(NAME)? GOLF CLUB clubgolf Junior Coaching Objectives & Code of Conduct OBJECTIVES OF THE CLUB The objectives of (NAME)? Golf Club Junior Coaching are to; Promote and manage the teaching, knowledge and practice of golf. Provide a safe and happy environment to allow young people to meet socially in a range of sporting activities which are both instructive, and fun. Encourage and assist young people in game improvement, course management & etiquette, including safety. Provide an opportunity for young people to be involved in and learn from the planning and decision making process of the group. Provide an opportunity for Junior Club Members to compete at all levels of competence. To achieve these objectives, all members need to be aware of and comply with the Club Code of Conduct. 2 COUNCIL OBLIGATIONS The Committee will ensure that: The Club rules and regulations are made known to all members who are to be bound and governed by them. Clear procedures for dealing with members who have failed to comply with the Club rules and regulations are also made known to all members. All infringements of rules and regulations, complaints, grievances and disputes are dealt with fairly and consistently with all members being treated equally. PARENTS AND CARERS RESPONSIBILITIES Parents and carers shall; Ensure that all correspondence is replied to by the due date. This includes consent forms, payments etc. of coaching in time for session. Appreciate the effort made by all during coaching or competition. Seek ways to help the Club and children. 3 Make a positive effort to get involved in the running of the Club or events. Make a positive commitment to attend any training opportunities. COACHES CODE OF CONDUCT All coaches shall; Complete Enhanced Disclosure. Complete sportscoachUK Safeguarding & Protecting Children course to comply with the PGA regulations. Complete PGA coaching at appropriate level. CHILDREN (GOLFERS) CODE OF CONDUCT All golfers shall; Have a positive commitment to coaching and attend as many sessions as possible to maintain a high standard. Attend a minimum of 75% of coaching to achieve appropriate certificate. Be ready for coaching 5 minutes before the start of their session. Demonstrate appropriate behaviour at all times. 4 Have a positive attitude to other golfers, Clubs, coaches, officials and helpers. Not act in a manner which is likely to bring the Club into disrepute. Make a commitment to attend as many events outwith coaching as possible. (eg fund-raising). BEHAVIOUR AND DISCIPLINE Breaches of the Club Rules Breaches of Club Rules and/or acts which may have the effect of destroying the relationship between members and the Club, the reputation of the club and third parties, will be considered as misconduct. Such misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Formal action will only be appropriate for more serious cases and where informal action has not led to the necessary improvement. Behaviour Acts likely to constitute serious misconduct include Actions which may endanger the Health and Safety of another member or guest / child of the club. 5 The taking of Alcohol or illegal Drugs whilst representing the Club or at the Club. Improper Conduct including fighting, victimisation and harassment Deliberate damage to Club or members property. Discipline To ensure the safety and well being of all participants, the coach in charge of the training session shall have the authority to remove anyone whose behaviour is deemed inappropriate for the safe and efficient running of the session. In such an event, the participant will receive a full explanation of why they have been removed from the session(s). Members failing to meet the general obligations outlined in this document or relevant rules and regulations may be subject to disciplinary action. This will be carried out in accordance with the Club Constitution. 6 Player to Sign (and keep) I have read and understood this Code of Conduct (R1) and I agree to abide by the rules and guidelines of the Club. (Keep this for your records). Name ……………………………………........ Signature ...…………………….……………. Date ……...………… 7 Player and Parent to sign (and return) I have read and understood this Code of Conduct (R1) and I agree to abide by the rules and guidelines of the Club. Name ……………………………………….. Signature ……………………….………….. Date ……...……….. Signature of Parent/Carer…….…………………………... Cut off / Return this section where indicated and return to your coach as soon as possible. 8