
Panagiotis Oulis
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Appointments
2010-present: Associate Professor of Psychiatry, 1st University Psychiatric Clinic,
Eginition Hospital, Department of Medicine, School of Health
Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece
Tenured Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens
Lecturer in Psychiatry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Instructor in Psychiatry, National and Kapodistrian University of
2000: PhD in Philosophy of Science, Department of History and Philosophy of
Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
1991: Doctor in Psychiatry, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens
1987: Certificat d’etudes specialisees en Psychiatrie, Universite Paris-Sud, Paris XII,
1984: Certificat d’Etudes Aprofondies en Sciences Economiques Sociales de la
Sante, Universite Paris-Lariboisiere, Paris VII, France
1982: Doctor in Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Areas of specialization
Clinical Psychiatry, Psychopathology, Clinical Psychopharmacology, Philosophy of
Psychopathology and Psychiatry
Books (in Greek)
Topics in the philosophy of psychiatry (1994), Athens
Psychoanalysis and contemporary philosophy of science (1995), Athens
Elements of psychiatric semeiology (1996), Athens, Zevelekakis Publishers
The concept of mental disease (2003), Athens, Exantas Publishers
Philosophy of scientific psychopathology (2004), Athens, Leader Books
Manual of clinical psychopathology (2004), Athens, Beta Medical Publishers
Philosophy and methodology of psychiatry, clinical psychology and
psychotherapy (2006), Athens, Leader Books
Manual of clinical psychopathology (2010), 2nd revised and expanded edition,
Athens, Beta Medical Publishers
Chapters in Books
Author or co-author of 26 Book-Chapters
Congress- Presentations
About 100 presentations in international and 80 in national scientific congresses
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
95 papers as sole author or co-author in international peer-reviewed journals
50 papers in national peer-reviewed journals
Citations of papers in international journals:
700 (as per Google Scholar, January 2014, H-factor: 14)
900 (as per Google Scholar and Google Books, H-factor: 16)
1989-present: Teaching of psychiatry to medical students and trainees in psychiatry
and clinical psychology along with their clinical supervision (1st
University Psychiatric Clinic, Eginition Hospital)
2001-present: Year-long seminar in clinical psychopathology and psychiatric
diagnosis (1st University Psychiatric Clinic, Eginition Hospital)
2001-present: Year-long seminar in philosophy of psychopathology and psychiatry to
students, trainees and trained psychiatrists and clinical psychologists
(1st University Psychiatric Clinic, Eginition Hospital)
2001-present: Clinical psychopathology and diagnostic formulation (post-graduate
program in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Clinical Service
Interne a titre etranger des hopitaux psychiatriques de l’Ile de France,
Paris, France
Chief psychiatrist at the Psychiatric Hospital of Tripolis (Greece)
Full-time staff psychiatrist at Eginition Hospital, 1st Psychiatric Clinic,
Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Greece
2006-present: Chief psychiatrist, Women’s Inpatient Care Unit, 1st Psychiatric Clinic,
Eginition Hospital, Department of Medicine, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens
2012-present: Chief psychiatrist, Outpatient Clinic, 1st Psychiatric Clinic, Eginition
Hospital, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens
Seven prizes for best presentations in national and international psychiatric congresses
Service as reviewer in scientific journals
Reviewer in two national and 33 international psychiatric journals
Papers in international peer-reviewed Journals
1. Oulis P, Mavreas V, Mamounas J, Stefanis C: Clinical characteristics of
auditory hallucinations. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1995; 92: 97-102
2. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Dascalopoulou E, Psarros C: Aggression among
psychiatric inpatients in Greece. Psychopathology 1996; 29: 174-180
3. Oulis P, Mavreas V, Mamounas J, Stefanis C: Formal clinical characteristics
of delusional beliefs. Psychopathology 1996; 29: 201-208
4. Lykouras L, Adrachta D, Kalfakis N, Oulis P, Voulgari A, Christodoulou G,
Papageorgiou C, Stefanis C: GHQ-28 as an aid to detect mental disorders in
neurological inpatients. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica1996; 93: 212-216
5. Oulis P, Lykouras L: Prevalence and diagnostic correlates of DSM-IV
catatonic features among psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Nervous and
Mental Disease 1996; 184: 378-379
6. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Hatzimanolis J, Tomaras V: Comorbidity of DSM-III-R
personality disorders in schizophrenic and unipolar mood disorders: a
comparative study. European Psychiatry 1996; 184: 316-318
7. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Tomaras V, Panayotopoulou V, Gournellis R, Stefanis C:
DSM-IV catatonic features among psychiatric inpatients: a preliminary study.
European Psychiatry 1997; 12: 412-414
8. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Gournellis R, Panayotopoulou V, Tomaras V, Stefanis C:
Psychomotor disturbances in psychiatric inpatients: a clinical study. Acta
Psychiatrica Belgica 1997; 97: 181-191
9. Lykouras L, Oulis P, Adrachta D, Dascalopoulou E, Kalfakis N, Triantafyllou
N, Papageorgiou C, Christodoulou G: Beck Depression Inventory in the
detection of depression among neurological inpatients. Psychopathology
1998; 31: 213-219
10. Hatzimanolis J, Lykouras L, Markianos M, Oulis P: Neurochemical variables
in schizophrenic patients during switching from neuroleptics to clozapine.
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 1998; 22:
11. Hatzimanolis J, Lykouras l, Oulis P, Christodoulou G: Gabapentin as
monotherapy in the treatment of acute mania. European
Neuropsychopharmacology 1999; 9: 257-258
12. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Tomaras V, Stefanis C, Christodoulou G: Clinical
homogeneity of DSM-IV schizophrenic disorders. Psychopathology 1999; 32:
13. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Gournellis R, Christodoulou G: Specificite diagnostique
et dimensions cliniques des troubles psychomoteurs. Annales MedicoPsychologiques 2000; 158: 385-391
14. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Tomaras V, Stefanis C, Christodoulou G: Clinical
dimensions of delusional beliefs: a factor-analytic study. Psychopathology
2000; 33: 81-85
15. Lykouras L, Oulis P, Psarros C, Dascalopoulou E, Botsis A, Christodoulou G,
Stefanis C: Five-factor model of schizophrenic psychopathology: how valid is
it? European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2000; 250:
16. Oulis P, Lykouras L, Gournellis R, Mamounas J, Hatzimanolis J,
Christodoulou G: Clinical features of delusional beliefs in schizophrenic and
unipolar disorders: a comparative study. Psychopathology 2000; 33 : 310-313
17. Lykouras l, Markianos M, Hatzimanolis J, Oulis P, Christodoulou G: Prolactin
secretion in response to haloperidol challenge in delusional (psychotic) and
non-delusional depression. European Psychiatry 2000; 15: 480-482
18. Lykouras L, Hatzimanolis J, Markianos M, Oulis P: Dopamine receptor
responsivity in a drug-free state and after treatment with olanzapine. Progress
in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 2001; 25: 507-518
19. Ploumpidis D, Lazaratou H, Oulis P, Christodoulou G: La Psychiatrie
francaise vue de Grece. Psychiatrie Francaise 2001; 32: 79-89
20. Lykouras L, Oulis P, Dascalopoulou E, Psarros C, Christodoulou G: Clinical
subtypes of schizophrenic disorders: a cluster-analytic study.
Psychopathology 2001; 34: 23-28
21. Gournellis R, Lykouras L, Fortos A, Oulis P, Roumbos V, Christodoulou G:
Psychotic (delusional) major depression in late life: a clinical study.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2001; 16: 1085-1091
22. Lykouras L, Gournellis R, Fortos A, Oulis P, Christodoulou G: Psychotic
(delusional) major depression in the elderly and suicidal behaviour. Journal
of Affective Disorders 2002; 69: 225-229
23. Papageorgiou C, Oulis P, Vasios C, Matsopoulos G, Uzunoglou N, Rabavilas
A, Christodoulou G: Do atypical antipsychotics fail to exert cognitive sparing
effects? Neuroreport 2003; 14: 505-509
24. Lykouras L, Oulis P, Hatzimanolis J: Manic symptoms with quetiapine
treatment. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2003; 13: 135-136
25. Papageorgiou C, Oulis P, Vasios C, Kontopantelis E, Uzunoglou N, Rabavilas
A, Christodoulou G: P300 alterations in schizophrenic patients experiencing
auditory hallucinations. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2004; 14:
26. Oulis P, Gournellis R, Konstantakopoulos G, Matsoukas T, Michalopoulou P,
Soldatos C, Lykouras L: Clinical dimensions of auditory hallucinations in
schizophrenic disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2007; 48: 337-342
27. Oulis P, Koulouris G, Konstantakopoulos G, Masdrakis V: Marked elevation
of creatine kinase with sertindole: a case-report. Pharmacopsychiatry 2007;
40: 295-296
28. Oulis P, Karapoulios E, Masdrakis V, Kouzoupis A, Karakatsanis N,
Papageorgiou C, Papadimitriou G, Soldatos C: Levetiracetam in the treatment
of antipsychotics-resistent Tourette syndrome. World Journal of Biological
Psychiatry 2008; 9: 76-77
29. Konstantakopoulos G, Oulis P, Michalopoulou P, Koulouris G, Masdrakis V:
Lamotrigin-associated exacerbation of positive symptoms in paranoid
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2008; 98: 325-326
30. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Karakatsanis N, Karapoulios E, Kouzoupis A,
Konstantakopoulos G, Soldatos C: Pregabalin in the discontinuation of longterm benzodiazepine use: a case series. International Clinical
Psychopharmacology 2008; 23: 110-112
31. Masdrakis V, Oulis P, Kouzoupis A, Masdrakis G, Soldatos C: Bilateral ankle
oedema in a patient taking escitalopram. World Journal of Biological
Psychiatry 2009; 10: 939-941
32. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Karapoulios E, Karakatsanis N, Kouzoupis A,
Konstantakopoulos G, Soldatos C: Tiagabine augmentation to fluvoxaminerisperidone combination in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009; 10: 953-955
33. Oulis P: Ontological assumptions of psychiatric taxonomy: main rival
positions and their critical assessment. Psychopathology 2008; 41:135-140
34. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Karakatsanis N, Karapoulios E, Kouzoupis A, Soldatos
C: Duloxetine-induced cutaneous adverse reaction. Journal of Clinical
Psychopharmacology 2008; 28: 104-105
35. Oulis P, Kouzoupis A, Kontoangelos K, Pachou E, Masdrakis V, Soldatos C:
Visual and coenesthetic hallucinations associated with modafinil. Journal of
Clinical Psychopharmacology 2008; 28: 251-252
36. Oulis P, Konstantakopoulos G, Kouzoupis A, Masdrakis V, Karakatsanis N,
Karapoulios E, Kontoangelos K, Papadimitriou GN: Pregabalin in the
discontinuation of long-term benzodiazepine use. Human
Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 2008; 23: 337-340
37. Gournellis R, Oulis P, Christodoulou C, Kaparoudaki A, Fortos A, Lykouras
L: Delusional beliefs in psychotic depression vary according to age of onset.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2008; 23:1093-1094
38. Masdrakis V, Oulis P, Zervas I, Karakatsanis N, Kouzoupis A, Karapoulios E,
Soldatos C: The safety of the electroconvulsive therapy-aripiprazole
combination. Journal of ECT 2008;24:236-238
39. Masdrakis V, Oulis P, Karakatsanis N, Potagas C, Kouzoupis A, Soldatos C:
Remission of migraine attacks in a depressed patient taking pregabalin.
Clinical Neuropharmacology 2008; 31: 238-240
40. Oulis P, Potagas C, Masdrakis V, Thomopoulos Y, Kouzoupis A, Soldatos C:
Reversible tremor and myoclonus associated with topiramate-fluvoxamine coadministration. Clinical Neuropharmacology 2008; 31: 366-367
41. Oulis P, Kouzoupis A, Koulouris G, Kontoangelos K, Papadimitriou GN:
Acute pregabalin reversal of citalopram-induced sexual dysfunction in
generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2008;
42. Masdrakis V, Oulis P, Valamoutopoulos T, Florakis A, Markatou M,
Papadimitriou GN: The safety of electroconvulsive therapy – escitalopram
combination. Journal of ECT 2008; 24:289-291
43. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Karakatsanis N, Kouzoupis A, Papadimitriou G:
Quetiapine-induced dose-dependent hypersalivation in mania. Clinical
Neuropharmacology 2009; 32: 56-57
44. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Florakis A, Papadimitriou GN: Fluvoxamine in the
treatment of corticosteroid-induced obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clinical
Neuropharmacology 2009; 32:176-177
45. Lykouras L, Typaldou M, Mourtzouchou P, Oulis P, Koutsaftis C, Dokianaki
F, Michalopoulou PG, Havaki-Kontaxaki M, Christodoulou C:
Neuropsychological relationships in paranoid schizophrenia with and without
delusional misidentification syndromes: a comparative study. Progress in
Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2008; 32:1445-1448
46. Papagianni A, Oulis P, Zambelis T, Kokotis P, Koulouris GC, Karandreas N:
and neurophysiological study of peroneal nerve mononeuropathy
after substantial weight loss in patients suffering from major depressive and
schizophrenic disorder: suggestions on patients’ management. Journal of
Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury, 2008; 3: art.no.24
47. Oulis P, Karapoulios E, Kouzoupis A, Masdrakis V, Kontoangelos K,
Makrilakis K, Karakatsanis N, Papageorgiou C, Katsilambros N, Soldatos C:
Oxcarbazepine as monotherapy of acute mania in insufficiently controlled
type-1 diabetes mellitus. Annals of General Psychiatry 2007; 6(1) 25
48. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Karapoulios E, Karakatsanis N, Kouzoupis A,
Konstantakopoulos G, Soldatos C: Pregabalin augmentation to sertralinerisperidone combination in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2008; 10: 249
49. Oulis P, Florakis A, Tzanoulinos G, Papadimitriou GN: Pregabalin in the
treatment of benzodiazepine-induced obsessive-compulsive disorder. Progress
in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2008;32:2000-2001
50. Gournellis R, Oulis P, Michalopoulou P, Kaparoudaki A, Dimitrakopoulos C,
Lykouras L:Dimensional approach to delusions in psychotic depression in the
elderly: factor structure and clinical correlates. International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry 2009; 24:363-368
51. Oulis P, Masdrakis VG, Karapoulios E, Karakatsanis NA, Kouzoupis AV,
Papadimitriou GN: Tiagabine in the discontinuation of long-term
benzodiazepine use. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009;63:122
52. Masdrakis VG, Markianos M, Vaidakis N, Papakostas YG, Oulis P: Caffeine
challenge and breathholding duration in patients with panic disorder .
Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 2009;
33: 41-44
53. Konstantakopoulos G, Oulis P, Michalopoulou PG, Papadimitriou GN:
Olanzapine-induced “restless arms syndrome”. Journal of Clinical
Psychopharmacology 2009; 29:89-90
54. Oulis P, Florakis A, Tzanoulinos G, Papadimitriou GN: Adjunctive pregabalin
to quetiapine in acute mania. Clinical Neuropharmacology 2009; 32:174.
55. Konstantakopoulos G, Kouzoupis AV, Papageorgiou SG, Oulis P: Putative
neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with sertraline withdrawal.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2009; 29:300-301
56. Kouzoupis AV, Konstantakopoulos G, Oulis P, Kalfakis N, Papageorgiou SG :
A case of severe toluene withdrawal syndrome treated with clonazepam.
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2010; 22: 123
57. Oulis P, Leonardos A, Koulouris GC, Konstantakopoulos G: Mirtazapineassociated urinary retention. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences 2010; 22: 352o.e21-352.e22
58. Oulis P, Mourikis I, Konstantakopoulos G, Papageorgiou SG, Kouzoupis AV:
Aripiprazole in the treatment of olanzapine-resistant psychotic and motor
symptoms of Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences 2010; 22: 352c.e4-352.e5
59. Oulis P, Kokras N, Papadimitriou GN, Masdrakis VG: Adjunctive low-dose
amisulpride in motor conversion disorder Clinical Neuropharmacology
2009; 32: 342-343
60. Oulis P, Kouzoupis A, Kyrkou K, Masdrakis V, Georgiopoulos G, Karapoulios
E, Georgiou S, Karakatsanis N, Lykka M, Papadimitriou GN, Papamichael C,
Stamatelopoulos K: Reversal of arterial stiffness in severely depressed women
after 6-week antidepressant treatment. Journal of Affective Disorders 2010;
122: 164-166
61. Oulis P, Kokras N, Papadimitriou GN, Masdrakis VG: Bupropion-induced
sleepwalking. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2010; 30: 83-84
62. Masdrakis VG, Florakis A, Tzanoulinos G, Markatou M, Oulis P: The safety of
ECT-ziprasidone combination: Journal of ECT 2010; 26: 139-142
63. Oulis P, Konstantakopoulos G: Pregabalin in the treatment of alcohol and
benzodiazepines dependence. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics 2010; 16:
64. Masdrakis VG, Papadimitriou GN, Oulis P: Lamotrigine administration in
panic disorder with agoraphobia. Clinical Neuropharmacology 2010; 33:
65. Oulis P, Florakis A, Markatou M, Tzanoulinos G, Masdrakis VG: QTc interval
in ECT-antipsychotics-antidepressants combination: safety issues. Journal of
ECT 2011; 27: e4-6
66. Gournellis R, Oulis P, Rizos E, Chourdaki E, Gouzaris A, Lykouras L:
Clinical correlates of age of onset in psychotic depression. Arch Gerontol
Geriatr 2010; 52: 94-98
67. Tsaltas E, Kalogerakou S, Papakosta VM, Kontis D, Theochari E, Koutroumpi
M, Anyfanti E, Michopoulos I, Poulopoulou C, Papadimitriou G, Oulis P:
Contrasting patterns of deficits in visuospatial memory and executive function
in patients with major depression with and without ECT referral.
Psychological Medicine 2011; 41: 983-995
68. Masdrakis VG, Tzanoulinos G, Markatou M, Oulis P: Cardiac safety of the
electroconvulsive therapy-paliperidone combination: a preliminary study.
General Hospital Psychiatry 2011; 33: 83.e9-83.e10
69. Oulis P, Nakkas G, Masdrakis VG: Pregabalin in zolpidem dependence and
withdrawal. Clinical Neuropharmacology 2011; 34: 90-91
70. Oulis P: Mental disorders as mechanistic property clusters. Psychological
Medicine 2011; 41: 1565-1566
71. Oulis P, Mourikis I, Konstantakopoulos G: Pregabalin augmentation in
treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. International Clinical
Psychopharmacology 2011; 26: 221-224
72. Konstantakopoulos G, Ploumbidis D, Oulis P, Patrikellis P, Soumani A,
Papadimitriou G, Politis A: Apathy, cognitive deficits and functional
impairment in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2011; 133: 193-198
73. Oulis P, Dimitrakopoulos S, Konstantakopoulos G, Tsaltas E, Kollias K: Lowdose aripiprazole in the treatment of SSRI-induced bruxism. Journal of
Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 24: 10039
74. Oulis P, Dimitrakopoulos S, Konstantakopoulos G, Tsaltas E, Kollias K:
Capgras delusion in paranoid schizophrenia complicated by vascular
dementia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 24:
75. Konstantakopoulos G,Varsou E, Dikeos D, Ioannidi N, Gonidakis F,
Papadimitriou G, Oulis P: Delusionality of body-image beliefs in eating
disorders, Psychiatry Research 2012; 200: 482-488
76. Oulis P, Konstantakopoulos G, Nathanailidis E, Tsiamoura M, Kollias K: Lowdose aripiprazole in the treatment of SSRI-induced orofacial and buccal
dystonia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 66: 462-463
77. Oulis P, Konstantakopoulos G: Efficacy and safety of pregabalin in the
treatment of alcohol and benzodiazepine dependence. Expert Opinion on
Investigational Drugs 2012; 21: 1019-1029
78. Oulis P: On the nature of mental disorder: towards an objectivist account.
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2012; 33: 343-357
79. Konstantakopoulos G, Ploumbidis D, Oulis P, Soumani A, Nikitopoulou S,
Pappa K, Papadimitriou G, David AS: Is insight in schizophrenia
multidimensional? Internal structure and associations of the Greek version of
the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight-Expanded, Psychiatry Research
2013 (E-pub ahead of print)
80. Vassilopoulou K, Papathanasiou M, Michopoulos I,Boufidou F, Oulis P,
Kelekis N, Rizos E, Nikolaou C, Pantelis C, Velakoulis D, Lykouras L:A
magnetic resonance imaging study of hippocampal, amygdale and subgenual
prefrontal cortex volumes in major depression subtypes: melancholic versus
psychotic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 2013; 146: 197-204
81. Michopoulos Y, Ferentinos P, Oulis P, Gournellis R: Restless legs syndrome
induced by the combined use of quetiapine and venlafaxin. Journal of Clinical
Psychopharmacology 2014; 34: 159-161
82. Oulis P: Nature and main kinds of psychopathological mechanisms. Dialogues
in Philosophy, Mental and Neural Sciences, 2010; 3: 27-34
83. Soumani A, Damigos D, Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Ploumbidis D, Mavreas V,
Konstantakopoulos G: Mental pain and suicide-risk: application of the Greek
version of the Mental Pain and the Tolerance of Mental Pain Scales.
Psychiatrike (English Edition) 2012; 22: 330-340
84. Oulis P: Towards a unified methodological framework for the science and
practice of integrative psychiatry. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology
2013; 20: 113-126
85. Oulis P: On the personal, the one and the many, Philosophy, Psychiatry and
Psychology 2013: 20: 137-140
86. Oulis P: Book Notice: Kai Eigner “Understanding psychologists’
understanding: the application of intelligible models to phenomena”,
Amsterdam: VU Amsterdam Press 2010. Metascience 2012; 21: 779-781
87. Oulis P: Book Notice: Lubomira Radoilska ed. Autonomy and mental
disorder, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2012. Metascience 2013; 22: 409411
88. Oulis P, Konstantakopoulos G, Lykouras L, Michalopoulou P: Differential
diagnosis of obsessive compulsive symptoms from delusions in schizophrenia:
a phenomenological analysis. World Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 3: 50-56
89. Oulis P, Masdrakis V, Markianos M: Testosterone and
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in female anxious and non-anxious major
depression. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2013
(E-pub ahead of print)
90. Konstantakopoulos G, Masdrakis VG, Markianos M, Oulis P: On the
differential diagnosis of anxious from non-anxious major depression by means
of the Hamilton scales. The Scientific World Journal-Psychiatry October 27;
2013: 294516
91. Masdrakis VG, Legaki EM, Vaidakis N, Ploumpidis D, Soldatos CR,
Papageorgiou C, Papadimitriou GN, Oulis P: Baseline heartbeat perception
accuracy and short-term outcome of brief cognitive-behavior therapy for panic
disorder with agoraphobia. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 2013
December 13 (E-pub ahead of print)
92. Gournellis R, Oulis P, Howard R: Psychotic major depression in older people:
a systematic review. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2014 (Epub ahead of print)
93. Konstantakopoulos G, Ploumbidis D, Oulis P, Patrikelis P, Nikitopoulou S,
Papadimitriou GN, David AS: The relationship between insight and theory of
mind in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2014; 152: 217-222
94. Michalopoulou P, Konstantakopoulos G, Typaldou M, Christodoulou GN,
Papageorgiou Ch, Lykouras L, Oulis P: Can cognitive deficits differentiate
between schizophrenia with and without obsessive-compulsive symptoms?
Comprehensive Psychiatry 2014 (E-pub ahead of print)
95. Oulis P, Kalogerakou S, Anyfadi E, Konstantakopoulos G, Papakosta VM,
Masdrakis VG, Tsaltas E: Cognitive effects of pregabalin in the treatment of
long-term benzodiazepine –use and dependence. Human
Psychopharmacology, Clinical and Experimental (in press)
96. Oulis P: The epistemological role of empathy in psychopathological diagnosis:
a contemporary reassessment of Karl Jaspers’ account
Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine (accepted for publication)
97. Zoga M, Oulis P, Hatzipanagiotou S, Masdrakis VG, Pliatsika P, Boufidou F,
Foteli S, Nikolaou C: Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and immune changes under
antidepressive treatment in female major depression
In Vivo (in press)
Chapters in international peer-reviewed books
1. Oulis P: Explanatory coherence, partial truth and diagnostic validity in
psychiatry, In: Dieks Dennis, Karakostas Vassilios (eds.) Recent progress in
philosophy of science: perspectives and foundational problems, The
European Philosophy of Science Association Proceedings (selected
papers), Dordrecht, Springer 2013: 429-440
2. Oulis P: Integrating mechanisms and laws in psychopathology-research. In:
23th World Congress of Philosophy, Proceedings (selected papers)