For Immediate Release January 10, 2012 Santa Barbara Foundation Ends Banner Year 83 Year-Old Institution Distributes More than $15 Million in Grants in 2011 Partnerships with Donors Increase Grantmaking addresses county’s challenges and opportunities, strengthens nonprofit sector with more than $2.8 million in year end discretionary grants distributed to 58 nonprofit organizations In partnership with its family of donor investors, the Santa Barbara Foundation awarded over 1,700 grants to nonprofits, totaling more than $15 million in 2011. These community investments helped to fuel the good work of community organizations – primarily in Santa Barbara County – and in many instances, funded new approaches and creative collaborations to address critical issues. “The needs of our community are accelerating,” said Ron Gallo, president & CEO of the Santa Barbara Foundation. “But so too are opportunities. Our nonprofit partners and philanthropic investors, large and small, are thinking big, acting boldly and working collaboratively to solve problems. At a time of continuing economic downturn and dwindling public resources, our support across key issue areas has perhaps never been more important.” The Foundation’s funding areas included arts and cultural expression; education and youth development; protection of the environment and historical places; sustainable economic growth; safety; health and human services; and civic engagement. 2011 was a banner year for all the core components of the Foundation’s mission: to build philanthropy; to steward funds wisely; to support and enliven our nonprofit community; and to help engage on the most pressing challenges facing our county. Discretionary grantmaking to and investments in nonprofits were ever more expansive: The Foundation increased its investment in the excellence and competence of the nonprofit sector with learning opportunities in leadership development, organizational management, and board training – all designed to lead to more effective organizations. Monthly grants benefitted 97 nonprofits through timely and quick action – for strategic planning, capital improvements, and responding to emergencies or unexpected needs, totaling more than $700,000. In late December, the Foundation awarded more than $2.8 million to 58 organizations with large grants of up to $75,000 – investments in community nonprofits who are making positive impact, filling gaps and making progress on key community issues. Also, significant capital investments were made in Santa Barbara County’s existing and emerging gems – from environmental protection to iconic institutions. Sustained, long-term initiatives were more robust and focused: The Foundation maintained its investment in THRIVE, a long-term, innovative, countywide educational collaborative improving school readiness from cradle to career. THRIVE works with existing nonprofits, school districts, parents, and children to ensure that kids successfully move through the education system so that they can be productive adults with economic opportunity. $1.8 million in student aid was awarded, positively affecting the lives of nearly 700 young adults and their families. Partnerships with donor investors increased: Over $7.6 million in charitable grants from donor advised and designated funds distributed to over 600 organizations (74% in Santa Barbara County), with a record increase in new donor advised funds and Associate members. Giving circles grew and over $900,000 in grants were distributed from Social Venture Partners Santa Barbara, Women’s Fund of Santa Barbara, Women’s Fund of Northern Santa Barbara County, Katherine Harvey Fellows, The Global Neighborhood Fund, and the Animal Rescue Fund. The Foundation’s endowment held steady with a 7.7% investment net return (over the last nine years) as of November 2011. The Foundation increased opportunities to connect donors with critical community needs and countywide strategic initiatives. “Giving is not just a word here but a way of life,” added Ron Gallo. “With the help of many individuals, families, and aligned philanthropic institutions who have chosen to invest in and with us at significant levels, we will continue to work toward enhancing the quality of life in our communities and strengthen the way that our nonprofits work so they can, in turn, increase their efficiency and impact. We are endeavoring to accomplish things that can only be achieved through a sustained partnership with an inspired philanthropic sector.” The Foundation’s discretionary investments in 2011 were made with significant funding by partner investors including the Orfalea Foundation; the Cavalletto Charities; Hutton Parker Foundation; and through Santa Barbara Foundation donor advised and field of interest funds. Discretionary community investments are chosen through a rigorous review process, involving committees comprised of community leaders, issue experts, senior representatives from other foundations, and Foundation staff and trustees. For details on the Foundation’s grantmaking or to learn more about the ongoing work of our grantees, please visit our website at About the Santa Barbara Foundation The mission of the Santa Barbara Foundation is to improve quality of life by creating positive connections between philanthropy and nonprofits who serve our communities. Our goal is to ignite more philanthropy – so we have greater capacity to support and strengthen nonprofits and their potential impact, now and forever. ### Contacts: Alixe Mattingly Jessica Tade 805- 963-1873 Attachments: List of 2011 Year End Grants (by organization and grant amount) Brief descriptions for each Year End Grant