Clerkship No. 409-022 UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY ELECTIVE Location: Department of Psychiatry UCHC Committee Members: Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Faculty Duration: One month full time Months Offered: All year, except June, July and August No. Of Students: 1 per rotation Prerequisite: Third Year Curriculum Contact Person: Amy Stomsky (860) 679-2730, UCHC Department of Psychiatry Description of Program Goals and Objectives: 1. To gain an understanding of and appreciation for early-onset psychiatric disorders which develop in children and adolescents. 2. To develop the clinical strategies necessary for conducting a therapeutic interview of the pediatric inpatient or outpatient and family; for generating a differential diagnosis; and for developing a long-term problem oriented treatment plan. 3. To learn about systems of care in child and adolescent psychiatry Program Description: The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic at UHP, Riverview Hospital for Children & Youths, and Manson Youth Detention Facility represent the services which contribute to this elective. Clinical hours are routinely held between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Regularly scheduled activities include the following: Monday Tuesday 8:30 to 4:30 1:00 to 5:00 Wednesday Thursday 1 to 5:00 8:30 to 6:00 Friday 9 to 4:30 Riverview Hospital for Children and Youth, Middletown, CT University Health Partners (UHP) Child and Adolescent Outpatient Trauma Clinic OR Manson Youth Institute CREC Polaris Special Education Collaborative University Health Partners (UHP) Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, West Hartford, CT JDH Didactics and Psychiatry Grand Rounds Location: 1. Riverview Hospital for Children: 915 River Road, Middletown, CT 06457 a. Telephone: 860. 704.4000 b. Driving Time from JDH: 25 minutes 2. Manson Youth Institute: 42 Jarvis Street, Cheshire CT 06410-1503 a. Telephone: 203. 806.2544 b. Students must provide full name, social security number, and date of birth to Manson Youth Detention for a background security check before entry to the building will be granted. c. Students must wear their UCHC ID badge at all times at Manson Youth Detention. d. Driving time from JDH: 35 minutes 3. University Health Partners Clinic: 65 Kane Street, West Hartford, CT 06119 a. Telephone: 860.523.6436 b. The Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic is located on the 2nd floor c. Driving time from JDH: 15 minutes 4. JDH: Come to L4098 and ask what conference room Child Psychiatry Didactics is being given in. Travel Arrangements: • • • It is helpful if students have their own cars to facilitate travel to these sites. Psychiatry faculty will supply directions. However, a car is not a requirement for the rotation. Students can travel with faculty members or psychiatry residents to these sites. In the first week of the rotation, travel will be arranged together with faculty or psychiatry residents to facilitate knowledge of how to get to the various sites. After the first week, students may choose to commute with faculty/residents or drive on their own. Proposed Activities and Responsibilities: With support of close supervision: 1. To conduct interviews of the patient and family. 2. To develop an assessment and working psychiatric diagnosis. 3. To develop a treatment plan which is brief and focused on the solution of a specific problem. 4. To enhance the skill of physician self-observation. 5. To participate in individual supervision with child and adolescent faculty. 6. To choose a topic of interest as the focus of a literature search and brief presentation. Facilities that will be available: The clinical settings for the UCHC medical student elective in pediatric psychiatry include The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic at UHP, Riverview Hospital for Children & Youths, and Manson Youth Detention Facility. Formal Teaching: One to one teaching will be provided with UCHC child and adolescent psychiatry faculty during scheduled hours each week, in addition to clinical case supervision. Weekly teaching conferences will also be available and include UCHC Psychiatry Grand Rounds and case conferences as well as participation in child and adolescent psychiatry resident supervision. Amount and Type of Supervision: | One to one supervision will be provided on a daily basis and on a selective basis. This intensive format is designed to provide each student with the opportunity to learn at her or his own pace. Readings: 1. Connor & Meltzer (2006): Pediatric Psychopharmacology Fast Facts. New York: WW Norton. 2. Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2010): Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. 3. Selected readings from the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry