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BFA in Art
Concentrations are offered in painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, communication arts/graphic
design, communication arts/illustration, communication arts/photography, textile design, fabric design,
weaving design, wood design, metal design and animation/interactive design. Minimum degree
requirement is 126 s.h. of credit as follows:
1. Foundations curriculum requirements (See Section 4, Foundations Curriculum Requirements
for all Baccalaureate Degree Programs), including the following.............................................42 s.h.
PHIL 2271. Introduction to Philosophy of Art (3) (WI*) (F,S) (FC:HU)
2. Common core.................................................................................................................................36 s.h.
ART 1005. Design I (3) (F,S,SS) (FC:FA) (P: ART major or administrative approval)
ART 1015. Design II (3) (F,S,SS) (P: ART 1005, 1020 with a minimum grade of C; ART 1905; or
administrative approval)
ART 1020. Drawing (3) (F,S,SS) (FC:FA) (P: ART major or administrative approval
ART 1030. Figure Drawing (3) (F,S,SS) (P: ART 1005, 1020 with a minimum grade of C; ART 1905; or
administrative approval)
ART 1905. The Dimensions of Art (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART major)
ART 1906. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART 1905)
ART 1907. Art History Survey (3) (F,S) (FC:FA) (P: ART 1905)
Choose 9 s.h. art surveys outside the concentration
Choose 6 s.h. art history electives
3. Art concentration courses to include survey (See specific studio concentration course
description).....................................................................................................................................30 s.h.
4. Art electives...................................................................................................................................18 s.h.
Electives may be in any art prefix, including art history. Choose a minimum of 6 s.h. outside the area of
concentration; however, the 6 s.h. may not comprise two courses from the same area.
5. Individual program areas require a portfolio review for acceptance into the area after the
student has completed the survey course and at least one upper-level studio course but not
more than four courses. Acceptance into the area by portfolio review is required for admittance
into 4000-level painting, graphic design, illustration, and photography and communication arts
courses. Students submitting portfolios to animation/interactive design, graphic design,
illustration and photography communication arts concentrations must demonstrate a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.6 in the survey and all studio art concentration courses attempted.
Entrance is competitive and space is limited. Students not accepted into their preferred program
or area of concentration should be prepared to seek alternative areas of concentration and/or
degree programs.
6. An approved senior show and slides of work exhibited are requirements for graduation. BFA
students with a concentration in painting must take at least 9 s.h. of drawing courses beyond
the foundation requirements and at least 18 s.h. of painting courses beyond the survey,
including at least 3 s.h. at the 4000 level.
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Communication Arts
Graphic design students take ART 2200 and 27 s.h., including the following courses: ART 2210, 2220,
3200, 3210, 3230; 4200 or 4210; 5210.
Illustration students take ART 2200, 2210, 2220, 3200, 3210, 3230, 3240; 3551 or 3560 or 3561; 4230,
Photography students take ART 2210, 2220, 3080, 3200, 3250, 3260, 4220, 4240, 4250, 5220.
BA candidates take ART 2200, 2210, 2220, 3200, 3230.
Communication arts courses explore creative problem solving in graphic design, illustration, and
photography. Students will be introduced to various techniques utilized in dealing with issues in
communication and aesthetics.
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2070. Animation/Interactive Design Survey (3) (F,S,SS) P: ART 1030; 1906 or 1907. Using computers
to solve visual problems. Exploration of ways that animation/interactive design and digital imaging can
complement experiences in various disciplines.
2470. Introduction to Digital 3D Modeling and Animation (3) P: ART 1015, 1030. Studio that develops
students design process through construction of digital 3D models and animation.
3070. Electronic Interactive Multimedia (3) (F,S) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART 2070 or
2071 or consent of instructor. Interactive multimedia design process. Web based projects incorporate
sound, full-motion video, and still and kinetic imagery. Users interact with information presented.
Emphasis on problem-seeking/problem-solving processes.
3442. Products and Environments (3) (F) P: Art 2210 or consent of instructor. User-based design
principles applied to exhibit environments and furniture systems intended for repetitive
3470. Digital 3D Animation (3) P:ART 2470 or consent of instructor. Design studio that develops
student’s concept of digital 3D modeling as applied to animation and special effects.
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2200. Communication Arts Survey (3) (F) P: ART 1015, 1030. Basic conceptual problem solving
relevant to twoand three-dimensional applied design. Emphasis on graphic, typographic, illustrative,
photographic, and spatial relationships. Exploration of media and techniques.
2210. Concepts in Communication Arts (3) (S) P: ART 2200 or consent of instructor. Exploration of
conceptual problem solving in two- and three-dimensional applied design. Further exploration of media
and techniques, including electronic environments.
2220. Photography Survey (3) (F,S) P: ART 1015, 1030. Basic camera techniques, darkroom
procedures, and assignments. Full scope of photographic problems.
3200. Typography (3) (F) P: Acceptable portfolio review; ART 2070, 2210; or consent of instructor.
Typographic images in historical and modern design. Emphasis on contemporary applications through
digital media. Typographic function, flow, and form.
3210. Production (3) (S) P: ART 3200 or consent of instructor. Practical execution of design concepts as
commercial printed media. Emphasis on use of computer for digital prepress work.
3230. Introduction to Illustration (3) (F,S) P: ART 2200 or consent of instructor. Illustration as
communicative medium. Emphasis on media and techniques.
3240. Illustration Media and Techniques (3) (S) P: ART 3230 or consent of instructor. Further
development of technical skills required to create effective illustration. Emphasis on wide range of media
used in contemporary illustration. Introduction to computer illustration.
3250. Introduction to Digital Photography (3) (F) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART 2070,
2210, 2220; or consent of instructor. Digital photography and its applications to design and fine art.
3260. Intermediate Photography (3) (F,S) P: ART 2220. In-depth exploration in camera work, darkroom
techniques, and visual literacy.
3442. Products and Environments (3) (F) P: ART 2210 or consent of instructor. User-based design
principles applied to exhibit environments and furniture systems intended for repetitive production.
4200. Advanced Typography (3) (F) P: ART 3200 or consent of instructor. Extended study of
typography as related to communication design. Emphasis on informational and aesthetic concerns in
professional design forum. Two- and threedimensional problems.
4210. Graphic Design (3) (F) P: ART 3210 or consent of instructor. Emphasis on design, use, and
application of creative visual images and concepts in communication. Two- and three-dimensional
4220. Studio Photography (3) (F,S) P: ART 3260 or consent of instructor. Indepth exploration of
camera, lighting, studio, and darkroom techniques as means of exploring issues in communications and
4230. Intermediate Illustration (3) (F) P: ART 3230 and consent of instructor. Advanced problems in
illustration. Emphasis on graphic contexts.
4240. Advanced Digital Photography (3) (S) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART 3210, 3250;
or consent of instructor. Extended study of digital photography as related to image design and
communications. Emphasis on collecting raw image data to be processed with other information.
4250. Professional Practices in Photography (3) (F,S) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART
4220, 4240; or consent of instructor. Advanced problems in photography. Emphasis on digital and analog
solutions to professional projects.
5210. Advanced Graphic Design (3) For students specializing in the discipline. P for undergraduate
students: ART 4200 or 4210; P for graduate students: ART 4210. Advanced problems in graphic design
history. Development of self-promotional materials and professional portfolio.
5220. Advanced Photography (3) P: ART 2220. Advanced photographic techniques, sequential
problems, animation, and film.
5230. Advanced Illustration (3) (S) P: ART 4230. Advanced problems in illustration. Emphasis on
exploring aesthetic issues related to various forms of image making for illustrators. Development of
creative professional illustration portfolio.
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2200. Communication Arts Survey (3) (F) P: ART 1015, 1030. Basic conceptual problem solving
relevant to two and three-dimensional applied design. Emphasis on graphic, typographic, illustrative,
photographic, and spatial relationships. Exploration of media and techniques.
2210. Concepts in Communication Arts (3) (S) P: ART 2200 or consent of instructor. Exploration of
conceptual problem solving in two- and three-dimensional applied design. Further exploration of media
and techniques, including electronic environments.
3200. Typography (3) (F) P: Acceptable portfolio review; ART 2070, 2210; or consent of instructor.
Typographic images in historical and modern design. Emphasis on contemporary applications through
digital media. Typographic function, flow, and form.
3210. Production (3) (S) P: ART 3200 or consent of instructor. Practical execution of design concepts as
commercial printed media. Emphasis on use of computer for digital prepress work.
4200. Advanced Typography (3) (F) P: ART 3200 or consent of instructor. Extended study of
typography as related to communication design. Emphasis on informational and aesthetic concerns in
professional design forum. Two- and three dimensional problems.
4210. Graphic Design (3) (F) P: ART 3210 or consent of instructor. Emphasis on design, use, and
application of creative visual images and concepts in communication. Two- and three-dimensional
5210. Advanced Graphic Design (3) For students specializing in the discipline. P for undergraduate
students: ART 4200 or 4210; P for graduate students: ART 4210. Advanced problems in graphic design
history. Development of self-promotional materials and professional portfolio.
Graphic Design students take ART 2200 and 27 s.h., including the following courses: ART 2210, 2220,
3200, 3210, 2230; 4200 or 4210; 5210.
2230. Illustration Survey (3) (F,S) P: ART 1015 and 1030; or consent of instructor. Illustration as
communicative medium. Emphasis on media and techniques.
3240. Illustration Media and Techniques (3) (S) P: ART 3230 or consent of instructor. Further
development of technical skills required to create effective illustration. Emphasis on wide range of media
used in contemporary illustration. Introduction to computer illustration.
4230. Intermediate Illustration (3) (F) P: ART 3230 and consent of instructor. Advanced problems in
illustration. Emphasis on graphic contexts.
5230. Advanced Illustration (3) (S) P: ART 4230. Advanced problems in illustration. Emphasis on
exploring aesthetic issues related to various forms of image making for illustrators. Development of
creative professional illustration portfolio.
Illustration students take ART 2200, 2210, 2220, 2230, 3200, 3210, 3240; 3551 or 3560 or 3561; 4230,
and 5230.
PAGE 322:
2220. Photography Survey (3) (F,S) P: ART 1015, 1030. Basic camera techniques, darkroom
procedures, and assignments. Full scope of photographic problems.
3250. Introduction to Digital Photography (3) (F) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART 2070,
2210, 2220; or consent of instructor. Digital photography and its applications to design and fine art.
3260. Intermediate Photography (3) (F,S) P: ART 2220. In-depth exploration in camera work, darkroom
techniques, and visual literacy.
3270. Color Photography: (3) P: ART 3260; or consent of instructor. Color theory and technique with an
emphasis upon the creative use of color in photo-based media.
3280. Problems in Photography (3) P: ART 3260; or consent of instructor. Investigation of
contemporary practices in photography and development of a concept-based body of artwork.
4220. Studio Photography (3) (F,S) P: ART 3260 or consent of instructor. Indepth exploration of
camera, lighting, studio, and darkroom techniques as means of exploring issues in communications and
4240. Advanced Digital Photography (3) (S) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART 3210, 3250;
or consent of instructor. Extended study of digital photography as related to image design and
communications. Emphasis on collecting raw image data to be processed with other information.
4250. Professional Practices in Photography (3) (F,S) 2 lecture and 4 studio hours per week. P: ART
4220, 4240; or consent of instructor. Advanced problems in photography. Emphasis on digital and analog
solutions to professional projects.
5220. Advanced Photography (3) P: ART 2220. Advanced photographic techniques, sequential
problems, animation, and film.
Photography students take ART 2220, 3080, 3250, 3260, 3270, 3280, 4220, 4240, 4250 and 5220.