Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms Review Sheet

Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms Review Sheet (8th Grade)
DNA is found in all cells.
A gene is part of the DNA code on a chromosome.
A phenotype is the combination of the organism’s genetic makeup and the environment’s
effect on that makeup
Sunlight and temperature are examples of external influences.
Gender is defined as either male or female, except for rare species that have the ability to
change sex.
The study of heredity is genetics.
Gregor Mendel studied heredity using pea plants.
Dominant traits are often seen in each generation.
Gregor Mendel concluded that a parent passes one of the alleles for a trait to their offspring.
Mendel developed the law of independent assortment to understand how traits are passed
through generations.
When the last individual of a species dies, that species is considered extinct.
A Punnett square shows you all the ways in which alleles can combine.
Blood type in humans is controlled by three alleles.
Mendel called plants that received different alleles for a trait from each parent hybrids.
Cystic fibrosis is an example of a recessive genetic disorder.
In a Punnett square, a capital letter stands for a dominant allele.
Examples of human blood phenotypes include O, AB, and B.
Homozygous recessive genotypes are indicated by two lowercase letters.
An organism’s genetic makeup is called its genotype.
Passing of traits from parents to offspring is heredity.
Different forms of a gene are called alleles.
When two of the same alleles are needed to be seen in the offspring’s genotype, those alleles
are recessive.
A Punnett square is a model that helps make genetic predictions.
Through genetic engineering, scientists are experimenting with methods to change the
arrangement of DNA in a gene.
The father of genetics is an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel.
Additional Information to Study
Be able to explain how mutations can affect an organism’s offspring.
Be able to analyze and interpret information presented in a Punnett square, including the
genotypes and phenotypes that are present.