps, Lutheran Volunteer Corps, Urban Servant Corps and Young Adults in Global Mission and are separately governed organizations connected in various ways to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. While our structures differ, our missions are similar. We work together as often as possible to provide the best volunteers to the organizations we serve, and to ensure our volunteers the best possible placements for their gifts. In the interest of these goals, we often share information. It is acceptable to apply for more than one of these volunteers corps, but please let us know so that we can ensure cooperation. Be assured that we will work together for you. If you would like your application to be shared with one of the LIFE in Service organizations, please indicate that below. You may be asked to provide additional information that is required for these other programs.