Press release ENG

Amatu street 4, Riga LV-1050, phone number 67012947, fax 67012949
June 16, 2011
Press release
The Research on Flood Threat in Riga Completed
Today, on June 16, 2011, within the framework of the project “Riga Against Flood” final
results of flooding risk research and the recommendations for protecting the territory of
Riga City against flood were presented. The greatest flood threat to Riga City, especially
in the context of climate change, is sea water surges caused by storms (wind surges), as
well as sudden and continuous downpours. Flood risks connected with melting snow, in
turn, are smaller, as, according to the forecasts, in the future the amount of snow will
decrease, but the intensity of rain will increase. Taking into consideration the results of
the research, the project team will proceed to the main phase of the projects – the
development of Flood risk management plan for Riga City.
“The obtained results show that in future the problem of flood for Riga in relation to
anticipated climate change will become more urgent, that is why it is crucial to consider
solutions to forestall flood threat already today. We have received solid data for work –
scientists have researched various flood risks and provided a line of recommendations, which
should be carried out in the nearer or more distant future to protect the territory of Riga City
and its inhabitants. Further in the project discussions with the involvement of specialists and
the community will be needed to evaluate when and which of the flood prevention activities
offered by scientists to carry out,” emphasizes Juris Radzevics, the executive director for Riga
City, who is a member of the LIFE+ project steering committee.
The research “Study of hydrological processes connected with climate changes and forecasting
in Riga City and development of recommendations for protection of Riga City” was carried out
within the framework of the project “Riga Against Flood”, which is co-funded by LIFE+
programme. Its main aim is to explore all those hydrological processes – flooding of territories
caused by wind surges, spring spate and intensive precipitation and their impact on groundwater levels, as well as coastal erosion that influences the territory of Riga City. The research
also aims at modelling and estimating the risks that these hydrological processes pose in future,
taking into consideration climate change, and providing recommendations for engineer
technical solutions to protect Riga City and its inhabitants from flood.
During the first stage of the research flooding risks that are connected with spring spate and
storm-induced sea water surges were explored (view the results and conclusions from the first
stage of the research on the project’s homepage sections “Press
releases” and “Documents”).
During the second stage of the research flooding risks connected with precipitation and
ground-water level change were explored, also recommendations to protect the territory of
Riga City were provided (you will find the research in more detail on the project’s homepage ).
“The completion of this research marks the end of a significant stage in the project and we can
proceed to the main activity of the project - the development of Flood risk management plan
for Riga City. The results obtained in the research will be incorporated in the Flood risk
management plan, which will comprise specific flood threat prevention activities, strategic
environmental impact assessment, cost/ benefit analysis for the suggested alternatives and will
look into various possibilities to attract funding for the implementation of flood risk prevention
activities,” states Uldis Jansons, the deputy director of the City Development department.
The research was carried out from September, 2010 until May, 2011 by the “Centre of
Processes’ Analysis and Research” under supervision of Dr. Phys. Uldis Bethers, one of the
leading scientists in Latvia in the area of modelling environment and technological processes.
About the project:
The project RIGA AGAINST FLOOD” (in full "Integrated Strategy for Riga City to Adapt to
the Hydrological Processes Intensified by Climate Change Phenomena") was launched by Riga
City Council City Development Department in February 2010 and it will end on November 30,
2012. The main aim of the project is to explore hydrological processes – flood, intensive
precipitation, wind surges, coastal erosion, significant changes in ground-water levels, which,
combined with climate change, could have negative impact on the inhabitants of Riga,
economy and preservation of natural and cultural heritage. The project also aims at providing
solutions on how to forestall and reduce this impact. Within the framework of the project a
model of Riga City relief has been worked out; and a substantial research on hydrological
processes, as well as work on recommendations for future flood risk forestalment and
reduction, is in progress. The total cost of the project is 662 240 EUR. The costs are equally
shared by European Union finance programme for the environment LIFE+ and Riga
More information about the project –
LIFE programme is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature
conservation projects. The main aim of LIFE+ programme is to contribute to passing, amending
and enforcing of European Union environmental policy and legislation. LIFE programme was
launched in 1992. Since then, LIFE has co-financed about 3104 projects throughout European Union,
contributing about 2.2 billion Euros to the protection of the environment. The present stage of the
programme – LIFE + - was launched in 2007 and will be implemented until 2013.
Riga City Council City Development Department
PR specialist Marija Abeltina
67012916, 29231856,,