Ancient Egypt



Ancient Egypt unit

Grade Level : 1 E.S.O.

Length of unit : 6 lessons


A. This unit will be developed in six lessons. This unit begins by giving students geographical information on ancient Egypt. It then presents an overview of important events in Egypt history and ancient religious beliefs concerning gods and life after death. Next, pyramids are introduced with an emphasis on their construction and purpose. Having learned that pyramids housed the bodies of pharaohs, our lesson provides the students with the steps involved in preserving the bodies of royalty. The Egyptians developed a system of communication called hieroglyphics.


A. Concept Objectives

1. The students will understand the complex nature of a given culture: its geography, history,

economy, social structure politics, religion art, architecture andtechnology,

2. The students will understand how belief systems (religion, philosophy) affect a society’s actions.

3. The students will develop an awareness of place. There are reasons why events occur in certain places. The students must understand the characteristics to understand why events occurred there.

B. Core Knowledge Content

1. Geography of Africa

2. Geography of the Nile River: sources, courses,mouth,delta

3. Importance of the Nile River: floods and farming

4. Pharaohs: Tutankhamen and Hatshepsut

5. Economy

6. Society

7. Religion

8. Art

9. Pyramids

10. Mummies

11. Gods and goddesses

12. Sphinx

13 Writing: hieroglyphics

C. Skills will be addressed in individual lesson plans.


1. Knowledge of African continent

2. Knowledge of important concepts concerning a civilization: economy, society, religion, state, art


Computer and internet access

Ancient Egypt blank map


Colour pencils

Writing paper

Drawing paper



A. Lesson One

1. Daily Objectives a. Lesson Content i. African Geography ii. Nile River Geography iii. Importance of Nile River: floods and farming b. Concept Objective(s) i. The students will develop an awareness of the location of Egypt. c. Skill Objective(s) i. The students will identify, draw and colour the following areas on their map: Sahara Desert, Nile

River and fertile land ,Nile Delta, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Sahara Desert, Lower Egypt and

Upper Egypt

2. Materials a. Computer and internet access b. Ancient Egypt blank map c.Colour pencils

3. Key Vocabulary: a. Egypt b. Africa c. Nile River d. Fertile land e. Sahara Desert f. Mediterranean Sea g. Red Sea h. Lower Egypt i. Upper Egypt j. Nile Delta

4. Procedures

a. Read information about Egypt geography on

b. Point out Egypt on a world map or globe. c. Ask students “On which continent is Egypt?” d. Discuss the Nile River Valley and the Sahara Desert. Contrast the two regions. e. Provide an Ancient Egypt blankmap to each student. f. . Draw a river slightly to the right of center. g. Colour the river blue. h. Colour green on each side of the river to represent fertile land. i. Colour yellow Sahara Desert. j. Colour Mediterranean an red Seas blue. k. Write the names on the map.

5. Evaluation/Assessment a. Teacher will observe students during the process. b. Teacher will evaluate the finished map for accuracy.


B. Lesson Two

1. Daily Objectives a. Lesson Content i. Egyptian economy ii. Egyptian society iii. Egyptian religion b. Concept Objectives i. The students will become aware of the interconnection between economy, society, religion and art in ancient Egyptian culture. c. Skill Objectives i. The students will read, write and draw about important aspects of Egyptian civilization

2. Materials a. Egypt mind map b. Drawing paper c. Writing paper

3. Key Vocabulary: a. Pyramid b. Mastaba c. Hypogeum d. Pharaoh e. Temple f, Lintel g. Architecture h. Statue i. Tomb j. Scribe k. Priest l. Craftstmen m. Peasant

4. Procedures

a. Read information from Egypt mind map on

b. Discuss the information on page 24 pertaining to gods. c. Write short paragraphs about Egyptian economy, society, religion and art . d. Instruct each student to draw a picture about Egyptian civilization. f. The student will write a short essay explaining his drawing.

5. Evaluation/Assessment a. The teacher will evaluate the student’s written essay and picture

C. Lesson Three

1. Daily Objectives a. Lesson Content i. Important events in Egyptian history b. Concept Objectives i. The students will learn some important events in ancient Egypt history.


c. Skill Objectives i. The students will follow instructions to understand an Egyptian history timeline. ii.the student will choose specific information to answer a questionnaire

2. Materials

a.Computer and internet access

b.Worksheet: Questionnaire about Egypt history timeline

c.Writing paper

3. Key Vocabulary a. pharaoh

4. Procedures a. Read and understand information on

b. Answer the questions

5. Evaluation/Assessment a. The teacher will observe the assembly process. b. The teacher will evaluate the finished questionnaire.

D. Lesson Four

1. Daily Objectives a. Lesson Content i. Egyptian pyramids b. Concept Objectives i. The student will recognize a pyramid and understand its purpose in ancient Egyptian culture. ii. The students will recognize different types of tombs c. Skill Objectives i. The students will explore a pyramid and draw different types of tombs

2. Materials a. Computer and internet access b. Drawing paper c. Colour pencils

3. Key Vocabulary a. pyramid b. mastaba c. hypogeum d. tomb e.complex f. chamber g.passage h. gallery

4. Procedures a. Share and discuss background information concerning Egyptian pyramids included in this link :

b. Each student will explore a pyramid using the computer. c. The students will draw a pyramid and write its main zones, chambers and passages


5. Evaluation/Assessment a. The teacher will observe students during the assembly process. b. The teacher will evaluate the students finished pyramids.

E. Lesson Five:

1. Daily Objectives a. Lesson Content i. Mummies b. Concept Objectives i. The students will become aware of the process of mummification. c. Skill Objectives

i. The students will follow instructions to create their own virtual mummy on

2. Materials a. computer and internet access

3. Key Vocabulary a. Mummy b.mummification c. natron d. canopic jars e. bandages f. embalming g. afterlife h.linen i. resin j.amulets k.mask l. sarcophagus

4. Procedures

a. The students observe,read and follow the instructions in the process of mummification

5. Evaluation/Assessment a. The teacher will observe the students during the assembly process. b. The teacher will evaluate the finished mummy to determine accuracy of following directions.

F. Lesson Six

1. Daily Objectives a. Lesson Content i. Hieroglyphics b. Concept Objectives i. The students will understand that the ancient Egyptians developed a system of written communication called hieroglyphics.


c. Skill Objectives i. The students will translate the letters in their name and other importantwords of this unit into hieroglyphs

2. Materials a. Computer and internet access b. Hieroglyphs from A to Z

c. Hieroglyphs worksheet

3. Key Vocabulary a. hieroglyphs

4. Procedures a. Read Hieroglyphs from A to Z. b. Students complete worksheet writing their names and other importan words of this unit in hieroglyphs.

5. Evaluation/Assessment a. The teacher will check each student’s hieroglyphs worksheet for accuracy.


A. The students will check their knowlwedge about Egyptian civilization doing some on line activities on




Egypt mind map

Ancient Egypt Cloze

Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes.

Civilization on the Nile River transportation Desert thousand pyramids

Ancient Egyptian civilization, which is famous for its colossal

____________________ began over five ____________________ years ago. It was centered around the ____________________ River and surrounded by the inhospitable Sahara ____________________. The ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile for everything from water to ____________________.

Floods and Irrigation irrigate tears crops flood

Though it almost never rains in the Nile River Valley, rains in the far away

Ethiopian Highlands cause the Nile River to ____________________ every year.

Ancient Egyptians believed that these yearly floods were caused by the

____________________ of the goddess Isis. The floods carried rich soil with them, covering the Nile Delta with ____________________ soil for growing

____________________. Ancient Egyptians created an elaborate system of ditches and canals to _________________ their crops with the flood waters.

Pharaohs tombs pharaohs crown

The ancient Egyptians were ruled by the ____________________, a title that means ____________________. The pharaohs wore a double

___________________, which represented their rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.

When the pharaohs died they were buried in elaborate ___________________.

Egyptian Writing walls scribes picture

Ancient Egyptians developed a system of ____________________ writing called hieroglyphics. Ancient Egyptians recorded their beliefs using hieroglyphics on temple and tomb ____________________. They also wrote on scrolls made from ____________________. People who could write were important government officials called


civilization desert fertile flood gold hieroglyphics irrigation mummy

Nile River papyrus pharaoh pyramid sand sarcophagus scribe sphinx temple tomb trade

Write your name and other important words of the vocabulary of Egypt

unit using these hieroglyphs:

A time line of ancient Egyptian history

Answer these questions:

1.- When did people begin to settle in the Nile valley?

2.-When did hieroglyphic writing develop?

3.- Who unified Upper and Lower Egypt? When did this event happen?

4.-When was the first stone pyramid build? How was this pyramid? Where was it build?

5.- When were the pyramids of Giza built? Who built the largest? How high is it?

6.-When did Mentuhotep II gain the control of entire country?

7.- Who were the Hyksos?

8.- Who was Ahmose? When did he rule Egypt?

9.- Was Hatshepsut a man or a woman? When did this person rule? What did this pharaoh build? Investigate about this special pharaoh

10.- What did Akhenaten do? When?

11.- Who was Tutankhamun ? Why was he famous? Who discovered his tomb? When?

12.- When did Ramesses II rule? Why is he so famous?

13.- When did the Assyrians attack Egypt?

14.- When did the Persians conquer Egypt?

15.- Who conquered Egypt in 332 B.C

16.- What is the Rosetta stone?

17.- Who was Cleopatra? When did she die?

