SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA Archaeological Field School at Grand-Pré National Historic Site Summer 2007 Field: July 2 – July 21 Lab: July 23 – August 3 Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada, situated in beautiful Grand-Pré, Nova Scotia, commemorates the mid-18th century Deportation of the Acadians. Tradition suggests that this was the site of the Acadian parish church of Saint Charles, where over 400 Acadian men and boys were arrested on the afternoon of September 5th, 1755. These events provide the backdrop for our archaeological investigations. The aim of this project, now in its seventh year, is to locate and examine archaeological resources associated with the pre-Deportation Acadian community, including the Church of Saint Charles itself. Students are trained in a range of skills associated with archaeological reconnaissance, excavation, data recording and, in the second part of the course, post-excavation processing of finds and interpretation. During the fieldwork component (ANTH 3373.1/4464.1) students will commute to the site daily from Saint Mary’s University (1hr drive, transportation provided). The lab component (ANTH 3374.2/4465.2) will be held at the Parks Canada Archaeology Lab in Halifax. Student selection will be based on academic merit with preference given to Saint Mary’s University Anthropology Majors. Expression of Interest Name: ____________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Student No. ____________________________________ Email: ___________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Academic background: __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (please attach a copy – may be a photocopy – of your academic transcript) Hobbies: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Statement of physical condition (note any special dietary needs and/or allergies): ____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Languages spoken: ______________________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 4 MAY 2007 (Continue on back if necessary) Please return to Jonathan Fowler, Anthropology Dept., Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3