Building Bridges- Years 3 and 4

Here I Am topic
Building Bridges
Year 3 and 4
AT 1 Strand (i) Beliefs, teachings and sources
Level 1: Recognise some religious stories
Level 2: Retell some special stories about religious events and people
Level 3: Make links between religious stories and beliefs
Level 4: Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and
experiences; making links between them
AT 1 Strand (ii) celebration and ritual
Level 1: Recognise some religious signs and use some religious words and phrases
Level 2: Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols
Level 3: Use a developing vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and phrases
Level 4: Use religious terms to show an understanding of different liturgies
Level 5: Describe and explain the meaning of different liturgies
AT 1 Strand (iii) social and moral practices and way of life
Level 1: Recognise that people, because of their religion, act in a particular way
Level 2: Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers
Level 3: Give reasons for certain actions by believers
Level 4: Show understanding of how religious belief shapes life
AT2: Reflection on Meaning
Level 2 strand (i) Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and
Level 2 strand (ii) Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realize that
some of these questions are difficult to answer.
Level 3 strand (i) Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that
of others
Level 3 strand (ii) Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are
difficult to answer
Level 4 strand (i) Show how own and others’ decision are informed by beliefs and values
Level 4 strand (ii) Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious
AT2: Reflection on Meaning
Level 2 strand (i) Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings.
Level 2 strand (ii) Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realize that some of these
questions are difficult to answer.
Level 3 strand (i) Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that of others
Level 3 strand (ii) Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer
Level 4 strand (i) Show how own and others’ decision are informed by beliefs and values
Level 4 strand (ii) Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching
1. Begin with a mind map of ‘Building Bridges’
which can be revisited at the end of the topic using
some of the key ‘driver’ words
3. Prepare questions for one another and discuss
these in pairs/small groups related to friendship they
have and have had.. AT 2 i, Level 2
5. Make links to show how feelings and beliefs about
friendships affect my behaviour and that of others –
create a mind map of words and phrases.
AT 2 i Level 3.
9. Describe some of the things we say and do which
help make friendships stronger
AT 1iii, Level 2
10. Give reasons why we need friendship and why it
is worth working at them- debate/discussion/radio
slot.– AT 1 ii, Level 3
Revisit the Bible – ‘find the reference’.
Focus on stories linked to the topic.
2. Post-it note challenge: invite pupils to respond to
pp.430: (use the above AT 2 statements to drive
discussion, questions and answers about rules,
routines, values and traditions).
4. Provide opportunities to reflect on those who are
not as ‘lucky’ as ourselves to have friends.AT 2 ii,
Level 2
6. Compare opinions, based on the statement,
‘friendship is easy!’ (AT 2 ii, Level 3).
7. Select an image/poem/story where conflict takes
place and children to offer solutions to resolve the
conflict. Why did they quarrel? How did they feel?
How did it end? Response as Christians?
(AT 2 i, Level 4)
8. Gauge and encourage response to the questions
which arise (AT 2 ii, Level 4 )
Week 1 – there is little or no reference to
Religious sources (AT 1 i ) or celebration and
ritual (AT 1 ii)
There is some focus on social and moral
practices/way of life (AT 1 iii).
The primary focus is within AT 2 i & ii
Level 2: Retell some special stories about religious
events and people. AT 1 (i)
Poster, poem or picture/collage to illustrate the
words, actions, and symbols linked to ‘the
scripture on page 432.
Level 3: Make links between religious stories and
the way in which God would like us to lead our lives.
AT 1 (i)
Based upon page 432, encourage the children to
discuss how Jesus cares for each one of us.
Teacher in role as the shepherd who has lost one
of his sheep.Pupils to pose questions to the
visitor in class and discover who the shepherd is
and what the problem is. Once the problem has
been established will walk along Conscience Alley
and children to advise the shepherd of what he
should do.
Design a simple guide about the Penitential Rites.
Describe what they are and how they are used in
our lives.
Level 4: Describe and show understanding of
religious stories and other Scripture and how it is
linked to ways in which we can lead better lives.
AT 1 (i)
Level 2:Use some religious words and phrases to
describe some religious actions and symbols AT 1 (ii)
Level 3: Use a developing vocabulary to give reasons
for religious actions and phrases which represent
God’s vision for every family. AT 1 (ii)
Level 4: Use religious terms to show an
understanding of different liturgies. AT 1 (ii)
Make a glossary/chart for the reasons why
Christians ‘examine their conscience’ and the
reasons for our belief as Christians in the
sacrament of Reconciliation.
Plan a simple liturgy of Reconciliation as a class,
in groups and independently where appropriate.
Level 2:Describe some ways in which religion is lived
out by believers AT 1 (iii)
Create scenarios to ‘role play’ the messages
within page 434
Interview each other; design/complete a short
questionnaire – ‘How do you think about your
words and actions? How do you change?
Level 3: Give reasons for certain actions by
believers AT 1 (iii)
Use Matthew 5:23-24 to reinforce how to live by
God’s law of love and remember with the children
the sign of peace wished to each other in Mass.
Prepare a simple presentation entitled ‘Living
God’s law of love’ – giving reasons for our choices.
Level 4: Show understanding of how religious belief
shapes life linked ….AT 1 (iii)
Use Colossians 3:12-13 Highlight key phrases
that are the signs of reconciliation, for eg:
kindness, patience, forgiveness etc. Pupils to
remember a time when these signs have been
used in their life. They can write, draw/paint in
art, use ICT etc . . .or ask the children to
imagine they have fallen out with a good friend
and they must create a checklist of things they
could do to ‘build bridges’ reconcile with their
How best can you and the pupils complete, recap and celebrate learning and progress within
the different strands of attainment? (Let’s not forget fun & enjoyment!!)
In addition to page 436:- discuss this content
Have some focus groups; (Assign these tasks/activities to complete)
1. Retell and describe group - reconciliation
2. Making links group –scripture and the messages of reconciliation.
3. Understanding/description group – key words, phrases, meanings- Sacrament of
Reconciliation, Examination of Conscience, Penitential Rite.
As a class we can revisit aspects of:
AT2: Reflection on Meaning
Level 2 strand (i) Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and
Level 2 strand (ii) Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realize that
some of these questions are difficult to answer.
Level 3 strand (i) Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that
of others
Level 3 strand (ii) Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are
difficult to answer
Level 4 strand (i) Show how own and others’ decision are informed by beliefs and values
Level 4 strand (ii) Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious
Integrate these in our questions, discussion and reflections.
They will also drive our evaluation of the topic
‘Wonder box’ – share/discuss
Diamond ranking activity: Share with the children John 15:11-12, 15-17 Here I Am pg 438. Children to identify,
in groups the reasons Jesus says his friends are his friends.
In groups make lists of all the reasons why you are friends with others, discuss these and try to rank them in
order of importance. Share the findings with the class.
Teacher’s planning checklist
File Three Years 3 and 4
John 4:9-10 (God’s love is forever)
Matthew 5:23-24 (make peace with your brother and sister)
Matthew 22:37-40 (‘You must love the Lord your God . . .)
Colossians 3:12-13 (signs of reconciliation)
God’s Story 3 p. 147
John 15:11-12,15-17 (I want you to be happy)
God’s Story 3 p. 109
What is sin?
The Penitential Rite
To examine conscience
The sacrament of Reconciliation
The act of contrition
An act of love
Church’s Story 3 p. 64-67